Why i hate Xycraft

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I can't pass a final judgement though I can safely say that Xycraft will be out of my mods folder untill it is released.
I kinda don't care actually... the most I use Xycraft is for cheap aspects, and even then.. meh...

A forth power system is going to get really ridiculous... Not to mention that EE3 is planned to have a conduit system for EMC, so I don't know how well labs are going to handle that...
I dunno, I kinda see the difference between Xycraft and RC tanks being similar to BC tanks and RC tanks: the former is cheaper, but requires a larger footprint to store more liquid, while the other is more expensive in resources, but takes up less space per unit of liquid stored. Yeah, the differences could be evened out a bit, maybe a quick check in either of the mods (or both) to see if the other exists and alter calculations accordingly. Mods already do that with recipes (like GregTech), I don't see why storage-per-block calculations would be any different.

As for the crystal glowing thing...if its a problem with the renderer, methinks that's a problem with Minecraft itself. Of which there are many. That have gone unfixed for the longest bloody time. Because, as we all know, its not performance that matters, but a gigantic pile of features. That don't work well because of sub-optimal performance.

The Crystal problem is based in Minecraft. The Crystals are just like fences, they don't cover a whole block and have a lot of surfaces to render, which is not optimal for MC right now, hopefully 1.5 and later optimization fixes that. Also the different MetaData is a bug, I think XyCraft not only holds the record for being mostly useless for the longest time it is also the worldgen release with the most bugs that will propably ever happen :P

The Tanks are not really an issue. Tanks are just a storage-unit. With TE there isn't really a need to store liquids, since you can easily transport them via tesseracts which aren't that expensive right now (the most expensive things are 4 ender-pearls). Also the RC Tanks are the best tanks for small spots. A 3x3x4 RC-Tank is propably the most compact-liquid-storage unit, while XyCraft is for massive tank-setups and really weird forms (you can build a 3x12x12 Tank as some kind of lava-wall), the flexibility of them makes them great for creative building. RC still is the best tank if you want to go compact, and the 3x3x4 Tank doesn't even cost that much.

And as you speak about balance you should keep two things in mind:

1. Most recipies are not finalized yet. The might be changed, the FC-Builds Soaryn is putting out are propably more focussed on bug-testing than balancing the recipies and as we often see, this actually is the more important part.

2. Just because some stuff is cheap doesn't mean it is that strong. Nobody complains about the BC-Crafting-Tables, a autocrafting-tool which speed is only limited by the speed with which you put things into it and pull things out. So they are pretty similar to fabricators, while tanks are just tanks, there isn't really a need to build tanks that hold 16.000 Buckets and if you compare it, a normal barrel holds 1024 Buckets of any given liquid, which would be a tank of 6x6x6, so I don't think people should overvalue the use of tank, people just build them because they look cool and they are really easy to handle. And exspecially the handling of XyCraft and TE-Machines puts some pressure on older mods, because they are just so comfortable to use, which is the only real thing making them so much better.
come on guys you are judging way to quickly... the mod isn't even fully out yet. he has some neat ideas like we saw in DW video's what you also can't forget is that XYcraft is his first mod and for a new modding i think he did a great job.
Alot of people are making excuses for this mod. If it wasn't out yet it wouldn't be in mod packs. The fact is, it's filling worlds with utterly useless quartz. Even when quartz finally does have a use it may as well just be dirt for how common it is. People would be alot more forgiving of this mod if it had some control over the worldgen but there is none so it is judged harshly. And rightly so.

I won't even start on the tanks. I can happily ignore those. The only useful thing to me in this mod is the xychorium blocks that mobs can't spawn on. And I do miss aluminum torches I suppose.

Seriously, give us worldgen options and this mod will suck 10x less.
Redpower fills worlds with utterly useless tungsten. Don't see people complaining about that do you? "But that's different cos Elo said tungsten will have a use in the future." SO WILL QUARTZ.
Nah I bitch about redpower plenty too. I could care less about tungsten though, it isn't everywhere. Redpower is the slowest worldgen in the FTB pack due to it's terrible marble and volcano generation.
just because I'm not bitching about redpower here doesn't mean I don't do it ever, this is a ekzwhy topic, not a RedPowerOfLag topic.

ps: change stone to invisible in your texture pack (or jar) and put tiny render distance, look inside the earth: if you see less than 100 quartz, or more than 10 veins of tungsten, I will kill myself.
I'm surprised the mod was added to the modpacks this early on, considering it breaks most of the rules for accepting mods, at least according to the mod suggestion thread:

1. Mods that add "collectibles" such as extra mobs, extra plants, extra ores etc that have very little use or interaction with the current mods will probably not be considered.Extra Biomes is an exception as it helps the map creators make the cool FTB maps.

2. Mods that duplicate something other mods already do. Especially if they do it at a lower resource cost will have a very difficult time getting into the pack. Why add an extra mod that negates part of one of the main mods?That doesn't mean they won't but they will need to add something more then just the duplicate items.

5. Mods that make things "easier" these mods tend to be out of balance for the FTB map. The main pack will be the pack for the FTB maps so having unbalanced and OP mods in the pack just won't work.

6. Unfinished Mods will have a very hard road to get in.

I don't know why they couldn't have just wait to add in a more complete and polished stage and avoid all of this, and yes, I understand:
Our intention is to create muliple mod packs, so in the case of exceptional mods that dont meet these guidelines, exceptions can be made.

But really, if there was a mod like it, in a similar situation, they wouldn't even glance in its direction, not sure why Xy was added so early, when people could have easily done without it, and may even be better for many others if it was the case.

come on guys you are judging way to quickly... the mod isn't even fully out yet. he has some neat ideas like we saw in DW video's what you also can't forget is that XYcraft is his first mod and for a new modding i think he did a great job.

If the mod is not "out" yet, then why is it in the modpacks?
As far as FTB is concerned, the mod is "out", Thaumcraft is also still being worked on, but it at least works and does something useful.

If it isn't "out" yet, then it shouldn't be, it should be marked as a "WIP" until its something they feel is ready to be released.

If you release an incomplete product, there WILL be criticism, even if it "will be" better, the product that is currently out, the one the people use, is the one people will be talking about.

Its like making a presentation, make a big deal about it, then just showing a blob of clay and saying "I will make this into an awesome sculpture some day!"
Ok, so why did you show it to us when its still a blob of clay?
Show it to us when you make the sculpture!

Or like making a tv show with nothing in it but random noises and someone saying "don't worry, this will be an awesome show, we'll be adding the characters, dialogue, backgrounds/ scenery, and plot future!"

Well, you get my point.

Redpower fills worlds with utterly useless tungsten. Don't see people complaining about that do you? "But that's different cos Elo said tungsten will have a use in the future." SO WILL QUARTZ.

ONE mostly pointless, yet not really super common ore vs what currently is an entire modpack full of useless ores spammed all over the world is not really something you want to compare.

Not to mention Tungsten does not act like a transparent block that causes all blocks around it to render.

Plus maybe Volcanoes and Marble aren't the best for world gen to some people, but at least the rest of the mod does something useful.

Xycraft is completely useless atm, I might change my mind and end up loving Xycraft when its actually useful, but this is my opinion of it as it is now.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding too harsh, don't take my commentary wrong, I've nothing against Xycraft's concept or Soaryn, I'm truly looking forward to a more completed Xy after its been worked on and refined further, however, I am against releasing an unfinished mod and adding it to a pack, when it still does nothing and there's no real benefit to it, specially when many other mods are rejected on certain standards that said incomplete mod does not fulfill in the slightest.

I say just make it optional and don't add a mod to the pack until its "out" (Because apparently its not, according to many.) otherwise this sort of stuff will happen.
It's not like no one would use RC tanks once the XyCraft tanks are released.

If you're starting up a base those metric craptons of iron it requires is a substantial investment. So yeah, if it stays that cheap most people will move to Xy tanks.
To maintain supplies of copper\tin and diamonds\redstone\nicolite I have to mine at 2 different levels and given that iron is the only overlapping ore (ignoring specialty ores) I seem to end up with very large amounts of iron, so in my case I will by preference use the RC tanks since I tend to use mostly smaller tanks as buffers only. For mass storage though Xytanks will be the tank of choice only really a couple of things I'd put in them lava\oil being the main ones as they both require a chunkloaded powered method of gathering and reducing the time I have to chunkload is a good idea for my somewhat crappy comp.
well didn't you guys get the memo he wanted to get all the ores in the modpack before anything else so you guys woulden't need to restart worlds. honestly for now i'm not mining xycorium but once there are machines i will search them.
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Soaryn cut the line in rules since he actually seems to have helped a lot on other mods. From watching a few seasons of direwolf20, he's kinda like chickenbones in that he's touched a lot of mods in terms of helping developers. But replacing railcraft tanks? Low on iron? You may not be playing like I do. After my second quarry I've got barrels of iron, copper and tin. And i waste resources on experiemnts instead of using a creative world.

Also RedPower world gen is useful depending on strategy and modpack. having the mindcrack pack i centrifuge marble dust to make windmills. ITs all give or take. I'm annoyed by XyCraft and most of the decorative blocks are eyesores but I'm just gonna trust in the decision of the FTB team that including XyCraft will be fun in the long run. If not, then Soaryn's name is mud.
am I the only one here who installed Flans mod into my direwolf, waiting for lasers to come from xycraft so that you can flay over the light show with a penguin in the back seat of a two-seater biplane, with you shooting a mining laser?
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I like Xycraft for one reason: the building blocks it adds are fairly cheap, look rather nice, and are explosion-resistant but can still be broken with low-tier picks. Are the Quartz crystals obnoxious? Yes, but the xychorium is worth it--at least for me, anyway.
1. I think soaryn should stop putting stuff unrelated to his mod's focus in the mod, like the aluminum and the plants.

2. One of the biggest problems with the mod (as well as Traincraft and Thaumcraft [I know thaumcraft config can give you the research, but that ruins half the fun, I want NEI recipes]) is that it doesn't tell you how to do anything with the mod in NEI (aren't there plugins for that?) and the wiki is very outdated so there no way other than youtube videos for us to know how.
I saw that direwolf20 video too: I think to avoid having a totally overpowered tank, they need to consider the tank material and the stored liquid.

so basically every material is okay for water. we know wooden barrels that hold water, and so on. but no one stores lava in tanks made out of stone. that needs a material that is much more heat resistant. or liquids added by IC2/GT: helium and hydrogen. a stone tank would just not work for that. maybe, since these liquids are IC2-related, how about a tank made of reinforeced stone. there are tons of possibilities for that. and the xycraft-team might consider some sort of windows as with the railcraft-tanks. people like to see their stuff...
There isn't really a 'xycraft team', it's just Soaryn and there is a window of sorts. The glass viewers he just finished adding: http://xycraft.wikispaces.com/Downloads. Oh and look "Fixed world gen issues (Shouldn't take forever now)"
1. I think soaryn should stop putting stuff unrelated to his mod's focus in the mod, like the aluminum and the plants.

2. One of the biggest problems with the mod (as well as Traincraft and Thaumcraft [I know thaumcraft config can give you the research, but that ruins half the fun, I want NEI recipes]) is that it doesn't tell you how to do anything with the mod in NEI (aren't there plugins for that?) and the wiki is very outdated so there no way other than youtube videos for us to know how.
For number 1. that's like saying ic2 should've never added the crop system that it did and that forestry shouldn't have added the new multifarms. with Xycraft as new as it is, how do you know that he won't have a use for the aluminum?
Nah I bitch about redpower plenty too. I could care less about tungsten though, it isn't everywhere. Redpower is the slowest worldgen in the FTB pack due to it's terrible marble and volcano generation.

If I finish my Chemical Engineering add-on any time soon, you'll thank Redpower for those fields of Basalt/Marble... lol...
It's not like no one would use RC tanks once the XyCraft tanks are released. I care more about space efficiency than material cost, so I'd still use RC tanks.
One of the main reasons why i choose Railcraft tanks over xycraft tanks is because they are small and many can fit in a small area allowing me to use them in my builds. 6 Railcraft tanks like in direwolf20's liquid sorage room give 3,456 buckets of 6 different liquids in a 216 block area. If I wanted the same thing with xycraft tanks, I would need an area of 900 blocks. Although other than area RC tanks are too much resources compared to xycraft tanks.

I like Xycraft for one reason: the building blocks it adds are fairly cheap, look rather nice, and are explosion-resistant but can still be broken with low-tier picks. Are the Quartz crystals obnoxious? Yes, but the xychorium is worth it--at least for me, anyway.

I agree with the xychorium part of this. I am always out Xychorium because I use xychoridite bricks for all my builds. I also like the quartz crystals when I'm mining because they act as backup torches so that I can just mine a little farther every time. Just make a woven miner's backpack and they will all fall in.