What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Plus, alpha versions may have crucial bugfixes and all that wizardry. So it helps to know, at least.
fwiw, I wasn't referring to your post when I said labeling was important. For all I knew you had already clearly labeled it, it was just for reference. Thanks for clarification though.
fwiw, I wasn't referring to your post when I said labeling was important. For all I knew you had already clearly labeled it, it was just for reference. Thanks for clarification though.
I know. I was just quoting you for reference.

Posting alphas of mods that update everyday due to automated uploading build systems is probably not worthwhile... If a dev flags a build as "hey people, try this out, there'c cool new stuff but beware it's alpha, only test worlds please", sure go ahead, it'll likely interest people (obviously give a disclaimer).
Posting alphas of mods that update everyday due to automated uploading build systems is probably not worthwhile... If a dev flags a build as "hey people, try this out, there'c cool new stuff but beware it's alpha, only test worlds please", sure go ahead, it'll likely interest people (obviously give a disclaimer).
I actually agree with this to a good extent, but its different when its rolled up into a big summary.

Specifically: I'm not really excited about seeing a single post devoted to every single typo-correction in every mod ever. But a bunch of them for a bunch of mods rolled into one post? Go for it.
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You can kind of figure out what changed between the hourly/daily/near-daily alphas by paying attention to CoFH's Github repository, but yeah it's generally not advisable to care about them, especially at this point. Just go enjoy the newest release of everything​
new day, new update, and today it's @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 276 & 279
  • Added: Fluxing node (Turn power into RF)
  • Fixed: Right clicking with a fairy charm destroys it even if the ring of binding is full
  • Fixed localization of purple protection amulets
  • Fixed issue when wearing ring of binding in #3 slot instead of #2
  • Rebalanced yellow and blue aura
  • Fixed: More than one recipe for an item via modtweaker causes graphical glitches in NEI
  • Fixed: #31
  • Fixed: #32
  • Fixed: Aura nodes can be moved via frames (Blocked RiM, Funky locomotion, TT, TC)
  • Fixed fortune enchantment working on wither
  • Fixed descriptions for yellow and purple enchantments
  • Lowered default potion ID to fix an arrayindexoutofbounds
  • Massively extended fluxing node blacklist

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 1.3.1-3
  • Fixed Routing ritual so that it would respect imposed stack limits >= 64.

and @Shad0wB1ade with Solar Expansion
Shad0wB1ade said:
Solar Expansion 1.4f
  • This is the BASIC version of the mod which means that this is of normal users. If you are a modpack/map creator I recommend you go to the EDITABLE version.
  • Added Achievements (don't ask me why... I don't know)
  • Added Steel Ingot, Steel Nugget, Lapis Shard (just more crafting components)
  • Changed a lot of crafting recipes
  • Changed the textures a little bit
  • Fixed a bug where the Solar Panel would do weird things on chunk reload
  • The Editable version will come later.

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.0.6 & 1.0.6b
  • Magical Staff
  • Compressed Obsidian
  • Runic Glass (WitherBoss-Proof)
  • Demonic Bricks
  • Runic Demonic Bricks
  • Survival Demonic Bricks
  • Runic Survival Demonic Bricks
  • Chaotic Sand
  • Magical Chalk no longer works, you must use a Magical Staff
  • Amulets now work as intended
  • Spawning issues
  • Key Recipe Bug

and @AEnterprise with Buildcraft Additions
AEnterprise said:
Buildcraft Additions 2.0.2
  • fix remapping issue
  • no more shipping the BC and RF api's
  • fix dust localizations
Dynious is making a new mod, Biota!
Biota is a work-in-progress aiming to make the Minecraft plant life less static. Ground will have nutrients that plants need to grow and live. The aim is to make this as close to reality as possible. Of course it should stay fun too, so things will be simplified.

Nutrients & Light

Nutrients are essential for plants. Over-farming on the same ground will make your plant grow more slowly and eventually die. Plants will change color when a certain nutrient is missing. This can give you an idea on what your plants need to grow. Of course plants will not only need nutrients to grow, but also to stay alive. When an ecosystem is stable bacteria will decompose all dead plants (and animals) and give back the nutrients to the ground, so new plants can grow.


But not only nutrients are needed for plants to stay alive. Light is also an essential resource for plants. Plants get their energy from light and to little light means no plants. This will also be like this is with Biota.


Spread & Die

When plant have more than enough nutrients and light to grow, they will also start to spread. When your ground is fertile enough one seed might be enough to fill a whole farm. But when a plant spreads too fast it might start competing with other plants, causing them to not grow or even die. Survival of the Fittest.

You as a player can also have an impact on the world around you. What happens when you walk on the same patch of grass over and over? Yes, it gets worn and dies. This also happens with Biota.

Joining "like-farm" with pistronics update.
Pistronics Beta Version 0.5.3
(available for 1.6.4 1.7.2 1.7.10)

Added: Statues
Added: Petrify Arrow
Added: Petrify Extract
Added: ConfigOption: statueScale -Min/-Max/-Step
Added: ConfigOption: renderStatuesInInventory
Added: ConfigOption: renderStatuesAsBoxes
Added: ConfigOption: statueSmoke
Changed: Updated Camoupaste and Spade Tooltip
Changed: sortInRows is now disabled by default
Changed: FMP blocks are now blacklisted (This is a temporary solution)
Changed: slightly increased gear hardness
Fixed: Recipes including gears not showing in NEI
Fixed: Camoublock textures can now be removed with a Spade
Fixed: Pushed Blocks sometimes changing their Blockbounds
(Hopefully) Fixed: Gears sometimes not rendering if the center is not in your field of vision.
Glass Shards 1.2
  • (@goldenapple) Russian translation now uses plurals
  • EnderIO's Enlightened Clear Glass will now drop shards and glowstone dust (you always get 4 so you don't lose any glowstone)
  • The API no longer requires blocks to drop nothing
  • Fixed drop chance being wrong in some circumstances (e.g. explosions)
  • Fixed a bug where drops from other mods' glasses were being removed
  • Reorganized the internal workings
Enjoy! :)
new day, new update, and today it's @Azanor with Baubles
azanor said:
  • make it work server-side

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.4.0
  • Added metal lattice building blocks in iron, rust, black oxide, and moss variants.
  • Added wood lattice building blocks in standard vanilla plank variants.
  • Added rust, black oxide, and moss variants to heavy chain and light chain blocks.
  • Added PlantMegaPack integration.
  • Updated static rendering code, but lighting still behaves oddly in some places.
  • For all metal decorative blocks, variants can be obtained as follows:
  • Rust version is obtained by dunking the iron version in a filled cauldron.
  • Black Oxide version is obtained by baking the iron version in a furnace.
  • Moss version is obtained by crafting vines surrounded by the iron version.

and @Benimatic with Twilight Forest
Benimatic said:
Twilight Forest 2.3.4
  • Added /tfprogress command to advance a player past a certain boss progress
    • Does not grant the associated items, which may still be needed in some cases
  • Spawn hint monster near player when player is having progression problems

and @Ferdz with Placeable Items
Ferdz said:
Placeable Items 1.2
This new version allows the player to place:
  • Apples
  • Nether brick and regular brick
  • Raw chicken
  • Chicken egg
  • Ender eye & ender pearl
  • Cooked fish
  • Melon (edible on right click)
  • Pumpkin pie (edible on right click)
  • (fixed the texture & now edible on right click)
This version also adds a few tweaks such as:
  • The block breaks if the block under it is air
  • Some of the placed food are edible
  • All the drops issues have been fixed
  • All of the destroy particles should now be fixed

and @10paktimbits with Plant Mega Pack
10paktimbits said:
Plant Mega Pack 5.00 PRE12
  • Added: verification check of all decorator plants at startup log file will show any problems
  • Added: config screen: plant locator find where a plant spawns
  • Changed: fertilizer now works on bamboo plants
  • Changed: fertilizer now works on epiphyte plants
  • Changed: all planters except metal allow fences and stone walls to connect to them
  • Fixed : fertilizer not working on vanilla cactus

and @Kobata with Inventory Tweaks
Kobata said:
Inventory Tweaks 1.59-beta-173
  • Update online tree link Marwane Kalam-Alami
Grass dying when you walk over it often? Seems annoying to me :P I would need something else as floor covering in the frontyard
New Thaumcraft Addon by Blusunrize, Witching Gadgets!

Greetings, fellow Thaumaturge!
Welcome to WitchingGadgets, an addon for Thaumcraft 4.

This is a mod I have been working on since Thaumcraft was in 1.6.4 and I have finally moved to a stage at which I'm comfortable with releasing it. So now you get to play with it and find all the bugs I probably overlooked!

Unlike some more specifically themed addons, Witching Gadgets aims to be for one a more general expansion to Thaumcraft as well as a crossover mod between Thaumcraft and various others! This means that with my content I tried to stay as much "in-feel" with Thaumcraft's original design while still adding my own touch (like terrible puns and references in the texts). And because I'm a fan of combining mods for best effect, I added a lot of cross-mod support for Tinker's Construct, Botania, Railcraft and the likes.

Original Content

The original, Thaumcraft-inspired content of this mod is meant to be played alongside the main mod, so it ranges through all tech tiers.
For example, we have the Thaumic Stone Extruder, which is basically just a magical cobblegen...because really no magic mod adds one. x3
Or the Essentia Pump, which allows you to draw Essentia from a mirror and insert it back into a tube system!
Or maybe something more advanced, like the Arcane Terrestrial Reformer, which allows you to change the biome around you to six basic environments, by use of Essentia and Terra Vis!

Or, my personal favourites of original content: My custom Baubles. I have written an "extension" of Baubles already, Traveller's Gear, and this mod now actually makes use of its slots! It add 4 magically enhanced cloaks, 2 pauldrons and 2 vambraces, and a ring, each of them with effects not so commonly seen in other mods, like knockback resistance, fast ladder-climbing or a fortune+looting improvement!


Lastly I'd like to present a simple, but quite useful addition to the Thaumonomicon:

A search bar! You can now search for researches, and it will even find them based on the recipe outputs the research contains!

Cross-Mod Compatibility

As stated before, I like to combine mods to get the best effects of both. As such, I added a bunch of cross-mod interaction between this and other mods. This ranges from basic (by by today's standards obligatory) OreDictionary use to more advanced stuff.
My personal favourite however is the Infernal Blast Furnace:

This artistic masterpiece was designed by Mr. Damien Hazard, the artist also responsible for Thaumcraft's Crimson Cultists as well as the Fortress Armor and many others. He designed his thing on a whim and I decided to implement it for him!
This thing will smelt iron into steel, but it will do so like an Infernal Furnace would, using magical energies like Essentia and Vis. It can also accept bellows to run faster. Further more it will be able to smelt Thaumcraft's Native Clusters into whopping three ingots!
It also has full NEI and Minetweaker support. =3

Talking about native Clusters, this mod adds quite a few! And it builds them dynamically, based on the ore dictionary. This means that it will analyse the ore-texture and create the cluster accordingly:

As you can see, it event differentiates Stone-,Netherrack- and Endstone-based ores.
It supports all TCon ores, Metallurgy 4, Nickel (Ferrous) and Dark Iron from Factorization!
Oh, they can also smelt into 3 ingots in a TCon Smeltery. That amount is configurable =P

Lastly, one of the features I sank quite a bit of time into: Forge Multiparts. Thaumcraft's Essentia Tubes now work as Multiparts and can be covered and jacketed! They still work the same, except for the fact that depending on the covers used, they will not connect!

Oh, also, if you've played with Botania's new cosmetic additions, like the tiny potato mask or the bowtie: You can add those to any of my baubles, as well as all Traveller's Gear items =3
Olympia Content System has a first official release
Olympia, as a thing, is a mod/api designed to add large numbers of blocks, items, and more in a consistent manner. With Olympia you'll be able to register several "flavours" of metal, wood, stone, gem, and so on.

Here's an example: All I've done is provide all the textures that Olympia will need, and registered the metal "Mythril". Here's what an NEI screenshot of all the blocks and items generated by Olympia, just by me typing out one line.

A note before continuing, Olympia generates everything in combinations of Flavours, Patterns, and for blocks: Shapes.
For each flavour registered, it creates blocks for that flavour in each pattern, and for each pattern for each flavour it creates several shaped blocks. First, let's take a look at our shapes.

As you can see, we have several shapes for each pattern/flavour combination. I won't go into detail about what each of them can do just yet, but suffice it to say that your creative palette is VASTLY expanded with these shapes. Stay tuned for more information on these here shapes.
Meet the Content...
Below is just a handful of examples of all the blocks that I've added to my minecraft using Olympia. On default windowed screen size and normal GUI sizing, NEI has 265 pages of Olympia content THUS FAR.


First, the various patterns generated when you register a flavour. This example is Titanium
Brick, Bullion, Machined, Panel, Plate, Tile

Here's what flavours I have registered so far. The example here is JUST the Plate pattern.


Like Metal, stone has it's own Pattern set, seen here. I think for this example I used Granite
Brick, Cobblestone, Flagstone, Hewn, Masonry, Paving, Rough, Smooth, Tile

And the flavours so far, using the Hewn Pattern for example purposes


Wood only uses three patterns (but a fourth pattern is in the works)
Boards, Planks, Slats

And the flavours I have registered so far...


Gem patterns are as follows
Cut, Fancy, Rough, and Smooth

And the flavours registered thus far....

Coming Soon...
Decoration items - items that you attach to the side of blocks for even more decorative power.
Lanterns - a wide palette of styles and colors above and beyond the 16-colors of Vanilla Minecraft.
Large Doors - 3-blocks wide and 5 blocks tall. Huge number of combinations based on the wood and metal flavours.
Special Blocks - wierd stuff that you can only see to believe, including Windmills, Waterwheels, and much more.

Sneak peek...
remember some of those wierd blocks I was telling you about, well, here's just a couple to show off.

On the left is a pair of Avernian Gates (inspired by an old JRPG called Xenogears and it's spinoff Xenosaga). Each registered flavour gets an Avernian Gate. On the right is a few Pylons (obviously inspired by Starcraft and Botania). Each Metal/Gem flavour combination gets a pylon. To the extreme right: a very happy horse.
Olympia v0.1-RFPA
*This is the first release, be patient
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