Thy will be doneOkay, that was just plain clever. I just had to say it out loud.
Carry on, our wayward sons.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Thy will be doneOkay, that was just plain clever. I just had to say it out loud.
Carry on, our wayward sons.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
- Fluid conduits will light up with luminescent fluids inside them
- Farming station will now support WATER type crops (e.g. witchery Water Artichoke)
- AE2 and Mekanism compats now have a min version set, so FML should prevent loading if you are using too old of a version
- Yeta Wrench and Conduit Probe overlays will now be in the bottom right corner, to avoid obscuring chat
- Ingot blocks are now blacklisted from Grinding Ball bonuses
- Yeta wrench will once again work with IDismantleable blocks (TE, AE2, MFR, etc)
- Fix fluid dupes with tanks
- Fix dupes with crafter
- Fix issues with Dark Steel Pressure Plate drops
- Lots of logging typo fixes
- Fix wither skeleton spawner freezing game when replaceWitherSkeletons=true
- Fix not being able to place a stack of >1 filled soul vials
- Fix odd behavior with capturing entities with soul vials
- Fix inconsistencies with farming station power use
- ingotAluminuim -> ingotAluminium in OreDictionaryPreferences.xml
- Fix Conduit Probe overlay rendering
- Fix dark steel boots using power when a player falls but does not take damage
- Fix reservior caching IIcon UVs (caused errors when restitching textures)
- Fix gas conduits ignoring extract/insert mode of IGasHandlers
- Fix painted glowstone being able to be painted with non-opaque blocks
- Fix some custom recipes not being registered to the RecipeSorter
- Fix choppy animation on obelisks in SMP
- Remove Mekanism v7 Requirement
- In place of this, Gas Conduits will automatically disable themselves if a non-v7 version of Mekanism is detected
Bugstterag1098 with EnderIO
Soaryn liked it too. Too bad he already found a new one.Bugs
- Fix fluid dupes with tanks
Darn I liked that dupe.
Applied energistics 3 confirmed?Upcoming RFTools feature. Modular Storage!
Nah, that was Botania a while back.Applied energistics 3 confirmed?
Vazkii said:
- Added Incense Sticks and an Incense Plate to burn them on. They provide AoE brew effects. It's as they say, Incense is Wincense.
- Added the Terra Truncator (Terrasteel Axe), as you'd expect, it breaks whole trees.
- Excaliber's beams now only home on enemy mobs.
- Fixed an exploit involving the Ring of the Aesir and Ring of Odin that allowed the player to get infinite health. Due to its nature, damage already done can't be reversed without save editing tools.
- Fixed botania armorsets supposedly protecting against unblockable damage. (mDiyo)
- Fixed Excaliber's beams only homing on players.
- Fixed more NEI crashes. I think, I can't reproduce them.
- Right clicking a Petal Apothecary or Runic Altar with an empty hand after a recipe is completed places the components of that recipe from your inventory into the block again for another crafting. And there was much rejoicing, again.
- Terrasteel tools now take more mana to maintain than Manasteel ones.
- The Horn of the Canopy now has a better way to check for leaves. It might even pick up Thaumcraft leaves now, who knows. It also reaches a bit higher.
- The Red Stringed Relay can now connect to double tall flowers.
- [API] Added a function to Brew to prevent it from being infused into incense.
- [API] Increased version number to 49.
It inherits the right click ability from the Manasteel Axe that places a sapling from your inventory.
Blood Arsenal 1.1-6 by @Arcaratus
- Added Witchery integration (plants)
- Added "Attachables" MT API for adding new chain attach points.
- Added config option to disable villager stamp trading. Check gardencontainers.patterns.cfg.
- Heavy chains will carry a redstone signal from a redstone torch lantern upwards for up to 8 blocks.
- Chains and lanterns connect to slabs and other registered blocks.
- Wrought iron fence now has a 1.5 high collision box, like vanilla fences.
- Lattice will extend to connect to top/bottom of vanilla fence, wrought iron fence, and slabs.
- Fixed crash when placing wrought iron fence next to certain TileEntities.
- Fixed plants rendering multiple times, causing clipping issues.
- Fixed texture render bug with lattice when connecting to wood posts.
- Fixed block attributes (hardness, sound) of wrought iron block.
Redstonic v1.4 by @RaizunneFixed many bugs such as world clients, etc.
Redid a few recipes
Improved Items
Thermal Recycling by @OreCruncher
- Added Redstonic Sword - New Modular swords.
- Added 6 Redstonic Blades - Gives the damage value of the new Redstonic Sword
- Added 6 Redstonic Handles - Gives the limit of number of augments for the new Redstonic Sword
- Added 4 Redstonic Sword Augments - Required for ultimate damage on the new Redstonic Sword
- Added Speed II Augment - Level 2 of the speed augment.
- Added new textures for all augments
- Addeed Redstone Infused Stick
- Changed the multiplier for the speed augment.
- I really cant remember most of these
- Fixed bug with right clicking drill and crashing.
Funky Locomotion beta 5b by @RWTemav0.3.4.4
- If ExtraTiC is installed, the various gear decomp recipes are changed so that the iron ingot is removed from Foundation gear and the iron gear is removed from the BuildCraft gold gear. ExtraTiC allows a gear to be poured from a smeltery using only 4 ingots.
Progression 0.3.5 by @joshiejackFix major memory leak
Twilight Forest 2.3.6 & 2.3.7 by @BenimaticProgression 0.3.5
Mods will now bypass the system if there isn't support for them added, instead of not working
Add Support for Forestry Worktable
Add Support for Autopackager mod
Fix Potential crash with Obtain Trigger
Inventory Pets 1.1.2a by @Purplicious_Cow2.3.6:
- Final castle architectural preview
- Many new blocks
- Much structure
- Still a work in progress
- Monsters and mechanics to come
- Fix huge lily pad item to be consume an item on placement
- Fix capitalization mismatch causing knightmetal ring texture to not load correctly
- Add config option to specify portal item
- Add in troll caves/giants to old map generation
- Beanstalks now grow through more natural blocks, such as trees
- Add a few more safeguards preventing taking items from the uncrafting table when uncrafting is disabled on the server, or the player does not have enough XP
- Fix crash when the cube of annihilation or chain block returns to a player with empty hands
- Ice crystals do not automatically despawn in 30 seconds if not summoned by the snow queen
- Small twilight oak trees and rainbow trees now properly grow with twilight oak logs
- Giant water lily flowers now insta-break instead of being as hard as cobblestone
- Giant lily pads make grass noise when broken
Fix a bad sign causing disconnections
Steve's Addons 0.10.9 by @hilburnRelease Notes 1.1.2
Yet another minor update, fixes a couple of big open bugs, and adds in a few new pet upgrades. Next release will have new pets, abilities, and items.
Bug Fixes:
- Congrats to the Black Hole Pet, winner of the BOP award (Best of Pets). New Black Hole ability: Your arrows normal speed during Time Slow
- Significant increase to damage caused by Cloud Lightning Strike, more suited to a Legendary Pet
- Ocelot now fishes for you when near water (with some patience, of course) - Idea Credit: IANNOVA
- Ocelot night vision flicker removed (but now you see particle effects)
- Changed "LSHIFT" to "Sneak" for Spider and Jukebox pet instructions, to help alternate keybinders
- Added in Version Checker and Download Link to help remind those who may be stuck on an early version of the mod
- Added French language support
- Fixed Server crash caused by projectiles (arrows, fireballs, etc.)
- Fixed bug that caused lost/duplicate items when you had multiple chests of the same chest type in Hotbar
- Fixed Chinese language support
- Lowered volume of all ‘noms’
- Removed "Your pets say goodbye!" message
- Hotfix to 1.1.2 for Elemental Witches compatibility.
Tinker I/O beta 1.1 by @GKBBug Fixes:
- Serverside crash with Pastebin commands
- Crash with pushing items into Energistics Connector
Sprinkles for Vanilla 1.2.1 by @VikeStep
- The recipe can support Ore Dictionary now !
- Crash whenever a liquid block updates (which can happen by simply mining a dirt block)
Welp, looks like I'll start the day off.![]()
But it's "What's New... Today". So, for me, today, these things are new. Ehwot. :/It's like... 10pm here...
This version is not compatible with previous Ex-Astris. (if you change mod, all of items are gone)Changelog
- add BOP Barrels
- add Bound Hammer
- bug fixed
...why?... never leaves? ...
And, good eye spotting the cat.
Meanwhile, I understand that there will be lots of adventure maps being played on twitch and youtube in the next couple of weeks. Does that count as "new in modded minecraft"?![]()
That mod looks alright. Are you thinking of having some kind of chisel integration?I released a new mod today if anyone wants to check it out. Right now there aren't a ton of features but I intend to add many more. The Mod is called Elemental Essences and it is a magical/resources mod.