and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
and @Quintinity with MobCages
and @MaincrafterDE with Solar Furnaces
and @MaelstromPhoenix with Beyond the Grave
BluSunrize said:Immersive Engineering 0.8 - 27
- re-added documentation on biodiesel (thanks Malte)
- re-added the Assembler! For all your autocrafting needs!
- changed the plantoil value for hemp seeds back to what it was in 1.7.10
- changed internal rendering of connectors to use vflip again rather than flipped textures (thanks Malte)
- changed conveyor belts to halt their animation when red
- added comparator support to the current transformer (thanks Malte)
- added a hacky workaround for WAILA making wires look bad (WAILA should fix this, but we'll manage) (thanks Malte)
- added a manual page for Uranium Ore
- added a proper sound to the revolver firing
- added the Tesla Coil! It will shock you!
- added the ability to allow Tinkers Tools to the toolbox, as well as a better API to allow adding them (thanks Malte)
- fixed sheetmetal tanks showing the wrong structure in the manual
- fixed recipe for leaded concrete stairs
- fixed gunpowder barrels exploding when punched
- fixed pipes not visually connecting to refinery
- fixed the arc furnace only processing one item at a time (thanks Malte)
- fixed the arc furnace voiding items if the first output slot is full (thanks Malte)
- fixed TESR render crash (I still totally blame Vanilla/Forge for that) (thanks Malte)
- fixed invisible molten metals in Tinkers compat (thanks Malte)
- fixed pipes not transferring properly (thanks Malte)
- fixed invisible wires on balloons (thanks Malte)
- fixed balloons not being placeable in mid air (thanks Malte)
- fixed bottles not getting filled in squeezer/fermenter (thanks Malte)
- fixed Skyhook pulling people into walls (thanks Malte)
- fixed Dropping Conveyors not dropping (thanks Malte)
- fixed entities getting stuck on uphill conveyors (thanks Malte)
- fixed scaffolding not beign climbable (thanks Malte)
- fixed the crusher still hurting entities even when turned off (thanks Malte)
- fixed IE blocks not being chiselable (thanks Malte)
- fixed maneuver gear dupe bug (thanks Malte)
- fixed furnaces not lighting up when using external heater (thanks Malte)
- fixed scaffolding not being placeable while jumping (thanks Malte)
- fixed preheaters not consuming power correctly and not having a manual entry
- fixed crusher crushing entities on collision
and @Quintinity with MobCages
Quintinity said:![]()
This is an update of a never-released mod I originally made for Minecraft 1.2.5 for a private server. I've recently began playing Minecraft again so I decided to update this mod and release it for everyone.
This mod adds cages which can be used to hold animals, for both transport and storage. Only passive animals can be captured, no hostile mobs.
To cage an animal, right click on it with a Cage in your hand. To free an animal, right-click on the cage with a Crowbar.
There may be issues with caging modded animals, since I cannot possibly test all of them. Submit any issues to the issue tracker.
and @MaincrafterDE with Solar Furnaces
MaincrafterDE said:This mod adds one solar panel which creates energy for modded or vanilla furnaces
In this mod you can store the energy which was produced by the solarpanel in every chest.
You can use hopper like cabels (It works perfektly with mods like buildcraft or hopperduct).
You can power every machine which needs coal with this solarpanel!
Crafting Recipes
How to use
Spoiler (click to hide)
created with mcreator
and @MaelstromPhoenix with Beyond the Grave
MaelstromPhoenix said:Spawn zombies with your items on death!
- Spawns a zombie when a player dies that carries the player's inventory.
- Zombies will equip your items on death. The better your armor, the harder it will be to get your items back.
- Zombies will not die to anything except for player damage sources to insure item safety.
- Inventory Backups: On death your inventory is stored and can be restored later using commands.
Please report any and all issues on my GitHub page. It is linked in the menu bar as Issues.
Detailed information about this mod can be found on the GitHub Wiki Pages.