Why isn't Monster getting attention?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon
I feel like Monster is hidden away as some half-hearted attempt to throw a ton of mods together and see what happens. I mean if you look at the "other servers" list in server promotions there's Ultimate still in there. Then we got Unleashed and it wasn't 'featured' in the forums. Then we got Monster and it doesn't even carry the naming tradition that the past two did. As a matter of fact when I updated my launcher I didn't know what pack to go with.

DW20 is on top so I assume it is the most played. Monster you need to scroll down for. The Magic World pack which *is* in the top list hasn't had a post in their dedicated server forum for 3 weeks. So I guess I am frustrated that I thought I picked the "go to" pack and nobody is playing it and a lot of its mods aren't getting a lot of attention. Big Reactors for example took a ton of google-fu to figure out that heat was broken, let alone finding any useful reactor configs. I haven't seen anyone talk about the what I expected to be hotly debated Mimic ore mod. Journey map seems to have almost no documentation and nobody is discussing it, either. Cartography is dead in Minecraft? I seriously doubt it.

Anyway just wanted to vent, sorry.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the Monster pack is still in beta give it some time. I think some of the mod choices were strange in Monster, but I'm happy to see some new mods and not some rehashed older ones. Saying you had no idea which to play due to naming conventions, well, all the information was there that it was the spiritual successor to Unleashed and Ultimate. Many people knew this before Monster even came out on the launcher. As for guide to the mods, I have had no trouble finding things through google, I mainly look at the MCF post and look in youtube for mod spotlights. You can also try here http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/tutorials-for-all-the-new-horizons-mods.35408/ . It's not for Monster but it has some of the same mods Monster uses. For youtube I recommend https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZ8DmwTsiQRquL1Bg_fdfQ - Ako the Builder and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5GwTTg7lTtqNLIc3kJPTaQ - BevoLJ. They both have some nice stuff there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't say as I'm content with the current packs, that's not to say there's anything wrong with them they just don't have my personal favorites\choices, so atm I'm in "learning new mods" phase (mostly SSP).

I wont settle on any pack without extra bees in and with gendustry in.

I'm looking for a pack with Mek in with the above 2 constraints, it's looking more like I'm going to create my own pack at some point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't say as I'm content with the current packs, that's not to say there's anything wrong with them they just don't have my personal favorites\choices, so atm I'm in "learning new mods" phase (mostly SSP).

I wont settle on any pack without extra bees in and with gendustry in.

I'm looking for a pack with Mek in with the above 2 constraints, it's looking more like I'm going to create my own pack at some point.
Well until recently there wasn't a working BinnieMods version and this one is just a beta which frankly is probably still a bit too buggy for a modpack release


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lets face it, certain members of the FTB community just aren't ready for Monster love quite yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't like or love monster by itself. I used it as a base pack for making my own private pack for my LAN server that I play on and I am very happy with it so far. 1.6.4 mods are amazing, it just took a while to get the courage to update :p

Monster as of right now does not have the mods I want by itself. Its missing a lot of stuff and I do not consider it a full replacement for Unleashed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't say as I'm content with the current packs, that's not to say there's anything wrong with them they just don't have my personal favorites\choices, so atm I'm in "learning new mods" phase (mostly SSP).

I wont settle on any pack without extra bees in and with gendustry in.

I'm looking for a pack with Mek in with the above 2 constraints, it's looking more like I'm going to create my own pack at some point.
Try Resonant Rise?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Few reasons.
1. People might have invested quite a bit of time in a 1.5.2 Unleashed World and unwilling to juat give it up to start anew.
2. Certain mods are either missing or nerfed/balanced (not to their liking).
3. Comp can't handle the awesomeness of the pack.
4. 32 bit.
5. Server they are on are still on 1.5.2.
6. Etc.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been playing it since release and been loving it. True, I've disabled some mods and added others.
Roguelike Dungeons
ATG (too little biome variety for my taste)

Gravisuite (I'm surprised this wasn't in!)
Overall, I'm happy with the mod choices. Rotary Craft is awesome, I love Thaumic Tinkerer, and Blood Magic is very unique and useful.

John Freeman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally I moved onto Resonant Rise. It has essentially the same mods with a few additional ones I've come to love. FTB seems to be rather slow at updates and bug fixes, while RR has been constantly trying out new mods and adding frequent updates. FTB has become kinda Tekkit 2 to me at this point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally I think the lack of apparent "trumpets blaring" traction is that for once the "big" pack isn't just "Direwolf20's pack with a handful of additions/modifications". When it was just that, you only had a small handful of mods you had to learn and the rest if you were unfamiliar with them you could grasp over time by following Direwolf20's most recent series. His mod list also tends to be relatively static at its core and pivots around that core with some changes each season, some of which get incorporated into the core and some of which end up falling off for whatever reasons.

Running Monster, there's a heck of a lot more experimentation I'm doing as I try to do things with the unfamiliar mods in the pack, and there's a lot of those mods. And, for a ready example, RotaryCraft is a very seemingly complex mod with a lot of moving parts that isn't attractive to watch somebody do a YouTube LP or livestream with if they don't have it down at the expert level. Somebody who knows the mod like the back of their hand could probably do a pretty wicked series with it, but since it isn't so heavily used a lot of folks wanting to do streams and LPs are probably going to skip it. Reading the manual on screen is a boring activity, and then you have the portions where you have to engage in problem-solving without a safety net.

As an example, just pulling one mod from Monster and going with a (seemingly) simple RotaryCraft problem: I have a hydroelectric turbine I want to run. The simplest engineering issue is placing the thing and placing the water source yea blocks above it. But then you get to deal with the lubrication aspect and suddenly it isn't so simple. The math problem there starts with "how much lubrication do I need to supply at a steady rate to maintain functioning?". Then you have to ask how many grinders running in tandem does it take to keep that level of production. How many seeds need to be going into those grinders to keep pace. How many plants need to be planted to produce that amount of seeds on the mean? How many fans to run to handle harvesting/planting (and in fact, knowing I need to use fans for this instead of trying to run a traditional harvester)? How about the power for those fans? What about using sprinklers? Oh, I need to make sure to pump water such that there's pressure so the sprinklers run?

It's a lot of stuff that needs empirical testing. I'm sure somebody's done it all and there are people on this forum that I know love the heck out of that stuff, but it isn't plastered all over for a "general rule of thumb". And trying all that out on the fly is daunting to do on video. So nobody's producing that content, nobody's consuming that content, and that content just really isn't all that existent yet. Folks like Direwolf20 himself actually would either do the empirical testing in creative themselves or ask the mod authors for a cheat sheet and then give you the cheat sheet numbers, and suddenly it's a lot less daunting and you can do it yourself on camera and the knowledge can spread. But until that happens, it's much easier to go "screw that, BANK OF MAGMATICS WITH AN ENDERTHERMIC PUMP TIME!". Which doesn't really showcase or require running Monster to mess with, begging the question: why download a mod pack with a ton of new mods you aren't even going to learn/use yet?

(I also happen to personally find RotaryCraft daunting because there's a lack of progression gates for a lot of it. People in the know should be shaking their heads and wondering what the hell I'm doing messing with hydroelectric when I haven't even going through a lot of the other engines made. But that's a "me" problem.)

I like the inclusion of a lot of stuff I haven't used before. I'm just taking a while figuring it out, and I personally am admittedly having a hard time easily finding answers for things I know people have done the math for. Which leads me to defer messing with things until I have a lot of time.

Also, Monster isn't really officially into its "stable" release yet. That could have some impact as well. =)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon

Great post. The saddest truth in it is you're saying people don't want to have to think for themselves which is the whole entire point of experience and enjoyment of playing modded Minecraft! After stuff is learned I can never experience learning that again, and those moments are gone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Great post. The saddest truth in it is you're saying people don't want to have to think for themselves which is the whole entire point of experience and enjoyment of playing modded Minecraft! After stuff is learned I can never experience learning that again, and those moments are gone.

Its not truth its just his opinion. He could be wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While I've been rather likeing rotary craft while playing on horizons I'm not sure how well it would play out in a lets play setting. One issue is you have to micromanage every stage of seting up your power train. Every time your power line splits or converges you need to make sure the ratios are right and the inputs/outputs are all alligned. If useing shafts you have to make sure each one has its input/output going the right way. Got to play with the GUI to make a corner. You can spend 20 minutes seting up a system to run a machine or you can spend 30 seconds ploping down a couple of dynamos from TE and a few bits of conduit. What is more intresting to watch? the quick build and instant gratification or the 20 minutes of watching a guy monkey with a screwdriver to get everyting pointed the right way?

The other issue I have is that the engiens are uniformly loud monstrosities. Realistic yes but dang if I dont have to set them up in a shed away from my main base to avoid the noise driving me batty (or lots of sound mufflers) Considering the cost of transmiting the power any significant distance you really want the machines your runing right next to the engiens powering them. When I discoverd that the TE compatability engiens only produced a dull hum I actualy started converting from RC to TE and back so I could generate significant power without noise polution in my work area.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I turned off the engine noise before I ever tried to get deep into RotaryCraft. It will drive you bonkers otherwise. There's apparently a setting to dampen the noise without losing it, but I'm fine with none at all for now.

I have to agree on Let's Plays, but mostly because everyone seems unfamiliar with RC. It's typically just pretty frustrating to watch someone learn *any* mod in an LP, but more esoteric ones tend to be even worse. I think once we see people who really grasp the mechanics of it, we'll see some crazy systems in LPs. Bevo had the start of some crazy stuff, and there's a great thread in the Mod Discussion forum showing off builds, but I haven't seen a full blown LP that's jumped wholly into RotaryCraft...yet. I think there's definitely some potential there, but it needs to be showing off insane byzantine builds rather than faffing about trying to get something basic to work.