my processor have updated? Like could the one on the market and mine be called the same but actually be different?
^^ Delayed gratification, but best gratification.
Thats definatly my goal but i would like to upgrade mine just a little so i can have fun while saving up!^^ I see that now the same questions that were addressed on page 2 are coming up again. Basically going in circles.... Most of us have pointed out most of the options open to you.
Here's the paradox: your PC specs are good enough - since most mod packs games are playable, but not good enough since you personally expect/want more from the machine.
Given the kind oftechnicaltechnological obsolescence prevalent in the PC industry, you need to carefully do your own homework on how long you can extend your existing old PC's life by doing patchwork quilting on it.
I think it was @Wagon153 that remarked on another thread asking the same pattern of questions,
^^ Delayed gratification, but best gratification.
This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but this is the answer you need to hear.... (apologies to Commissioner Gordon )
JESUS CHRISTI am a little biased as I have 64 gigs of memory in my machines, and 16 of that is in my gaming desktop. I would say less than 8 is crazy, I use 3 for my Minecraft instance, I usually have couple tabs open in Firefox, music playing in the background, and a server management console open. That totals to around 5 gigs of usage + 1 gig for Windows and that's on days when I am relaxing. On work days I need all 16 because I have a lot more tabs open, 2 game instances for testing, a virtual machine, and my photo editing software uses a couple gigs once I load all my textures into it.