- Removed the “block” prefix from automatic ore dictionary conversion
- Tweaked tooltips of core upgrades vs structural upgrades to make them clearer
- Added config option to change the item used for structural upgrade recipes, default is fence
- Added config option to override specific tier colors
- Added config option to specify stack size for base barrel and the storage upgrade, default is 64
- Network Optimization: Content and Ghost packets should now only send when needed
- Network Optimization: Added a packet limiter to send updates every ”packetLimiterDelay” ms (config option, default to 500 ms).
- Added safety checking for the Barrel Renderer
- [MC 1.7 only] Fixed Anisotropic filtering
- Fixed rare translucent texture issue
- DSU interface fixed, should resolve issues with AE and LP
Please note the extra hunger.I've been having a bit of fun. Here's lookin' at you~
I think I'm going to retire the Exo-Armor though. I want something more travel-worthy.
Forget the extra hunger. Take a look at the wings.mDiyo seems to like teasing, and it's making me angry:
Please note the extra hunger.
I question the design behind a hunger buff. Although I suppose it might provide an interesting experience if used with Hunger OverhaulmDiyo seems to like teasing, and it's making me angry:
Please note the extra hunger.
Without Hunger Overhaul it's useless anyway. A basic potato farm can easily upkeep a person basically forever.I question the design behind a hunger buff. Although I suppose it might provide an interesting experience if used with Hunger Overhaul
So can Geostrata and it's crystal pendants, assuming you have a brown one.Without Hunger Overhaul it's useless anyway. A basic potato farm can easily upkeep a person basically forever.
Forget the extra hunger. Take a look at the wings.
On a sepperet note. Can I suggest posting the source if info posted on this thread. I for one would like to be able to track such information sources my self.
nekosune said:Build 140
- Added SkyMatrix to blacklist, another broken research to avoid.
naw, he said he wanted something more "travel worthy"wings may not actually be from tinkers, as mdiyo likes to play with mods that edit the player model
naw, he said he wanted something more "travel worthy"
also, servertools build 23 is out. http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/forgeservertools#changes
And the armor changed color. So it could just mean that. However so did the wings. That means we are getting eather winds and a new armor or wings and a way to change the armor's appearance.
Fluidic Compressor.such a tease...what IS it?![]()
Yay finally.Computercraft for 1.7.2 is out. See twitter annoucement
Access for beta testers only: http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/forum/16-beta-testing/
ErogenousBeef said:Current Release (0.3.2A)
- Enhancement: Swedish translation, thanks erucolindo!
- Upgrade: German translation is now current for 0.3, thanks Vexatos!
- Bugfix: Alternate translations can now actually be used. Thanks Vexatos!
- Bugfix: Reactor/Turbine computer ports can now connect to Computercraft 1.6 computers and modems. This was broken in 0.3.1A.
- Bugfix: Fixed crashes related to teleporting near a turbine fluid port (introduced in 0.3.1A)
- Bugfix: Added some code so that chunk boundary handling is sliiiiightly nicer and should fail not quite as often. Still, putting ports on the boundary of non-chunkloaded chunks is still wonky. Blame minecraft.
- Did some behind-the-scenes upgrades so automated building is nicer, thanks AbrarSyed!
- Fixed research
- Chinese Lang
- Added aspect effects (Aer, Arbor)
- Fixed effects (Aqua, Gelum)
- 1.7.2 - 0.991 Public BETA: Download Link
- Forge Version: 1.7.2-
- Thaumcraft Version:
Ganymedes01 said:v1.6.1
-Added: Dyeable chain armour as well as iron! (if you get a crash when doing it re-download the mod. It should be fixed)
-Change: Item Displays now come in all 16 colours (they'll be the colour of the carpet you use to craft them)
-Change: Pocket Bat and Squid now have 3D rendering
-Added: Witches will spawn normally in any vanilla biome but most commonly on swamps (You can disable this in the config file)
-Change: Icy Pick will melt (take damage) if you have it in a biome too hot
-Added: Organic Matter Compressor now has its NEI helper (look up the uses for an item and it will show how much matter you'd get from it on an OMC)
Ganymedes01 said:v1.6.0
-Added: Horse Amour Stand
-Added: Thermal Smelter. Smelts for free but slowly. Requires at least one lava block besides it in order for it to work.
-Added: Extended Spawners (support for Twilight Forest and The Erebus)
-Added: Commands! /ganysnether KillAll <entityname> and /ganysnether EntityMap (gives you a list of all the entities)
-Added: Look up items ore dictionary name using NEI
-Added: Look up item anvil repairs using NEI
-Change: Volcanic Furnace is easier to automate (slots are accessible from any side) and outputs lava from the top if the level is above half
-Added: Focused Lava Cell. Place it besides a volcanic furnace to increase the rate of lava production. More cells means it will go even faster. Once cell can help more than one furnace.
Ganymedes01 said:v1.6.1
-Added: Reinforced Endium Tools. Work just like the old ones but last for much longer
-Change: Raw Endium is now world gen. You can find it in the end and mine it with a diamond pick. If your end has already been generated, you can turn the old recipe back on. Just use the config file.
-Added: Ender Bag. Access your ender chest inventory from anywhere! You can also turn this off in the config files.
-Change: Heads now render in 3D. Begone ugly flattened images.
-Added: Ender Furace. Cook stuff with ender pearls! This replaces several old recipes from this mod. I recommend checking out the WIKI and/or using NEI to look them up. Yes this has NEi support.
-Added: More heads from the Twilight Forrest + Ender Dragon Head
I noticed no one linked this so here is mdiyo talking about the new stuff he is implementing.
Also a mod I have been using for a while but really haven't said anything about is unidye. This mod has really grown and developed and adds a ton of cool stuff aswell it works amazingly with gregtech.
I don't say that much here often so heres another thing, mdiyo had another big update:
- DragonAPI: Plant Helper now contains vines
- DragonAPI: Added recipe ingredient replacement function
- DragonAPI: Rain now mutes some of the day/night temperature cycling
- DragonAPI: Expanded and updated ModOreList
- ElectriCraft: Fixed various crashes
- ElectriCraft: Made copper more common and tin rarer
- GeoStrata: Added connected-texture edged stone
- GeoStrata: Fixed stones being easy to break by hand
- GeoStrata: Added rock density config option (0.5 to 2.5x)
- MeteorCraft: Fixed defence gun
- MeteorCraft: Fixed radar
- ReactorCraft: Added turbine generator
- ReactorCraft: Heat exchangers now explode if over lava
- ReactorCraft: Made TRISO cheaper
- ReactorCraft: Fixed condenser ammonia issue
- RotaryCraft: Added Gas Compression Chamber
- RotaryCraft: Added Composter
- RotaryCraft: Added AutoCrafter (not finished)
- RotaryCraft: Blast glass now has connected textures
- RotaryCraft: Fixed I/O crashes
- RotaryCraft: Fixed shaft cross power transfer issues
- RotaryCraft: Placing machines below bedrock no longer crashes
- RotaryCraft: Added sickles
- RotaryCraft: Leaf-clearing ability of bedrock axe moved to sickle
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock axes no longer clear the whole tree if the player is sneaking
- RotaryCraft: Added option to increase iron generation
- RotaryCraft: Dry ice can now be used in the crystallizer
- RotaryCraft: Fertilizer can now use compost
- RotaryCraft: Fixed pneumatic engine crashes on RF conduits
- RotaryCraft: Added option to allow Blast Glass to be used as TE hardened glass in its recipes
- RotaryCraft: Fixed some bevel and junction models
- RotaryCraft: EMP now accumulates power
- RotaryCraft: Fixed TNT cannon GUI glitch
- RotaryCraft: Borer shield now stops the Pile Driver
- RotaryCraft: Fixed compactor exception spam
- RotaryCraft: Worktable can no longer uncraft damaged gears or tools
- RotaryCraft: Tungsten now requires only 1350C to make
- RotaryCraft: Fluid can now be drawn from the filling station
- RotaryCraft: Oxygen can now be fed into the pulse jet to make it burn hotter and faster
- RotaryCraft: Fixed magnetizers being too fast on upgrades
- RotaryCraft: Made upgrades stackable to 16
- RotaryCraft: Fixed scaleable chest shift-clicking
I don't say that much here often so heres another thing, mdiyo had another big update