What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I gotta admit, I don't get it. XD
Explain, preeze?

I'm not sure but I think it's an above ground temple marking the position of the underground dungeon and nether portal.

IMHO it appears that a (heavily borken) stronghold and what appears to be a new type of dungeon generated at pretty much the same location in a superflat test world while Jeb is working on new "features".

It's not broken. Much of the stronghold is just holes cut out of the normal stone.
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And I guess also the stackable soil? I don't know all of its features though.

It had a lot of innovative features at the time. Most of which are now available from other mods.
Uniqe glow in the dark ores.
Interesting blocks.
Blocks that mobs could not spawn on.
High value store tanks
Inf water sorce.
Farm blocks.
And planed was Laser power nets and colorable blocks.

Now we have...
Magnum torches and microblock slabs.
Water nods with world interaction upgrades.
Thermal expansion lights.
It had a lot of innovative features at the time. Most of which are now available from other mods.
Uniqe glow in the dark ores.
Interesting blocks.
Blocks that mobs could not spawn on.
High value store tanks
Inf water sorce.
Farm blocks.
And planed was Laser power nets and colorable blocks.

Now we have...
Magnum torches and microblock slabs.
Water nods with world interaction upgrades.
Thermal expansion lights.
I loved animated texture on ores, it was beautiful!
new day, new update, and today it's @insaneau with Ex Astris
insaneau said:
Ex Astris 1.16-35
  • Witchery Bridge - Get your base witchery seeds by sifting. Spawn a Coven Witch by using a Witches Hand in a barrel of Witchwater.
  • Russian translation
  • Ability to get to Thaumcraft's Outer Lands. Check the Thauminomicon (once you unlock Void Metal)
  • Config option to disable Sieve particles - this should help if you're having performance issues.
  • Now ships the CoFH API (No changes for frontend users)
  • Hammer should now render without ThermalExpansion/EnderIO installed.
  • Chinese translation

and @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 3.5
  • Added: Fire,Poison,Experience & Wither Imbue
  • Added: Option to remove "water" texture around underwater not full blocks (Ladders,Slabs,Chests) (Disabled by Default)
  • Added: Bottle of Air
  • Added: NEI Support for Imbuing Station Recipes
  • Fixed: Dupe Bug using the Dyeing Machine
  • Fixed: Anvil Recipes only working with Baubles being installed
  • Changed: Water Walking Boots now only generate in Water Chests found in Ocean Monuments
  • Changed: The Chest next to a nature core is now a Nature Chest
  • Changed: Reduced Chance of Biome Crystals spawning in Pyramid Jungle / Desert Chests
  • Changed: Biome Crystal Texture

and @theflogat with Technomancy
Theflogat said:
Technomancy 0.10.i
  • Fix for thaumonomicon crash
  • The Technoturge's Scepter is now avaible: It is a crafting scepter version of the Energized wand. (Because it's a scepter, no focuses, sorry!)
  • Unlike the Energized wand, it charges in the same way most RF powered items do, just pop it in your favorite RF charger, or have an activated Flux Capacitor in your inventory. Of course it can still be charged in the wand charger.
  • It also functions as the following tools:
  • Buildcraft Wrench
  • IC2 Wrench
  • AE2 Certus Quartz Wrench
  • Railcraft crowbar
  • MFR Factory Hammer (With the machine range display!)
  • EnderIO Yeta Wrench (With the ability to hide facades and select which conduit types you can see via the mousewheel!)
  • Thermal Expansion Crescent Hammer (With all it's wonderful block rotation capabilities!)
  • Huge overhaul of the blocks and their item versions
  • They now store their (NBT) Data in item form and have new saving features which allows for an easier way to build.
  • More WAILA integration for most of the blocks
  • New feature for Coils, they now emit a redstone signal (if upgraded) when they can still accept items/essentia. Will be very useful when using a lot of them with Void Jars.

and @FatherToast with Block Properties
FatherToast said:
Ever wanted some blocks to break faster, slower or not at all? Thought your ores drop too little xp, too many items, and don't explode often enough? Maybe you want fire to burn ALL the things. Whatever your block configuring needs, Block Properties has you covered! Well, mostly.

This mod allows you to customize all blocks, vanilla or otherwise, with completely configurable drops, break speed, harvest level, xp, flammability, blast resistance, slipperiness, light opacity, brightness, and even sound type! To top it off, many properties accept number ranges for values, and are randomized for each block event!

Everything in this mod is completely configurable! This mod will do nothing if you do not edit its properties files. The properties files are generated in your .minecraft/config directory.

See the wiki for how to use the configs.
Eyy, I have a patent on that! :p

Now if only you could change some of those settings in game. I'd like to make instant break, blast proof, light opaque, glowing stone bricks.
Making a solar power tower that looks like a normal castle tower is one of my want to do progects. Or making a field of solar panels hidden under ground.
new day, new update, and today it's @RiskyKen with Armourer's Workshop
RiskyKen said:
Armourer's Workshop
  • Added weapon overrides to the configuration file. (weapons that can be skinned can now be added/removed here)
  • Added the skinning table. (replaces putting a sword and skin in a crafting table)
  • Added soap. (use in a skinning table to remove a skin from a weapon)
  • Added Mekanism Tools support.
  • Added config option for the number of threads used for model baking.
  • Added config options for how long models should stay in the client/server cache.
  • Added new info to the F3 debug text.
  • Added IArmourersSkinnableItem to the API.
  • Added set item as skinnable to the API.
  • Added support from Botania's Excaliber.
  • Fixed FPS drops when skins first load on clients.
  • Fixed a skin id mismatch error for old skins. (should fix skins that stopped working after this last update)
  • Fixed old skin database not getting loaded on server. (should fixed skins that stopped working after the last update)
  • Fixed the HSB sliders getting stuck when TMI is installed.
  • Fixed clear model cache command not fully clearing the cache.
  • Fixed server memory leak causing skins to never be unloaded.
  • Fixed not being able to upload skins to a server.
  • Fixed some API render calls not working.
  • Changed the armourer building guide grid to be more transparent.
  • Removed some console spam.
  • Removed weapon skin locking recipes. (moved to the skinning table)
@LoveHoly Ex Astris Rebirth 1.00-1 update
  • code re-design(barrel, etc)
  • add mini smeltery
  • barrel code clean up
  • bug fixed
  • add particle config
Ex Astris Rebirth is a reworked version of Ex Astris. if you update from Ex Astris to Ex Astris Rebirth, some items can be disappeared.
I am planning on turning more mods to be compatible with Ex Nihilo
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Botania R1.6 188 (by Vazkii)
Vazkii said:
  • Added Simple Ores and Netherrocks support for the Orechid. (Sinhika)
  • Added tall and petite flower alternate textures by Futureazoo.
  • Added the Stone of Temperance. A new "upgrade" item that will make the Terra Shatterer not break more than a 3x3 area.
  • Beams from Excaliber no longer home on players.
  • Dropping the Ring of the Aesir reverts it into its base components.
  • Fixed a crash when Corporea Interceptors or Funnels with an empty item frame are triggered.
  • Fixed Capricorn and Aquarius being backwards in the Eye of the Flugel. (Lazersmoke)
  • Fixed crafting mana Helmets of Revealing removing enchants and ancient wills. (Lazersmoke)
  • Fixed petal apothecary not checking properly for the item's name. KitchenCraft seeds now work with it. (tterag1098)
  • Fixed the Drum of the Gathering working on the client side and spawning fake cows when used on mooshrooms.
  • Fixed the Ring of Loki and Aesir rendering a wireframe below bedrock. (Lazersmoke)
  • Fixed the Ring of Loki and Ring of the Aesir displaying the source bounding box when in the inventory and not equipped.
  • Fixed the Talent Shredder achievement being achievable with rank S with a specific item. (Lazersmoke)
  • Made the Dice of Fate be biased towards positive results.
  • Red Stringed Spoofers can't connect to botania special flowers any more.
  • The Crafty Crate now automatically ejects its contents if full and no matching recipe is found.
  • The Gaia Guardian now only removes ambient potion effects (the ones with transparent particles).
  • Typo fixes. (MrKunji)
  • [API] Added ore weights to the orechid table for Simple Ores and Netherrocks. (Sinhika)
  • [API] Increased version number to 48.
  • Added tall and petite flower alternate textures by Futureazoo.