What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @Ellpeck with Actually Additions
Ellpeck said:
Actually Additions 1.7.10-r1
  • Finally out of beta! ~
  • Added the Laser Relay, a block that works like a cable to transfer RF, only without the cable but with LAZORZ
  • Added Laser Wrench (Texture by MineLoad)
  • Moved server-side Player Data to WorldSavedData because ExtendedEntityProperties doesn't work properly
  • Made PersistentClientData less write-y
  • Added Booklet Priority Colors & Changed Selection Design
  • Added Valentine's Day Seasonal
  • Chocolate Toast (canitzp)
  • New AIOT Textures
  • AIOT Integration for SimpleOres 2
  • Changed Ball Of Hair Name to "Ball Of Fur", added Booklet Page
  • Added Iron Casing & Drill Core

and @Pocketpac with Beam Integration Mod
Pocketpac said:
This mod will allow you to chat to and receive chat from Beam.pro, as well as Follower and Subscriber Alerts if you are a streamer. Nothing else to it! Requires Minecraft 1.7.10 and Java 1.7 or above, and is a client only mod, meaning a server does not require it to run. This is still in beta and probably still has issues, so please let me know if you find any.


/bc MSG - Sends your message to the beam channel you are connected to.

/bcuser BeamUsername - Set your username to login with.

/bcpass BeamPassword - Set you beam password to log in with.

/bctwofactor on/off - Set if your login requires Two Factor Auth. If you don't know what this is then you probably don't have it.

/bclogin AuthCode - This mod will not auto-login when TwoFactor is enabled, so you must type this in chat in order to complete auth. Stays active until Minecraft is restarted.

/bcondeath MSG - This will send a message to your chat only, if you connect to another channel it will be disabled to prevent spam. Use "_killer_" (Without Quotes) in place of what killed you. This is ideal for bot ran death counters.

/bcchannel Channel - By default you connect to your channel, use this to connect to another Beamers channel.

/bcfollow on/off - Enable/Disable the in game follower alert.

/bcfollow sound on/off - Enable/Disable the follower alert sound.

/bcsub on/off - Same as /bcfollow but for Subscribers.

/bcsub sound on/off - You get the idea.

/bcleave - Drop connection to Beam.

/bcconnect - Reconnect to Beam if you left manually or after you set your Username/Password
Oh and this might be interesting to some. The coming of Pazinor.

Azanor Retweeted
Pahimar ‏@Pahimar Feb 5

GUIZ IT'S HAPPENING!!! cc: @Azanor1

New release of RFTools 4.01 with the following changes:

  • Added the TomWolf patreon dimlet. Remember that you can support me on Patreon (patreon.com/McJty) and get your own personalized cosmetic dimlet that way.
  • The shape card item can now enable block voiding for the quarry for some common blocks you might want to void (stone, cobblestone, sand, dirt, gravel and netherrack). It also supports ore dictionary in case you have such blocks ore dictionaried to other similar blocks:
  • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6733384231416c2e706e67
  • The quarry will now skip tile entities instead of destroying them.
  • Fixed a crash bug when the builder was given a redstone signal and it had no card in it.
  • Implemented a new owner dimlet. When owner dimlets are enabled in the config (they are disabled by default) you need one of them to create a dimension tab. Extracting that tab when the dimension is not created yet will give back the owner dimlet. However extracting the tab when the dimension is created will not. This way players can only make as many dimensions as they have owner dimlets. This feature can help for server owners who want to give the players the ability to create a number of dimensions. Just include one or more of these owner dimlets in the players starting package.

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/Minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @DarkCow with ICBM
DarkCow said:
ICBM 2.5.1
  • Added missile casing crafting
  • Added warhead crafting recipes
  • Added oil engine
  • Added coal powered engine
  • Added gunpowder engine
  • Added fuel engine
  • Added iron clock guidance
  • Added wood clock guidance
  • Added stone clock guidance
  • Added diamond clock guidance
  • Added novice guidance chip
  • Added guidance chip
  • Added improved guidance chip
  • Added missile crafting station
  • Fixed stack overflow for exo & endo thermic explosives
  • Fixed missing localizations

and @Dragon2488 with Mod-list generator
Dragon2488 said:
This simple utility mod generates mod-list.txt file inside your game directory, which contains list of all installed mods in format:

[Name] (modid: [Modid], version: [Version], authors: [Authors], url: ) Always presented: [Name] - The Human-readable mod display name [Modid] - The Unique mod identifier [Version] - The mod version Additonal (may be empty): [Authors] - The list of the mod creators - The mod thread url

and @nekosune with Thaumic Tinkerer
nekosune said:
Thaumic Tinkerer 3.0 Welcome to Thaumic Tinkerer 3.0 it will contain in the end all the items you know and love, and more, however due to 1.8 rewirte, it is still undergoing. Also including items from Thaumic Exploration now Currently Implemented:

  • Smokey Quartz
    Talisman of Remidium
    Cursed Spirit's Blade
    Stabilizer belt
    Talisman of Nourishment
    Ender Disrupter
    Boots of the Comet
    Boots of the Meteor
    Essentia Funnel
    Bound Jars
New release of Deep Resonance 1.0.1:

  • Started working on the lens but this is still WIP and not usable.
  • Elec332 fixed a bug where Deep Resonance failed to work on servers (placing tanks caused crashes).
  • Elec332 fixed a tank related bug that sometimes occurred when tanks were in unloaded chunks.

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/Minecraft/233398-deep-resonance

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @RazzleberryFox with DecoCraft2
RazzleberryFox said:
DecoCraft 2.2
  • 20+ New Models
  • Halloween Update
  • Model placement and storage GUI Fixes.

and @Cypher121 with Magneticraft
Cypher121 said:
Magneticraft 0.6.0-beta1
    • Optic Fiber and Brass Pipe didn't get removed.
    • Pulling items from Shelving Unit causes crash.
    • Shelving Unit: a storage multiblock that stores up to 648 (24 chests) stacks, has a search bar (Name or Ore Dictionary search) and is well-suited for early game storage.
    • Magneticraft is now available in Chinese (zh_CN).
    • Galena can now be processed by Magneticraft machines.
    • Multiblocks are somewhat safer to use on chunk loading borders now. Still unrecommended.
    • Inserters will now place items as space for them appears instead of trying to place whole stack at once and failing.
  • FIXED:
    • Infinite water no longer pretends it's an actual water block.
    • Inserters now properly interact with sided inventories.
    • Inserters and Block Breakers no longer crash when asked to compare NBT of items that don't have NBT.
    • Inserters now send much lower amount of sync packets, will significantly reduce bandwidth usage.
    • Ingot blocks now have proper pickaxe level requirements (same level as their ore counterparts).
    • Diodes no longer allow reverse current flow.
    • All multiblocks now have proper render boxes, no longer rendered when out of view.
    • Pumpjack no longer drains one block of oil without power.
    • Oil Distillery and Refinery no longer allow piping fluids in their output tanks.
    • WIP items and blocks that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

and @drekac with Halloween and Pumpkins
drekac said:
Note: I'm only 15 and this is my first released mod. I worked hard on everything: video, textures, this post,... and sorry I had to hurry since halloween is already everywhere. So please if you wanna support or just help me. Subscribe on my youtube channel. Thanks!


This mod adds:
- A unique biome
- New food
- New blocks
- New materials
- Achievements
- 4 new mobs
- New armor
- Masks!!!

New biome at spawn seed: 127849592680880424

For bigger ones look on images section! ^^^^^^







1. Angry pumpkin - Aggressive
Pumpkins filled with magma cubes, that will leave the pumpkin and come out for a fight if you damage them.
2. Mecha pumpkin - Pet
Craft a mechanical pumpkin that will fight zombies and skeletons for you! Won't move unless you bait them with roasted pumpkin seeds.
3. A Space ship - Aggressive
A mysterious ship from space, that randomly spawn in overworld. (It wasn't misspelled or anything ofc :p)
4. Cursed rocks - Unfinished
It should be able to spawn in world, move and look. But doesn't have any purpose yet.

1. Roasted pumpkin seeds - Food
Cook pumpkin seeds to make. You can lure Mecha pumpkins with it!
2. UFO part - Material
Dropped from Space ships. Used for a mask and crafting Mecha pumpkin.
3. Pumpkin core - Material
Dropped from Angry pumpkins. Used for a mask and crafting Mecha pumpkin.
4. Pumpkin ingot - Material
Smelted from pumpkin hearts. Used to craft armor and Mecha pumpkin.
5. Mecha pumpkin (item) - Summon
Right click to spawn a Mecha pumpkin to defend you!


1. Pumpkin grass - Garnish
Just an astetic ground block for new biome.
2. Pumpkin stem - Garnish
The blocks hold up huge mutated pumpkins.
3. Pumpkin chunk - Garnish
A chunk of pumpkin...
4. Pumpkin heart - Material
Found inside huge pumkins. Cooked into pumpkin ingots. Has animated texture.

1. Pumpkin armor - Armor
Crafted like any other armor, just out of pumpkin ingots.
2. Masks - Garnish
Halloween stuff! Used for scaring and all fun in general. Crafted with iron helmet in middle and above the mob's drop. (ex.: For skeleton mask-bone)

Thanks a ton for checking my mod out! For more check out my youtube channel. Have a nice day


I just released v1.2.4 which should fix some of the bugs reported above. Changelog:
  • Fixed infinite block duplication by disabling avalanches when EnviroMine mod is loaded.
  • Fixed small mobs choking inside sloping blocks.
  • Updated to Forge
This is also the first version of Repose to be open-sourced on GitHub, so you can see how it works internally: https://github.com/delvr/Repose
new day, new update, and today it's @mezz with Forestry
mezz said:
Forestry 4.1.0

Add branches and variation to trees
Show fluid color on the outside of machines with tanks
Allow rotation of Forestry blocks by right clicking the top or bottom with a wrench
Add Java 7 check to notify users with versions too old to work with Forestry (instead of just crashing)

Major Bug Fixes:
Fix trees spawning with default genetics instead of the sapling's genetics
Fix multifarms destroy Forstry wood instead of harvesting
Fix Alvearies get disconnected from pipes on server reset
Fix farm blocks can't be crafted
Fix machines are running slowly compared to 3.6

Minor Bug Fixes:
Fix particles for breaking wood items
Fix machine tanks on outside of the block don't update until GUI is opened
Fix shift-removing items from a machine always goes to hotbar
Fix gui tabs going offscreen on Large GUI scale
Fix bee life bar staying in GUI when bees are removed
Improve engine placement and hitbox
Fix chests kill grass under them, unlike vanilla chests
Fix fabricator temperature jumps when done melting glass
Fix fermenter does not process when resource tank contains less than 1 bucket
Fix ore dictionary registration for fruits
Fix fireproof wood can't be used in vanilla recipes
Fix the coolant ability of crushed ice is 1000s of times too high
Fix multifarm detects rain in biomes without rain

Mod Compatability:
Fix worktable compatability with TerraFirmaCraft
Add some stuff for WAILAPlugins
Make it possible for BiblioCraft Paneler to get wood icons (for future version)
Fix machine fluid handling for all kinds of fluid containers
Fix compatability with Highlands
Add recipe handling to the API for ModTweaker and GregTech 5

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.6.0
  • added a house for the IE Villager. He should be a lot less rare now!
  • added Electric Lanterns and Floodlights, which will consume power but prevent mobspawns!
  • added a Coal Vein to the Excavator, which can contain Diamonds and Emeralds too
  • added Wooden Barrels to serve as portable fluid storage. Wont take hot fluids!
  • added Sheetmetal Tanks to store large amounts of fluid
  • added Silos for large, single-item, storage
  • added Phial Cartridges to shoot potions with!
  • added particles and a molten metal animation to the Arc Furnace
  • added Achievements!
  • added HydrauliCraft support for Hemp
  • added a recrafting recipe to turn treated wood slabs back into treated wood blocks
  • added a bunch of canFill and canDrain checks because no mod developer but MineMaarten seems to respect the methods for them >=(
  • added a statistic to track the distance travelled by Skyhook
  • added EE3 compat back in. All ingots as well as certain materials and the bullets have an EMC value now
  • added Thermal Expansion compat. Basically allowing Constantan to be made in the Smelter
  • added Shaders. These will allow you to change the look of your revolvers (and other items in future). Think paletteswap
  • added treated wood as a separate block, added update methods accordingly. Fixes solidity issues and useability for carpenters and others
  • added Fluid Pipes! They transport fluids! (thanks @UnwrittenFun!)
  • added Fluid Pumps! They collect fluids and improve a pipe's throughput! (thanks @UnwrittenFun!)
  • added config option to drop orphaned connections (thanks @Cobra)
  • added Netherand Dense Ores support to the Arc Furnace
  • added a search function with spellchecking to the manual
  • added a headshot functionality to the revolver
  • added the Assembler, an IE autocrafting machine
  • added interdiction system to the Engineer's Hammer allowing mapand pack-makers to prevent certain multiblocks from being formed via NBT data
  • added commands to configure minerals and stuff
  • added Minetweaker support for minerals
  • added Jerrycans to refuel your drill on the go!
  • added the Bottling Machine to fill bottles, buckets and other fluid containers, also has a recipe system + Minetweaker integration
  • added config options to disable every cross-mod compat module
  • changed wire rendering to be ISRBH, improving performance
  • changed a lot of internal handling of the Energy System:
    • Wire Transferrates are now per tick. Wires can only have a certain amount of power go through them in a single tick
    • Too much power will make the wires burn away
    • buffed the transferrates
    • changed the loss calculations
    • added more safety to avoid CME (shoutout to @mindforger)
    • fixed priorities on indirect connections (thanks @malte0811)
    • a big "Thank You" to @theunkn0wn1, @mindforger, @malte0811, @Cobra and everyone else helping with the rebalancing! Dunno what I'd do without you guys :D
  • changed Breaker Switch, it has a new model and emits redstone
  • changed mineral distribution of the Excavator. You may lose your old deposits because of this
  • changed Multiblocks in the manual. They can now be dragged to rotate, as well as show their completed render
  • changed some of the NEI handlers to support GUI redirection
  • changed Graphite Electrodes to track damage via NBT data
  • changed the Engineer's Manual, restructured some entries into new categories and added a bunch of new ones
  • changed IE particles to run through a custom render dispatcher, similar to Botania
  • changed the Materials required for a Refinery. IE Multiblocks are a little too expensive some times =P
  • changed multiple machines to accept enough power based on their consumption config
  • changed big portions of the code to use less getTileEntity() calls (thanks @Cobra & @malte0811)
  • changed static parts of the multiblocks to use ISRBH in favour of the laggy TESRs
  • changed UpgradeableTool system to be more API based, to allow addon devs to make their own
  • fixed SideOnly annotations, should fix that Railcraft tank thing among others
  • fixed burn time of coal coke block in furnaces
  • fixed blockupdates for wooden poles
  • fixed MineTweaker integration for Squeezer and Fermenter (thanks @Yulife)
  • fixed a NPE related to homing cartridges
  • fixed a dupebug with Thaumcraft's Magic Mirrors
  • fixed many things about the crusher. Desync, animation issues, incorrect consumption of energy (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed inability to place metal decoration blocks while jumping (thanks @UnwrittenFun)
  • fixed output bugs with Squeezer and Fermenter
  • fixed Raytracing errors (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed broken wirecutter, one-way wires and wire-limiters not getting reset (thanks @malte0811)
  • fixed Coke Oven not stacking bottles to 16
  • fixed 'simple' IE blocks not being moved by pistons
  • fixed hemp growing further than intended by mods like ProjectE that do not respect the "canBonemeal" method (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed Lightningrod getting guaranteed hits
  • fixed wooden posts breaking arms that don't belong to it (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed side solidity on the Diesel Generator (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed energyloss exceeding 100% (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed transparency and light opacity for certain blocks
  • fixed Nether Ores in the crusher ignoring their config
  • fixed incorrect uses of CoFH API and repackacking the wrong package-infos (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed world data not getting loaded under certain conditions (thanks @Cobra)
  • fixed breaker switch updating at the wrong time
  • fixed Crusher not accepting inputs of specific size
  • fixed wooden blocks being non-inflammable
  • updated zh_CN.lang
  • added ja_JP.lang
  • updated ru_RU.lang
  • added fr_FR.lang
  • added de_DE.lang
Quoting it here since that's probably what was intended...

My son and me just released a new version of Not Enough Wands (1.2.2):

Version 1.2.2:
  • Fixed a problem with the building wand in row mode where it would fail to extend 2-wide walls
  • The building and swapping wand will no longer consume or replace blocks in the inventory if you are in creative mode

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/Minecraft/235595-not-enough-wands

Have fun!
Fork of Realistic Fluid Overhaul

EDIT: Link now goes to the download page, rather than to the file itself.

* Adds "/enableflow <true|false>" to turn flowing fluid on/off. Defaults to off on server start. Note that anything other than "true" is taken to be "false"
* Adds "/deflood" to attempt removal of extra flowing fluid on top of mod fluid. Primary intent: Streams, during initial worldgen, generate massive surplus water.
* Absorption rate of flowing fluid into mod fluid can be tweaked in config file. Default rate will prevent flooding in most (almost all?) cases, but you might want infinite watergen for steam engines, or hydro dams, etc.

Although it's labeled as "alpha", this should now be at least as, and maybe more stable than, 4Head's old release.

EDIT: 7 likes? Gee, that's a big encouragement :-)
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @mangoose with Arcane Engineering
mangoose said:

Arcane Engineering is a crossover mod for Thaumcraft and Immersive Engineering which aims to add useful and non-OP features to the game.


  • Thaumium Drill Head
  • Void Drill Head
  • Upgradeable Treated Wood Wands
  • Wand Upgrades
  • Steel and Electrum Wand Caps, which proide a unique bonus to treated wood wands
  • Impulse Boots (consume biodiesel to propel the player upward, like a jetpack)
  • Node Destabilizer (consumes RF to make nodes hungry)
Spoiler (click to hide)

Planned Features:

  • Power generation
  • Bullets
  • Automatons

Thanks to:

  • Azanor, for making thaumcraft
  • BluSunrize and DamienHazard for making immersive engineering (which I also borrowed some code from)
  • HuggableCreep, for making the model and texture for the destabilizer

and @Lilylicious with Thaumic Equivalence
Lilylicious said:
Thaumic Equivalence 1.0.3
  • NEW: Research, research, research!
  • NEW: Recipes, recipes, recipes!
  • NEW: Hard mode finished. Puts ProjectE behind a Thaumcraft research barrier, as well as altering recipes of ProjectE. Enable it in configs!
  • NOTE: Recipes are subject to future change and balancing. Especially the aspects. Suggestions welcome!

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.1.6a
  • Added:
    • Runic Steel Storage Block
    • Magical Chalk Recipe using Ars Magica 2 Chalk
    • Config to edit texture of Bricks, Pillars, Lamps, and Keyhols
    • 16x Textures for some blocks, disabled by default
    • Configuration option to whitelist which items can be worn on the feet to prevent traps from harming players in the config
    • Brand new room
    • Config to allow users to customize chest loot per room type
    • A ladder in the library, just in case you needed to reach that really high book.
    • 3-Way Corridor
    • Hallway
  • Changed:
    • Unbreakable Dungeon Bricks are now only one block
    • Guardians now do more damage depending on the amount of players in the area
    • Say goodbye to ChestGen.cfg, as it is no longer used, use ChestGeneration.cfg instead
    • Adjusted Guardian Spawner texture to be less... strange
  • Fixed:
    • WitherBoss-Proof Bricks and Glass not being WitherBoss-Proof
    • WitherBoss-Proof Glass dropping WitherBoss-Proof Bricks
    • Players suffocating in Rotting Slabs
    • Belt of Flight allowing unlimited flight when not wearing it
    • Runic Pillars being destroyed on accident
    • Crash from Runic Guardian

and @bright_spark with Sparks Hammers
Bright_Spark said:
Sparks Hammers 1.3
  • Added config.
  • Changed default value for durability modifier to 6 (Can be changed in config!).
  • Changed default value for speed modifier to 0.6 (Can be changed in config!).
  • Added recipe for Stone Hammer Head which uses Compressed Cobblestone when Extra Utilities is installed.
  • Added hammers made from Manasteel, Terrasteel and Elementium from Botania.
  • Added hammer made from Spectre Iron from Random Things.
  • Added hammer made from Dark Steel from EnderIO.
  • Added hammer made from Unstable Ingots from Extra Utilities.
  • Added hammer made from Bronze Ingots from IC2 Experimental.
  • Added a logo!

and @kopc0801 with Forestry Fermenter Addon
kopc0801 said:
ForestryFermenterAddon is a lightweight mod (~5 KB) which allows to use items from other mods in Fermenter (Forestry mod) to get Biomass. By default config is set for TwilightForest and Thaumcraft 4 mods.

Config example

ModID {
I:"itemName, meta"=value
1. ModID - integrated mod's ID
2. itemName - unlocalized ItemName item
3. meta - integer (see image below)
4. value - integer, number of Biomass in millibuckets

To get these params install NEI, press F3+H in game and focus cursor on item.



For example:

Thaumcraft {
I:"blockCustomPlant, 0"=450
I:"blockCustomPlant, 1"=800
Tested on Forestry 3.6, Forge 1.7.10.
Updated AbyssalCraft to 1.9.0a:
  • J'zahar has a new model
  • The biome ID checker won't crash if the overridden/occupied biome ID is disabled
  • Shoggoth biomass doesn't spawn anything on peaceful
  • The spawner blocks in Cha'garoth's lair won't spawn anything if the closest player is in creative mode
  • The Dreadlands Infused Powerstone no longer infects the Dread Plague on touch
  • The mob spawner in Abyssal Strongholds no longer spawn Dread Spawns
  • Depths Ghouls no longer morph into Dreadguards when killed by the Dread Plague
  • When a Anti-Ghoul dies from the Dread Plague, a Dread Spawn won't spawn
  • J'zahar now has a death animation
  • All bosses now drops their special item after the death animation has finished (10 seconds post-mortem)
  • Asorah now drops a smaller amount of exp on death (same amount that the other bosses drop)
  • Engravers now rotate when placed (instead of always facing the same direction)
  • Added Evil Cow
  • Added Evil Chicken
  • Added Demon Cow
  • Added Demon Chicken
  • Added animations to the Shadow Beast (legs flail a bit when moving, arms swing when attacking)
  • Dread Spawns can now climb walls, and receives no fall damage
  • Added config options regarding Shoggoth Ooze (can blacklist certain materials or disable it altogether)
  • Fixed a few bugs related to Infusion Rituals and improved some sections of the Ritual API code
  • Statues now produce smaller amounts of Potential Energy, but can be amplified by Charms (Range, Power, Duration)
  • Added Monolith Stone Pillar
  • Removed old Crystals entirely
  • Added Ritual Charms (allows you to temporarily boost statues)
  • Added Cthulhu Charms
  • Added Hastur Charms
  • Added J'zahar Charms
  • Added Azathoth Charms
  • Added Nyarlathotep Charms
  • Added Yog-Sothoth Charms
  • Added Shub-Niggurath Charms
  • Added Hastur Coins
  • Added Azathoth Coins
  • Added Nyarlathotep Coins
  • Added Yog-Sothoth Coins
  • Added Shub-Niggurath Coins
  • Added Hastur Coin Engravings
  • Added Azathoth Coin Engravings
  • Added Nyarlathotep Coin Engravings
  • Added Yog-Sothoth Coin Engravings
  • Added Shub-Niggurath Coin Engravings
  • Rituals won't complete if the required Potential Energy quanta isn't supplied
  • Added a lot more Rituals (related to charms)
  • Added Disruptions (bad things that can happen around Statues and other things capable of manipulating Potential Energy)
  • Greatly improved Remnant trades
  • Remnants will now alert a Player if they already busy with a customer (for real this time)
  • Changed the recipe for Coin Engravings (Elder is now Blank + Ethaxium Ingot, while the others are Elder + 5 Shoggoth Flesh of the same type, and J'zahar is Elder + 5 Eldritch Scales)

Updated AbyssalCraft Heads to 1.3.0:
  • Added Evil Cow head
  • Added Evil Chicken head
  • Added Demon Cow head
  • Added Demon Chicken head
  • Redid the J'zahar texture to reflect on the new model

Updated AbyssalCraft Integration to 1.3.0:
  • Removed Morph integration (moved back to AbyssalCraft)
  • Assigned more Aspects to Blocks/Items/Entities
  • Assigned EMC values to all coins
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.0a

AbyssalCraft 1.9.0a is stable, eventhough it's labeled as an alpha (some of the new features are very incomplete, but stable enough)
new day, new update, and today it's @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.7-229
  • Added 15 new update flavour messages.
  • Added the Worlshaper's Sextant, a new item to help you make circles.
  • Changed the Flugel Tiara's flight time from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Fixed Shimmerwood Plank Slabs having the wrong step sound. (SnowShock35)
  • Fixed the Dandelifeon being able to destroy Bedrock and pretty much any other block.
  • Fixed the Dandelifeon being able to generate mana from cells ticked by other Dandelifeons.
  • Fixed the Enchanting with Mana page missing two pages. (AlterAkima)
  • Fixed the Lexica Botania Quick Lookup key showing up as Ctrl in mac instead of Cmd.
  • Fixed the Lexica Botania Quick Lookup time being dependant on fps, also made it 1 second rather than 1.5.
  • Fixed the Rod of the Skies being able to be used for earlygame infinite flight by item switching.
  • Increased the Narslimmus' mana buffer to not have it overflow when it eats a big slime.
  • Mana Pools should sync better when receiving or sending out mana.
  • Red String Blocks can now be rotated with a Wand of the Forest.
  • Sparks are now cheaper.
  • The Gaia Guardian's arena checking is now less retarded, circular and doesn't require skylight.
  • [API] Added AnyComponent, a MultiblockComponent that matches any non air block.
  • [API] Added support for MultiblockSets with an array with length < 4.
  • [API] Increased version number to 67.

and @codegreen with Caterpillar
codegreen said:
Caterpillar mod is a drill that makes 3x3 mineshafts for you. You can add or not add any part to customize your drill.

This also has an auto Updater (that can be turned off) that will keep this mod up to date!

This is a Beta (WIP), Server is supported at this time.



This is the drill base, its used for all parts


This is the drill head, its used to drill and has the inventory for the drill.


this collects drilled items


this add torches and supports for the mine.


this fixs lava, water, gravel, sand, and wholes...


this is the inventor of the drill


You may redistribute this mod for free, as long as you place a link back to this forum and give credit.

and @Azanor with Thaumcraft
azanor said:
Thaumcraft 5.0.2
  • rebalanced vis amulets to make them more useful with the new aura changes
  • players will now drop their gear if killed by taint poison
  • fixed boots of the traveler step height bonus not being removed along with the boots
  • corrected second page of levitator research entry
  • added more recipes to alchemical manufacture, duplication and entropic processing and reshuffled some of the existing ones a bit
  • arcane ear no longer requires an airblock above it to work properly
  • tweaked flux and taint a bit to make it a tad less self-sustaining
  • tainted nodes generated a bit more taint than intended and have been rebalanced a bit
  • taint can now also convert stone, though the tainted rock cannot itself spread taint. This means only the outside layer of rock will get converted. Tainted rock can be quite useful under the proper circumstances.
  • nerfed pure nodes a bit since they are theoretically a renewable resource. They will now have a tiny chance to shrink (and eventually disappear) each time they remove flux from the aura.
  • various arcane spa fixes (including once again being able to fill it with buckets)
  • squashed the infinite essentia bug with smelters
  • added a new addon block for smelters to help manage flux
  • fixed essentia crystalizer placement
  • enlarged essentia buffers tube hitboxes a bit making them easier to shift-click
  • portable hole should now properly close
  • fixed focus costing bug
  • taint fibres will now properly render on the south side of blocks
  • various other small bugfixes
  • improved excavation focus aiming and made it cheaper to use
  • research flags (gold star, green plus, etc) will now properly sync to servers)
  • a completion percentage is now shown when you hover over a research category

and @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 3.5.6
  • Added: Quartz Glass & Quartz Lamp
  • Added: Entity Detector
  • Added: Platforms
  • Fixed: Custom Workbenches "blinking" as oak before turning to their correct wood type when placed
  • Fixed: Model not found errors for Special Chests
  • Fixed: Fluid Displays & Crafting Tables not working with latest forge version
  • Fixed: Summoning Pendulum being stackable
  • Fixed: Special Chests not animating
  • Changed: Increased the alpha value of the top overlay for custom workbenches
New Flaxbeard's Steam Power version, 0.28.11. Now that I finally decided to set up my dev environment (for FSP, all my other Java projects still haven't been set up; too busy Rubying and CSSing and HTMLing) on the new computer, I'm hoping to actually contribute code to the FSP project.

  • INFO: Everyone welcome Blorph and Drullkus to the Aesthetics Team!
  • FIX: No longer use deprecated getPickBlock method (#304)
  • REFIX: Musket shots can go through tall grass and stuff (PaperTriangle) (Issue #295, Pull #303)
  • FIX: Exosuit things actually render/update when placed on armor stands and things now. This might also effect when they are worn by a player, but I can't remember. (#144)
  • FIX: Fix StackOverflow error. (hlaaftana) (#275)
  • TWEAK: Workshop spawn limit and weight are now configurable.
  • API: Util things are now in api/util. Developers, you'll need to update your import statements, but that's it.
  • DEV: Resources are now in their own repository in favor of GitHub submodules. Pretty neat
new day, new update, and today it's @XenoMustache with Iron Furnaces
XenoMustache said:
Based on cpw's Iron Chests mod, this mod for Minecraft adds a few different tiers to the already existing block known as the furnace. This version includes Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Obsidian furnaces, with each their own burn speeds for cooking items.

Planned Features:

- Copper Furnace

- Silver Furnace

- Crystal Furnace

and @LatvianModder with LatMap
LatvianModder said:
It's still work in progress minimap mod, it's lightweigt, can show claimed chunks, world border and spawn area from FTBU. It also adds waypoints, and all data is saved per-world, not per server IP / name.

Currently only adds waypoints, but ingame minimap is work in progress

WIP Screenshot:


and @LatvianModder with FTB Utilities
LatvianModder said:
FTB Utilities 1.0.11
  • Issues Fixed:
    • Claiming one chunk multiple times
    • Outdated pastebin link as badges file example
  • Added:
    • Configs for commands
    • Configs for Server Tops
    • ClientConfigs for sidebar buttons
    • ClientConfig for sorting player list
    • ClientConfig for right-clicking players
    • New icon for Server Info
    • "Unclaim all" button in Claims gui
    • /admin unclaim_all [player] command
    • More translation entries
  • Reorganized Server Info, so OPs can see config descriptions

and @makeo with Gadomancy
makeo said:
Gadomancy 1.0.3
  • Added ethereal familars + upgrades
  • Added golem core: bodyguard
  • Added missing Thaumonomicon entries (Thanks to BBoldt and Redcreeper63502)
  • Added creative node placers

and @Jadedcat with Jaded Base, Jaded ModTweaks & Jaded Charcoal Tweaks
jadedcat said:
Jaded Base
This mod contains all the basic stuff I use in my other modules. It also contains the vanilla tweaks I use in my modpacks.

- Adds bucket recipes for copper, tin and aluminum

- Ore dictionary entries for use in HQM packs for items that use NBT
jadedcat said:
Jaded ModTweaks
This mod contains the tweaks I use in my packs. These tweaks are based on combinations of mods being present.

  • Botania + ExNihilo - removes Terraform wand (giant piles of dirt not good in skyblock)
  • ExtraUtilities + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper recipe for the basic builder's wand
  • Natura + AgriCraft - removes seed bags
  • Agricraft + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper journal recipe
  • Progressive Automation + Iguana Tweaks- adds a cobblegen upgrade recipe using clay buckets
  • BloodMagic + ExNihilo - adds spawn egg recipes
  • BloodMagic + HQM - adds a heart recipe
  • BloodMagic + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper sacrificial knife and altar recipe using flint
  • Harvestcraft+IguanaTinkerTweaks - adds claybucket recipe for fresh water
  • Harvestcraft + Botania - adds flour recipes to the botania mortar
  • Harvestcraft - adds a recipe for potato flour
  • MFR+ Thaumcraft or RedstoneArsenal or ThermalExpansion or TiConstruct or Botania in any combination - changes the machine upgrade recipes
  • ThermalExpansion - adds a recipe for Mithril ore
  • SolarFlux+ThermalExpansion - changes the mirror recipe to use silver
  • TinkersConstruct+ Thaumcraft - adds recipes for heart canisters
  • TConstruct+ExtraUtilities - makes spikes require a smeltery for metal
  • Harvestcraft + IguanaTinkerTweaks - makes the pot and saucepan use a smeltery for crafting.
  • TConstruct + AE2 - uses the wooden gear for making the gear cast.
  • Thaumcraft - adds a new aspect
  • Thaumcraft + RecallStones - changes the recall stone recipes to use arcane crafting
  • Thaumcraft + ExNihilo + ForbiddenMagic - adds crucible recipes for FM shards
  • Thaumcraft + CustomNpcs - adds recipes for some items, used for quests in AS2.
jadedcat said:
Jaded Charcoal Tweaks
Meant to be used in combination with packs using Tinker's Tweaks to change what axe material is used to harvest wood.

You will need Jaded Base mod, Minecraft and Forge 1360+. If Forestry , Thermal Expansion and/or Natura are present, it will also add compatibility with those mods.

Changes charcoal output of logs when smelted.

Log Types Included:


- Natura

- Forestry

Furnace Types Included:

- Vanilla

- Thermal Expansion

and @McJty with Deep Resonance
McJty said:
Deep Resonance 1.1.0beta1
  • Added the experimental lens and laser system to infuse liquids to get up to 20000 RF/tick
  • Some fixes and stuff
  • New test item (creative only) to add 100mb of RCL to a tank
The first alpha version of the new Totemic is released!

Totemic is very different now than it used to be. There are ceremonies, music and more naturey stuff to check out (the forum threads are currently outdated).
However this is an early version. Some things are missing, it is probably unbalanced and possibly unstable. Use at your own risk.