What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) to 1.9.4-pre-2:
  • Fixed crashes regarding saving NBT for the NecroData Capability (also cleaned up the saving part)
  • Fixed some small quirks with the Shoggoth Ooze blocks
  • Added a config option to toggle whether or not Demon Animals should place down Mimic Fire instead of normal Fire
  • Any Darklands Structures that generate Shoggoth Ooze should now have full blocks instead of a single layer (1.11.2 only)
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new day, new update, and today it's @Ollie_Lansdell with Flux Networks
Ollie_Lansdell said:
Flux Networks 1.10.2-1.2.1

- Added Flux Configurator to copy and paste connection settings


- Fixed Networks not loading properly.

- Fixed networks not being created when the name matches a previously deleted one.

and @0xdav with Emergent Villages
0xdav said:

As you play in a world and exploit its natural resources you create wealth for yourself. In the real world, people flock towards newfound wealth - the gold rush is a good example. In Minecraft, not so much, until now! Villagers will now occasionally spawn near you when you have spent a decent amount of time in a region.

Config options

There are some config options that allow you to tweak the spawn settings to your liking.

  • "Chunk check range": The radius (in chunks) that the mod checks for viability around each player.
  • "Max villagers per chunk": The maximum amount of villagers that the mod will spawn on each chunk.
  • "Tick speed": How often the mod picks a player to check for viability.

and @mallrat208 with Simple Bedding
mallrat208 said:
Simple Bedding is a small mod designed for use with the Coop Life modpack for Minecraft 1.10.2. Simple Bedding adds in carpet sized beds perfect for animal use or anyone looking to hide a place to sleep.

  • Hay Bedding
    • Crafted like a Bed, with Wheat instead of Wool
  • Colored Bedding
    • Crafted with any one Dye and either a Hay or Colored Bedding
  • Hay Carpet
    • Crafted like Carpet, with Hay Blocks instead of Wool
You are free to use this mod in a pack on or off of the Curse Launcher
Impractical Storage has received a few more updates since I last posted. Mainly bug fixes, but the mod is steadily becoming more and more solid

Blocks will now stay in world when Controller bounds/offset/sorting mode are adjusted, only dropping if they can no longer fit

Fixed crash when adjusting controller while blocks are in-world (#31, #32)
Fixed issue where removing crates from the world would allow for item duplication (#30)

Fixed issue where Refined Storage would display incorrect Item counts when connected to a Controller (#28)

Fixed bug where breaking the controller would cause a crash (#20)
Fixed more issues with mod interaction (NOTE: Embers Item Pipes currently don't interact properly, a fix is being worked on!) (#21)
Items now render on the top of crates, as well as the sides (#23)
Added Pyramid sorting type
Added ability to offset controller bounds via GUI (#22, #24)
Added Controller Interface blocks that connect to the controller of any boundary they touch, and provide another block to insert/pull items from (#25)
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and @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings 1.10.2-

What's New

  • F9 to show Minecraft's chunk border fencing. Basically it is a simplified shortcut for F3+G.
  • Chat feedback when player toggles display modes, like chunk border fencing and light level
  • Option to disable the water suspend particle effect. Can reduce particle load if you spend a lot of time around water, or if you want clean water.

  • Overload of sound engine with sounds; noticeable around large water falls where it would sound like it was clicking.
  • Sporadic crash when Dynamic Surroundings debug logging was enabled and F3 debug screen was up.
  • No more repeating/clicking sounds when you die. Something is attempting to join a dead player to the world every 1-2 seconds. Dynamic Surroundings no longer clears out the currently playing sounds when a dead player attempts to join a world.
  • Sometimes a repeating sound would not go away when it has completed fade.

  • Built against Forge
  • Replace Minecraft SoundManager with slightly modified one to improve playing of looping sound clips and simplify volume scale hook
  • Use Item Java class hierarchy to identify sound to play when player swings an item. This allows for a modded item to be "detected" and handled appropriately if derived from an existing known class (i.e. a modded hoe that derives from ItemHoe will get the swing sound of a hoe.)
  • Reworked waterfall splash and dust mote particle rendering to squeeze more performance.
  • Capped number of streaming sound channels at 16.
  • Increased firefly spawn rate quite a bit, and smoothed out the Y trajectory. Fireflies spawn around red_flower, yellow_flower, and double_plant. It does NOT include tallgrass. (The two block tall grass is actually a double_plant.)
  • Randomize the initial sound play for waterfall splash. This should even out the sound effect of large falls a bit.
  • General performance tweaks related to internal data tables.

and @ObliviousSpartan with Spartan Shields
ObliviousSpartan said:
Spartan Shields 1.10.2-1.3
  • Added twelve(!) new Shields
    • From Thermal Foundation: Enderium, Invar, Platinum, Electrum, Nickel, Lead, Signalum & Lumium Shields
    • The Enderium Shield inflicts Slowness for 5 seconds on the enemy that hits it, while the Signalum Shield inflicts Weakness for 5 seconds, and the Lumium Shield inflicts Glowing for 10 seconds
    • From Botania: Manasteel, Terrasteel & Elementium
    • The Elementium Shield has a 10% chance to spawn a Pixie from Botania when equipped
    • Finally, from Redstone Arsenal: Fluxed Electrum Shield, which operates similarly to the other two powered shields.
  • Config Changes:
    • Added config options to disable Shields made from modded materials individually. Setting the options to 'false' will remove the shield in question completely from the game, so be warned!
    • Added translation keys for config entries when viewed in the GUI. It will look a lot better.
  • Added Russian Language support (thanks to Ryo_Pasternak)
  • Made a texture change for the Bronze Plated Shield; it shouldn't look like the color of a carrot anymore.
  • Changed the recipe for the Infused Riot Shield to need 2 Infused Diamonds instead of 1.
  • Renamed "Fluxed Riot Shield" to "Dark Steel Riot Shield" to prevent confusion with the Flux-Infused Shield
Info: This version uses the Botania API included in Botania for Minecraft 1.10.2 version r1.9-341. Future versions may use a new version of the API, which may cause issues. Let me know if that happens.
new day, new update, and today it's @Kamesuta with MmmMmmMmmMmmPatch
Kamesuta said:
A patch mod for MmmMmmMmmMmm.

About Patch
I want to level the Scarecrow with Iguanas Tinker Tweaks.
But the tool will be chicken.

If you apply this patch at such time, you can level by just hitting the Scarecrow.

How does it work?
Before Patch



As the Scarecrow is dead mob, so trying to level it will be judged as dirty cheater.

After Patch


This patch will change Scarecrow to live mob. So you can easily level it!

and @TheMasterGeneral with Enderfuge
TheMasterGeneral said:
This mod adds an Enderfuge, which aims to improve the gold/iron nugget output you get when you smelt your armor/weapons.

Crafted like this:


Note that this requires special fuel! Ender Pearls will burn for 250 ticks, Eyes of Ender will burn for 500, and End Crystals will burn for 1000! A single operation will take 1000 ticks. These all entirely configurable. Check your "config/ctd" folder!

You can only smelt Vanilla items right now. In the future, you'll be able to smelt down further modded armors.

and @mallrat208 with Dirt2Path
mallrat208 said:
Dirt2Path is a simple mod that allows you to convert Dirt Blocks into Grass Path Blocks. This saves you the time of having to wait for grass to grow and then converting it into a path.


Dirt2Path should work with any tool that extends ItemSpade from Minecraft or can harvest a Snow Block.

1.5.0: Added CoFH Core ItemShovelCore Workaroud. Enable to have TF Shovels pack vanilla Grass into vanilla Path blocks

1.4.0: Botania support added. Config added.

1.3.0: Take Backsies are here, Right Click a Path Block to convert it back to Dirt

1.2.0: Support has been added for Biomes O Plenty Loamy, Sandy, and Silty Dirt

1.1.0: Dirt2Path works with both Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11.2

1.0.0: Initial Release. Right Click on a Dirt Block to convert it to a Path

and @Sangar with Architect
Sangar said:
Architect is a mod that provides a small toolset to make building repetitive structures a breeze. It allows creating Blueprints (patterns) of structures in the world using a simple but powerful selection system: single blocks can be toggled to be included in a Sketch by right-clicking them, ranges can be added/removed by sneak-right-clicking to start a selection and then finish it by right-clicking again to include the selection, or sneak-right-clicking again to remove the selection.

Once a selection is satisfactory, a Sketch can be converted into a Blueprint by holding right-click for a little over one second (think eating food). Blueprints can then be used to place the saved pattern in the world wherever you like. Placement follows a grid of the granularity of the blueprint's bounds (to easily allow placing a blueprint in a repeating fashion).

The position can be fine-tuned by scrolling the mouse-wheel while sneaking - this shifts the placement along the axis the player is currently looking along. Rotate blueprints by pressing R (rebindable in the controls options).


Materials for construction of a placed blueprint will be extracted from the player's inventory. To avoid running out of materials quickly, an Item Provider may be used. This item can be bound to an inventory in the world (such as chests). As long as a bound provider is in the player's inventory, materials will be pulled from the bound inventory before pulling from the player's inventory. There is a range limit, however.

Here's a super-quick, temporary demonstration video. Will do a proper one with some explanations soon.

Note that this mod is currently in beta. Some things may yet change (the recipes, for example). But in general, you may want to tweak the recipes using the common tools to make it fit your modpack. If this mod is high-tech or magic? Well, I'll leave that decision up to you!

As of the first beta I only tested with vanilla blocks; the heuristics should be on the conservative side, so no blocks that can be added to sketches should break things, but if they do, let me know. To whitelist further blocks, have a look at the config directory, there's a whitelist, blacklist and more. Will write some documentation on those when I find the time.
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new day, new update, and today it's @BytesCode with VeinMiner Unlockable
BytesCode said:
Vein Miner Unlockable

This basic mod requires players to craft an item, in which they must interact with in order to unlock Vein Miner.

Modpack creators are able to manipulate the recipe for this item, to either lock Vein Miner as an end-game reward or early-game.

Default recipe consists of 4 Stone, 4 Diamonds and a Golden Pickaxe. Upon right-clicking the item, Vein Miner will be permanently unlocked forever (irreversible).

I do not own any rights to the original Vein Miner mod, created by portablejim. Found here:


and @alexbegt with Natura
Alexbegt said:
Natura 1.10.2-

  • Netherite Dimension
  • Every Decorative Item/Block (Buttons, Fences, Fence Gates, Trap Doors, Pressure Plates)
  • Blaze Rails
  • Netherrack Button, Lever, Pressure Plate
  • Netherrack Furnace
  • Saguaro Catcus is back!
  • Every Recipe was missing
  • Saguaro Fruit can be placed, but only by someone in creative.
  • A creative tab just for decorative items, which now has the stairs and slabs in it.

  • Crop Generator causing recursive chunk generation
  • Redwood Saplings no longer take over the world
  • Language issues regarding tools, the nether doors, and every new item/block added
  • Nether hopper being added when the nether portion of the mod is disabled

and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 1.10.2 - 1.4
Lots of things being nerfed. Have fun.

-Red coal power boost is now dependent of current generated GP. (Every 4 GP adds a +5% to the multiplier, up to a max of +700%)
-Increase base energy cost of Quantum quarry to 20,000 RF
-Efficiency enchants in quantum quarry increases the speed of operations
-Slime generators now require '4 slime + a bucket of milk' to generate RF.
-Rename 'Undeath generators' to 'Death generators'
-Frosty generators power output reduced by a factor of 10 (ice is cheap).
-The Frosty, Halitosis, Overclocked and Death generators have additional world effects when running
-Add new 'doom' potion effect (not brewable in survival)

-Fix scrolling GUI elements not being updated
-Fix buttons in Scanner not being laid out
-Fix rounding issue in generator recipes
-Filter slots and upgrade slots now get priority when shift-clicking
-Fix Quantum quarry issue with nether/end generator creating invalid chunks
-Fix builders wand not working
-Changed 'weak reference' collections to ignore custom equality/hashcode methods
-Improve error handling of mismatched block/tiles
-Improve tiles detecting of whether they are loaded
-Fix disenchantment JEI integration
-Shift-clicking in the Trash chest, properly deletes items
-Add crash reporting code for rendering methods
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new day, new update, and today it's @mallrat208 with Multifarm Crops
mallrat208 said:
Like Crops? Hate that you can't harvest them with Forestry? Great news. With Multifarm Crops, you can!

This small mod is a plug-in for Forestry that tells the Multifarm how to handle Crop Sticks. Ideally this should be handled by either Agricraft or Forestry, but until such a time as that is possible, Multifarm Crops seeks to ease the automation of all your 10/10/10 seeds.

To harvest Agricraft Crops, you need to use Emerald Electron Tubes set to a Manual Circuit when you are configuring the Multifarm.

and @MCJediYoda with Nether Overload
MCJediYoda said:
Spawn and Live in the Nether. This mod is in preparation for my Nether modpack that I am making with my daughter. She has been helping me with the Nether modpack and this mod is to change how the Nether looks. There are multiple Nether biomes. Villages will spawn in the nether and Blaze Tower structures. The idea is the only way to get to the overworld is via Overworld potions which can be looted from chests. This is an early work in progress and ideas are subject to change.

and @kapiteon with KeyBinder
kapiteon said:
Allows to bind keys on commands

To add command go to 'Mods'->'Keybinder'->'Config'->'Add'
To set keys on commands go to 'Options...'->'Controls...' scroll to 'keybinder' cathegory






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new day, new update, and today it's @Ollie_Lansdell with Practical Logistics 2
Ollie_Lansdell said:
Practical Logistics 2 1.10.2-2.0.2
Reset your configs.

- Displays can now be "Locked" allowing you to place large displays next to each other!
- Added Support for Ender IO Capacitor Banks, they will now show the entire amount stored.
- Added Support for the Ender IO Inventory System
- Added Ender IO Progress Time Support
- Added Extra Utilities Generator Progress Times
- Added AE2 Grinder and Inscriber Progress Support
- Added AE2 Crafting Support, ability to get the current crafting item from a Crafting Tile
- Added AE2 drive support, ability to read the bytes used and items used of individual cells or an entire ME Drive
- Added Big Reactor's (Extreme Reactors) support for Energy Generated, Activity, Fuel Heat, Fuel, Waste Fuel, Fuel Capacity
- Added IC2 Reactor Support, ability to read Heat, Max Heat and Energy Output
- When items are removed/added from displays the changes will be displayed a chat message.

- Fluid Reader GUI is now slightly bigger for easier reading.
- Readers now update every 20 ticks, this is configurable, however when a player interacts they will update instanntly.
- Transfer Nodes will now only transfer 128 items per second.
- The Guide GUI is now much larger, fixing issues with Font not being able to render properly at 0.75 scale.

- Complete rewrite on network system, fixing multiple memory leaks.
- Packet efficiency has been increased, better server performance.
- Inventory Renderering has been optimising, better client performance.
- Wireless Storage Reader will no longer be inserted when pressing "Dump Player Inventory"
- Array's will now send their inventory contents to the client (so their contents will be displayed properly)
- Entity Nodes will now connect to entities more efficiently and update every 20 ticks.
- Refined Storage and Applied Energistics Connectivity has been optimised, they will now ONLY be updated when a player clicks a screen or reader, due to massive server hits.
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @tterrag1098 with Chisel
tterrag1098 said:
Chisel 1.10.2-
Chisel MC1.10.2-


- Concrete Powder and Concrete Blocks.
- Coal, Charcoal, and Coke Fuel blocks. They are usable in furnaces.
- Drop Concrete Powder into Water to make Concrete Blocks. Just Add Water?!
- Reversable Crafting for Metal Blocks (Block -> 9 Ingots)

- Fixed a few Lang Problems
- Fixed NEI crash

- HOTIFX: Fixed ArrayOutOfBoundsException related to recipes

and @ostpol with Magic Mirror
ostpol said:
This mod just adds the Magic Mirror form Terraria to Minecraft.

Right Click the Mirror to Teleport to the World Spawn. If you slept in a bed it will teleport you to your bed.


and @sora_suke with ModListGenerator
sora_suke said:
日本向け(Minecraft Unofficial Japan Users Forum): Herehttps://minecraft.curseforge.com/li...m.minecraftuser.jp/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29713

・Sora_suke's License For Minecraft Mod Version1.0
・The license may be changed!

· Please report any bugs.
Please make a minimum verification before reporting.
· It is not necessarily correctable.

*About this MOD.
・This mod generates mod list to "modlistgenerator".
Spoiler (click to hide)
ModListGenerator Version1.0
Sun Apr 16 12:02:11 JST 2017
8 mods loaded.
ModID, ModName, Version
mcp, Minecraft Coder Pack, 9.19
FML, Forge Mod Loader,
Forge, Minecraft Forge,
ccl-entityhook, ccl-entityhook, 1.0
morematerialsandutilities, MoreMaterialsAndUtilities, 0.2.0
CodeChickenLib, CodeChicken Lib,
JEI, Just Enough Items,
ModListGenerator, ModListGenerator, 1.0

*How to install.
・Install Forge version or later.
・Enter this jar file in the mods folder.

・If you use Curse client,
・Open this mod's curse project.
・Press that install button.
new day, new update, and today it's @Corail31 with Corail Tombstone
Corail31 said:
Corail Tombstone 1.2.1
Requirements :

MC 1.10.2 & Forge

Current Beta : 1.2.1

Current Release : 1.2.0

Changes 1.2.1 : Light Version

  • Decorative graves produce fog only during the night
  • Decorative graves can have a soul icon over them (happen sometime when there're thunders for now) showing they can used for some enchants
  • You can craft a scroll of recall with a paper and a bone meal (but you need to activate it on a grave soul). It'll allow you to teleport to the decorative grave
  • You can upgrade the grave key with a right click a soul grave too
  • There's a new line of achievements
  • A whitelist of blocks in json has been add to the config files to set yourself the blocks that the tombstone can replace when you die (usefull for add grasstall, deadbush, etc)
  • Tooltip of the grave key has changed
  • Config files are stored in their own folder
Changes 1.2.0 : Light Version

This is a complete rewrite of the mod and how it was working.

and @pau101 with Augmented Interactions
pau101 said:
Augmented Interactions improves the player's connection to the world by animating item interactions.

Current Animations
  • Sheep dyeing and shearing
  • Flint and steel striking
  • Fire charge throwing
  • Cleaning dyed leather armor in cauldrons
  • Filling and draining buckets
  • Filling and draining cauldrons with buckets and bottles
  • Placing a spawn egg

and @mangoose with Infernum
mangoose said:

Infernum is a magic mod based around harnessing the power of the nether to cast spells.

To get started, look around the nether for a monument made of nether quartz and read the book you find within.







and @Tjkenmate with Brewery
Tjkenmate said:
A simple mod focused on creating Strong customized potions.

Use vanilla Items to create your own potion. Ever wanted a Haste 20, Speed 20, Regeneration potion? If you have what it takes you can do that!

This mod was created within 5 days for ModOff!

Requires Guide-API

and @legobmw99 with Better Than Mending
legobmw99 said:
Better Than Mending
This mod adds exactly one feature: the ability to sneak-right-click a Mending item to repair it with experience you already have.


Preview on Gfycat (higher quality)

and @Elec332 with Huds - Armor Status & Damage Indicators
Elec332 said:
The Huds mod is a mod that contains multiple, fully configurable HUD's!

Current HUD's:

-Armor HUD: displays your currently equipped armor and its damage status

-Tool HUD: displays your currently equipped held items (on- an offhand) along with its durability status

-Damage Indicator: when you mouse over a mob, its 3D model and health is displayed in a HUD on your screen

All HUD's can be enabled/disabled and configured in a config file, or with the in-game config, which can be accessed with:

/hudconfig show

If you changed the config file manually, you can use /hudconfig reload to reload the config file.
It's Railcraft with version 10.1.0 (Boxes, Switches, Metals, and Bricks) for MC version 1.10.2:

  • NEW: Smoker and Feed Station restored.
  • NEW: Signal Boxes restored.
  • NEW: Turnouts, Wyes, and Switch Actuators restored.
  • NEW: Spike Maul is used to swap between Flex, Junction, Wye.
  • NEW: Sounds restored.
  • NEW: Added a SkyGen config for mines for testing purposes.
  • NEW: Added Bronze, Nickel, and Invar ores and metals. (contribution by GeneralCamo)
  • NEW: Added Brick variants of the new vanilla stone types. (contribution by GeneralCamo)
  • NEW: Pearlized Brick an Ender Pearl themed Brick added. (contribution by GeneralCamo)
  • NEW: Rolling Machine has been restored. Should fix most recipe issues.
  • NEW: Added Manual Rolling Machine, it requires no power, but requires the player's presence to craft. Does not interact with pipes.
  • NEW: Added Messenger Track Kit, a track that sends a chat message when passed. (contribution by liach)
  • NEW: Riding and Ridden Routing conditionals replaced with the Rider conditional. See GitHub Issue #844 for details.
  • NEW: Placing a malformed Routing Table into device will now pop up the GUI to tell you it is erroring.
  • NEW: Sneak clicking with an empty hand on Routing device will now allow you to edit the contained Routing Table directly.
  • NEW: You can now disable Railcraft enchantments, and moved to Magic module.
  • CHANGED: Some of Brick recipes have been Tweaked to reflect various changes in Vanilla. (contribution by GeneralCamo)
  • FIX: Various IC2 integration fixes. (contribution by GeneralCamo)
  • FIX: Notepad should now interact with the world properly.
  • FIX: Charge Feeders should now properly respond to Redstone under all conditions.
  • FIX: Reduced Tunnel Bore log spam.
new day, new update, and today it's @LordSaad with Cranes & Construction
LordSaad said:
This mod adds cranes to minecraft, making building large repetitive structures a breeze!

The cranes can be of any length and height and are completely modular. They extract items from your inventory to build with.

and @gegy1000 with Wearables
gegy1000 said:
Wearables is an entry to the first ModOff modding competition. This mod adds many new wearable items, some of which have special functionalities and some which don't. They can all be colored and combined to your own liking.

Your first step in the wearable creation process will be to create Wearable Fabricator. This block is involved in creating individual wearable components, which can later be combined into wearable items.

The Wearable Fabricator can be crafted like this, with any type carpet and planks:


Once you have your Wearable Fabricator, interacting with the block will bring a GUI. From here, you can select components to create by clicking the desired component slot, and scroll through them by dragging the scrollbar.

Once selected, a preview will show up and an ingredient list will be provided. Input those ingredients to the bottom 4 slots, and the uncolored component item will be outputted.


Next, you can move to the Wearable Colorizer. This block allows wearables to be colored however you choose. This can be crafted like so:


From the Colorizer GUI, you can input your Wearable Component into the middle slot. Once placed, a larger preview will show.

The three sliders on the right can be dragged to change the RGB values for the currently selected layer. The tabs on the side can be used to select different layers of the component.


Now, take your component out and move to the Wearable Assembler.

The Wearable Assembler is crafted like this, with any wood or stone slab.


From the Assembler GUI, you can input multiple Wearable Components from the same armor type. (chest, head, legs, feet)

You cannot add two components of the same type, such as two glasses.

Once you've inputted your components, you will see a preview of your wearable.


You can either take the end result out, or customize it some more.

Firstly, you can apply armor to your wearable. Regularly, wearables do not protect you from any damage and do not have durability. When you apply an armor piece, the wearable will gain that damage protection and durability.

You can do this by adding an armor piece to the armor slot:


Secondly, on some components you can customize the Height property. This specifies and offset on the Y axis for an individual component.

Press the "..." button and it will take you to a new GUI. From here you can select individual components and adjust their properties.

For example, you may want to align glasses with your skin eyes.


To exit from this GUI, simply press 'Escape'.

Now, you can finally take the wearable out of the assembler and wear it for yourself. Once you take it out, it behaves just like regular armor. You can take it on and off like you normally would for armor.


Fancy, right?

But wait, there's more!

Functional Wearables
There are a few functional wearables currently in this mod.

The jetpack works as would be expected, holding Jump allows you to fly. Pressing Forward allows you to move forward at quick speeds. In survival, however, you will require Jetpack Fuel.


This can be crafted like this (shapeless):


Once you have fuel in your inventory, you can fly with your jetpack. It will slowly be drained, so keep an eye on the fuel level!

Wings work similarly to the Jetpack, they allow flight. Although, wings do not require power like the Jetpack. They also provide slightly slower flight.


Flippers make getting around in water much faster. On land, however, they slow you down.

As soon as you get into two block deep water, you will move into swimming position. Here you can swim fast, with the help of your flippers.


Night Vision Goggles
Night Vision Goggles work as you might expect. Putting them on at night will improve your visibility, but putting them on in the day will decrease your visibility.

Now, you may want to display your beautiful wearable creations. This is possible with the Display Mannequin and Mannequin Head Stand.

The regular Display Mannequin allows displaying of the all wearables, but the Mannequin Head Stand only displays head wearables.

Display Mannequin crafting:


Head Stand crafting:


The Display Mannequin can have wearables added through a GUI (opened by interaction), and the head stand swaps wearables in your hand with a single interaction.


This mod requires LLibrary. Make sure to install it before this mod!

and @Terraflame with Tartaros
Terraflame said:

Tartaros is a mod aiming at improving Minecraft's death system, along with completing the Nether world and adding new game mechanics based on souls.

When you die, you become incorporeal. This state allows you to fly, disable all damage and makes you invisible to the mobs. However, you can not interact with anything. To become tangible once again, you will have to use one of the following options :

- A Mercurius' Waystone

- A sepulture

If you haven't crafted either of those, fear not ! You can begin a pilgrimage to the center of your world, the famed [0,0], and stand there a few seconds to get a new body.

This is a very early version, so expect more ways to respawn coming soon, along with a config to toggle them as you wish.

Machines :

This mod adds two machines, the crystallizer and the soul extractor.


The crystallizer takes blaze powder as a fuel, and crystallizes various things, most notably ectoplasm into ectoplasma.


The soul extractor will sometimes extract a soul from soul sand previously loaded via right-clicking.

You can get the souls by using an empty bottle on the extractor.

To see all the other crafts, I suggest using Just Enough Items or an equivalent. Future versions will have JEI compatibility for the machines.

I told you about ectoplasm, but you don't know what it is right ?


In the nether, a new mob has been added : the wandering soul. It is passive, it wanders around, and it drops ectoplasm.

and @ZenDarva with Modular Machine Frame
ZenDarva said:
Modular Machines adds a Machine Frame that provides a 5x5 Module grid. You can socket Modules into these slots, specify the flow of execution (It always starts in the upper left slot). Each Module causes a specific event to happen, pulling items out of the input slot, placing blocks in the world, breaking them, smelting... etc.

Each modules tooltip tells you what inputs it requires to function, and what outputs it leaves in the machine frame, so you can easily tell which modules work together.

(This discription will improve after modoff is over, deadlines are wonderful things.)

The image shows a Quarry, that will also ore double and smelt any ores it mines for you.

and @McJty with RFTools
McJty said:
RFTools 1.1x-6.00

  • New API for storage scanner as well as easier support for old style IInventory
  • XNet integration:
    • Needs XNet 1.3.0!
    • New channel type (storage) that can be used to connect inventories to a storage scanner
    • Bypasses distance limitation that you normally have with storage scanner and inventories
    • Normal way still works unless you disable that in the config
    • New 'XNet' radius slider option in the scanner GUI to restrict to XNet only
    • New channel allows for more flexibility to set read/only status on input/output from various inventories

and @McJty with XNet
McJty said:
XNet 1.3.0

  • Support for direct insertion/extraction out of a storage scanner using the normal 'item' channel type.
  • Crash fix for facade blocks when used with blocks that don't have a proper getItem() in their itemstack
  • New cleaner cable textures
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent proper updating of network information when changing the network
  • Doubleclicking a block in the controller gui will highlight that block in the world (just like the storage scanner does in RFTools)
  • New upgrade kit to upgrade connectors to advanced connectors
  • RFTools is not required but if it is present it has to be version 6.00!
A hotfix release to yesterday's update: Railcraft 10.1.1 for MC 1.10.2.

  • NEW: Added reverse mode to Throttle Track. (contribution by Cream Tea)
  • NEW: Zap sounds and effects.
  • FIX: Fix crash when looking at an Admin Charge Feeder with TheOneProbe.
  • FIX: Fix rendering issues with Box connections.
  • FIX: Routing Detector and Actuator no longer call client code from the server and crash.
  • FIX: Add temporary crafting recipe for the Charge Trap.