What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
So, um... I've been working on a new mod. It's called CopperTools and it adds a whole bunch of armor and tool sets, as well as all kinds of sickles! Have you ever wanted to craft sapphire armor or a platinum hoe? A gilded iron sickle, perhaps? Well, now you can!

Also, absolutely everything in this mod is configurable. You can change properties of each tool material individually or you can disable them altogether.

Link: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226508-coppertools
Schematica (by Lunatrius)
  • Added server side schematicaDownload command
  • Fixed haybales rotation
  • Made all commands available to all users

Headcrumbs 1.3.0 (by ganymedes01)
-Added A BUNCH of new names! Delete your old config file if you want to get them! (Deleting just the list entries should suffice)

-Added mobs! All of the names in the config file now have a chance to spawn as a mob that will hunt you down :D (You can disable this in the config file of course, but it's on by default)

Solar Flux 0.4d, 0.5 & 0.5a (by Nauktis)
  • Updated to latest version of the Redstone Flux API.

New features:
- Solar panel can be dismantled with a wrench. They will keep their energy.
- Break the solar panel with a pickaxe to drop the energy and make it stack again.
- New localization for the info and tooltips.

New config options:
- Whether or not solar panels should keep their energy when dismantled with a wrench.
- Factor to reduce the production of energy during rainy weather.
- Factor to reduce the production of energy during stormy weather.

- Fix: APIs managed to get shipped with version 0.5.

Simply Jetpacks 1.3.2 (by Tonius)
- Armor is now properly configurable by reduction amounts
- Fixed major bug in armor that could negate armor values
- Fixed energy HUD scale affecting other mod HUDs
new day, new update, and today it's @ tterrag1098 with Ender IO
tterrag1098 said:
Ender IO beta
Version 2.2.6
- Add Buffer. Comes in 4 types: Item, Power, Omni, Creative.
- Used to be a small inventory/power storage with a large throughput.
- Can be used to "transform" between different conduit types.
- Creative buffer will pull/push infinite items/power.
- Can be painted and has connected textures with Chisel.
- #32 Add connected photovoltaic panels. Will now form a multiblock and generate/emit power as a cohesive unit.
- Add default recipe for the "Repair" enchant from Thaumcraft

- #1456 Wireless Charger can be deactivated with redstone

- Fix obelisk hovering item being stuttery
- #1447 Capacitor bank render glitch when restitching textures
- Fix obelisk bounds
- Fix soulbound enchant being missing when ID set to -1
- #1466 Fix travel anchor teleport being one block off in certain directions
- #1436 Fix crash when painted block placed at y=0
- #1489 Fix farming station trying to harvest certain non-bush blocks above berry bushes
- #1500 Fix dupe bug with infernal mobs and killer joe
- Fix small capacitor bank bug causing 2x as much power to be pulled as expected in some situations
- #1501 Fix travel anchor dropping in creative
- #1445 Fix cap banks refusing to be set to input mode when connected to certain blocks
- Fix crash when tons (thousands) of cap banks edited at once.

Ender IO beta
- Fix a nasty typo in the last build that prevented all machines from pushing items
- Remove debug spam from photovoltaics
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks 2.1.1 (by boni)
- Remove obsidian alloy (with config) to prevent early obsidian creation
- Removed Bowstring and Fletching from restriction config
- Fix vanilla tool white/blacklist disabling tools it shouldn't
- Fix crash when using vanilla arrows

AgriCraft 1.0.5 (by InfinityRaider)
-Fixed crash when disabling vanilla farming
-Fixed servers kicking you out when breaking tanks
-Network optimization for irrigation systems (marcin212)

Solar Expansion BASIC 1.3a & EDITABLE 1.3a (by Shad0wB1ade)
This is the BASIC version of the mod which means that this is of normal users. If you are a modpack/map creator I recommend you go to the EDITABLE version.

- Added Shift-Click to remove Solar Panel and store the energy. (feature request by Reaperguy666)

- Changed a lot of recipes.

This is the EDITABLE version of the mod which means that there are no recipes but everything is configurable and you have up to 16 solar panels. If you are a basic user go to the BASIC version.

- Added Shift-Click to remove Solar Panel and store the energy. (feature request by Reaperguy666)

ProjectE 0.2d-dev12 (by sinkillerj)
* NEW: More tooltips
* NEW: More config options
* FIXED: Items from versions prior to dev10 will no longer be lost
* FIXED: Various crashes
* FIXED: A potential EMC exploit
* FIXED: Light Blue and Cyan Alchemical Bag textures corrected
* FIXED: Axes now render properly

B0bGary's Growable Ores 2.1.0 (by B0bgary)
-Bug fixes

-Galacticraft Support!
Blood Magic v1.3.0a by @WayofTime
- Removed debug for Demon Invasion system

- Blood Letter's Pack no longer shows hurting animation

- Called off the Alpha Pact - bartering broken down.

- Demons now save if they do or do not drop their demon crystals on reloading of entity - this caused Demon Invasion demons to drop useless spawning crystals if the area was unloaded.
Hunger Overhaul updated to version beta.3 beta.4
Changelog said:
  • Fixed a startup crash with Tinkers Construct

AppleCore updated to v1.0.2
Changelog said:
  • Added config option to disable adding the food stats debug overlay line ("show.food.stats.in.debug.overlay")
  • Made clients without AppleCore able to connect to a server with AppleCore (so that the server can sync exhaustion/etc to clients without all requiring all clients to have it installed)

The Spice of Life updated to v1.2.3
Changelog said:
  • Fixed incompatibility with the Enviromine food rotting mechanic (NBT tags are now ignored when calculating food eaten counts)
  • Fixed "affect.food.hunger.values" config option not doing anything
  • Fixed a crash caused by a fake player eating food (or something like that)
  • Added Korean localization (thanks @puyo061)

Waila Harvestability updated to v1.1.1
Changelog said:
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The timeline was somewhat like this:
  • FiskFille making a YouTube video at 3 AM.
  • Bugzoo writing a comment on the video about a similar situation.
  • Me finding my mods on 9minecraft, and sending DMCA takedown requests together with @SatanicSanta.
  • Me discussing it in the idiots thread, and starting to tweet about it. I also made a website. I got lots of support from the other two founders, Bugzoo and FiskFille.
  • Me making a MCF thread getting over 8000 views in half a day (this is where it really starts).
  • Me registering an IRC channel for it.
  • jakimfett makes a more professional website for us.
  • Direwolf20 tweets about it.
  • Now: Over 500 posts. Over 138k reach. And over 200k total views of #StopModReposts tweets!
I'm sowwy, it's past my bedtime. ANYWAY, yeah, this is really moving.
iBench 1.0.12 (by Sapient_za)
  • Fix for iBenches behaving like ender-chests when you have more than 1 in your inventory - thanks to Gr8pfish for finding the problem

Lycanites Mobs (by Lycanite)
Configs older than will be reset!


Familiars: Added more player familiars! I'll be swapping to a live feed soon!

Improvement: Jabberwock will now break down doors like vanilla zombies!

Improvement: Summoned Phantom minions will no longer burn in sunlight!

Improvement: Summoned Jengu minions/familiars can be used as a water source for buckets!

Improvement: Pinkies will no longer attack animals if Predators Attack Animals is set to false in the config, in this case they can be bred using raw or cooked meats.

Major Bug Fix: Fixed a crash caused by entities being dropped.

Bu Fix: Geonach should spawn from more modded ore blocks! Yay!

Tweaks: Trites, Abtu and Skylus will now attack prey mobs (such as Kobold or Gorgomite).

Tweaks: Lobbers will now also melt gravel!

AbyssalCraft 1.8.1 (by Shinoow)
  • Fixed crystallizer recipes for crystallized methane and lapis lazuli blocks
  • Evil Pigs now have a lower spawn rate
  • Demon Pigs have a 33% chance of burning when they spawn in the overworld
  • Added configuration options regarding Demon Pigs burning in the overworld
  • Added configuration options regarding the spawn rate of Evil Pigs
  • Improved the Asorah Altar (can now be used in any gamemode, actually shows messages where it should do so)
  • Improvied the various fire blocks added in AbyssalCraft
  • Added configuration options regarding potion IDs
  • The Demon Pig now has a trail for Dreaded Fire behind it, instead of normal fire
  • Improved Potion related stuff
  • Improved the Altar of Cha'garoth (mainly fixed the messages, in case they didn't display at some point)
  • Added a death animation for Cha'garoth
  • Almost all messages can now be altered in the .lang files
  • NEI integration updated to NEI version
  • Thaumcraft integration updated to Thaumcraft version

MoarSigns 1.1.0 (Gory_Moon)
Reworked the Gui

  • Made text colorably
  • Made text styleable
  • Made text have a shadow
  • Made text rows able to move individually
  • Made text hidable
Made signs placeable on ceilings and on the ground
Added Factorization lead sign

Blood Magic 1.3.0a-1 (by WayofTime)
- Removed debug for Demon Invasion system

- Blood Letter's Pack no longer shows hurting animation

- Called off the Alpha Pact - bartering broken down.

- Demons now save if they do or do not drop their demon crystals on reloading of entity - this caused Demon Invasion demons to drop useless spawning crystals if the area was unloaded.

OpenModsLib 0.6

  • Port to Minecraft 1.7.10

  • Feature: Id synchronization

  • Feature: RPC for in-world objects

  • Lots of other stuff

OpenBlocks 1.3

  • Port to 1.7.10

  • Feature: gamerule for grave spawning

  • Feature: elevators are now colored in creative inventory

  • Feature: tanks in item form will now distribute liquid evenly between every item in stack when filled/drained

  • Feature: bear traps can now be opened by redstone

  • Feature: elevators are now basic blocks (so can be moved with pistons, etc)

  • Feature: graves contents are now backuped in separate location (can be later restored with /ob_inventory command

  • Feature: tanks filled with liquids are now visible in creative search

  • Fix: graves not spawning after explosions

  • Fix: more protection against luggage loss

  • Fix: fans now working with more redstone cables

  • Fix: added luggage to MineFactoryReloaded autospawner blacklist

  • Fix: spam in console when entity from spawn prevention blacklist is created

  • Fix: anvils ignoring event (custom enchantments, blocking, etc)

  • Fix: pick block action now works with elevator colors

  • Fix: sleeping bags sometimes dropping players through world

  • Fix: sleeping bags now print reason for aborting sleep (monsters, not night, etc)

  • Fix: target dropping normal arrows instead of TConstruct ones

  • Fix: builder now responses to redstone signal

  • Fix: option to disable info book

  • Fix: objects lifted with magnet missing collisions

  • Fix: elevator ignoring actual player height

  • Fix: last stand ignoring some types of damage from other mods

  • Fix: info book crashing when items are disabled on server, but not on client

  • Fix: invalid block break logic (should be now compatible with other mods)

  • Fix: missing drops from block breaker

  • Tweak: merged info book with changelog, removed changelog

  • Tweak: disabled OpenBlocks chest loot by default

  • Tweak: ladder is now normal blocks (removed animation, but should now render faster)

  • Tweak: graves cannot be broken by Ender Dragon or Wither

  • Removed: Radio

OpenPeripheralCore 0.5.0

  • Port to Minecraft 1.7.10

  • Split integration with other mods to OpenPeripheral-Integration

  • Re-do API

  • IMC for TE blacklisting

  • Random fixes and stuff (sooo much detail...)

OpenPeripheralAddons 0.2.0

  • Port to Minecraft 1.7.10

  • Fix: limit update rate on glasses (player now has to call .sync() to make changes visible)

  • Other random stuff I don't remember

OpenPeripheralIntegration 0.1.0

  • Move integration from OpenPeripheral-Core

Power Converters 2.2 (by covers1624)
Fixed new Buildcraft breaking old imports.

Added Update Notifier.

Fixed console spam from Rain Stopper.

Plunder Rummage (by Guff1118)
Changed just about everything.

Dimension Guard 1.2.1 (by hilburn)
Fixes a scraper bug that prevented it from recognising Buildcraft items
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It's here!!!!

Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.2 by ted80
Version Alpha 1.2 '30-12-2014'
- Added biomes 'o plenty support
- Enabled all biomes
- Added new biomes
- Changed biome names
- Fixed rain in warm biomes
- Fixed some grass color issues in biomes transitions
- Added vanilla bedrock spawning
- Added new events for compatibility
- Fixed biome transitions in canyon and mesa biomes
* Realistic World Gen alpha 1.2 is done! Jungle biomes will be added later this week.

Alpha 1.1:
- Added new biome placement system
- Improved biome dictionary
- Added redwood test biome
Oh, it's New Year's Eve! Time flies :p

Magnum Opus & (by An_Sar)
No changelog provided

The Calculator Mod 1.5 (by chemistrymodmaker)
-Added Info Calculator

-Added Conductor Mast

-Added Atomic Multiplier

-Added Redstone, Glowstone Extractors

-Significantly Reduced Lag

-Lots and Lots of Bug Fixes

Minechem 5.0.5 RC5 (by jakimfett)
Happy new year, everyone!

This release candidate has a bunch of little bugfixes, some tweaks, and a bunch of holiday cheer!

Minechem v5.0.5, release candidate 5
If no major bugs get reported in the next few days (please report all bugs on the Minechem issue tracker!), we'll stick a fork in it and call it "done!". As always, make backups, but this version should be safe for use in any and all production servers.

If you like the mod, and want to contribute, please support it via the Minechem Patreon page.

fixes #431 for realsies — way2muchnoise
Stupid null items — hilburn
fixes #515 — way2muchnoise
added ore dict listener — hilburn
Lots of tidying — hilburn
fixes aluminium ingot recipe — hilburn
synth dupe bug fix — hilburn
fix for PoS railcraft heat block — hilburn
should fix #536 — hilburn
Add scala library to gradle build file — jakimfett
Change cellulose burn time — jakimfett
fixed some derps in MT script — hilburn
Reverted @way2muchnoise breaking the synth output — hilburn
reblanced some recipes #529 — hilburn
coverts book stuff to super recipe — hilburn
fixes #531 — hilburn
prevent empty tubes being used in fusion chamber — hilburn
glass recipe fix re: IRC — hilburn
better fusion fix — hilburn
fixes clay dupe — hilburn
adds config for NEI support — way2muchnoise
fixes #523 — way2muchnoise
applys fix for fusion to fission — way2muchnoise
fixes fisson in a better way — way2muchnoise
fixes the decomposer bug with superRecipes — way2muchnoise
changes water bottle recipe, #517 — way2muchnoise
fixes dupe with diamonds — way2muchnoise
fixes diamond block synt recipe — way2muchnoise
makes dusts not override their ingots — way2muchnoise
things! — hilburn
moves potion effects to dynamic registry — way2muchnoise
adds MT stuff for molecule effects — way2muchnoise
merry Christmas @parcel31u — way2muchnoise
stops "solid" chemical blocks from flowing down — hilburn
Fixes some stuff — hilburn
Fixes crash in #505 — hilburn
Stops squids spawning in placed elements — hilburn
moves empty tube to 0 meta — way2muchnoise
link to the actual license file — jakimfett
Fix #491 — yushijinhun
Fix time display. — yushijinhun
Fix fluid tank rendering error — yushijinhun
Fix a rendering bug — yushijinhun
improvements regarding #496 — way2muchnoise
fixes #489 — way2muchnoise
adds recipe for vines, #493 — way2muchnoise
nerfs penicillin to hell — way2muchnoise
nerfs amino acids — way2muchnoise
fix #484 — yushijinhun
Fix solid fluid still flows down. — yushijinhun
Fix PotionEnchantment localization. — yushijinhun
Fix fluids maybe do not react. — yushijinhun
removes load after reika's stuff — hilburn

Chisel 2.2.1 (by TheCricket26)
Fixed Presents not rendering correctly, and combined their inventories properly
Various bits of texture work
Removed Chisel left click
Added various missing hardness/resistance values to blocks (signs included)
Added missing recipe for technical blocks
Added missing lightValue to torches
French language support
Made preparations for some Arcane Blocks

Binnie's Mods 2.0-pre1 (by Binnie567)
Fixed compatibility with BC 6.2.6

Few minor fixes

Removed fence recipes temporarily to reduce load times

Added temporary recipes for hops, grains and yeasts

Geocraft 2.4.2 (by LordBlackHole)

Fixes to Mine configuration loading.

CodeChickenCore & NotEnoughItems have been ported to Minecraft 1.8!
new day, new update, and today it's @Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
Carpenter's Blocks
  • Fixed possible sound event crash (may fix Thaumcraft crash).
  • Fixed bed dye colors not applying correctly.

and @tterrag1098 with Ender IO
tterrag1098 said:
Ender IO
  • - Add Buffer. Comes in 4 types: Item, Power, Omni, Creative.
  • - Used to be a small inventory/power storage with a large throughput.
  • - Can be used to "transform" between different conduit types.
  • - Creative buffer will pull/push infinite items/power.
  • - Can be painted and has connected textures with Chisel.
  • - #32 Add connected photovoltaic panels. Will now form a multiblock and generate/emit power as a cohesive unit.
  • - Add default recipe for the "Repair" enchant from Thaumcraft

  • - #1456 Wireless Charger can be deactivated with redstone
  • - Add support for old and new chisel versions
  • - Add farming support for cocoa (hilburn)
  • - Add farming support for mana beans - disabled by default (hilburn)
  • - Add farming station support for giant mushrooms (hilburn)
  • - Add a percentage tooltip to the grinding ball remaining bar
  • - Farm axe detection should now support most modded axes
  • - Add ExNihilo recipes to SAG mill default recipes (MatthiasM2)
  • - Add "modes" for SAG mill bonuses, allow you to disable the main output bonus (MatthiasM2)
  • - Add whitelist for hoes supported by farming station
  • - #1490 Add SAG mill recipe for charged certus quartz crystals

  • - Fix obelisk hovering item being stuttery
  • - #1447 Capacitor bank render glitch when restitching textures
  • - Fix obelisk bounds
  • - Fix soulbound enchant being missing when ID set to -1
  • - #1466 Fix travel anchor teleport being one block off in certain directions
  • - #1436 Fix crash when painted block placed at y=0
  • - #1489 Fix farming station trying to harvest certain non-bush blocks above berry bushes
  • - #1500 Fix dupe bug with infernal mobs and killer joe
  • - Fix small capacitor bank bug causing 2x as much power to be pulled as expected in some situations
  • - #1501 Fix travel anchor dropping in creative
  • - #1445 Fix cap banks refusing to be set to input mode when connected to certain blocks
  • - Fix crash when tons (thousands) of cap banks edited at once.
  • - #1416 Fix advanced item filter not matching some bees properly (hilburn)
  • - Fix obelisk hovering item rendering being broken in fast graphics mode
  • - Fix grinding ball duration bar not rendering sometimes
  • - Fix fill gauge connecting on creative capacitor banks
@Otho has released Custom Items 1.0.7

  • Adding logs, slabs, stairs, fences, walls and panes
  • Adding oreGen biomeId
  • Adding metadata for blockToSpawn
  • Adding "changeFoods" to change properties of existing foods
  • Fixed liquid textures using block name instead of texturename
  • Fixed customCrops not breaking when trampled
  • Removing "fall" properties from blocks
  • Adding "type" propertie to block
  • Adding "flowLength" to fluids
  • Adding "lightLevel" to fluids
  • Removing "luminosity" from fluids
  • Adding some minecraft 1.8 stuff to default configs
  • Adding dark quartz blocks to default config files
  • Remake config is true by default now
Blue Power updated to 0.2.811
  • Deleted our custom multipart system and created a new one in QmunityLib
  • QmunityLib dependency
  • Ported all the gates and tubes
  • Rewrote all the bluestone code. There’s now 3 types of wires:
    • Bluestone (Digital, not lossy)
    • Infused Teslatite (Analog, not lossy)
    • Red Alloy (Analog, lossy) [DISABLED]
  • Added freestanding wire
  • Disabled bundled wires
  • Fixed IC’s
  • Small tweaks to the IC’s renderer
    • Now the grid renders correctly
    • Made the gates render inside the IC
    • Added an indent to the IC
  • Fixed issues with gate power outputs not working correctly (gates outputting power on the wrong sides)
  • Lowered the volume of the gate ticking sound
  • Added a search bar to some of the creative tabs
  • Fixed screwdrivers taking damage when not needed
  • Changed some item registry IDs
  • Added a part mapper that will fix the conflicting item IDs
  • Added a world converter that will convert old worlds with the old part system to the new one using QmunityLib
  • Allowed gates to connect on “open corners” to wires
  • Allowed gates to connect to wires in the same block
  • Added gates:
    • Null Cell
    • Analog Null Cell
    • Comparator (analog)
    • Inverter (analog)
  • Fixed all the recipes that weren’t working as supposed
  • Allow multipart lamps to be placed on freestanding wires
  • Fixed some item renderers (most of them were centered and scaled)
  • Updated all the dependencies
  • Disabled OpenComputers support temporarily
  • Added Sapphire Glass and Reinforced Sapphire Glass (wither-proof)
  • Centered pickaxe textures
  • Added analog versions of all the gate tiles
  • Added a way to un-paint tubes

P.S Happy New Year from the east coast of USA