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I really enjoy Blood Magic release notes, even I haven't seriously start playing 1.12.2 pack yet.

Version 2.2.3:

- Fixed mundane components being really really really thirsty
- (everything required water reagents. everything.)
- Buffed the Fast Miner array with a nerf
- Vanilla doesn't like Haste 3 I guess?
- Moved Divination Sigil altar output to a HUD element
- RIP Blood Altar chat spam 2014-2018
- Mark of the Falling Tower is now re-opened and ready for sacrifices.
- Polished Demon Stones are no longer lonely uncraftable bois
- Somewhat more efficient (at least LoC wise) altar upgrade checking
- Blood Altar is now less stingy about outputs
- Coerced augmented Potion Flask recipe outputs out of hiding
Virtual Machines, added in the Virtual Dark Room and the Virtual Animal Farm!

- Yay a changelog!
- Added in the Virtual Dark Room
- Added in the Virtual Animal Farm
- Added in the Experience Augment
- Added in the Nether Simulator Augment
- Added in the Rancher Augment
- Added in the Perma-Morb Augment
- Fixed so many bugs LUL
AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • Applying a redstone signal to an Energy Relay pauses it
  • The Overworld biomes are always registered now, just not added to the list of biomes to generate if set not to
  • Statues can now transfer PE to dropped items (provided they can accept PE)
  • Redrafted a bunch of text inside the Necronomicon (removing redundant/incorrect information and adding new information)
  • Replaced all mob pictures in the Necronomicon with ones that look more like something drawn in the book
  • Fixed an infinite loop in the mining spell when mining upwards
  • Added a small section that explains how to obtain knowledge, unlocking information in the Necronomicon and unmasks Items and Blocks
  • Reduced the duration of fire applied to attackers when attacking someone wearing Dreaded Abyssalnite gear
  • The Coralium Plague and Dread Plague now act more like actual plagues (they spread a lot easier, can't be cured with milk)
  • Abyssalnite Golems now turn into Dreaded Abyssalnite Golems if killed by the Dread Plague
  • Portals now have a small chance of spawning a mob from their dimension
  • Shadow mobs now change their transparency based on light level (bright = visible, dark = not so visible)
  • The Dreadlands can leak out of it's portals, so keep a lookout in case too much gets out
  • Added Antidotes for the Coralium and Dread Plague (used to cure them instead of milk, which no longer cures them)
  • Increased the amount of Coralium Ore that generates in the Overworld (also made it configurable)
  • Knowledge unlock syncing is now done on a per unlock basis, rather than when opening the Necronomicon or changing dimensions
  • Asorah and Spectral Dragons now have the undead creature attribute
I haven't done any GregTech updates in a while so here is GregTech 6.07.07!


GregoriusT said:
Starting to do the new Battery System. A lot of things are easier with Batteries now. They have more Capacity, are easier to make, don't require a Canning Machine anymore (unless you want to automate filling them ofcourse) and they come in ULV to EV Power Levels.

Soon all Batteries will be made in a similar way. Lead-Acid Batteries will be the lowest Tier for now, so you can guess how much better the Lithium ones will become once this is done. ;)

The new Lithium Batteries will require a lot more effort to Craft, and arent going to be as simple to make as Lead-Acid Batteries. They will also come in ULV to EV Variations just like pretty much all Batteries I am going to add.

Unclear is what exactly I will do with Redstone, Nikolite, Teslatite and Electrotine Batteries. Probably also a 3D Version of those.

Already crafted Drills and other Electric Tools will not suddenly increase their Capacity, so you would need to craft new ones for that. Also in this first Version you cant use the new Batteries in the Tool Recipes yet, but you will be able to do so later ofcourse.

Old Batteries will become uncraftable in the near future, but they won't "vanish out of existence". They might turn into their newer counterparts automatically, but I am not sure about that.

I'll also fix Energy Crystals by adding their Variations as 3D Batteries too. A proper IC2 independant Recipe will be added aswell, while I am at it.

One Feature I quickly wanted to mention was the ULV Igniter being a thing now. Makes it easier to be Solar powered for example.

I'm still playing StarMade, but not as ridiculously often anymore, so that's a good thing for the Development Process of GT6. :D

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The Beneath (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to 1.4.0:
  • Restricted the Y-level you have to be in relation to the teleporter block (in order to ensure players always spawn on the platform)
  • The spawn platform inside The Beneath is now made out of Cobblestone instead of regular Stone
  • Added stalactites and stalagmites that generates throughout the dimension (both configurable)
  • Added an empty loot table to the Shadows
AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • Shadow mobs are now immune to fire, and capable of swimming
  • Changed the texture for Liquid Antimatter (darker spots within the liquid, making it a bit less milk-like)
  • Added a config option that turns antimatter explosions nuclear (off by default)
  • Dread-plagued mobs now automatically leave a lingering cloud of Dread Plague on death
  • Added a new config category for misc out of place settings
  • The amount of animals a Lesser Shoggoth has to eat in order to multiply/grow up now depends on the size of the animals it eats (1 adult cow = 3 adult chickens)
  • The advancement trigger for summoning entities now fires for nearby players when completing a Summoning Ritual (1.12.2 only)
GregTech 6.07.08 is here with more battery related changes!


GregoriusT said:
Sorry for being two days late. Better than three days late considering tomorrow is April 1st. With the old schedule I would have taken off this week, because lots of Household stuff to take care of (my body doesn't react well to physical labour), but thanks to me playing StarMade in the previous weeks, it would feel bad to take a week off, right after slacking due to playing a different Game for that long.

But now I'm back, and I've got some Batteries to change!

The old 2D Batteries are now no longer craftable, but you can still recycle them for their Resources.

You probably saw the 3D Lead-Acid Batteries (all used the ULV Model back then) from the previous Version. They have the same Capacity as the Lithium Batteries from the old 2D Version, Alkaline Batteries even twice that Capacity!
The 3D-Lithium-Accumulators will have an even larger Power Capacity once I add them.

Energy Crystals now also got a 3D Variant that has a larger Capacity than the previous Crystals. They can be made with Sapphire Dust and Redstone (or Nikolite/Teslatite/Electrotine for a x2 Capacity Bonus) in an Autoclave.
They work like Gemstones too, meanign if you decided to lets say, add an Energium Ore (and remove Mixer Recipe for Energium Dust), you could mine those Crystals easily instead! ;D

I also fixed Liquid and Gas Burning Boxes having a tiny Fluid remainder after running out of Fuel.

There we go for this weeks release, and remember, if you try to give me your Username for the Supporter List, do not give me your E-mail Address instead, I cant do anything with that E-mail (someone did that and I replied to their Mail, but I didn't get a reply back yet).

The Release should be out by the time you read this through, I just clicked the Compile&Upload Batch File and it takes like 5 to 10 mins to do that. So have a Download Page Link for convenience and ofcourse, thank you all for your growing Support. :3
GregoriusT said:
[FIXED] Liquid and Gas Burning Boxes are no longer stuck with minimal amounts of Fluid when running out of Fluid.
[REMOVED] The Crafting/Canning Recipes for the old deprecated 2D Batteries and 2D Energy Crystals. You can still recycle/un-can the old Batteries. 3D-Lead-Acid is at 2D-Lithiums current Tier so there is nothing to worry about.
[ADDED] Models for Batteries and also made them compatible with crafting Electric Tools.
Alkaline Batteries with twice the Capacity of Lead-Acid Batteries.
Similar crafting to Lead-Acid, though much more complicated for the individual Button Cells.
New Energy Crystals, made using the Autoclave.
There is 2 Types so far, Red Energium that is made of Sapphire and Redstone, and Cyan Energium, that is made of Sapphire and Nikolite/Teslatite/Electrotine.
The Cyan variant has twice the Capacity compared to the Red Variant.
Also works without IC2 installed, unlike before. IC2 Energy Crystals now have a slightly different Recipe.

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@Yusunoha I first looked at this thread three years ago. I apologize for replying to this late, I don't use this game much anymore, but I just saw you finished your series of posts and well I just wanted to thank you. You were an immense help for a very long time.
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AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • Shoggoth Biomass no longer randomly spawn Lesser Shoggoths client-side
  • Added some text (with pictures) to better explain the transfer range of Statues to nearby Collectors
  • Shoggoth Biomass blocks don't spawn any Lesser Shoggoths unless a player is within 32 blocks of it
  • Lesser Shoggoths can now secrete acid as a means of defending themselves (or a ranged attack) which can destroy blocks in their path
  • Lesser Shoggoths can now consume any item they run into, which is also configurable
  • Lesser Shoggoths now have a chance to locate a nearby statue and chant by it
  • Increased the hitbox size of Lesser Shoggoths (and reduced their hit range)
  • Removed the disruption that converts the surrounding chunk into Darklands (better leave the fate of their world to the player)
  • The Dread Plague Antidote now requires a Dreadlands Sapling instead of Omothol Ghoul Flesh
  • Fixed a few minor derps in some of the segments of the Remnant leg tentacles (1.11.2 & 1.12.2)
  • Child Lesser Shoggoths now have half the health and attack damage of an adult one
  • The Temple of J'zahar has been revamped
  • Greater Dread Spawns will now deal damage with their Dread Slugs again
  • Rituals Pedestals now project bits of their placed object rather than smoke during rituals
  • Rituals that require sacrifices now requires the player performing the ritual to sacrifice the animal, rather than it being killed automatically
  • The Wooden Crate now supports capabilities for insertion and extraction
  • Fixed the secondary death message for shadow damage
  • Added a ritual to purge the Dreadlands (while also rendering the area uninhabitable)
  • Added Calcified Stone (what everything turns into when the purging ritual has been used)
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Reactions: Ommina
More bugfixes and improvements this week with GregTech 6.07.10

GregoriusT said:
Im feeling way more energetic since I use that asthma inhaler, and that resulted in me doing a lot of things of which I thought "eh, I can do that later". And that means Compat work and Bugfixing, and the ton of trivial Stuff I can easily do. So hurray for me doing lots of bulk work! :D

I added the 3 PrefixItems for GT6 Bullets. Now I dont know when I will add the corresponding Guns for them, but I did add Recipes to convert the Steel and Lead ones into the Bullets of TechGuns and OpenModularTurrets.

While I was doing the Bullet Textures, I fixed a lot of the Magnetic TextureSet Icons, because they lacked the Plus and Minus Symbols on their Overlays. Same goes for the Fiery Chunk Item.

Some TechGuns Mobs were lacking rare GT6 drops, so I gave them some to make things more exciting and to clutter your Inventory even more!

Earlygame Blocks like the Sifting Table, Dust Funnel, Grindstone and the Barrels now require either Iron or Steel, and no longer just any Steel, making things a lot less Steel intensive early on.

Arrows now Craft in 2 Steps, first Feather + Stick to get a headless Arrow and then craft that Headless Arrow with an Arrow Head or a piece of Flint to make the corresponding Arrow.
This overall Process does 2 things. It for one reduces all Arrow related Crafting Recipes by about 50% therefore being better against Lag, and it also ends up making Arrows craftable without having to have a Workbench.

Because it was easy to do and did not require any additional Textures, Models or conceptual thinking, and because I recently looked them up on Wikipedia, I quickly added Nickel-Cadmium Batteries that have the same Stats as Alkaline Batteries and a similar Crafting Process.

I fixed a lot of tiny things and Recipe Bugs that people told me about too, mostly with Twilight Forest and with Auto-Detecting Vanilla alike Tool Items for Recycling.

And there goes this weeks release. I actually felt much better while working, and hope it stays that way for a while. ^^
GregoriusT said:
[COMPAT] TechGuns Mobs now got additional Drop coverage for GT6 items.
[FIXED] Twilight Forest Knightmetal Blocks not being craftable, due to not being in the OreDict. This made crafting the Ball and Chain impossible, which is a very fun Item as I just found out.
[FIXED] TechGuns Plastic Sheet not being the Unification Target for Plastic Plates, resulting in some things being uncraftable.
[CHANGED] The way Arrow Crafting works is now in 2 Steps (First Stick + Feathers, Then add an Arrowhead). This halves the amount of overall Arrow Crafting Recipes.
[CHANGED] Molds now store their Auto-Pull and Redstone Settings when harvested.
[CHANGED] A lot of earlygame Blocks now require Iron instead of Steel. You can still use Steel, but you don't require it anymore.
[ADDED] Bullet Items, because I saw that way too many duplicates ended up happening in Recipes, so I had to make my own currently unused Bullets.
[ADDED] Nickel-Cadmium Batteries (They are basically Alkaline Batteries in every aspect, except their Crafting).

[NOTE] The Website now contains a Page where I listed some of the things for the Game I plan to do after I am done with GregTech-6. It is linked on the Frontpage. ^^
[FIXED] Several Minor Bugs.
[FIXED] Silverfish Blocks in Vanilla Strongholds are no longer replaced by Stone Layers.
[FIXED] Redstone Infinite Loops with GT6 Slabs and GT6 Red Alloy Wiring.
[REMOVED] You can no longer get Carbon from centrifuging or electrolyzing Ashes. Try Sulfuric Acid and Sugar if you really need that Stuff.
[CHANGED] Grass Bales now always rot when placed adjacent to any kind of Water Block.
[ADDED] Near Frozen Water can now be heated up in a Smelter.
[ADDED] Ashes can now be used for Fluid Dyes again. I once removed that because of a colliding Recipe, but there is no Recipe colliding anymore apparently. I wonder where that went.
[ADDED] Sulfur based Roasting Recipes that work with Air instead of Oxygen. They however have just an 80% Chance for each Output, compared to Oxygen!
GregTech has added a whole slew of miniature portals, so you can easily automate the transportation of mass and energy between a variety of dimension.

GregoriusT said:
I finally added more Miniature Portals for seven other Dimensions too! So get yourself thinking with the Portal 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 aswell!

And my work speed is back at rates similar to early GT6 so if you ever feel demotivated, depressed or without energy for longer than a few months or so and are not actively sick, get yourself checked for Asthma or other breathing malfunctions, because that might be the cause, at least it feels like it was the cause for me, now that it's fixed. ^^

The Default Config Pack got updated for Galacticraft, Galaxyspace and Harvestcraft Ore-Generation being disabled.

And Changelog Time:

Machines that require Kinetic Energy Units (KU), such as the Compressor, the Squeezer, the Sifter or the Press, will now produce 4, 8, 16 or 32 Recipes at once where possible. This will NOT affect their Speed or anything, it will just fix the Energy Loss Issues that the Engines Push/Pull Cycles are causing by producing multiple at once,

Potassium Persulfate can now be used like Sodium Persulfate for Ore Bathing, so it's basically just "Persulfate Bathing" now. Even has a shorter name!

And last but not least, lots of new Miniature Portals, as seen on the Screenshot. They all have their own quirks and activation Items, but they generally work similar to the Miniature Nether Portal.

Here a List of all of the Miniature Portals that exist so far:

  • Nether Portal, Activation Item is anything that can light it with Fire, Coords 1:8 and Error Margin is 128m. All for comparision, the Miniature Nether Portal already existed before.
  • End Portal, Activation Item is Ender Eye, Coords 1:128 and Error Margin is 512m, because the End Island is small.
  • Twilight Portal (Twilight Forest), Activation Item is Diamond, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 512m, because the Twilight has a lot of locked off Areas.
  • Erebus Portal (Erebus Mod), Activation Item is a Gaean Gem or the Staff of Gaea (You wont get it back though!), Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
  • Deep Dark Portal (Extra Utilities), Activation Item is Bedrockium Ingot, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
  • Last Millenium Portal (Extra Utilities), Activation Item is Bedrockium Ingot, Coords 1:128 and Error Margin is 512m, because the starting Area is small.
  • Atum Desert Portal (Atum), Activation Item is the Scarab, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
  • Betweenlands Portal (The Betweenlands), Activation Item is the Swamp Talisman (Don't worry, it will not spawn that giant Tree), Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
GregoriusT said:
[NOTE] The Default Config Pack Updated to contain disabled Harvestcraft, Galacticraft and GalaxySpace Oregen. (I also disabled their Update Checkers per default)
[FIXED] The Recipe Replacer was slightly bugged for some Recipes. Thaumcraft Voidmetal Stuff should be recycleable now.
[FIXED] The Drills and all the other Auto-Item-Collecting and Magnetic Tools were "Silk Harvesting" Sideways GT6 Slabs instead of GT6 Slabs facing downwards, creating a royal mess in the Inventory when harvesting GT6 Slabs.
[CHANGED] Machines that require Kinetic Energy to run can now process multiple Items in parallel depending on their Tier, in order to counteract the Push/Pull Frequency of Engines.
[ADDED] Dirty Loot from Atum can now be washed in a GT6 Bathing Pot or Bath to clean it and retrieve the clean Item. (It's one of those Random Item things, like Scrapboxes)
[ADDED] Potassium Persulfate can now be used for refining Ores just like Sodium Persulfate.
A ton of Miniature Portals, please test them yourself and report back any Problems you might find.
They default to the same Functionality as the Mini Nether Portals, where not mentioned.
Here a List of all of the Miniature Portals so far:
Nether Portal, Activation Item is anything that can light it with Fire, Coords 1:8 and Error Margin is 128m. All for comparision, the Miniature Nether Portal already existed before.
End Portal, Activation Item is Ender Eye, Coords 1:128 and Error Margin is 512m, because the End Island is small.
Twilight Portal (Twilight Forest), Activation Item is Diamond, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 512m, because the Twilight has a lot of locked off Areas.
Erebus Portal (Erebus Mod), Activation Item is a Gaean Gem or the Staff of Gaea (You wont get it back though!), Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
Deep Dark Portal (Extra Utilities), Activation Item is Bedrockium Ingot, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
Last Millenium Portal (Extra Utilities), Activation Item is Bedrockium Ingot, Coords 1:128 and Error Margin is 512m, because the starting Area is small.
Atum Desert Portal (Atum), Activation Item is the Scarab, Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
Betweenlands Portal (The Betweenlands), Activation Item is the Swamp Talisman (Don't worry, it will not spawn that giant Tree), Coords 1:1, Error Margin 128m.
AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • Dreadguards are now regarded as undead
  • Changed the particles used in the Dreadguard/Cha'garoth barf attack (since they're not breathing fire)
  • The plagues no longer reinfect their host (effectively refreshing themselves)
  • Lesser Shoggoth acid projectiles can now be blocked with a shield (the player will still take half a heart of damage)
  • Added a config option to toggle whether or not shields can block acid projectiles
  • Statues don't trigger disruptions inside Omothol
  • If a Lesser Shoggoth has a target when it spawns an offspring, it has a 33% chance of throwing it at the target
  • Added a config option for the minimum Block Hardness required to stop Shoggoth Acid from destroying the Block
  • Abyssal Zombies now attack Villagers
  • Sacthoth no longer despawns in the Dark Realm
  • Asorah now has full knockback resistance (you're gonna need bigger arrows)
  • Fixed NPE in the Lesser Shoggoth acid spraying attack (1.10.2 only)
AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • Removed the End Abyssal Zombie
  • Remnants now also worship statues at times
  • Added a config option that toggles if knowledge should be synced to the client every time a player opens their Necronomicon
  • The lightning bolt that strikes a statue when a Disruption triggers is now only the effect
  • Added a new Disruption that generates a random amount of Shoggoth Ooze around the source
  • Added a new Disruption that spawns random mobs that normally spawn in the current biome
  • Added a new Disruption that spawns a single random mob that normally spawn in the current biome
  • Added missing null check to the Purge Event Handler, fixing a Sponge-related crash
  • Capability data is no longer lost upon leaving the End
  • Lesser Shoggoths now respect the mobGriefing Game Rule when it comes to their acid-based attacks
  • Changed the minimum Block hardness for resisting acid to 2.1 (previously 3.0)