NEW: Add Destroyer Princess and Heavy Cruiser Atago.
NEW: Add Baubles support for Shinkeiseikan Wedding Ring.
NEW: Implement in-game config gui.
NOTE: Some config changes require world or game restart.
NEW: Add ship held item display, can be enabled in ship's AI option page.
NOTE: The last two slots in each page are main/offhand item slots.
NEW: Owner can change the morale level of Combat Ration auto using in AI option.
NEW: Add exp gain effect to morale system.
NEW: Tweak Wedding Ring ability calculation, add immune to fire ability.
NEW: Take the no fuel pose as ship death pose and add death particle.
NEW: Implement advanced emotion system to all ship.
NEW: Hadal Vortex and Abyssal Vent now accept fluid lava again.
NOTE: For stackable fluid container like IC2 Universal Cell, it will drain the container with stack size = 1 only.
NEW: Abyssal Crane can transfer fluid to the fluid container in chest or ship's inventory.
NEW: Add Abyssal Fluid Drum, it's a fluid container with 4 different sizes.
NEW: Ship can pump fluid now, require at least one Abyssal Pumps Station in the equip slots.
NEW: Transport ship like Wa-Class will get exp from craning and pumping, the amount is same with picking item.
CHANGE: Ship equip, ship spawn egg, instant construction material and fuel item will not be extracted from Hadal Vortex in recycle mode.
CHANGE: Abyssal Waypoint immune to explosion now.
CHANGE: Tweak moving spray particle.
CHANGE: Volcano Block recipe now use magma block.
CHANGE: Add equips, grudge, abyssium and polymetal to forge oredict.
NOTE: If config: B

olymetal_as_Mn=true, polymetal will become "xxxManganese" instead "xxxPolymetal".
CHANGE: Upgrade riding and holding item methods with the Northern Princess to 1.10.2.
CHANGE: Ship outfits and AI flags will be saved to ship spawn egg.
CHANGE: Nagato will become excited if DD or Hoppo is nearby.
CHANGE: Ship mob drop spawn egg only if /gamerule doMobLoot = true.
CHANGE: Tweak models and textures.
*************** DELETE shincolle/sounds.cfg to regenerate new one! ***************
CONFIG: Add ring ability setting.
CONFIG: Add max upgrade level by Modernization Toolkit.
CONFIG: Add ship death time (corpse remaining time) setting.
CONFIG: Add IC2 module setting. (but EU transport is NYI for now)
CONFIG: Add infinite liquid setting for ship pumping.
FIX: New player can add custom attack target properly now.
FIX: Abyssal Goddess can work on Magic and Dragon Breath damage now.
FIX: The DEF value randomly add -25~25 when attacked, not -50~-25.
FIX: The IItemHandler capability on all ShinColle tile entity is disabled to fix hopper extraction bug (until minecraft 1.11).
FIX: Tweak Hadal Vortex slots I/O: item can only be extracted in resource release mode. (except output slot)
FIX: Tweak Tenryuu and Tatsuta heavy attack motion and particle.
FIX: Fix lase/next/chest position of the Abyssal Waypoint/Crane reset bug.
FIX: Fix item dupe bug on ship craning and opening ship GUI.
FIX: Fix some sync bug in ship inventory, player can set ship inventory page properly now.
FIX: Repair recipe of Dismantle Hammer is disabled to fix item dupe bug.
FIX: Fix some recipe bug with Dismantle Hammer.
FIX: Ship will be burned up for a while to become ship spawn egg to fix ship dupe bug.