Why i hate Xycraft

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The stuff HAS uses, from construction blocks to a variety of basic machines. maybe you don't think that it's enough, but that's why they allow you do disable mods in the launcher -- if you disagree with the decision that the mod belongs in the modpack, then remove it. it's not difficult, in fact it's probably easier than ranting about how it doesn't belong (and it's DEFINITELY easier than convincing the team to remove it).

That's not the optimal way of dealing with the issue. The mod author should really turn down the worlgen crap until his mod can make use of it. Even the new version still has very little functionality. It's really just plain dumb how much stuff is generated in the world. From the spotlight videos I can tell the author is talented. I do feel it is going to be a great mod, but right now the stuff is just plain stupid.
The only problem I have with the world gen is that I think Aluminum is way too common. But I rather like having the world gen. I rather have it now then get it later and have to go exploring to just generate new chunks to get the ores. I do a ton of exploring as it is since I use large biomes. I already gone about 8000 blocks in every direction from my base. I already having to go further out than that since I added Applied Energistics and need the quartz.
[quote="Nemesis688, post: 168694, member: 8886" I rather have it now then get it later and have to go exploring to just generate new chunks to get the ores. [/quote]

this is why it's added in now - so that you don't have to deal with going far away to find it when you need it. just think of it this way - all that stuff that is now xychorium or aluminum, would have been smoothstone (or marble, dirt, or gravel). You're not going to be any worse off than you were before by just avoiding it, unless the colors bother you so much that it's a problem. In that case, though, you might be better served by a different way of spending your time than playing a colorful videogame.
I'll be laughing when Xycraft is useful finally and everyone else has voided it all.

The likelihood of me ever deciding XyCraft is worth dealing with all of the extra noise in materials is very low, particularly since I've concluded the author has a notion of game design somewhat akin to a five year old going "OO OO AND THEN I'LL--".
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I have had my grips with xycraft and the quartz is annoying and there should be a way to tweek world gen just like thermal expan allows. I however love the fabricator. You can make cells, bog earth all sorts of things that use buckets without having to spend a great deal of effort designing a machine to do it. I used to have to setup a deployer with 2 filters and an autocrafting table to make bog earth. Now its just a multitank and a fabricator. Very nice imo
...or you can just use the carpenter as was intended...
But the carpenter needs mulch or something to work, and a power system, and it still needs the water. There's a reason everyone uses the auto crafting method
Heres a neat idea for the aluminum...make blocks out of it and add some viewing glass (also made with aluminum) in spaces to see your liquid. Voila, you have a ghetto railcraft tank that still has that metal block look and a use for aluminum besides torch fodder...

On a side note, the aluminum blocks don't look half bad (at least with sphax texturepack).
Considering I can make a system with depolyers and filters and an autocrafting table without xycraft I would never use the carpenter. Power, Mulch and water? To do what I can do with a simple deployer system? This is why I dont think its broken or anything but a nice handy option.
The problem with water bucket recipe, is that you get less dirt from peat farm. When you run a tree farm, dirt can become scarce (specially if you void it from quarry to not overload carts). On medium Forestry difficulty you get only 4 bog earth from bucket recipe, so carpenter one is necessary.
Yeah, and GregTech nerfs the dirt from macerating plantballs recipe too. Regular IC2 you get 8 dirt. GregTech you only get 1 so generating dirt isn't so easy anymore.
right but when you harvest peat you dirt back... As for needing dirt I cant say I ever have had that problem. One crystal chest setup with a diamond pipe and void pipes gives me so much dirt I have no idea what to do with it all. And I tend to fill large areas with dirt to make areas flat with the filler. Maybe you use peat too much? Its not nearly as good as biogas.
right but when you harvest peat you dirt back... As for needing dirt I cant say I ever have had that problem. One crystal chest setup with a diamond pipe and void pipes gives me so much dirt I have no idea what to do with it all. And I tend to fill large areas with dirt to make areas flat with the filler. Maybe you use peat too much? Its not nearly as good as biogas.

It DOES burn a lot longer, with less processing... I tend to use both.
Well, peat gives you ash and those additional MJ aren't that bad. Dirt isn't necessary for peat (it produces dirt), but for tree farms. I used peat from old style farms in my energy sink (magma crucible connected to industrial centrifuge, mostly used for bluetricity from basalt generator and windmill test) to get ash for fertilizer, my main area is powered from combustion engines from the start of world except one sterling engine to jump start refinery.
After a couple of bad experiences with combustion engines, I've been avoiding them. (My own fault on a cooling issue)
Well, combustion engines require to use gates to control them, no water source, even Aqueus accumulator, should be trusted. When I go with them early game my diamonds first go to enchanting table, then to refinery, next assembly table and finally energy cell. Big advantage of going with them early game is that you get very powerful, easily fueled energy source right from the start, paying only 2 iron for every MJ/t (not counting one energy cell per 16 engines).