What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @csb987 with Villager Trade Tables
csb987 said:
Like Loot Tables, but for Villager Trading

This mod allows you to create new villager professions and careers, and add or remove trades, using JSON files.
The mod comes with several new trades and a few new villagers to help get you started.
Create new Villagers!
Create entirely new villager professions, or add new careers for existing professions, or your custom ones.
Create new Trades and remove existing ones!
The mod makes it easy to add your own trades, or remove trades you don't like, with more flexibility for different trade options than vanilla Minecraft includes.
The mod supports trading items with metadata and NBT data, items with random potion or enchantment effects, multiple choice trades and trades with a percentage chance of occuring.
If you don't like the trades or villagers I've included, you don't need to use them. You can easily disable the built-in changes using a config file.
There's documentation on how the JSON files work and what options the mod supports available on the wiki.
Included Trades for Vanilla Villagers:
Spoiler (click to hide)
  • Buys beetroot at level 1 at 15-19 per emerald
  • Sells fishing rods at level 2 for 2-3 emeralds
  • Sells enchanted fishing rods at level 3 for 7-8 emeralds
  • Sells enchanted shears at level 3 for 12-15 emeralds
  • Buys flint at level 1 for 15-20 per emerald
  • Buys feathers at level 1 for 15-20 per emerald
  • Sells enchanted bows at level 3 for 12-15 emeralds
  • 25% chance of each of the following:
    • Sells enchanted diamond helmets at level 3 for 10-12 emeralds
    • Sells enchanted diamond chestplate at level 3 for 16-19 emeralds
    • Sells enchanted diamond leggings at level 3 for 14-17 emeralds
    • Sells enchanted diamond boots at level 3 for 8-10 emeralds
Tool Smith
  • Sells enchanted diamond shovels at level 3 for 9-12 emeralds
  • Buys raw beef at level 1 for 14-18 per emerald
  • Buys raw mutton at level 1 for 14-18 per emerald
  • Buys raw rabbit at level 1 for 14-18 per emerald
  • Sells cooked beef at level 2 for 5-7 emeralds
  • Sells cooked mutton at level 2 for 5-7 emeralds
  • Sells cooked rabbit at level 2 for 6-8 emeralds
  • Buys rabbit hide at level 1 for 18-24 emeralds
  • Buys poisionous potatoes at level 1 for 15-19 per emerald
Included Trades for Custom Villagers:
Spoiler (click to hide)
Brewer (Yellow Robe)
  • Buys sugar at level 1 for 18-22 per emerald
  • Buys brown mushrooms at level 1 for 15-19 per emerald
  • Trades one carrot and one emerald at level 1 for one golden carrot
  • Trades one melon slice and one emerald at level 1 for one glistering melon
  • Sells puffer fish at level 1 for 3-5 emeralds
  • Buys gunpowder at level 2 for 18-22 per emerald
  • Buys spider eyes at level 2 for 12-16 per emerald
  • Sells magma cream at level 2 for 3-5 emeralds
  • Sells ghast tears at level 2 for 6-8 emeralds
  • Sells fermented spider eyes at level 2 for 4-6 emeralds
  • Sells a random potion at level 3 for 3-5 emeralds
  • Sells 8-16 tipped arrows with a random effect at level 3 for 3-5 emeralds
Redstoner (Red Robe)
  • Buys wooden planks at level 1 for 15-20 per emerald
  • Buys stone at level 1 for 12-16 per emerald
  • Sells 8-10 stone buttons or 10-12 wooden buttons at level 1 for 1 emerald
  • Sells 4-6 levers at level 1 for 1 emerald
  • Sells 4-5 stone pressure plates or 5-6 wooden pressure plates at level 1 for 1 emerald
  • Sells 3-5 tripwire hooks at level 1 for 1 emerald
  • Buys quartz at level 1 for 15-20 per emerald
  • Sells redstone repeaters at level 2 for 8-12 emeralds
  • Sells redstone comparators at level 2 for 10-16 emeralds
  • Sells daylight sensors at level 2 for 10-16 emeralds
Tinkerer (Blue Robe)
  • No trades
Necromancer (Purple Robe - New Career for Priest Villagers)
  • Trades one zombie skull and 8-12 emeralds at level 1 for one zombie spawn egg
  • Trades one skeleton skull and 8-12 emeralds at level 1 for one skeleton spawn egg
  • Trades one creeper skull and 8-12 emeralds at level 1 for one creeper spawn egg
For more information, please visit the Minecraft Forum thread:

and @MrTutankhamun with Storage Boats
MrTutankhamun said:
Storage Boats 1.6
Added stuff:

* Added a boat with an Ender Chest!

* To add the Ender Chest to a boat, right-click a boat while sneaking!

* You can now add chests to boats by right-clicking boats while sneaking!

Fixed many bugs:

* You get the boat, chest and the items stored back when braking the boat!

* The storage boats now take damage from falling higher than 3 blocks!

* There is now no water inside the boat!

* You now open the survival or creative inventory after braking the boat while sitting in it, or sitting in the boat with a mob!

* You should be able to use half-slab docks with the storage boats now!

* When right-clicking entities no debug messages are printed to the console!

* Fixed a bug where storage boats that were created by right-clicking a boat with a chest could not be ridden in and were missing the paddles!

And more!

Thanks to all awesome comments!
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 1.11.2-3.8
  • Added: Luminous Powder
    • Added: Luminous Stained Bricks & Blocks
    • Added: Luminous Powder can be used to make the enchantment animation glow in the dark
  • Changed: Super Lubricent Ice now also works with other entities besides items (Like Players)
  • Changed: Increased Bonemeal Rate of Nature Core
  • Changed: A Nature Core will no longer plant trees in a 10 block radius around it (Leaving a clearing around it)
  • Changed: Nature Core is now harvestable with a diamond axe
  • Changed: Tweaked Purple & Blue Stained Brick color
  • Fixed: Model not found errors in logs
  • Fixed: Advanced Item Collector no longer picking up items after a chunk reload
  • Fixed: Players getting suffocation damage when returning from their Spectre Cube
  • Fixed: Lava Charm not working in the baubles slot
  • Fixed: Falling Blocks landing on a compressed slime block being broken instead of bounced
  • Fixed: Magic Bean Stalk breaking even supposedly indestructible blocks
  • Fixed: Water Walking Boots not working
  • Fixed: Returning wrong Dimension Type in the Spectre Dimension Provider
  • Fixed: Quartz & Lapis Glass not working properly
The Luminous Effect on Blocks is currently not working with Optifine installed, i'll look into getting it compatible later.


and @HellFirePvP with Astral Sorcery
HellFirePvP said:
Astral Sorcery is a magic mod focused around harnessing the powers of starlight and the constellations. Explore and discover the world and the sky above you; focus starlight to your will, strengthening yourself or enhancing the world around you.

The mod itself has an ingame guide in form of the 'Journal' which will guide you through the mod if read carefully (Navigation in the journal is via mouse drag + scroll zoom). Certain structures in the world are required for proper progression.

Important notes:

- This mod is currently in Beta state! If you encounter any issues or crashes, please report them on the issue tracker if they weren't reported already.

- Using 'AUTO' GUI scale is not encouraged as there might be scaling issues.


The mod allows for a multitude of configurations of certain features, as well as options for maintainance and stability. Additionally, there are options for mod version-tracking and built-in retrogen (which will actually work soon-ish).

Modpack policy:

- You are not allowed to make any money that involves any part of the mod; Excluding monetization in form of CursePoints from modpack downloads.

- You must provide a link back to this page in case you're using this mod when using it in packs.

and @Akzyra with Chisel Rods
Akzyra said:
Sooo, after way to many hours fiddling (damn JSON model system, but if you get how it works it is rather easy. BUT ONLY if you get it...)

I can say: It lives! But is still in its infancy.

Chisel End Rods

Experimental because:

  • for now it is just something I wanted to try, not too organized
  • only TWO rods are added. Black and (dark) red. More are planned. Posts suggestions in the comments.
Current ideas:

  • Dark and Light rod with colored bases on all dyes
  • Rod part dyes as well
  • Some fancy ones
  • Texture/color in same style as other blocks (Iron Base, Glowstone rod, .... many possibilities)
They work the same as vanilla. I can change the particles easily to other vanilla effects, custom ones are harder, but possible.

TEXTURES: I can create them, but if YOU are a artist and want to donate some, feel free.

Your name will be in the credits and the item description.


  • Chisel MC 1.10.2- or newer
  • Forge 1.10.2 - (may work with earlier versions as the mod is rather simple)

Have fun!


  • Chisel.team
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
XNet: Another new mod for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2:

WARNING! Alpha release! Backup your worlds!

XNet is a mod which adds a single type of cable: a networking cable. Using networking cables you can instantly transport items, fluids, energy, and information. The main focus of this mod is efficiency and flexibility. Efficiency in that it is possible to make huge cable networks (tested with two chests seperated by a cable of 12000 blocks long) with no lag. The cables themselves are not even tile entities. Flexibility in that the controller allows for really flexible configuration for distributing information.
This mod is still alpha.

Known issues:
  • Controller doesn't use power
  • Sometimes the network gets out of sync. Break/replace a cable if that happens
  • If a connector is not connected to anything you cannot see the difference with a cable (except in TOP tooltip)
  • Redstone mode for item and energy connectors doesn't work yet
  • 'Distribute' mode for energy channel doesn't do anything
  • Texture mapping on cables is not ideal
Missing features:
  • Advanced connectors to allow non-sided access and faster speeds
  • Advanced cables + routers to connect distinct networks
  • Facades to hide the cables
  • Different colored cables so that you can place them next to each other without interpherence
  • Fluid channel type
  • Logic channel type (to be able to handle redstone, enable/disable controllers and do smart logic based on sensor readings)
  • Wireless router
  • No manual book yet

I made a video about it:



Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @Baijson with Introverticraft
Baijson said:
Introverticraft, The Vasholine Edition!

Introverticraft is a Server side mod, created per request.
This mod applies Potion effects to players who come to close to eachother.


  • Distance, Duration, and PotionEffect(s) are configurable.

  • Found an issue? Use the Issue tracker to report them!

  • Awesome suggestions are always welcome!

  • Modpack creators are free to add this mod in their packs.

  • Read the changelogs!

and @Arekkuusu with Grimoire of Alice
Arekkuusu said:
Grimoire of Alice 1.10.2-0.2.5
* Added

  • - Hakurouken (Deflect danmaku)
  • - Gaps (Entities)
  • - Charm of Healing (Gives a small regen buff when in inventory)
  • - Murasa anchor
  • - Talisman
  • - Icicle Sword
* Changed

  • - Large Laevatein Model
  • - Jeweled Branch of Hourai (Change pattern)
  • - Larger Wind Bullet (And Blue)
  • - Add Sanae Wind Stick charging animation
  • - Sanae Wind Stick Moses Miracle
  • - Overhaul Sanae Wind Stick
  • - Dragon Jewel attacks all entities that target the player
  • - Eyes
    • - Split Closed and Open Eyes into 2 Armor
    • - Koishi Eye is created by closing the Open eye
    • - Wearing the Eye gives the desired effect
    • - Make models for each eye
  • - Better Nuclear Control rod model
  • - Show mobs in Sacred Sword of Toyosatomimi
Edit: This is the second file I upload, previous file didnt check for danmakucore 2.0, dont want to deal with it.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @lulan2 with ShinColle
lulan2 said:
NEW: Add Destroyer Princess and Heavy Cruiser Atago.
NEW: Add Baubles support for Shinkeiseikan Wedding Ring.
NEW: Implement in-game config gui.
NOTE: Some config changes require world or game restart.
NEW: Add ship held item display, can be enabled in ship's AI option page.
NOTE: The last two slots in each page are main/offhand item slots.
NEW: Owner can change the morale level of Combat Ration auto using in AI option.
NEW: Add exp gain effect to morale system.
NEW: Tweak Wedding Ring ability calculation, add immune to fire ability.
NEW: Take the no fuel pose as ship death pose and add death particle.
NEW: Implement advanced emotion system to all ship.
NEW: Hadal Vortex and Abyssal Vent now accept fluid lava again.
NOTE: For stackable fluid container like IC2 Universal Cell, it will drain the container with stack size = 1 only.
NEW: Abyssal Crane can transfer fluid to the fluid container in chest or ship's inventory.
NEW: Add Abyssal Fluid Drum, it's a fluid container with 4 different sizes.
NEW: Ship can pump fluid now, require at least one Abyssal Pumps Station in the equip slots.
NEW: Transport ship like Wa-Class will get exp from craning and pumping, the amount is same with picking item.

CHANGE: Ship equip, ship spawn egg, instant construction material and fuel item will not be extracted from Hadal Vortex in recycle mode.
CHANGE: Abyssal Waypoint immune to explosion now.
CHANGE: Tweak moving spray particle.
CHANGE: Volcano Block recipe now use magma block.
CHANGE: Add equips, grudge, abyssium and polymetal to forge oredict.
NOTE: If config: B:Polymetal_as_Mn=true, polymetal will become "xxxManganese" instead "xxxPolymetal".
CHANGE: Upgrade riding and holding item methods with the Northern Princess to 1.10.2.
CHANGE: Ship outfits and AI flags will be saved to ship spawn egg.
CHANGE: Nagato will become excited if DD or Hoppo is nearby.
CHANGE: Ship mob drop spawn egg only if /gamerule doMobLoot = true.
CHANGE: Tweak models and textures.

*************** DELETE shincolle/sounds.cfg to regenerate new one! ***************
CONFIG: Add ring ability setting.
CONFIG: Add max upgrade level by Modernization Toolkit.
CONFIG: Add ship death time (corpse remaining time) setting.
CONFIG: Add IC2 module setting. (but EU transport is NYI for now)
CONFIG: Add infinite liquid setting for ship pumping.

FIX: New player can add custom attack target properly now.
FIX: Abyssal Goddess can work on Magic and Dragon Breath damage now.
FIX: The DEF value randomly add -25~25 when attacked, not -50~-25.
FIX: The IItemHandler capability on all ShinColle tile entity is disabled to fix hopper extraction bug (until minecraft 1.11).
FIX: Tweak Hadal Vortex slots I/O: item can only be extracted in resource release mode. (except output slot)
FIX: Tweak Tenryuu and Tatsuta heavy attack motion and particle.
FIX: Fix lase/next/chest position of the Abyssal Waypoint/Crane reset bug.
FIX: Fix item dupe bug on ship craning and opening ship GUI.
FIX: Fix some sync bug in ship inventory, player can set ship inventory page properly now.
FIX: Repair recipe of Dismantle Hammer is disabled to fix item dupe bug.
FIX: Fix some recipe bug with Dismantle Hammer.
FIX: Ship will be burned up for a while to become ship spawn egg to fix ship dupe bug.

and @mariri2u with BotaniaVisualizer
mariri2u said:
This mod visualize mana of botania.

This mod adds an item and tooltips.

New item: Mana Reader is visualize to mana of mana pool, when right click to mana pool.

New tooltips is visualize mana in Mana Tablet, Band of Mana and Greater Band of Mana.

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.10.2-3.6.0
  • Added Storage Downgrade, limiting storage to one stack. Can be combined with storage upgrades. (Thanks uecasm)
  • Added Key Buttons, which can be placed on controllers and slaves and act like using a key on a controller.
  • Added default compacting rules for nether wart and red sandstone.
  • Fixed compacting tier MineTweaker API not working.
  • Fixed ore blacklist/whitelist/compacting tier options not taking effect when modified in-game.
  • Fixed drawer upgrade slots from accepting any item.
  • Fixed drawers accepting redundant upgrades.
  • Fixed the quantify text fade.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Animania
Purplicious_Cow said:

What is Animania?

Animania (0.9.8 BETA) is an immersive mod that replaces and improves the passive animals in Minecraft, adding multiple breeds, proper genders, new behaviors, and several new species.

Improvements include:

  • Better models, textures, and animations
  • Proper feed and care of animals
  • Improved breeding and more realistic child growth
  • More accurate behaviors and actions
  • New and better resources and products
New Behaviors:

  • For animals to be happy, they must have access to a consistent supply of food and water, and in some cases (like Pigs) need a place to have fun (like a mud pit)
  • If attacked, some animals will run in fear for an extended period of time and may act more unpredictably near you. Others may attack back (like the Bull).
  • If animals do not eat or drink, they become unhappy. They will move slower, make less noise, and will emit particles
  • Animals will only breed or drop their top resources when they are happy, so you are encouraged to take good care of your animals and their environment
  • Animals can be fed by hand (their favorite foods) and watered by hand (with a water bucket)
Making Friends:

  • The new animals are found all over the overworld, located in different biomes and biome types more accurate to their species and breeds (Animania is compatible with Biome Dictionary).
  • To make friends with the animals, simply give them their favorite food. See animal types below to learn more.
  • There are achievements for each breed. Collect them all and win big prizes. Note: Prizes equal the amount of sheer satisfaction you get from accomplishing things in video games.
  • New species and breeds will constantly be added to the game
  • All animals can use a lead (you will need it). A simpler recipe for Lead has been included in the mod.
Animal Types and Breeds:


There are five breeds of cows in Animania. Each has slightly different drops, resources, and attributes. For instance, a Holstein is known for the quality of its Milk, while an Angus is more of a Meat cow.

  • Angus (meat cow), found in ???

  • Hereford (meat cow), found in ???

  • Texas Longhorn (meat cow), found in Savannas

  • Holstein (milk), found in Forests

  • Friesian (milk) replaces default vanilla cow, found in Plains

Cow behaviors:

  • Eat grass, flowers, and some vegetables (protect your farms!)
  • Eat Wheat from troughs
  • Drink water from fresh lakes, rivers, man-made ponds, water troughs, or water buckets
  • Bulls may attack if provoked
  • Cows only breed when they are happy
  • Favorite food: Wheat, Yellow and Red Flowers

There are six breeds of Pigs in Animania. Each has slightly different drops, resources, and attributes. All pigs drop meats, some are better with Bacon, some with Roasts.

  • Duroc, found in Jungle

  • Hampshire, found in ???

  • Large Black, found in ???

  • Large White, found in Hills
  • Old Spot, found in ???

  • Yorkshire, replaces vanilla, found in Plains

Pig behaviors:

  • They love to roll in the mud and swim! Be sure to make them a mud pit and a little pond to dive into!
  • Take your pigs to a Forest and they can help you find truffles. Be patient as this may take some time. Truffles can be used to make very good foods.
  • Favorite food: Slop, Carrots, ...?

There are 5 Chicken Breeds in Animania. Each has slightly different drops and resources. For instance, the Orpington drops the best meat, while the Wyandotte lays brown eggs.

  • Leghorn, replaces vanilla, found in Plains

  • Orpington, found in ???

  • Plymouth Rock, found in ???

  • Rhode Island Red, found in Forest

  • Wyandotte, found in Jungle

Chicken Behaviors:

  • Chickens love to peck the ground, looking for extra food
  • Roosters crow in the early morning
  • Chickens can drink water from troughs, freshwater lakes and rivers, or from water buckets. Unlike pigs and cows, they do not consume a full water block or bucket.
  • Chickens eat seed. This can either be hand fed to them, or scattered on the ground
  • Chickens lay eggs in nests. You can either gather these eggs or leave them for the Rooster to help turn into baby chicks.
  • Favorite Food: Seeds

There are currently 2 ferret colors. Ferrets currently have no special abilities.


  • White
  • Grey
Favorite Foods: Eggs or Most Raw Meats

Found in: ???

More special behaviors to Ferrets are coming

(note: breeding is not implemented for Ferrets)


Hamsters come in many different colors. They love storing the food you give them in their little cheeks and following you around if you have food in your hand!


Favorite Food: Hamster Food

Found in: Deserts

More special behaviors to Hamsters are coming

(note: breeding is not implemented for Hamsters)


There are currently 2 peacock variations. Peacocks currently have no special abilities.

  • Blue

  • White

Found in: ???

Favorite Food: Seeds

More special behaviors to Peacocks are coming

(note: breeding is not implemented for Peacocks)


Breeding is only enabled for 3 animal types at the moment: Chickens, Cows, and Pigs.

Cow Breeding:

To breed cows, simply put an eligible Cow near an eligible Bull of any breed type. If neither of the Cows are in a committed relationship, they will fall in love and make children. Any two breeds of the same species can mate. By default it takes around 1 Minecraft day for a child to be born. The resulting breed is based on chance. Make sure you keep the Mother happy during this time. The Father must stay within a 20 block radius of the mother during gestation and birth.

Pig Breeding:

Similar to cows, simply put an eligible Sow near an eligible Hog of any breed type. If neither of the Pigs are in a committed relationship, they will fall in love and make children. Any two breeds of the same species can mate. By default it takes around 1 Minecraft day for a child to be born. The resulting breed is based on chance. Make sure you keep the Mother happy during this time. The Father must stay within a 20 block radius of the mother during gestation and birth.


To make baby Chicks, simply place a nest for your Hen (recipe below). If the Hen is fed and watered, and enough time has gone by, they will lay eggs in your nest (up to 3). If there is a Rooster nearby, they will hatch into baby chicks. Otherwise, you can gather them from the nest.

Raising Children:

As long as you keep your animal kids fed and watered they will grow. By default, it takes around 1 Minecraft day to become an adult (this value can be adjusted in the config).

Resources, Items, and Drops

  • Drops:
    • Pigs, Cows, and Chickens all drop special meats, some with very beneficial effects
    • Each drops their best only when they are happy (fed and watered)
  • Foods
    • There are four omelette types, each with different abilities
    • Some breed types have special Meat drops
    • Beef can be cooked whole, or carved up into Steaks
    • Pork can be cooked whole, or carved up into Bacon
    • Chicken can be cooked
    • Eggs can be cooked into omelettes
    • Cheeses can be made from some Cow Milk
    • Chocolate Truffles and Truffle Soup can be made with Truffles
  • Tools
    • Carving Knife: Used for cutting cheese and meats
    • Cheese Mold: Used to create cheese
We recommend JEI (mod) for recipes

Habitats and Miscellany

  • Troughs

    • Troughs can hold Water, Slop, or Wheat
    • You can either hand place these items in or throw them at the Trough
    • All animals can drink from troughs
    • Pigs and Cows can eat from Troughs
    • Troughs are compatible with Droppers and Redstone Comparators, for automation purposes
    • Trough recipe is as follows:
      • Planks, Empty, Planks
      • Planks, Iron Ingot, Planks
      • Stick, Empty, Stick
  • Nests, recipe
    • Nests are for Chickens to lay eggs, and can be made with 1 Wool, 1 Stick, and some Leaves (yes, you will need Shears)
  • Throwing seeds
    • You can throw seeds on the ground for Chickens and Peacocks to eat
  • Mud Pits
    • Mud can be made with 1 Dirt and a Water Bucket
    • Recommend at least 2 x 3 size mud pits for proper enjoyment
  • Pig Slop
    • Pig slop can be made with a milk bucket and any 2 of the following bread, potato, carrots, and beetroots
  • Hamster Food
    • Hamster food (made by combining Pumpkin, Melon, and Wheat Seeds)
  • Leads
    • Leather, Leather, Blank
    • String, String, Blank
    • Empty, Empty, Empty
    • All animals in Animania can use Leads
    • When you can’t build a fence, it might be easier to tie your animal to a post temporarily
    • Animania has added a simpler lead recipe, which is as follows:
Config Options

  • Toggle whether or not to replace vanilla animals (Default = replace)
  • Toggle whether or not certain drops or resources give magic effects (Default = give effects)
  • Set the timer for feeding, drinking, playing, laying eggs, gestation period, and child growth
  • Modify frequency of occurrence and spawn group size of each animal type
  • All entity IDs can be modified in case of conflicts
Upcoming Features

  • Draft horses
  • Ponies
  • Falconry
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Cats
  • Rabbits
  • Foxes
  • Chinchillas
  • Other Birds
  • Reptiles
  • Working dogs
  • Improved breeding (simple genetics)
  • Salt licks
Animania Credits

  • Original idea by RazzleberryFox, with inspiration from Purplicious_Cow and cy4n
  • Models and entity textures by RazzleberryFox
  • Item textures and Blender renders by cy4n
  • Development, AI, and animation by Purplicious_Cow

Many thanks to all who contributed so that people all over the world can play! You rock!

  • Bulgarian @JohnArmyTweetin
  • Danish Ruukas
  • German ACGaming
  • Spanish @4karion
  • Finnish @ItsTehi
  • Hewbrew @ren_doge_ + @ido102003ItsMe
  • Italian @SgtDarkHawk
  • Japanese SaziumR
  • Norwegian @The_Larsinator
  • Portuguese (BR) @AlgumSavage
  • Portuguese @AlgumSavage

© Purplicious_Cow and RazzleBerry Fox 2017 This mod (plugin, patch to Minecraft source, henceforth "Mod" or "The Mod"), by the terms of http://minecraft.net/terms are sole property of the Mod author (Purplicious_Cow and RazzleberryFox, henceforth "Owners" or "The Owners"). By default it may only be distributed on minecraftforum.net and curseforge.com by the Owners. They may not be mirrored or reposted with advance written permission of the Owners. URL shorteners or other attempts to make money off The Owners' Mods are strictly forbidden without advance written permission. This mod is not open source.
new day, new update, and today it's @gibraltarMC with Strait
gibraltarMC said:
This simple mod just makes it possible to place item frames on the bottom or top of blocks.

That's it.

Well, there are some things to note. Compasses will point the right direction in frames above blocks (i.e. on the ground), but not in frames below blocks (i.e. on the ceiling). That cannot be fixed with making Strait a core mod. Maps placed in frames will be represented by a pointer on the map that points south. If you want to make a map room that has maps wrap from floor to wall or ceiling to wall, a small portion of the map won't render because item frames are raised a bit off the block.


and @Shadows_of_Fire with Magical Map
Shadows_Of_Fire said:
The Magical Map is a new way to find structures in your world!

Simply craft the Magical Map as such:


Then, in an anvil, name the map to one of the allowed structures.


Then simply right click the map to find the nearest structure of that type. You will be notified in chat of the result. Also, a single player cannot map the same structure twice. Once you have mapped a structure, you can right click the map to be given directions, or look in the tooltip.

After the map has outlived its usefulness, you can use an Eye of Ender in an anvil to restore it to a usable state. Keep in mind this will still not allow the previously mapped structure to be remapped!

and @MrDimkas_Studio with Black Hole Storage
MrDimkas_Studio said:
This mod allows players to create a black hole and store infinite amounts of either fluid or RF.

To create a black hole you need:

  • 32 billion RF
  • Black Hole Former <- Dark Matter <- Atomic Transformer + 1 billion RF
new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Embers
elucent said:
Embers 0.200

- Archaic Bricks and Ancient Motive Cores, new drops from the Ancient Golem.

- Archaic Lights and Archaic Brick Blocks for decoration.

- Dawnstone Anvils for repairing gear.

- Auto-Hammers for automating the Dawnstone Anvil.

- The Tyrfing, a powerful weapon that does more damage the more armor your foe has.

- Sealed Wood, a decorative wood block.

- Quartz Ore, an overworld source of Nether Quartz (can be configured off).

- An Item Vacuum.


- Ember Jars and Cartridges now flicker visually depending on how much Ember they store.

- Ember is no longer per-chunk! There is now an all-permeating field of Ember in the world that changes over time, changing how much Ember you get. Use the atmospheric gauge to determine how dense Ember is where you are!


- A lot of stuff.
new day, new update, and today it's @Akkarin with Ballistic Missiles
Akkarin said:
Your favorite way of PvP is back in business! Shoot rockets at your
friends, make their bases fly miraculously or grace them with blindness - It's up to you!

A full list of recipes and guides is available on the official Website.

This project is open source - You may freely distribute and modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0!
new day, new update, and today it's @Ellpeck with MiningTweaks
Ellpeck said:
This is a very simple mod that allows you to change the hardness and the mining level of any blocks from the vanilla game or mods by using the config file or the in-game config gui.
The description of the configs will tell you how the configuration has to be structured to change the behavior of blocks.

Like the mod? Why don't support me on Patreon by clicking here?

and @Cobbs with Omega Craft
Cobbs said:
Omega Craft, the third mod in the TSON group.

Taking the technological side of TSON Craft and building upon it within its own confines.

Just as I did with Lord Craft, I take a stage out modify it and expand on it and then turn it into its own thing.

Omega Craft aims to do just that, to provide all of the utilities that people come to expect from tech mods, machines, energy transfer, energy system compatibility, but then to add upon this by providing those small differences that made TSON Craft's tech stage what it was.

We see the re-introduction of energy pylons as an alternate power transport system. Long-Range energy conduits designed to carry greater volumes of power over long distances. Proper machine side configuration and multiple output support.

Not only do I intend this mod to have all the features found within TSON Craft tech stage, I intend them to be implemented more effectively and also to be better in general.
new day, new update, and today it's @Darkhax with Get Ya' Barrels Here
Darkhax said:

This mod adds a barrel block to the game which can be used to store items and blocks. The tank added by this mod is completely modular, and can be upgraded to allow for more item storage! Only tier 1 tanks can be crafted, however there are upgrade items which can raise the tier of a tank. For a tier upgrade to work it must be applied on a barrel that is the same tier, or one higher than the barrel.

The recipe for the tier 1 barrels are a chest surrounded by stone and the material of that tier. An upgrade item is similar, however a slime ball is used rather than a chest!


and @Face_of_Cat with Villager Market
Face_of_Cat said:
Just place this block inside a village and it will give you access to all the trades for the villagers in a 16 blocks radius around the market block.

and @McJty with XNet
McJty said:
XNet 0.0.2alpha

  • Advanced connectors work. They can store more energy (and thus allow for faster transfer), can transfer items faster (double speed) and also allow for connections to other sides then the one you are really connecting too
  • Redstone control for connectors work (i.e. you can disable/enable a connector with redstone)
  • New facade system. Right click a facade block on a solid block to mimic that texture. Then rightclick/sneak rightclick with that facade on a cable or connector to hide it. Doesn't yet work for all blocks!
  • Raytracing for cables and connectors is now accurate. i.e. they are no longer 'full block' when trying to break them
  • Fixed a stability bug in the networking code. Breaking and removing cable segments should now work more reliably
new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Embers
elucent said:
Embers 0.201

- Ember Injector and Crystal Seeds, a form of later-game resource generation.

- Recipes for nether items and archaic items through alchemy.

- The Pressure Refinery, a means of increasing ember yields.

- A number of new crafting materials and ingredients, some of which are synthesized through alchemy.

- The Combustion Chamber, Catalysis Chamber, and Ignem Reactor, a three-part means of refining ember extremely efficiently.

- Small Ruins that will generate in caves.

- Better particle effects for all Ember generators, including the Ember Activator.


- The Ember Activator now has a two-second delay between shard consumptions, and a particle burst will make the consumption very apparent.

- Alchemy recipes for ores have been removed. Use the Crystal Seeds instead!


- Item Pipes, Item Vacuums, and Item Transfers should be a lot more usable.

- The pressure system in Item Pipes has been removed. I may or may not reimplement it one day.

and @BlakeBr0 with Mystical Agriculture
BlakeBr0 said:
Mystical Agriculture 1.4.2
Release 1.4.2


  • Added Chisel crops: Marble, Limestone, and Basalt
  • Added config options to disable regular, nether, and end ore generation
  • Converted the first batch of items to new 16x textures
  • Removed the confusing adjectives from the Inferium Seeds
  • Fixed Mekanism crops checking for the wrong mod being loaded
  • Added support for Botania's Horn of the Wild
    • It will now auto-replant crops harvested with it
    • Can be disabled in the config

and @Giselbaer with EasierVillagerTrading
Giselbaer said:
This is a mod for people who trade with villagers a lot. It does not add any functioniality to villagers, and it doesn't allow you to do anything you can't do in vanilla Minecraft, but it allows you to do the same things with a lot less clicks and mouse movements. Because of this, it can be used with standard, unmodded, servers, You should still check your server owner if they're ok with you using it, but as long as your server has a "no unfair advantage" policy, they may allow it.

When you open a villager trading window, you'll get a list of all item trades the villager offers next to it. This list includs enchantments in the case of smiths and librarians, and shows you at a glance which trades are enabled and which aren't. Clicking on a trade will execute it once, without you needing to move items to/from the merchant UI.

new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Animania
Purplicious_Cow said:
Animania 1.10.2-1.0.0

Release Notes 1.0.0

New Features

  • Config GUI added for easier access to game options
  • Child cows and piglets now follow mother
  • Cow and Pig Males now follow their mates after ‘falling in love’
  • Bull now causes knockback, and has custom Death Message (credit: Tschipp)
  • New Language: Argentinian (credit: @MrAmericanMike)
  • New Language: Swedish (credit: @goatzisgoat)
  • Different breeds lay eggs faster. Leghorn is the fastest. (credit: @MrAmericanMike)
  • Ferrets and Hamsters can now be tamed. You can tell they are tamed by the floating heart.
    • They can be un-tamed (if you want to leave them in safety) by shift-right-click.
  • Increased default timers for feeding, drinking
  • New config: Individually remove species of vanilla cows, pigs, and chickens
  • New config: Individually spawn Animania animal species
  • New config: Adjust chance an egg will hatch when Rooster is near (credit: GeorgiaGames2)
  • New config: Vanilla meats can be creafted from Animania meats
  • Optimized all graphics for lower ram usage and performance
  • Removed horns from Angus Bull and Cow
  • Brown eggs are now throwable
  • Pigs get credit for happy time in mud
  • Removed ‘play’ requirement for Sows to give birth
  • Spawn egg placement now in center of block (credit: Tschipp)
  • Arm now swings when placing spawnegg (credit: Tschipp)
  • Removed Trough space check (credit: xiinos… but be careful, it can overwrite other blocks)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incompatibility with Totemic (which required vanilla cow)
  • Optimized AI and decision making for smoother game flow
  • Greatly improved pathing for all animals (thanks @ProfMobius)
  • Cows and Pigs no longer fall in love with animals in a different chunk (credit: xiinos, long distance relationships are so hard)
  • Fixed AI issues causing animals to stare into space (technically they were hyper-focused on a task they could never complete… so sad)
  • Fixes to Spanish Language(@MrAmericanMike)
  • Fixed entity names for Ferrets, Peacocks (credit: Tschipp)
  • Using a stack of empty buckets on filled Trough only uses one bucket (credit: cy4n)
  • Rooster/Hens now hatch proper chicks (and not the occasional Leghorn for no reason)
  • Hamsters, Chicks, and Ferrets can now swim and mud (and not die) (credit: Tschipp)
  • Fixed some flickering issues with entity rendering
  • You can now use name tags on Pigs (credit: GeorgiaGames2)
  • Fixed some Sows not giving birth
  • Fixed crashing issue caused by Yorkshire Sow on some servers
  • Fixed Duroc piglet not spawning
  • Fixed issue with some emtities on servers causing de-spawning (credit: GeorgiaGames2)
  • Fixed Bacon recipes exploit
  • Like
Reactions: Lethosos
new day, new update, and today it's @mezz with ItemZoom
mezz said:
This client-side mod shows a big version of whatever item you hover over.
Great for builders looking for the right materials!

By default you can toggle it on and off with Shift + Z, which can be changed in the Minecraft controls.

There is also an unmapped keybinding you can use if you want to hold a button down to make it display.

You can change the zoom amount in the config or by setting the hotkeys for Zoom In and Zoom Out.


and @Epoxide with LootTableTweaker
Epoxide said:

LootTableTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker. This addon allows for CraftTweaker scripts to interact with the loot table system in Minecraft. The primary purpose of this addon is to allow players to add or remove mob drops, and manipulate dungeon/chest loot.

Documentation on the methods added by this mod can be found here!

Before using this mod, there are some very important things to know!

  • Due to the nature of loot tables, all the methods added by this mod can not be reloaded. You will have to restart the game for any changes to take effect. While it is possible to bypass this limitation it introduces unnecessary instability to the game.
  • Due to the load cycle in CraftTweaker, any script trying to access methods from this mod need to be loaded separately. For the script to work, please place it in /scripts/LootTableTweaker/. I would highly recommend making a brand new script rather than moving an existing one to this location.
  • This mod is in alpha right now, so new features are being added slowly. The ability to add things is planned!

and @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings 1.11.2-

What's New

  • Compass HUD! When holding a compass in either hand location information will be displayed above/below the crosshair. Trying for a more immersive version of the classic compass HUD.
    • The HUD cannot be moved, and will be hidden when not holding a compass.
    • This feature can be disabled.
    • Choice of 5 different HUD styles: 0-3 classic "bar" style; 4-5 compass rose style

  • Don't add particle to ParticleSystem past it's limit.
  • Player Blindness and Nightvision effect on fog tinting.
  • NPE loading config when block effect disabled.
  • Fixed block edge walk routine looking up/down rather than south/north. (The off-foot sound would be the sound below the air block.)

  • Cap the number of outstanding particles for a particle system. Attempt to address issue with high waterfalls producing large number of splash particles.
new day, new update, and today it's @Vazkii with Quark
Vazkii said:
Quark r1.2-82
- General: Quark keybinds were all sorted out to the same category.

- Building: Fixed stained planks being stone blocks instead of wood.
- Misc: Added the ability to press the L key to lock a rotation and block half for block placement.
- Tweaks: Wet sponges dry in the nether.
- World: Added Underground Biomes, as well as Permafrost and Brimstone blocks to go along with them. This is the largest quark feature so far, so please do check out the website to know what's in it.
- World: Stone generation is now biome based. Different biomes will have different stone types to go along. I recommend you delete (or reset ingame) your "revamp stone gen" section of the config, as the stone generation values have been changed accordingly.

and @Gollorum with Signpost
Gollorum said:

This mod adds two blocks and one tool:

  • The waystone can be placed and named.
  • The signpost looks like a single fence block. The players can register up to two waystones as destinations for every post. Once a signpost has a destination, an arrow-shaped sign with the destination's name on it gets attached. After discovering a waystone (right-click), a player can use every signpost with this waystone as destination to teleport back to it.
  • The signpost wrench is used to rotate and flip the signs in the right direction.

  1. Place a waystone.
  2. Open its gui (shift+right click) and give it a fancy name. Players can now discover this waystone by simply right-clicking it.
  3. Place a signpost.
  4. Open its gui (shift+right click) and enter the names of the desired waystones as destinations.
  5. Use the signpost wrench to rotate (left/right click) or flip (shift+left click) one of the arrows.
  6. Players can now teleport to the destinations by right-clicking the signs, provided they have discovered the specified waystone.


and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 57
- added RazorWire! It pricks and slows, and you can electrify it.
- added Fluid Concrete. Slows entities down and immobilizes them when it dries
- added a Potion fluid. Effects vary on NBT data. Works in the Chemthrower, can be bottled in Bottling Machine.
- added blocks for (almost) all IE Fluids
- added the Mixer! It mixes solid components into fluids to make concrete or various potions!
- added Turrets! Configurable targeting, currently allowing for fluids (Chemthrower) or bullets (Revolver) as ammo
- changed Floodlights to allow inversion of redstone control
- changed Charging Station to allow charging Forge Energy items as well
- fixed Bottling Machine recipes not consuming fluid and duping items (thanks Malte)
- fixed Redstone Wires illegally connecting to relays
- fixed ArcFurnace recipes causing NPEs when added through Minetweaker
- fixed JEI handler preventing Draconic Evolution for loading theirs
- fixed OneProbe showing components of Multiblocks rather than the MB itself
- fixed derped texture on Metal Press
- fixed side-solidity for Stone Multiblocks
- fixed the density of Creosote Oil. A certain Lemming notified me that it's in fact, denser than water.
- Translations Added/Updated: ru_RU (lex1975)

and @kroeser with Integrated Dynamics
kroeser said:
Integrated Dynamics 1.10.2-0.6.9
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 0.9.2 or higher.

* Add aspect setting to enable strong power in redstone writer, Closes #152
* Add operator to check if a player has an external gui open, Closes #139
* Add list head and tail operators, #116
* Add Immersive Engineering squeezer recipe for Menril Resin
* Add lazy list builder operator, #116
* Add list append operator, #116
* Add list count operators, Closes #137
* Add cansmelt and canburn operators, #131
* Add NAND and NOR operators, #131

* Simplify list contains predicate operator
* Add usage information to Squeezer tooltip, Closes #130
* Rename Named operator to To String, #124

* Fix lighting not updating when adding/removing facades, #149
* Fix dark display contents rendering when a facade is present, Closes #149
* Fix facade rendering on writer parts
* Make network element adding, removing and ticking thread-safe, Closes #148
* Fix breaking facade also breaks cable, #148
* Fix invalid Forestry backpack registration, #154
* Fix chunk unloading causing part containers with null networks
* Fix list append operator serialization
* Fix redstone reader not reading redstone wires in all cases, Closes #135
* Fix network resets calling add/remove listeners in the wrong order
* Fix cable dupe when breaking a part with other parts present, Closes #128
* Fix settings gui doesn't open on server, Closes #64
new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Animania
Purplicious_Cow said:
Animania 1.10.2-1.0.1

Release Notes 1.0.1

New Features

  • For pre-existing worlds, vanilla animals will no longer be remove Instead, Animania will now automatically upgrade them to their Animania equivalents, based on biome (credit: jprocket45, Greylocke)
    • This should fix the outstanding issue with existing worlds, servers, maps
  • All meats, milk, cheese are now properly listed in OreDictionary for use in other mods like HarvestCraft and HarvestFestival (credit: brblostmycrayons, BrisingrAerowing, InkDragon)
  • All Animania recipes now use OreDictionary ingredients for cross-mod compatibility (credit: brblostmycrayons, BrisingrAerowing, InkDragon)
  • Added new NameTag recipe (Gold Nugget + String)
  • Added French language (@Phyapple)

Bug fixes

  • Reduces the size of the peachick by half. It was just… way too big.
  • Hamster Whisperer achievement now working again (credit: xiinos)
  • Fixed crash caused by placing glass in crafting table caused by bad recipe (credit: b0bst3r)
  • Friesian calves no longer have a mysterious pink spot on the side of their butts (credit: xiinos)

and @MrTutankhamun with Storage Boats
MrTutankhamun said:
Storage Boats 1.9
*You can now attach storage boats together with a lead! You can also attach a storage boats to a fence!

*Banners are now behind you when you place them in a storage boat!

*Fixed a bug where an extra mob could be in the storage boat!

*Braking a furnace boat now drops a boat and a furnace instead of a boat and a chest!

and @andreid278 with ShootIt
andreid278 said:
ShootIt is a mod which allows you to make your own in-game photos. It works in singleplayer and multiplayer

To get started you need to craft a camera and insert into it a memory card (shift + right click with camera in hands and press "open inventory" button). Now you can make your first photo (right click). To view photos just open a camera inventory.

If you want to print a photo you need to extract a memory card from the camera and place it into the printer. Add some materials (dyes and paper) and get the photo item, which you can place in the world.

There is a mechanism of removing unused photos (works only in multiplayer), by default it is turned off. You can turn it on by printing a command /shootit togglechecking. Now photos that haven't been loaded by any players for more than 12 days will be removed from server.

Photos location: minecraftFolder/photos/assets/photos.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
First beta release of XNet for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2. This is version 0.1.0beta with the following changes:


  • First beta release of XNet
  • Several issues with regards to networking fixed. So breaking/placing new cables and connectors should now work nicely and update the network in all cases (unless there are other bugs)
  • New fluid channel for manipulating fluids
  • New logic channel:
    • A logic channel can contain several sensors.
    • A sensor can detect redstone level, energy, items, and fluids and do things based on the amounts
    • You can also look for specific items or fluids using a filter slot
    • Per connector you can have four sensors
    • A sensor can output a 'color' when it is active. There are seven colors (black is disabled). This color is enabled for the entire network (attached to the controller)
    • Multiple sensors can output the same color. A color is active in a network as long as there is at least one sensor enabling that color
    • All other connectors can now be enabled/disabled based on four of these colors. All non-black colors selected in a connector have to be enabled for the connector to work. This includes sensors
  • Connectors shut themselves down if the chunk they are in is not loaded
  • There are now four different types of cables (four colors) and connectors. This allows you to place adjacent cables without unwanted interaction
  • The network controller will adapt its color to 'one' of the attached colors and will remember that
  • The facade is more robust and will not crash if the model it tries to mimic cannot be rendered like that (e.g. brewing stand)
  • The controller will now consume energy. There are three settings:
    • Constant power drain no matter what: this is set to 0 by default
    • Constant power drain for every enabled channel: this is set to 1 by default
    • A power drain per 'operation' (item, energy, fluid move): this is set to 2 by default
  • A connector that has no actual connections is now rendered darker so that it is easier to see when it is part of a big cable
  • Fixed a bug in item routing which would cause it to stop sending items if it encountered an item in the source inventory for which there was no room

Download: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/xnet

Have fun!