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Crafters: Reinforcements [1.8]

(Please Keep in mind that this is a WIP mod, so there might be some bugs)

I this mod you can reinforce your tools and weapons to make them sharper and stronger! (except for shovels)

This Will be a series of mods that will have to do with all sorts of crafting. If you have any suggestions, please comment below

and I will be sure to check them. I will be making more to this series, to stay in touch!

Crafting Recipes:

(for pictures, check the images)

Spoiler (click to hide)

Pickaxe Recipes:


you just have to surround a Wooden Pickaxe with 4 leather.


you just have to surround a Wooden Pickaxe with 4 flint


you just have to surround a Wooden Pickaxe with 4 gold ingot

Spoiler (click to hide)

Sword Recipes:


you just surround a Wooden Sword with 4 leather


you just surround a Stone Sword with 4 flint


you just surround a Iron Sword with 4 gold ingots

Spoiler (click to hide)

Axe Recipes:


you just surround a Wooden Axe with 4 leather


you just surround a Stone Axe with 4 flint


you just surround a Iron Axe with 4 gold ingots

Spoiler (click to hide)

Armor Recipes:


you just surround the piece of armor with 2 leather and 2 wooden planks

A new version! 1.1!


  • Fixed the Crafting Bug

You have to craft the swords with full durability

Botanical Addons

Botanical Addons

In mystical flowers, lies the essence of color. This essence, when extracted, has another name.


The power of Heimdall, lord of the Bifrost, is manifest in Iridescence. This essence can be infused into various mundane materials, making them into a spectacle to behold.


This can be created either by crafting, or by the Rod of the Iridescence.


Grass and trees can be grown upon this dirt, as well as any mundane variety of crop that can survive on Farmland.




Using the Priestly Emblem: Sif, you bind yourself to the goddess of Earth. By this, your range for using the Rod of the Iridescence extends to the fullest of your reach.



The power of Thor, god of Thunder, is manifest in Ender Air. You can call it forth with the Rod of the Thundercaller.


Charge up...


And watch it wreak havoc!


Using Manatide Prowess and the Ring of Thor will increase the power of the rod. To more potently increase it, you can use the Priestly Emblem: Thor.


  • Requires Botania - 227
Botanical Addons by L0neKitsune and Wire Segal is licensed under the Botania License.

All source code and assets are available on GitHub

Added Sif's Emblem

Rebuffed Rod of the Thundercaller

IC2 Wrench Plugin

This Addon/Plugin is a split of From IC2 Classic (So do not use it with IC2 Classic!)

What does this plugin/addon?

It simply adds a Wrench Simulator which allows you to use other Modded wrenches on IC2 Machines.

The supported Wrench Types are (Known):

-IToolWrench (BuildCraft) (Railcraft)

-ITool (EnderIO)

-IAEWrench (Applied Energistics 2)

So simply when this mod is installed you can a BC wrench on IC2 Machines.

only note is:

This is only a 1 way Wrench Method, So you can not use IC2 Wrenches on other Machines that are not from IC2/Addons

Also IC2 Classic provides an API which allows you to register your own Wrenches to it so that you can support IC2 Exp and IC2 Classic.


-The only config you have is: Are tools in lossless mode or not.

Updated IC2 Classic API.

No longer should be a problem with the latest version of Nei Crop Plugin.

Malisis Core

MalisisCore is framework designed to help develop mods. It covers :

  • Rendering

  • Animation

  • Graphical User Interface

  • New easy to use Inventory management

  • ASM

  • Helper classes for Entities, Items etc..
Currently used for [1.7.2/1.7.10][Forge] MalisisDoors 1.7.2-1.8.2.

Currently used for [1.7.2/1.7.10][Forge] Do It Yourself Decorative Blocks 1.7.10-1.3

Currently used for [1.7.2/1.7.10][Forge] MalisisAdvert 1.7.10-0.4

basic update

Malisis Doors

This mod adds new animations for doors, trap doors and fence gates.

It adds new several doors like glass doors, jail doors, laboratory doors, factory doors and garage doors that all have different and original animations.

You can also entirely build your doors with a machine that lets you chose the way it looks and the way it moves.

For detailed information about all blocks and recipes, please visit MalisisDoors 1.8-2.0 / 1.7.10-1.11.0 thread on Minecraftforum

Warning : the mod requires MalisisCore

- Added wooden trapdoors.

- Added colored curtains.

- Fixed crash when placing a Rusty Hatch against some blocks.

- Fixed crash caused by NEI trying to render some items.

- Fixed multiple crashes on dedicated server.

Logistics Pipes

Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allows for better distribution of items via pipes, more organised stockkeeping and easier automated crafting.

This Logistics Pipes is universal. That means you can use it in singleplayer and multiplayer.

You need Minecraft Forge and BuildCraft to run it, but we also added features to collaborate with a few other mods.

The mod is contributed under the mmpl

joshua: Improve Storage Drawers Integration- Polymorphic joshuavillwo: Prevent null when getItems has something getItemsAndCount doesn't

SuperEnchants v0.5

This mod requires Minecraft Forge.

(Recommended: or higher.)


SuperEnchants now has a configuration!

SuperEnchants allows you to enchant tools and weapons to higher levels without the usage of any new modifications or hacks. Please note that these enchants are rare to minimize the overpowered-ness of the enchantments.

Low enchantment levels (e.g. 15) will hardly ever yield you increased enchantments.

High enchantments levels (30) will usually yield you increased enchantments but still at a seldom ratio.

Enchantment Increases / Changes

Sharpness Levels up to 10 [X]

Fire Aspect Levels up to 10 [X]

Looting Levels up to 5 [V]

Knockback Levels up to 5 [V]

Efficiency Levels up to 10 [X]

Unbreaking Levels up to 10 [X]

Fortune Levels up to 5 [V]

Protection Levels up to 10 [X]

Projectile Protection Levels up to 10 [X]

Blast Protection Levels up to 10 [X]

Feather Falling Levels up to 10 [X]

Thorns Levels up to 5 [V]

Power Levels up to 10 [X]

Punch Levels up to 5 [V]

In-Game Account Switcher

This is a completely recoded version of Ingame Account Switcher by Elvm.

deFENCE_ did the recoding from scratch, now we both maintain and improve the mod.


In-Game Account Switcher allows you to change your account in-game without restarting Minecraft.

There is now an addon for In-Game Account Switcher, Unified Mode! It adjusts it so your account list is synced between all modpacks using In-Game Account Switcher and Unified Mode. I highly recommend using it, but I won't force it. That is why it is an addon instead of a part of the main mod.

Other Locations:

In-Game Account Switcher on my website

In-Game Account Switcher on the Minecraft Forum(thread maintained by deFENCE_)

In-Game Account Switcher on Curse

Source Code

Featured in Modpacks:

Improved Vanilla Client(1.8)


You can use this mod in any of your modpacks and redistribute it as long as you include a link to this thread in your modpack.


100% Complete

Game Version:

Minecraft 1.8


Account, Ingame, Improvement, Client Side, Gui, Functional


deFENCE_ is the other author

Reborn Core

RebornCore is a core library mod used in TechReborn and other mods. It allows us to ship less duplicate class files, keeping ram usage and bugs to a minimum.

It includes helper classes for:

    • Fuel power allows us to add power values to fuel
    • Custom tool tip api, allows us to easily add tooltips to walia and the item stack.
    • Custom slots, allows use to have custom slots. E.g that only allow the player to remove items
    • In world multi block placer helper, allows the player to see the shape of a multi block in world
    • Connected texture generator, allows us to generate connected textures at runtime.
It also includes Jtraits by @amadornes

JTraits allows us to easily support multiple energy api (EU and RF)in a clean and organised manner.

This mod does nothing on its own, it is just a set of classes that we use.

Mods that use RebornCore

    • TechReborn
    • QuantumStorage
Inital mod release.

Epic Siege Mod

This will make all mobs extremely difficult and dangerous with an unending lust for death and destruction using any and all means of attack to reach players. One might even say it’s just down right unfair. Just take a look at the feature list below and tremble in fear!


– Customisable awareness radius for most mobs (does not includes Ghasts & Endermen)

– Creepers can breach through walls

– Blazes spawn in overworld

– Ghasts spawn in overworld

– Ghast fire speed options

– Wither Skeletons spawn in overworld

– Creepers can spawn pre-powered

– Creeper explosions are napalm/fire

– Disable beds (still sets spawn but won’t change time)

– Skeletons snipers

– Endermen can teleport the player they are attacking

– Endermen can act more like Slendermen having side effects on players

– Zombies can infect the players when they die so that a zombie rises from their grave

– Apocalypse mode for Zombies and Slendermen only and no other mobs or animal

– Mobs attack villagers using the same abilities used against you! (Can wipe out villages)

– Chaos mode for a mob free-for-all deathmatch (Mass destruction)

– Fortresses containing large amounts of spawners and loot to find

– Creepers riding other mobs

– End is a frozen asteroid field with Dragon Forts!

– Nether is a hellish version of the overworld

– Attackers can divide themselves up between targets

– Zombies can will dig and pillar up to you!

– Mobs will attempt to evade player’s attacks

– Spiders can web their victims to the ground

– Mobs can swim underwater (no more underwater bases)

– More persistent AI

– Complete customization of all of the above features

Pneumatic Craft

PneumaticCraft is a technical mod all about pneumatics. Apart from a power system based on that of real life, it adds all kinds of tools and gadgets, like Drones, which you can program to do all sorts of tasks for you, or a Pneumatic Helmet, which gives you a Iron Man like HUD.

-You can now set a specific variable value to enable widgets in Remotes. -You can now postfix variables in a label with '.x', '.y' or '.z' to only show that value. For example: "${varName.x}" will only show the x value of the 'varName' variable. -Added 'Drop-down' widget to the Remote. -Drones now send a chat message to their owner with their location when dying. -The hitbox of Elevator Frames are now more representative to how the frames look. -Bugfix: NEI crash when spawning in items from the panel when the player's inventory is full. -Bugfix: The IGW documentation for the "Drone Condition: Entity" and "Condition: Entity" are swapped. -Bugfix: Logistics frames disappear when chunk unloads (while the server is still running). -Bugfix: Hopefully fixed not being able to drag the rightmost pieces out of the Programmer panel.

Second Screen

This mod allows you to use your mobile device as a "Second Screen" or a "Companion app", your device can show informations from the Minecraft instance. Currently there is a native Android (4.0+) app and a universal webapp which can be used on any device with a modern internet browser, but the universal app is currently lacking a few features.

The mod is designed to be installed on the server only, but you can also install it on your Minecraft client and show informations while playing in a singleplayer world. It works in single and multiplayer.

The corresponding app can display serverinformation, like online players or motd, live player infomation, like health and foodlevel, worldinformation, like weather or time.

The most interestings parts are probably the following two:

The mod allows you to mark blocks with a label, then the app tells you whether this block is powered by redstone or not. So you can for example see on your phone if there are items in your mob farm or if your quarry (Buildcraft) is finished or whatever you can think of. You are also able to control marked levers in the world via your device.

The second most interesting feature is the inventory viewer, which allows you to view your inventory on your mobile device (At the moment it only shows your items in textform, and Android only).

There also will be support for other mods, as soon as more mods update to 1.8, suggestions welcome), currently there is only support for Thaumcraft, you can observe the aspect amount in nodes.

So all in all this app can be used in two situations:

1. While playing to show additional informations or to allow you to disable the ingame HUD.

2. While beeing not on the server to show informations about the world or other players.

I´m still working on the mod and the app, which doesn´t look great yet.

I would love to get some feedback or suggestions what I could improve or implement.

Fixed Crash

Info book isn't dropped on each respawn anymore

Quantum Storage

A small mod that adds a container to hold nearly unlimited of one type of item.

This is highly based on the Deep Storage Unit form Minefactory reloaded.

This mod was a request from a TheMattaBase who wanted the DSU but did not wont to install the whole of MFR for it.

The mod was called simpleDsu but after a few things happened I decided the mod should be renamed so now we have QuantumStorage.

Fixed Isided Inventory issues


This mod adds a gravestone to the game, which "spawns" at player/villager/dog/cat death. Also this mod generate cemeteries in some villages, and a "Wither's catacombs". This is a new huge structure, like stronghold, where you can find a lot of loot, dangerous adventures and a "Wither Boss" at the end.

Fixed server crash


What it does?

That’s quiet simple! When you die you keep your experience points.

Well…that’s not 100 percent true... As you know you lose a certain amount of XP points when you die. That’s why you only keep your XP before death minus the amount of XP you lose at your place of death; so when you collect them you’re at the same XP score as before.

Is this mod multiplayer compatible?

Yep. As long as both – Client and Server – have installed it, this mod should run without a problem on your forge server.

How to install it?

1) Download and install Forge.

2) Download this mod and place the .jar into your Mods Directory (.minecraft\mods).

What’s coming next?

In the future I planned to bring an item in game, similar to the Bottle o’ Enchanting, which gives you a certain amount of XP when you splash it on the ground. How much it gives you? You decide! When you have enough level you can save these levels in bottles and store them for bad times.

And no, I do not know when this feature will be released. Coming when it’s ready!

basic update


Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game for other content creators to work with. The primary focus of this project is to make use of the combined strength of the modded community to create wonderful tools that everyone can use.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are not a mod developer, please download the latest release that is NOT a beta or alpha release. These builds are not tested, and may contain changes that break other mods!

Main Features

  • Horse Armor: Easily add new horse armor to the game.

  • ItemStack Colors: Change the color of any item by using a command, or editing NBT.

  • ItemEnchantedEvent: Event for altering enchantment behavior.

  • Many utilities, ranging from simple to complex.

Release Schedule and Versions

This project makes use of a version system similar to Minecraft Forge. The version system has four parts to it, each part is separated by a period. The first section represents project version, which will only go up if there is a major rewrite, or recreation of the mod. The second section is used for major patches, this is reserved for things like minecraft version updates, such as 1.7.2 -> 1.7.10. The third section is used to represent a major build, this number will go up by one every time a change is released that will break some mods that depend on the project, and they will need to be updated. The last section is the build number, and goes up every time a patch is made to the project. If you are a normal player and not a developer, use the latest release, and not the latest beta! Unless you are told otherwise!

Huge thanks to the following people








Fixed ASM load time. Now several times faster! Fixed several typos in the code mappings. Fixed armor items not being colorable. Does not show when worn! Fixed the /help for the color command missing a / Fixed several server issues. Added many new utility methods. Added localization for enchantment levels from level 11 to level 10 000. Added code to expand available enchantment IDs to 4096. Added Abstract Messages which work as a packet and packet handler. Added the random parameter to the color command. Added color name parameters to the color command. Added support for the LLibrary version checker! Added more ore dictionary support to VanillaColor Added ItemModelledArmor Made some friends

Cheesecake MOD

This mod adds in a cheesecake as that is MrBigCheesecakes name, it also adds butter for the crafting of the cheesecake, there is a new rare plant that drops the item that spawns in the boss called mrBigCheesecake who drops a piece of butter and a GOLDEN SLICE OF CHEESECAKE!!!!

Added 10% more trolls

Added an achievement

Pimped Armour Mod - Rebirth

download the mod only from this page or from the planetminecraft website.


!NOTICE!: All crafting images for the mod are curently on the mod website, under mods-> Pimped Armour Mod. !NOTICE!

It Could be that the Mod currently isn't very Compatible with other mods, but We'll ressolve this problem as soon as possible ;)

Welcome Everyone,

what has it been a long time since I made a Minecraft mod. the last time was 2 years ago.

Acouple of months ago I thought: "Why shouldn't I make a mod again".

And well, here it is, the rebirth of the Pimped Armour Mod.

I know, the 1.4.7 version of 2 years ago is still available for download,

and I still worked on it(I did all the coding at least.)

Well, now lets talk about the mod. The mod itself adds 24 new Armor sets, all looking cool.

I added 28 Items to create these pieces(of wich some items are still WIP)


Mod also is ssp(Server Single Player) and smp(Server Multi Player),

Just drop the zip in the /mods folder(for ssp and smp), and you're ready

to show some armour off :D

I also made a Mod Website, this is made witch Darkbleuleon, I teamed up with him to give you guys the best content we could give.

The mod is still far from done and we will continue updating it every now and then.

About the recipes:

For every armor piece the recipe is kind of the same, you have an Creator(the item that will give the armor pice the decoration)

and you have the armor pice itself. These recipes are shapeless.

You can create a small Diamond by placing a normal diamond in your crafting grid(This will give 9 Small Diamonds).

You can create a Iron nugget by placing a Iron bar in your crafting grid(This will give 9 Iron nuggets)


can make a Iron, Diamond or Gold Edge by placing 3 small diamonds, 3

gold nuggets or 3 iron nuggets in the crafting grid like this:

444(The 4 represents the Gold Nugget, Iron nugget or Small Diamond)

You can craft all the rows by placing 3 small diamonds, 3 gold nuggets or 3 iron nuggets in the crafting grid like this:



4(The 4 represents the Gold Nugget, Iron nugget or Small Diamond)


Double Edges And Double Rows are made with 2 Edges or rows placing next

or ontop of eachother(both have to be the same type).

The Blood stone is made With the sheep, cow, pig and chicken Blood(Diamond shaped) and a Stone Block(id No. 1) in the middle. As example

0 1 0

2 5 3

0 4 0

0= air or just nothing

1= Cow Blood

2= Pig Blood

3= Chicken Blood

4= SheepBlood

5= Stone

To make the shards you have to use the same recipe, But with the Blood Stone in the middle.(You get 4 Blood Shards)

(SOON adding some Images for reference to the crafting grid.)


It's finally here, it has been asked almost a week after I released the mod.

I have been looking at the code an I am not sure any more what I updated. I re-wrote almost all of the code. But the mod is finally compatible with all kind of other mods. I added it so that all Items now do have their own configurable language file.

I do hope you guys will enjoy the update and will pm me about any, if there are, bugs you'll find.



Pokecube - Revival
Originally made by Manchou, Updated and Heavily modified by Thutmose, This mod adds pokemon to minecraft, in a way which is designed to fit the minecraft environment.

The pokemobs are minecraft mob styled, and fight in a real-time combat system, with the ability to dynamically change moves, to use advanced tactics such as terrain advantages, as well as some features which allow them to interact with the world itself. With a slight change of some of the default config options, you can use your pokemon to cut trees, dig holes and more.

See the thread on MCF for more details

for alpha versions, if they do not automatically download the resource pack, it can be found here: Resource Pack

or join #Pokecube at irc.esper.net

The Pokecube Sounds is just a resource pack containing the sounds, it is uploaded separately to streamline the bug fix updates for the main mod. The sounds will not change, hence are labeled as a release, despite the main mod being labeled as alpha.

Pokecube was Freely inspired by the Nintendo franchise 'Pokémon' and the video games developed by Game Freak.

fixes dimension blacklist not working.

Practicalities is a mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that focuses on adding simple and practical functionality. The mod is currently in development, and if you are going to use it please make sure to file any bugs on this post. I plan on making regular changes to this mod, so check back often to see what is new. If you have questions or find bugs, let me know via the forum post

Sure, please link back to here though. A link to my patreon would be appriciated. Just don't be a jerk, make claims you can't back, or sell mod items on your server.

What is in it?
Check the website for all the details, but Here are some highlights:

Luminus Rod

An item that when right clicked will place an invisible light source on the ground. Recharge it by placing it in a crafting grid with a Radiant Charger.

Rare Earth Magnet

Get all the Stuff and Things! Will pull XP orbs and Items directly to your inventory, and will work through walls.

Smooth Glowstone

It is glowstone, but all smooth and shiny


A simple early game way to double your ore output. Requires more fuel, but has a chance of providing and extra ingot. You can also recycle your tools and armor in it as well.

Matter Transporter

No one knows how it works, but it is capable of moving blocks from one location to another.

Imbued Sword

An old powerful weapon capable of defeating any foe.

Imbued Tool

An almost magical tool capable of making work faster and more efficient.

Sitis Stick

Hold it in your hand and right click to make the rain go away

Wither Farm

A way to automate the killing of the Wither boss!

Check out my other mod, QuantumFlux - Wireless RF

Initial release on Curse.
Last edited:
Deep Resonance 1.1.0 has been released:

  • Bug fixes on the tank. This means Deep Resonance now works properly on a server! Elec332 also did major changes so there should no longer be any threading issues and other problems.
  • Doubled the maximum power a crystal will generate. So all your existing crystals will produce double power (same RF/t though)
  • Changed the purifier so it can also work if there is only a tank at the top or the bottom. In that setup it will purify the liquid in-place. This makes it much easier to create in-place purification setups (only need one tank instead of five).
  • You can now insert/remove liquids from a tank using a bucket or bottle. Does notwork for RCL though as that liquid has special attributes.
  • The valve can now also make sure that the bottom tank has a certain amount of liquid in it
  • Fixed the tank tooltips so that they again show the fluid contents of the tank while in your inventory. They also do this with one digit precision now.
  • Implemented a new laser and lens system. With this system you can infuse RCL to improve it beyond what the normal system can do. With some effort you might be able to get a crystal that can produce 20000 RF/tick and has a total of 1 billion RF in it. To do this you need spent (or unspent, but that's wasteful) crystals and some catalyst items. Insert both in the laser, give it power and a redstone signal and you're good to go:
    • A correctly placed laser setup is like this: tank, lens, air, laser (pointing in the right direction)
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6354344d4d65312e706e67
    • Note that the laser will not check if the block behind the lens is actually a tank and a tank that contains the right liquid (RCL). It will waste power and catalyst items if there is nothing useful after the lens! Be careful.
    • The laser will infuse 500mB RCL at a time. So it takes out 500mB, infuse it with a catalyst item, and then it will inject the infused liquid back.
    • There are various supported catalyst items (diamond, emerald, redstone, ender pearls, glowstone, gun powder, coal, blaze powder, ghast tears and nether stars). You can configure these in the config and even add other catalyst items. Some of these items also have negative effects so take care!
    • Most catalysts have a cap. For example, with redstone you can only raise strength to 60%. If you want to go higher you need other materials. To get to 100% for strength and efficiency you will need ghast tears or nether stars.
    • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f333066706c4f782e706e67
    • Some catalysts reduce purity. Nether star for example, reduces purity with 60%! Be careful with this as lowering the purity of the liquid to 0% will destroy 90% of it!
    • Note that spent crystals with higher strength will be able to infuse more items (the blue bar in the laser GUI will raise higher)
    • A tip: remember that the normal purifier system can purify up to 85%. So you can first purify to 85%, then infuse various things into the liquid (which might reduce purity a bit) then go back to 85% again with the normal purifier system and only then purify using the more expensive infusion process. Needs more machinery to set up but it saves on materials.
  • The laser and generator controller now implement the EnderIO interface so that they connect visibly to insulated redstone cables. You still have to set strong signal on the EnderIO cable to have it work though.
  • Added a creative only liquid injector to inject RCL into a tank (for testing purposes).
  • Added Chinese translation from VictiniX.

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/233398-deep-resonance
McJtyLib: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/233105-mcjtylib
ElecCore: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/227391-eleccore-dimensionapi

Have fun!
and @superckl with BiomeTweaker
superckl said:
BiomeTweaker 2.0.159
  • Added 'genStrongholds' to 'set' command
  • Added 'fillerBlockMeta' to 'set' command
  • Added 'contiguousReplacement' to 'set' command
  • Removed 'actualFillerBlock' from 'set' command
  • Added 'addActualFillerBlock' command
  • Added weight option to 'registerGenBlockRep'
  • Class loading fixes
  • Created SuperScript API
  • Created BiomeTweaker API
  • Added command to reload single script
  • Fixed 'seperate files' in config
  • Improved logging
  • Added compatibility with BOP wrapped biomes
  • See the wiki for documentation on commands.

and @cyrilgenin with Inventory Interactor
cyrilgenin said:
this mod add block to import & export items in inventory slot player

and @EXTER7 with Foundry
EXTER7 said:
  • Added Mekanism integration: Support for Osmium and Refined Glowstone.
  • Added EnderIO integration: Support for Pulsating Iron, Redstone Alloy, Energized Alloy, Vibrant Alloy, and Dark Steel.
  • Added Matter Overdrive integration: Support for Tritanium.
  • Added Mystcraft and RFTools integration: Blacklisted most liquid metal symbols/dimlets.
new day, new update, and today it's @Henry_Loenwind with Ender IO Addons
Henry_Loenwind said:
Ender IO Addons
  • Updated to Ender IO
  • Updated to Endercore
  • New machine: AgriCraft Farming station (requires AgriCraft...)
  • Many rendering fixes
  • Hopper now uses the new Endercore ghost slots
  • Config values that require a game restart now are marked that way in the ingame GUI

and @Vorquel with Quick Stack
Vorquel said:
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. just press X (or whatever you set this key to) to quick stack your items to inventories within 5 blocks. The hot bar is excluded, so you don't need to worry about forgetting your most important materials.

and @InfinityRaider with AgriCraft
InfinityRaider said:
AgriCraft 1.4.5
  • ADDED: Support for Agriculture 2
  • ADDED: Config option to disable mod specific fruit drops
  • ADDED: Descriptions for the new HC and PMP seeds
  • ADDED: Brightness bar in the journal displaying what brightness a plant needs
  • ADDED: Missing mutations for some Harvestcraft and PMP seeds
  • FIXED: MineTweaker support for weed raking drops having wrong import
  • FIXED: Weird behaviour for some API methods
  • FIXED: Weird lighting when rendering (thanks HenryLoenwind)
  • FIXED: Lapis not growing

and @Lewis_McReu with PlayerTrophy
Lewis_McReu said:
Only effective in multiplayer

Requires Minecraft Forge

Killing a player grants a trophy to their murderer; this item is purely decorative and has no function.

Made for the UberVerse
@BluSunrize updated Immersive Engineering to version 0.6.2!

- added wood-covered scaffolding
- added aluminium decoration blocks (fence, scaffold)
- added a creative capacitor (thanks malte0811)
- added the Vault-Tec shader
- added the redstone controlled breaker switch
- added dimension black+whitelists to the MineralMixes. Not used by IE but accessible for Minetweaker
- reworked recycling on the arc furnace, uses recipe profiling, multithreading and fancy thing (cheers, AtomicBlom)
- reworked the Excavator's Minetweaker integration. Dependent on MT 3.0.10b or later
- changed hemp->string recipe to be only a third as effective
- changed the manual on minerals, exchanged tables for proper pages for each mineral
- fixed dupe bug
- fixed NPE in eventhandler (thanks cobra)
- fixed wire offset on floodlight and lantern (thanks cobra)
- fixed ghost arms on wooden pole (thanks cobra)
- fixed Raytracing (thanks malte0811 & cobra)
- fixed broken Miló shader
- fixed light-opacity for some solid blocks
- fixed use+recipe keybinds in the NEI handler
- fixed table drawing in the manual, closes #646
- fixed getEnergyStored on machines (thanks cobra)
- fixed fluid mechanics on machines (thanks cobra)
- fixed lighting on particles
new day, new update, and today it's @OlivBEL with Damage Source
OlivBEL said:
Display to players the amount of damage they suffer, as well as the source of the damage.

For example:

PlayerXX damaged for 3.0 by EntityZombie(mob)

PlayerXX damaged for 4.0 by EntitySlime(mob)

PlayerXX damaged for 1.0 by inFire

PlayerXX damaged for 1.0 by onFire

PlayerXX damaged for 1.0 by starve
PlayerXX damaged for 7.0 by fall

This mod was created after a request from Iskandar, to track the origin of random damages that appears to come from nowhere...

and @GotoLink with PChan3 : SteamShip - SteamBoat - Pirates
GotoLink said:


Coal-powered air ship, with small inventory and ability to fire arrows.

Use anchor on board to stabilize the ship while flying.

Control keys configurable in Minecraft "Controls" menu.

Coal-powered boat, goes faster than normal boats, insensitive to collision with solid blocks.

Use anchor on board to stop the boat.

Flying mobs in overworld, fire arrows at players.

Spawning behavior controlled through configuration file.

Included textures are originals from Glimmar, check his topic for more. You can find alternative textures at the mod support section.
Each part of the mod can be disabled separately in the "pchan3.cfg" file.

Mod installation procedure:
1/ Install Forge
2/ Download the mod and put it in your /mods folder (or /mods/'mc version' starting from 1.6.2)

and @GotoLink with Formivore Generators: Walled City
GotoLink said:
Walled City
Creates large procedurally generated cities in your world for you to explore. Cities are based on a customizable format that lets you customize many aspects such as materials, size, density, and rarity to your desire. Cities also include custom wall styles, buildings, and dungeons to conquer. Currently eight city styles come with the mod, including several "ruined" city styles filled with hostile mobs, cities in giant underground caverns, and a city that spawns only in the nether.

Great Wall
Generates walls, road, and buildings. By default it creates terrain-spanning structures resembling The Great Wall of China. Roads can be created by using ground-level walls. Walls are generated at random during map creation and head off in a given direction while following the contours of the terrain. They will continue on until they reach an obstacle they cannot surmount, often running for many hundreds of blocks.

Creates randomly generated ruins in the world. Ruins are generated from random seeds using the rules of cellular automata such as the Game of Life. They can take the form of towers, pyramids, temples, or bizarre statues.

Mod installation procedure:
1/ Install Forge
2/ Download the mod and put it in your /mods folder (or /mods/'mc version' starting from 1.6.2)
3/ Download and Extract the templates into the /config folder
To use on a server, install the mods only on server side.
Each mod can be disabled separately by putting the GlobalFrequency to 0 in the corresponding setting file. These files are generated at the first launch of Minecraft.
You can make your own templates or change the provided ones to your liking by following the original author documentations, and the provided read-me file.
The templates files should be located in config/generatormods/walledcity or config/generatormods/greatwall.
Compatible with:ExtraBiomesXL, BWG4, Biomes o' Plenty, Highlands...

Examples of Ruins block rules, kindly provided by Mackzwellz:
Just released a new version of Gear Swapper:

Version 1.2.3:

  • Fixed a bug where you could insert non-armor and non-bauble items into the ghost slots in the gui of the gear swapper
  • Dragging a stack on a ghost slot in the gear swapper gui will now remember the stack count so that you can also from the gui control how many items should be restored

Download: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/gear-swapper

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @AlgorithmX2 with Chisels & Bits
AlgorithmX2 said:
Chisels & Bits 1.4.3
  • New UV Un-Mapping Algorithm that doesn't rely on models mimicking the vanilla face bakery.
  • New Texture Lookup Algorithm that can locate textures three ways instead of 1.
  • Added Blocks which hurt, or affect entities to the blacklist. ( vanilla slime blocks remains white-listed )
  • C&B Should no longer crash when mods are removed, however all blocks that no longer exist will be 'missing icon' and inventory bits are no longer place-able.
  • Certain blocks which fail texture/uv detection should no longer crash the game, however they may appear with a 'missing icon' texture or invalid texture coordinates.
  • Added Configurable Blacklist to Settings.
  • Mod Compatibility should be greatly improved by this update.

and @cyrilgenin with Inventory Interactor
cyrilgenin said:
Inventory Interactor 2.0A
  • Bug: Import Item and data.
  • Added: Block "Inventory RF Charger"

and @codegreen with Caterpillar
codegreen said:
Caterpillar 0.4.18
  • 0: Redo: New interface for the reinforcement tab, now all blocks can be customized.
  • 1: Adds: Drill heads, now drill heads are required to run the drill
  • 2: Adds: Tutorials have been added
  • 3: Adds: More text has been added to the lang. file
  • 4: Adds: Scroll bar, instead of numbers on main tab
  • 5: Adds: Drill changes speed with different drill heads
  • 6: Adds: Drill changes drag with different drill heads
  • 7: Changes: Tabs only show when you have that section
  • 8: Changes: Recipe for Drill Head Section
  • 9: Changes: Recipe for Decoration Section
  • 10: Changes: Model for Decoration Section
  • 11: Changes: Recipe for Drill Head
  • 12: Resolves: You can now place drill in all dimensions
  • 13: Resolves: Some server crashes
  • 14: Resolves: Shift Click Invontory crashes
  • 15: Updates: lang files
  • 16: Updates: Auto updater improvements

and @BlayTheNinth with Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning
BlayTheNinth said:

  • Hover over an item in an inventory while holding a Thaumometer in order to scan that item
  • Optional on the client-side. If you add it to your server, only those who want its functionality need to install it on their client.
Useful Links

Development Versions

Source Code on GitGub

Future Plans & Issues on GitHub

Minecraft Forum Thread

@BlayTheNinth on Twitter

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
  2. Download the latest TC Inventory Scanning version for your Minecraft version.
  3. Put the .jar file into the mods folder of your Minecraft installation.
  4. Start the game and scan away.
This mod along with it’s sourcecode is licensed under the MIT License:

Yes, you may redistribute it in your modpack.

and @polaris_iv with ForgeAutoShutdown
polaris_iv said:
ForgeAutoShutdown 1.0.7
The automatic shutdown can now be scheduled by uptime, rather than time of day. This adds a new config option under Schedule:

  • Uptime (default: false) - If true, then the Hour and Minute values are interpreted as length of uptime until server is automatically shutdown. Uptime is how long the server has been running since startup was complete.
This makes it possible to restart the server more than once a day, or for a longer time span than 24 hours. It also reduces the annoyance of shutdown after the server has already been restarted (after, for example, a modpack update).

This also includes some checks at runtime for valid config:

  • Setting Uptime to true with Hour and Minute both set to 0 will be corrected to 24 hours, with warning on console
  • Setting Uptime to false with Hour set higher than 23 will be corrected to 00 (e.g. 00:00), with warning on console
new day, new update, and today it's @MageProtocol with Watch Companion
MageProtocol said:
Welcome to the future! Today I bring you a brand new addition into the family of gadgets! The Watch Companion!

Watch Companion is a mod which adds in a Companion Watch which gives you a bunch of information about your player and about the world in general.

The interface


Above is the interface for the Watch Companion. In order from left to right it has: Location data, Armour Data, Time and light data. Then on the bottom it displays the amount of hearts you have, your total experience level and your amount of armour points.

Then it has your hotbar at the bottom which will allow for easy swapping out of armour right there in the UI!


The recipe for the watch is fairly simple, it is as follows:


All it requires is:

- 4 Iron Ingots

- 2 Redstone Dust

- 1 Redstone Lamp

- 1 Clock

- 1 Stone Block

If you do enjoy this mod then please tell your friends about it!

If you require any support on the mod, then please either:

- Send me a private message

- Post a comment

- Join #MageProtocol on esper.net


I do not have a problem with modpacks, all I do request is that no money is to be made off the pack, the pack must also contain a link to here. I also request that you send me a message notifying me of any use in packs you are making.

If you do all of these then you are free to use this mod!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy it! Happy playing!

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.7-234
  • Added 3 new lenses:
    • Mana Lens: Redirectory - Bursts that have this lens fired from a spreader will, when colliding with another spreader, rotate the collided spreader to point towards the one that shot. It also gives bursts the Phantom effect.
    • Mana Lens: Celebratory - When it collides with a block it'll make a firework of the color of the burst.
    • Mana Lens: Flare - Spreader only. Prevents the spreader from firing any mana bursts. Instead, the spreader fires a continuous beam of particles of the color of the lens. (demo 1 | demo 2)
  • Added 6 new types of decorative grass (and six new types of pasture seeds to make them) that don't turn into dirt if there's anything above.
  • Bellethornes now kill Witches properly.
  • Changed armor item icons to match the new armor models.
  • Condensed the Paintslinger Lens and Warp Lens entries as well as the 3 new lenses in this version into an "Elven Lenses" page.
  • Fixed botania Panes having weird lighting in corners.
  • Fixed bursts with the Entropic lens exploding in contact with a full spreader.
  • Fixed the Exoflame not using mana properly on interfaced blocks.
  • Fixed white tinted mana lens not being able to be crafted.
  • Holding shift on a recipe page with multiple recipes will pause the recipe changing. It'll also stop petals/rune pieces from rotating if it's a petal/rune recipe.
  • Luminizers and Agricarnations are now quieter.
  • Pasture Seeds for blocks other than Grass can now be used on Grass.
  • Removed the "lore" pages after some flowers' recipes, as interesting as they are, they served no practical purpose and only confused people.
  • Renamed the Talent Shredder achievement to a much more fitting name.
  • The bottom side of Mana Pools is now solid (so you can put stuff like levers now, if you want to do that for some reason :V)
  • Tweaked armor textures and models a bit.
  • [API] Added IDirectioned and IRedirectable to work with the new lens.
  • [API] Added IFlowerPlaceable for items that can be placed by the Rannuncarpus.
  • [API] Added ILensControl for lenses that control a spreader's behaviour.
  • [API] Increased version number to 68.
  • [API] Stripped getRotationX() and getRotationY from IManaSpreader and moved it to IDirectioned (which IManaSpreader extends now).

and @MrVizzyTM with Thaumic Palmistry
MrVizzyTM said:

New addon for Thaumcraft 5. Adding some useful stuff like palmistry table, primal gear, and add custom crafts. It's very intreasting addon, in WIP.

Changelog (OLD HERE):
  • Version v0.3
    • Add Polished Silverwood Planks
    • Add Silverwood Table
    • Add Slot Support in Palmist Workbench GUI
    • Add Thaumonomicon tab icon and background
    • Add all recipes and research for new blocks
    • Bug fix
  • Version v0.2
    • Add Palmist Table GUI
    • Improved security!
    • Fix some bugs
  • Version v0.1:
    • Add [WIP] Palmist Table
    • Add Primodial Gear


  1. Download the latest Thaumic Palmistry and Thaumcraft 5 version from the download section.
  2. Drag and drop the downloaded mod into mods folder.
  3. Run Minecraft and Have Fun!

and @Lothrazar with Terraria Buttons
Lothrazar said:
Just like in Terraria, this adds buttons to containers / chests that can do four actions: Loot All, Deposit, Quick Stack, and Restock.

Loot All

Just like it sounds, this button tries to bring everything from the chest in your inventory (empty slots).


This is the reverse of Loot All, it tries to dump everything you have into the chest (empty slots).

Quick Stack

Instead of trying to loot everything, it matches items in your chest that already exist in your inventory. It just refills item stacks that you are carrying. So if you have in your inventory a bunch of cobblestone that is stack size 1 or 2, and the chest is full of cobble. it will refill only those stacks.

*ALSO* By default this can leave your chest empty, but you can change in the config file 'restock_leave_one' so that your chest will be left with a minimum of one (1) item in each stack


This is Quick Stack in reverse, it deposits everything into the chest but only the matching item stacks.

This supports the in-game config system, so you can change the positions of the buttons (topright, topleft, bottomleft) ingame without quitting to edit the terrariabuttons.cfg manually.

It also works if your player inventory has been modded or changed (such as with Overpowered Inventory), and also with modded containers such as the Iron Chests mod. (For modpack makers and modders, it defaults to looking for anything that extends the GuiContainer class. There is also a blacklist in the config file that lets you disable any gui you want.)

To keep you moving fast through all the chests in your storage room, it auto closes the container when the button is done.

Please let me know any tweaks/ideas/upgrades for this, I will be supporting it with updates
Just released RFTools 4.10 and 4.11:

  • Dimension related changes:
    • Added cloud color dimlets to customize the color of the clouds.
    • It is now possible to make the ender dragon syringe again so you can make your ender dragon spawner or make a dimension where ender dragons fly around freely.
    • Add a better waila tooltip when time has not been absorbed yet (to the time absorber) to explain that it needs a redstone signal at the right time.
  • Builder related changes:
    • Fixed gui for shape card (the quarry cards were ok)
    • Important! The sphere and cylinder shapes have been tweaked so that they fit the given dimensions better and it is now also possible to make spheres and cylinders that have an 'odd' dimension. Note that this means that these shapes are now different so if you are already in the process of building a big sphere or cylinder you should make sure that is finished before you upgrade or else set the 'oldSphereCylinderShape' to true in the 'spaceProjector' section of the config.
    • The hollow version of the solid cylinder shape is now a capped cylinder since otherwise the preview/support mode wouldn't show the caps.
    • A solid cylinder will now actually work because the caps are now enabled.
    • When the builder is used with a space card (not a shape card) it can be used to move entities. This feature has been improved so that moving the entities accros dimensions doesn't cause weird problems and entity duplication. Also the entities appear immediatelly now. This also fixes the crash when trying to move entities from the end to another dimension.
    • Usability improvement: if you have a shape card in your builder you can now actually use the anchor buttons to reposition the shape in front of the builder. That way it is now very easy to set up a quarry for a given area: basically make a quarry card, open the gui and set the dimensions (offset not needed), insert it in the builder and then press one of the anchor buttons to reposition the given area where you want it to quarry.
    • Usability improvement: using sneak-right click on a builder with a shape card followed by the selection of two other points in the area will also configure the shape card so that it can be used for that specific area.
    • Voiding blocks with the quarry cost less energy now (same cost as the void card would do) and the code is more optimal now.
    • Instead of skipping liquids the cost is lowered so that they will be processed as normal (i.e. voided and/ore replaced by dirt). Previously it tried to quarry them with a cost relative to their hardness but the hardness of liquids is set to 100 so this made the cost extremely high.
    • Use fortune 3 level instead of 2 for fortune quarry card
    • Slightly reduced the default silk touch/fortune power factors as they were a bit high. You have to delete the rftools config to get advantage of this.
  • Storage related changes:
    • Fixed the tablet + storage item recipe so it works everywhere in the crafting grid.
    • The cycle button on the tablet is visible again
    • Fixed the remote storage crashing when the player manages to scroll selected item to an empty slot before that the gui of the remote storage actually opens.
  • OpenComputers/ComputerCraft:
    • Added support for OC/CC for the environmental controller as well as the block protector.
    • Added new 'getScan' method for the builder with which you can see where the builder is currently operating.
    • All blocks in RFTools that support OC will now have an additional tab in NEI showing all the methods you can use.
  • Varia:
    • All rftools machines that support redstone input are now connectable to an insulated redstone conduit from EnderIO (with strong power set)
    • Fixed a bug where the environmental controller would ignore the blacklist/whitelist setting. It was essentially hardcoded on blacklist

And now I also uploaded version 4.11 to fix a crash bug in combination with Open Computers

Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @yorkeMC with Tainted Magic
yorkeMC said:
Tainted Magic
  • Addition: Warpwood Planks
  • Addition: Crystalline Blood Droplet
  • Addition: Crystalline Dagger
  • Addition: Shadow Fortress Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Greaves)
  • Addition: Cloth Caps
  • Addition: Crimson Cloth Caps
  • Addition: Shadow Cloth Caps
  • Addition: Wand Focus: Tainted Blast
  • Addition: Wand Focus: Mage's Mace
  • Addition: Shadowmetal Tools (Pick, Axe, Spade, Hoe, Sword)
  • Addition: Primal Blade of Corruption
  • Addition: Warped Eye
  • Addition: Recall Crystal
  • Addition: A new system for obtaining crimson cult robes
  • Addition: New focus upgrades
  • Addition: A recipe for the Crimson Blade
  • Addition: Added API code for dealing with the new Bloodlust effect
  • Addition: New sound effects
  • Addition: Warpwood leaves now emit particles
  • Addition: Added the config option to use a sprite instead of a model for the Thaumic Disassembler
  • Change: Better organization of research in the Thaumonicon (not final)
  • Change: Re-textured a few things, and new icons
  • Change: Re-balanced a few recipes, and researches.
  • Change: Re-balanced the warp in the mod
  • Change: Made some research secondary (no note)
  • Change: Re-worded some entries
  • Change: New name & icon for the Thaumonicon tab
  • Change: Made the Shadow Embellished Warpwood Wand / Staff available through the creative inventory
  • Change: Re-balanced the way the Warpwood wand / staff recharges
  • Change: Re-organized all the code, to help the mod run faster and not be as cluttered
  • Change: Re-balanced the damage reduction of the Void Fortress Armor
  • Change: More HD textures for the Warpwood Wand / Staff
  • Fix: The warpwood trees now properly decay
  • And probably tons of other little changes that I can't remember

and @Syntaxial with Pathomania
Syntaxial said:
Pathomania 0.9.0
  • Bugs fixed:
    • Paths do not observe effective tools []
    • Dirt paths do not have podzol or coarse variants
  • New blocks:
    • Sand path
    • Sandstone path (and variants)
    • Gravel path
    • Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone path
    • Stone path (and variants)
    • Prismarine path (and variants)
    • Red brick path
    • Red sand path
    • Red Sandstone path (and variants)
    • Stone brick path (and variants)
    • Plank path (and variants)
    • Clay path
    • Hardened Clay path
    • Stained Clay path (all colors)
    • Glowstone path (top is not the same light level, but let's call that an unintended feature for now)

and @ganymedes01 with The Erebus
ganymedes01 said:
The Erebus 0.4.0
  • Squished hundreds of bugs (too many to list)
  • Added fences/fence gates to most of the Erebus woods
  • Added alternate texture for all planks
  • Added a milk bambucket (moooo)
  • Smoothie maker should be a lot... smoother... now
  • Max speed bow now animates
  • Added Wand of Preservation. Shoots Amber Stars to trap entities. Mine them with silk touch so you can transport them!
  • Preserved the Wand of Preservation
  • Completely re-worked portal mechanics (Thanks NeptunePink!)
  • Whetstone is now applied using Anvils and costs XP. Can be applied to any tool that accepts the Sharpness enchantment!
  • New texture for the altars
  • Added the Death Compass. A Compass that points to the place you last died. You'll get one when you pass away (RIP)
  • Added the Balsam tree
  • Added Honey Pot Ants. Feed them sugar so you can harness their honey (yummy!)
  • Added bombardier beetle larvae. (kablooie!)
  • Fix gliders being all derpy
  • Powered Gliders can now be dyed (not died)

and @LordDusk with Hardcore Questing Mode
lorddusk said:
Hardcore Questing Mode 4.4.2
  • Added :
    • Support for singular and plural in the localization. Usage in language file : [[singular||plural]]
    • Being able to add reputation bars into quest sets them self, not only in the main page.
  • Fixes :
    • Updating chapter names and descriptions when loading in json files.
    • Repeatable quests.
    • This was broken since 4.3.1. So quest makers, if you have updated to 4.3.1 or later, please update your repeatable quests, they are all broken, sorry.

and @czechmate777 with Rope Bridge Mod
czechmate777 said:

Check out this showcase by 22DarkWolfGaming22

Rope-Bridge is a mod that builds (you guessed it) rope bridges. Features:

  • Grappling Gun with three separate craftable parts
  • Simple point-and-shoot system
  • Building animations
  • Detection for blocks that are in the way
  • Custom bridge quarter-slabs
  • Fully server-compatible
  • Custom Acievements!
To craft the grappling gun, three sub-parts must be crafted first:

Hook: 5 iron ingots

Barrel: 6 iron ingots, 3 strings

Stock: 1 flint and steel, 1 gunpowder, 2 iron ingots, 1 string, 2 wood

Now the gun itself can be crafted from the three parts:

To build a bridge, fire the grappling gun just like you would a regular bow. When aiming the grappling gun (right-click), the player's view is zoomed in and directed in line with a cardinal direction.

Upon release the bridge is built if possible.

The bridge won't build if:

  • There is something in the way (get's marked with smoke particles)
  • The bridge is too steep
  • The required materials are not present in the player's inventory
If something goes wrong, a promt will let you know what the problem is and how to fix it. If everything checks out, the bridge will be built from slabs and string found in the inventory.

I hope you enjoy this mod and please don't hesitate to give me ideas for how to improve it. If you wish to use this mod in a video or include it in a pack, just give credit and let me know!

Many thanks to Bushi_Seasons and FletcherGirl42
new day, new update, and today it's @thevidaj with TFCBotania
thevidaj said:
This mod is intended to integrate Botania into TerraFirmaCraft.

Version 0.1 is not meant to be a complete integration, but it's a start. Lots of utilities can be crafted and function propertly (soujourners' sash, ring of magnetization etc, lots of decorative blocks)

Version 0.1: (Built with Botania 235 and TFC 079.25)

- Tweaked lots of recipes to remove nether materials

- Tweaked lots of recipes to use TFC materials

- All runes should be craftable

- Flowers won't generate in the world, but can be created with floral fertilizer

- Alchemy catalyst is changed to use gold instead of brewing stands. This might change in the future

- Glowstone is now available by alchemizing redstone

- Terrasteel is NOT yet available.

- Armor, weapons and tools are NOT yet tweaked to TFC numbers. They are basically useless as they now stand.

and @LatvianModder with CommandScripts
LatvianModder said:
Script files are placed in "/world/latmod/cmd_scripts/", file name must be "ID.script", can't contain spaces

Command descriptions:

/cmd_script run <ID> - This will run script

/cmd_script terminate_all - This will terminate all currently running scripts

/cmd_script terminate_all [ID] - This will terminate all currently running scripts if their ID matches [ID]

/fillblock <x0> <y0> <z0> <x1> <y1> <z1> <blockID> [metadata] - Fills area with specified block amd/or metadata

Special script commands:
sleep [ticks] - This will freeze script for x ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second

goto [line] - This will jump to line x

exit - This will terminate script

setVar <name> <value> - Variables are integers. You can set variable to number x, or use ~ to add to that number

ifVar <name> <comparator> <value2> [command...] - This will execute command if result is true

Valid comparators are ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=


goto might not alwatys work inside ifVar, yet.

fillblock relative coordinates (with ~) might not work in command blocks / scripts

Planned commands: testfor, testforblock

Example script: ("test.script") - This code will set stone above command block, then after 1 second, set it to air.

say Script started

setblock ~0 ~1 ~0 minecraft:stone
sleep 20

setblock ~0 ~1 ~0 minecraft:air

sleep 20

say Script terminated

and @MrVizzyTM with Thaumic Palmistry
MrVizzyTM said:
Thaumic Palmistry 0.4
  • Add [WIP] Wand Focus: Thaumometer
  • Add full craft support in Palmist Workbench
  • Add recipes for Primal Gear and Wand Focus: Thaumometer on Palmist Workbench
  • Add some research text
New release of RFTools 4.12 and McJtyLib 1.8.0:

  • Warning! In McJtyLib 1.7.1 and older there was a bug where the wrong UUID was stored with every machine (to represent the owner). In 1.8.0 this is now fixed but to get the correct owner you will have to replace your blocks (i.e. simply pick them up with a wrench or pickaxe and then place them down again). You don't have to do this unless you depend on the security system or want to use the new dimension tracking feature (in which case you should do it for the dimension builders you own).
  • New Dimension Ownership tracking. This is based on the ownership tracking that was already present for RFTools machines. Check out RFTools on Servers for more information on this new feature and how you as a server admin can configure RFTools to help you manage your dimensions.
  • The /rftdim safedel command will now also delete the DIM folder from disk. So it is no longer needed to manually delete this later. If you have problems with this feature then let me know and you can temporarily disable it in the config.
  • If you enable this in the config /rftdim safedel can also be used by players for their own dimensions.
  • New /rftdim setowner command to set the owner of a dimension.
  • It is now possible to limit the number of dimensions a player can make. This only works if dimensions are properly tracked (see above).
  • Rebalanced instability ore dimlet to be VERY rare and also not generated randomly in worlds.

Download RFTools 4.12: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools
Download McJtyLib 1.8.0 (required!): http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/233105-mcjtylib

Server admin documentation: https://github.com/McJty/RFTools/wiki/RFTools-Servers

Have fun!
Pistronics 2 update by letiu


- Beta Version 0.6.2
Added: Mechanic Sensor
Added: Falling Blocks (e.g. sand, gravel) are now prevented from falling when moved by
a supersticky extension.
Added: ConfigOption: fallingBlockList (way to manually add blocks that should be treated
as falling blocks)
Changed: exchanged the algorithmen for dependent blocks like torches with hard code
because it was rather unstable and caused problems like blocks randomly dropping.
(This does not necessarily mean modded blocks no longer work)
Changed: Active redstone rod texture
Fixed: Rods and Extensions not stacking when pulled out of a machine
Fixed: Some render glitches with extension parts

Hi everyone, big changes this time. Blocks should no longer drop or disappear randomly!

Falling blocks like sand or gravel can now be pulled up (and kept there) by supersticky extensions.

And there is a new block called "Mechanic Sensor" which can detect when a piston is not able to push any further.

(you might have noticed all these changes are aimed at quarries ^-^)

some screenshots:


Quarryhead using new sensor


Not update related masterzh spam: Yes we have planets now so i can leave MC finally! Had blast exploring and generating random seeds of various planets and started build of headquarters. There are some memory leaks here and there but apart from that it looks so much better.
@Vazkii released Ambience!

Ambience is a successor (hell, it's literally built on top of it) to my, now discontinued, RuneTune mod. It's a mod that adds an environmentally aware soundtrack to minecraft.

In reality, that's a lie. The mod itself does not add any music, but it adds the ability for you to craft, using a config and mp3 files, your own soundtrack for the game, or just download a music pack and go from there
new day, new update, and today it's @Ellpeck with Actually Additions
Ellpeck said:
Actually Additions 1.7.10-r7
  • Made the Atomic Reconstructor save its power
  • Added Automation Tutorial for Atomic Reconstructor
  • Added Background Graphic for current chapter's name in booklet
  • Added Bookmarks
  • Made Magnet Ring Energy balancing better (Might need to reset configs!)
  • Made Phantom Device Range being tested better (Check your Phantomfaces, they might not be in range anymore now!)
  • Sneaking breaks rings' ability now (Magnet Ring, Growth Ring, Water Removal Ring)
  • Made TileEntities update less often to reduce server traffic
  • Made ActAdd Fluid Names not clash with other mods' ones
  • Made Wild Plants not generate on Mycelium and plop off right away
  • Added OreGen and Plant Gen Dimension Blacklist
  • Atomic Reconstructor now uses Energy depending on the recipe
  • Added misc. reconstructor Recipes
  • Added Ethetic Quartz, a decor block and wall, slab & stair variants of them