What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Cannibalism updated to v1.1.0
Change Log said:
- Added some functionality to item.knifeOfTesting.name to help with creating the JSONs

- Right clicking on a entity will tell you its name

- Shift right click on a entity will tell you the data from its JSON entity, if there's any

- Shift right click in the air will reload the JSONs to apply the changes ingame (It will tell you if the JSON is misformatted)

- Added wildcard support, adding a "*"next to the entity name (ex: name*) will cause the entity JSON to apply to all mob that is a extension of that entity

- Language Localization

- Raw meat obtained from killing or knifing players will be named "[name of player]'s Flesh"

===========================From beta 1.1.0====================================

- Created a JSON config system where you can specified which entities will be affected by the knife as well as the amount of damage it will deal and the items that will drop from the affected entity. With the exceptions of villagers, there's no way to create a wildcard entry but it will be implemented in the future.

- Players wearing a chestplate will not be affected by the knife unless the user is sneaking. Attempts to cut a player with a chestplate will results in the knife taking damage relative to the chestplate's armor points.

- Fixed the knife causing damage to its user if it is used on another player.

- Fixed Flesh giving too much saturation (oops...)

- Red, blue, and green stuff.
Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10i (by MatrexsVigil)
MatrexsVigil said:
Amazing Content Update
  • Added: Churn Block; uses Salt as fuel to turn Fresh Milk into Butter; Known Bug: Does not have second slot working
  • Added: Quern Block; uses Stone Pressure Plates to grind items normally made with Mortar and Pestle
  • Added: Animal Trap; uses grain bait, veggie bait, or fruit bait to trap and gather animal items (including new meats like turkey!)
  • Added: Fish Trap; uses fish bait to trap and farm fish and water garden foods
  • NOTE: Animal Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five dirt or grass covered dirt blocks
  • NOTE: Fish Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five still water blocks
  • Added: Wheat Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Melon Seeds to Market Block under Seeds (there is a Wheat for Wheat trade, I know)
  • Added: Oak Saplings, Birch Saplings, and Dark Oak Saplings to Market Block under Temperate Saplings (there is a Oak for Oak trade, I know)
  • Added: Jungle Saplings and Acacia Saplings to Market Block under Tropical Saplings (there is a Jungle for Jungle trade, I know)
  • Added: Spruce Saplings to Market Block under Coniferous Saplings (there is a Spruce for Spruce trade, I know)
  • Change: Chili Chocolate recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
  • Change: Manjuu recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
  • Fix: Listed Raw Salmon, Pufferfish, Clownfish, and Cooked Salmon under the correct Ore Dictionary terms
  • Added: Pumpkin, Potato, Carrot listed as "cropBlah" in Ore Dictionary
  • Added: Torches and Candles listed as "blockTorch" in Ore Dictionary
  • Added: Recipe to make Lit Pumpkins with "cropPumpkin" and "blockTorch"
  • Fix: Candle textures are now correctly centered (thanks jecowa)
  • Change: Removed config option to change amount of Fresh Water gained from recipe
  • Config Option: You can now disable using crop items to plant with enablecropitemsasseeds under "miscellaneous recipes" - Default: True
  • Change: Crops should now use IPlantable correctly
  • Change: Mocha Ice Cream now uses "toolMixingbowl" like other ice cream recipes (thanks Geethebluesky)
  • Fix: Various recipes now use "toolMixingbowl" instead of toolMixingbow (thanks Geethebluesky)
  • Fix: Shepard's Pie now renamed Shepherd's Pie and recipe fixed to use right Ore Dictionary (thanks MisfitAngel)
  • Added: Raw Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Find using Animal Trap
  • Added: Cooked Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Cook the raw versions
  • Fix: Pot block can now be properly placed on the Oven
  • Added: Strawberry Milkshake, Chocolate Milkshake, Banana Milkeshake, Cornflakes, Coleslaw Burger, Roast Chicken Dinner,
  • Roast Potatoes, Sunday Roast, BBQ Pulled Pork, Lamb with Mint Sauce, Steak and Chips, Cherry Ice Cream, Pistachio Ice Cream, Neapolitan Ice Cream, Spumoni Ice Cream
  • Fix: You can now buy items with metadata from the Market Block (spawn eggs, bonemeal, etc) (thanks Mr. Crayfish)
  • Fix: Apiary code cleaned up and being surrounded by flowers, crops, or grass-based gardens actually makes the Apiary produce faster! (thanks Java Matrix)

And a new mod by Pam!

Pam's Harvest the Nether 1.7.10a (by MatrexsVigil)
MatrexsVigil said:
Adds trees, fruits, bushes, crops, glow flowers, and survival recipes to the Nether
new day, new update, and today it's @CyanideX with Subsistence
CyanideX said:
  • Fix boiling water not able to be picked up without CoFHCore
  • Fix crash when breaking some blocks with nothing inside
  • Fix barrel lids not dropping
  • Rethink water mill fluid logic a bit, should work with any/all fluids
  • Fix barrel lid rendering
  • Clean up barrels/compost, fix nether variants using wood stats
  • Fix some blocks not dropping contents, fix barrels not dropping at all
  • Fixed water mill not detecting boiling water

and @Zacomat with Giacomo's Foundry
Zacomat said:
This mod adds the new Foundry block which is used to recycle materials.

The recyclable materials are those that can be obtained by melting in the furnace.
If an object is built with recyclable materials then it can be smelted in the foundry to recover the materials of which it is composed.
The non-recyclable parts of an object will be burned and will be lost.
But beware: items containing fuels can cause fire, items containing gunpowder can cause explosions.

Official site: Giacomo's Foundry

and @CelesTekTeam with HEXCraft
CelesTekTeam said:
HEXCraft 0.4.0
New Features
  • Added three new decoration blocks.
    • Blocks added: Plated Hexorium Block, Reinforced Hexorium Block and Glowing Hexorium Glass.
    • Reinforced Hexorium Block has blast resistance identical to that of Obsidian, so it can be used for defense.
    • Glowing Hexorium Glass has all of the colors like other blocks, but there is no rainbow version.
    • Check the new blocks here, here and here on our wiki.
  • Energy Pylons can now be toggled with redstone signal.
    • Allows for using pylons as switches between networks.
    • You can create interesting light shows.
    • NOTE: This change might make your pylons appear (and act) as if they were off. Place a block next to them and it will fix them.
  • Screenshots of new features below.



  • Readjusted hardness, blast resistance and mining levels of all blocks.
    • All blocks except for Reinforced Hexorium Block have resistance identical to Stone.
    • Machines are now more difficult to break.
    • Most blocks now require iron-level pickaxe to break.
  • When connecting rainbow Energy Pylons with ones of a different color, the beam will now be of the color that is not rainbow.
  • Changed the icon of the creative tab.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a critical crash which might sometimes occur when using Energy Pylons.

and @Erasmus_Crowley with Ex Nihilo 2
Erasmus_Crowley said:
Ex Nihilo 2 0.24
  • Added Crucible
    • It is very simple for now. It only takes cobblestone and is not configurable. You can still disable it in the config if you want to.
    • Valid heat sources are torches, lava, fire, and lit furnaces (vanilla or dirt furnace will work).
    • The new code should be extremely efficient and accurate.
    • Waila integration is built in and recommended.
  • Added map templates for the Ex Nihilo maps. Switch to them in the config file.
    • Easy: 27 dirt blocks, an oak tree, and a chest containing 3 stacks of bonemeal.
    • Moderate: 27 dirt blocks, a birch tree and a chest containing 1 stack of ash.
    • Hard: 1 dirt block, 1 birch tree, and may the gods have mercy on your poor masochistic soul.
  • Added a recipe for cobwebs. 8 string around a slimeball.
  • Added a smelting recipe that turns Black Slimeballs into coal.
  • Changed the textures for Black Slimeballs and Black Emeralds to a deeper black color.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Black Emeralds to not despawn when being turned into diamonds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused dedicated servers to crash. Hopefully thats the last one of them. :(
  • Modified the packet throttling on the barrel and sieve to make the animations appear smoother to people watching someone else add items or fluids to them.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the dirt furnace to never appear lit when facing certain directions.
  • Fixed the mcmod.info file so that mod info is properly displayed in the 'Mods' menu.
  • Slime creation now requires the player to add a severed head to a barrel of water.
  • FINALLY fixed the oversight that caused items in the world to pop into the player's inventory without any delay.

and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 450
  • Added: Sword of the barbarian
  • Added: Prismatic wand
  • Added: Monitor
  • Added: Prismatic processor
  • Added: Mirror of the Angel
  • Added: Amulet of the Angel's wing
  • Added: Sash of the Angel's heels
  • Added: Quests
  • Added: Botania's tutorial system
  • Added: Wool recipies for aura crystals
  • Fixed: Violet aura will self-destruct into small negative numbers, instead of into 0
  • Moved around lexicon categories
  • Updated infusion crafting overlay
  • Changed lexicon texture
  • Various language changes
  • Fixed issue with cascading processor and stack sizes
  • Lowered cost of synthesizer
  • Fixed potential issue with Aura Huts
  • Lowered cost of fluxing node
  • Various lexicon clarifications
  • Fixed strange crash with bookshelves
  • Buffed glider fairies
  • Changed mechanics of different fairies

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Factorization 0.8.94
  • The weird unregistered packet situation causes spam and sadness instead of crashes and sadness
  • Made DSE collision detection way faster
Forestry 3.5.7 (by SirSengir)
Mezz said:
Fix compatibility for the upcoming BuildCraft 7 stable release.

The Apiarist's Pipe for BC7 has moved to BuildCraftCompat 7 Stable (it will come out one day after this release).

If Forge warns you that the Apiarist's Pipe is missing, be sure to update to BuildCraftCompat 7 Stable before continuing or your pipes and their settings will disappear.

Aura Cascade 452 (by pixlepix)
pixlepix said:
  • Fixed error when connecting to server

Automagy v0.24.2 (by Tuhljin)
Tuhljin said:
  • "Workbench Upgrades" research (golem's workbench) now requires all six primal golem upgrades (Air, Earth, etc.) rather than requiring "Advanced Golems" research.
  • Adjusted recipes for runic whitelists/blacklists and Workbench Upgrade: Fire.
  • Adjusted aspects required for "Slivers for Travel" and "Slivers for Warding" researches.
  • NEI + ThaumcraftNEIPlugin integration: NEI's "?" button can now be used to populate arcane recipes into the crafting focus's GUI. (Only works to move items. No overlay.)
  • Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when NEI was used to populate the crafting focus's GUI when items were already in some of its slots.
  • Fixed crash when tally box (no lens) is pointed at certain invalid targets.

RFTools 3.00 beta 1 (by McJty)
McJty said:
  • Made a new Builder. This reuses part of the work that was done for the (currently still defunct) space projector. Basically you define an area of space (currently limited to 128x128x128) using eight space chamber blocks, link a space chamber card to it and put that in a Builder. You can then move, copy, or swap the area with the area in front of the builder. To copy an area you need to give the builder an inventory (on top or below the builder) with the items it needs. It also needs power. This should work with Tile Entities but needs proper testing to see if it works on all kinds of tile entities.
  • Greatly reduced teleportation time in case you have a fully infused transmitter.
  • Implemented Patreon dimlets and the very first Patreon McJty dimlet
  • Fixed a bug where placing a large screen would not correctly restore the invisible screen blocks. This made 3 parts of the large screen not usable for interactive purposes.
  • Fixed a bug when breaking a large screen. The three invisible screen blocks would not get cleared which made it hard to get rid of them since they cannot be broken in survival.
  • It is no longer possible to bring down the cost of a dimension to only 10RF/tick. The minimum is set to (by default) 10% of the normal creation cost without bonus dimlets.
  • Completely changed how the power relay item works. It now has different behaviour on all six sides and you can control input versus output mode and also exactly how much power is allowed in and out. The behaviour can also change based on redstone signal. This is not compatible with the old relay blocks so if you use those you'll have to change the configuration.
  • Fix a bug where multiple people looking at the same RF/t energy module in a screen would not see the same thing.
  • Tweaked the config values of Material Default/Liquid Default a bit. They were somewhat expensive.

Thermal Recycling 1.7.10- (by OreCruncher)
OreCruncher said:
new day, new update, and today it's @techbrew with JourneyMap
techbrew said:
JourneyMap 5.1.0rc3
  • Change: Options Manager Category sections look and act more like a typical accordian panel (top-aligned, arrow icons on the left, etc.)
  • Change: The Map Type (Day/Night/Caves) is now shown briefly on the Minimap when you toggle
  • Change: You can now press CTRL + to switch between the setting values of Options/Advanced/Tile Render Type. Works with either Minimap or Fullscreen.
  • Change: You can now press CTRL to switch between the setting values of Options/Cartograpy/High Map Quality. Works with either Minimap or Fullscreen.
  • Change: High Display Quality now on by default.
  • Bugfix: Reset button in Grid Editor now resets a grid spec to the default, rather than to the last saved.
  • Bugfix: Options/Cartography/Render stats covered the Reset button in some cases
  • Bugfix: Resource pack names weren't sorted when checking color palette currency. This led to a new color palette being generated any time the resource packs loaded in a different order.
  • Bugfix: Actions/Automap was broken
  • Bugfix: Uncovered Carpenter's Blocks (usually Barriers) sometimes rendered as black.
  • Bugfix: Fixed error messages for failed waypoint imports from Rei's or Voxel
  • Bugfix: Options/Cartography/High Map Quality wasn't actually turning on when the option was enabled
  • Added translation: German
  • Partial translation: Russian

and @GnomeWorks with Dungeon Mobs
GnomeWorks said:
Dungeon Mobs 4.1.0
  • New mob: vescavor. Loud noises that make you confused!
  • New status effect: confusion. Messes with your keybinds.
  • All mobs are now registered solely with mod-specific entity IDs, rather than global; this means no conflicts with other mods that add a bunch of mobs.
  • Blade traps now only damage players.
  • Beholder eye rays can cause confusion.

and @chemistrymodmaker with Calculator
chemistrymodmaker said:
Calculator 1.7.3
  • Loads of bug fixes. Special thanks to "DrWhoCares" for pointing so many out.
  • Some remain unfixed but all major bugs have been fixed.
  • Crash when looking up recipes for Atomic Multiplier
  • Crash when looking up recipes in Atomic Calculator
  • Conductor Mast not has input and output sides.
  • Atomic Multiplier shows Active/Idle properly.
  • Greenhouses don't have flickering Gas Level Bars
  • Greenhouses now add harvests crops directly to their inventories (if they can be planted again)
  • Greenhouses now only allow items to be input into the planting slots.
  • Greenhouses Now require a single chest directly in front of them for operation.
  • Conductor Mast Produces Energy, updates progress bar.
  • All machines, energy updates as it is added.
  • Transmitter/Weather Station work properly with WAILA.
  • Config file added to disable Blocks/Items
  • Storage Chamber Completely Fixed
  • Dynamic Flawless Crafting is operational again.
  • Recipe for Diamond Sapling fixed.
  • Small Stone and Soil information swapped
  • Machines show the input/output side.
  • End Diamonds now stack to 16 items like Ender Pearls.

and @CelesTekTeam with HEXCraft
CelesTekTeam said:
HEXCraft 0.5.0
New Features
  • Hexorium Reinforcer
  • Allows you to reinforce the four main decoration blocks: Engineered, Framed, Plated and Concentric Hexorium Blocks.
  • The recipe for the item crafts 6 reinforcers and costs 1 Black Hexorium Crystal and 6 Obsidian.
  • The reinforcers are consumed on use.
  • Reinforcing a block will change its texture to look more like Obsidian.
  • A reinforced block has the same strength to that of Obsidian, and requires a Diamond Pick to mine.
  • Read more about this new item here on our Wiki.
  • Screenshots below.
  • SS_Hexorium_Reinforcer_01.jpg
  • Reinforced Hexorium Block has been renamed to Concentric Hexorium Block.
  • The recipe for the Concentric Hexorium Block now requires 8 Stone instead of 4 Obsidian and 4 Iron Ingots.
  • Additional modifications to the block blast resistance.
  • Simplified Silk Touch gathering code.
  • Lots of texture allocation optimizations.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the pylon beam texture was too small, which caused global Mipmap level to drop to 0.
  • Fixed an error with textures of Personal Teleportation Pad.
  • Fixed a clipping issue caused by the Personal Teleportation Pad's teleport field.
  • Fixed an issue where pylons would keep checking for valid links even when turned off.

and @smbarbour with AutoPackager
smbarbour said:
AutoPackager 1.5.4
  • Added unpackaging mode (i.e. single item crafting such as log -> planks or ingot -> nuggets. (Yes, that means that with two autopackagers, you could set it up to take logs in and produce chests (in 3x3 hollow mode)

and @iChun with Ding
iChun said:
Very simple mod. Clientside. Plays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu.

It’s called “Ding” because that’s the sound that plays when you pick up an XP orb.

Does not require iChunUtil.

and @SGUsweden with BetterGeo
SGUsweden said:
BetterGeo 1.0-b03
  • Ore dictionary support following the standard names "oreZinc", "oreTin", "ingotRee" and so on...
  • Ore dictionary support in the smeltery recipes. (Alloy furnace support in next version)
  • Ore dictionary support in BetterGeo crafting recipes.
  • Ore dictionary support in the magnetic compass. Reacts on "oreIron" and "blockIron".
  • Config file support to enable and disable features in the mod. Auto created on the first time with default settings. The file is called SGU.cfg and is located in the Minecraft config folder.
  • isReplaceableOreGen support added but disabled by default. Can be enabled in the configuration file.
  • Skarn with Rare earth elements generation heavily increased. Skarn drops REE in most bordering chunks between different biomes.
  • Coal blocks can now be used in the smeltery and alloy furnace.
  • Gravel is back! Generated randomly at ground level for now.
  • Lapis lazuli is also back! Look for it in the marble.

and @Vanhal with Recall Stones
Vanhal said:
Recall Stones 0.5.0

Warning, upgrading from previous versions to this version will cause all unmarked stones to cease to function. This such not effect marked stones which will continue to work correctly. World backups and testing for your own world is fully recommended.

Changes, with thanks to David (aravol):

You can now copy an existing by putting it in a crafting grid with a marked stone

Marked and Unmarked stones are now different items, this should aid in various things on server and maps but main allows for stacking of stones along with some cool background stuff.

and @iChun with Gravity Gun
iChun said:
Gravity Gun 5.0.0
Hey guys,

Just wanna say that I am particularly proud of this update. Ages ago when I first reluctantly made the Gravity Gun mod, it was done because I had already somewhat done “entity grabbing” in Portal Gun, and I had not played Half-Life 2 yet at the time. Now though, things are different. I’ve actually played Half-Life 2 now, and I properly understand how the “Zero-Point Energy Manipulator” works.

First off, I’d like to point out that the gravity gun (GG) fancy model and sounds has received some improvements. Here’s a short list on what’s different:
The normal GG’s claws will open and close, if whatever block or entity you are looking at can be picked up.
The core of the GG pulsates with different intensities over time, allowing it to glow in the dark.
Holding an entity shows the 3 electrical arcs from the claws radiating towards the center of the GG.
Pushing/throwing an entity also causes the GG to strike out an electrical charge on the entity to indicate the force from the GG.
The player’s left hand renders on the left grip of the GG.
The supercharged GG also vibrates when you’re holding it. It’s claws are permanently opened and occasionally emits electrical pulses.
Many sounds from the supercharged GG are played in a lower pitch, not unlike the actual game’s counterpart.
Many many more sounds are played by the GG when being used, such as it humming when holding an entity, claws opening/closing, failing to push/grab an entity.

Functionality wise, the mod has also received some changes. Those I can remember now (default configs) are as listed:
Most of the GG’s capabilities can be configured, with small exception to one or two features.
The supercharged GG recipe can be disabled now, and syncs across servers.
The normal GG is no longer capable of picking up tile entities. No more moving chests around with it!
The normal GG’s grab reach has been extended to 5 blocks.
The normal GG’s throw strength has been reduced slightly.
The supercharged GG is basically a stronger version of the normal GG, using the normal GG’s values and amplifying it by it’s own factor. By default the GG also has a massively amplified grab factor, allowing it to grab entities up to 15 blocks away.
Grabbing entities now use a simulated “weight” system. The normal GG can, by default, grab entities with a volume of less than 1.53 (1.5^3). The supercharged GG, 33 (3^3). This means the normal GG cannot grab anything that’s slightly bigger than a spider (A spider calculates to about 1.43 [1.4^3]). I’m doing this because the normal GG is relatively cheap and I would like to make the supercharged GG appear more valuable and useful compared to the normal version.
You can also adjust the distance your held entity is by holding the sneak key and scrolling the mouse wheel.
Exclusive to the supercharged GG, it can grab several blocks at once. This is done by charging the GG with holding the LMB then holding the RMB, releasing the LMB when ready. The selection radius can be a little wonky at times, and the grab will fail if any block in that radius can not be picked up normally.

Anyways yeah, that’s about most of the changes I’ve implemented in GG this time round, so I hope you guys have fun with it, and give loads of feedback, I wanna hear it! I still have more plans for this mod in the future so you can look forward to a couple more things next update.

As usual, you can get the mod here.


and @iChun with iChunUtil, Back Tools, Tabula 5.1.0, Attachable Grinder 5.0.0, Torched 5.0.0 and Trail Mix 5.0.0
iChun said:
iChunUtil 5.4.0, Back Tools 5.1.0, Tabula 5.1.0, Attachable Grinder 5.0.0, Torched 5.0.0 and Trail Mix 5.0.0
iChunUtil 5.4.0:
  • Added a general Logger class for use of mods so that console print outs would go through the FMLLog and be labelled with a mod name correctly.
  • Added version check to prevent people running the 5.X.X builds of iChunUtil on Minecraft 1.7.10.
  • Added an event that is thrown when the Minecraft Client is in a world after first connecting to a server.
  • Added dummy Config Gui to allow mods that use iChunUtil’s Config System to have iChunUtil’s in-game config changer be accessed from the mods list from the main menu.
  • Added labels to ElementHoriSlider for use of other mods in the future.
  • Added new Patron Effect for Q2 of 2015 called “Ghost Trails”. Thanks to madjake45 for the suggestion.
  • Added wrapper to render ModelBase classes in an ISmartModel. Simple and PerspectiveAware types available. Used for Item and Block models.
  • Added Cube and Group metadata to the Tabula Project format. To be used in other mods in the future.
  • Added a “renderTick” reference for other mods to use instead of having to cache their own.
  • Added a “Swing Proof” registry for Items that do not swing the player arm because they are locked in a bow use animation.
  • Added a “Grab” registry for mods that would like to allow EntityLivings to “grab” objects and keep them in front of their faces.
  • Added an EntityBlock class that’s made for the purpose of carrying multiple blocks with their TileEntities in a single entity.
  • Added a function to render electric/lightning arcs, taken and appropriated from the EntityLightning render.
  • Fixed usage of the OreDictionary in terms of caching the OreDict entry instead of calling for it’s reference as requested by LexManos.
  • Fixed “Restart required” prompt in the configs menu not showing up.
  • Fixed number input boxes having improper lengths in the config changer menu.
  • Fixed tooltips with \\n in them rendering as a single line.
  • Fixed Voxel Patron Effect not working if the world daylight cycle was turned off.
  • Fixed issue with patron effects and Factorization due to them ticking a shadow client world by using the world unload method.
  • Fixed the top dock window blocking a docked ElementListTree implementation in the UI core.
  • Fixed use of client-only function that was accidentally set in iChunUtil during the port to Minecraft 1.8, but was unused by any mod thusfar.
  • Fixed issue changing configs in-game when there is a scroll bar in the configs menu and it is scrolled down.
  • Updated Morph API references to match the ones that will be used in 1.8.0.
  • Updated renderQuad method to match Forge’s due to their ISmartModel implementation.
  • Notify users if they are changing a config that relies on the server’s session with the client that it may require a restart as well.
  • Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
  • Reorganised relevant patron effect classes in preparation for more Patron Effects in the future.
  • iChunUtil now by default enables the use of stencils on the Minecraft framebuffer. If this causes issues with the client, disable it in the config.
  • Improved mod version control to prevent end users using the wrong versions of mods on the wrong versions of Minecraft.
  • Some minor background changes/tweaks.
Back Tools 5.1.0:
  • Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
  • Disable rendering items that uses the ModelBaseWrapper in iChunUtil on the back.
Tabula 5.1.0:
  • Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
  • Added option to lock swap the position and offset when moving a block.
  • Fixed the minimum animation component key being 1 when it should be 0.
  • Fixed cubes with one of the dimensions being 0, not appearing on the exported texture map.
  • Clamp the rotation sliders to prevent the selectors from scrolling off the slider and off the window.
  • Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
  • Implemented the cube and group metadata implemented in the Tabula Project version 4.
  • Removed checking for IItemRenderers for importing. It’s no longer used on 1.8.
Torched, Trail Mix 5.0.0:
  • Updated to use various systems implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0, and to Minecraft 1.8.0.
And here's the big one!~ It's finally here!~

Buildcraft 7.0.6 (by asiekierka)
asiekierka said:

After over four months, it's finally here! BuildCraft 7 Stable!

I'd like to express thanks to everyone involved in this release:

  • hea3ven, who helped me develop this release and made the robots absolutely amazing,
  • CyanideX, who suffered with me and my picky taste to provide the new, fresh look of BuildCraft,
  • marcin212, magik6000 and all the other Starchasers bugtesters who ran BC 7 throughout its entire development process (yes, way before the public builds!) and helped find a reasonably large amount of bugs,
  • the #buildcraft IRC and the BuildCraft forums for being there and enjoying the mod,
  • everyone who has ever submitted an issue or pull request or even as much as contacted me - every word has an influence.
BuildCraft 7 is a great BuildCraft release, bringing additions and improvements in almost every area of the mod. Here are some highlights:

  • Modularization is back, for those pack developers who need a smaller subset of our functionality.
  • A fresh, new look by CyanideX! (Excluding robots. Those have, sadly, been delayed - due to time issues - but will make it to a later Stable release.)
  • Optimizations to fillers, builders, pipes, robots and other parts of the mod.
  • Pipes: round robin sorting in diamond pipes, weighting in diamond fluid pipes, massive stripes pipes powers, improved pipe rendering and colors!
  • Recipes: more expensive lists, less expensive pipe plugs
  • Silicon: New Assembly Table and Integration Table, ACT replaced by a CraftPacket-inspired Packager+Stamper system
  • Factory: Tanks get comparators now!
  • Robotics: New Zone Planner, improved trigger/action logic, fancy robot animations.
  • Paintbrushes! For some reason.
  • Tons of other little improvements and additions that would take up too much space.
The full changelog for BC 7.0.0-7.0.6 is available here. The 7.0.6-specific one is available on the downloads page.

Now, BuildCraft 7.0.6 would not be complete without a stable Compat. Here's what that brings, compared to the 6.4.x Compat:

  • Harvesting support: AgriCraft (+ planting), AppleMilkTea2, Witchery
  • BluePower: bundled cable and pipe output support
  • Forestry: better Builder support (engines, certain machines, stairs)
  • NEI: Better Integration Table support
  • RailCraft: better Builder support (stairs, slabs, tracks, detectors)
  • WAILA: Robot tooltips!
EDIT: BuildCraftCompat 7.0.5 is out, fixing a crash with Forestry 3.5.

We've also released BC 6.4.17 for those packs which can't move to BC 7 yet, fixing a dupe bug with robots. Keep in mind, however, that BC 6.4.x will be deprecated by the end of June.

Grab everything here, as usual, but read the following warnings first!

BuildCraft 7 has some changes you might want to watch out for:

  • Generally, your world and map will work fine and upgrade properly bar a few exceptions. However, downgrading is impossible.
  • If you have any custom config options, the config format and filename changed for both BC and Compat, so look into those.
  • The Quarry is now in the Builders module, as opposed to BC 3.x and below when it was in the Factory module.
  • Robots now only pull items and fluids out from wooden or emerald pipes.
  • Drop Items in Pipe has been combined with Accept Items.
  • The Crafter robot has been removed as it was deemed to be useless.
  • Flower harvesting from Robots has been removed due to bugs it caused.
  • Lava in the Combustion Engine doesn't burn (!?) anymore. Use the Stirling Engine.
  • The Advanced Crafting Table is deprecated, but not removed yet. You might want to upgrade your setups.
  • You can no longer put Lists inside Lists. Listception.
You also need to update certain mods: Forestry 3.5.7+, Computronics 1.5.2+ and BCA have new BC7 versions. As for Logistics Pipes, I have no idea. LP 0.9 seems to be ported already in the latest dev builds, not sure about the rest.

Have fun! (Yes, modpacks: it's fine to upgrade to BC 7 now.)
Advanced Rocketry (Standalone mod part of a modular mod suite)

So im just going to give a disclaimer about this.

This is a mod me and zmaster have been working on called advanced rocketry, it is a standalone mod but will also link in with our other mods we are creating as well.
we are expecting to release it sometime in the next two months but im going to drop a few screen shots.

yes its 1.7.10

expect the following

Proceduraly generated planets
Satellite construction for orbital miners and ore scanners
Modular rockets ( construct how you want your rocket to perform, contain, behave)
Automated transportation between planets via cargo ships, (yes you can still use tesseracts x3)
Gravity boots ( one of the misc tools added by the mod. they allow you to walk on walls and ceilings)
There is a tiering system in the mod as well (ie. you have to have a space yard to build star ships to travel outside the solar system because standard rockets wont reach that far)
Multiple Solar systems

More info in the coming months here are some screen shots and proof of concept of systems mentioned that work.

new day, new update, and today it's @Kentington with Thaumic Horizons
Kentington said:
Thaumic Horizons 1.1.5
  • Added a new research tree starting with "Planar Theory" and unlocked after researching voidmetal and node transduction
  • Added golem animation powder
  • Mirrored amulet now drops its component pearl when the wearer dies
  • Warped Tumor can now contain permanent warp
  • Spider Climb and Chameleon Skin can be toggled
  • Fixed alchemite crashing servers
  • Fixed milk and potions dispelling self-infusions (you will not need to re-infuse yourself; they will be applied automatically)
  • Fixed soul sieve not inserting sand into inventories
  • Fixed issues involving logging out inside a curative vat
  • Curative vat now has actual durability
  • Fixed crashes caused by placing evanescent blocks in Creative (you will need to delete the offending block manually in MCEdit)
  • Fixed third-party aspects crashing the Seroconverter GUI
  • Fixed Runic Hide infusion

and @Country_Gamerwith Thaumic Expansion
Country_Gamer said:
Thaumic Expansion 3.0.0-beta.22
  • Updates and moves away from requiring CoFH core. Provides compatibility for Redstone API functionality. More in-depth changelog to come once further testing has been done.

and @superckl with BiomeTweaker
superckl said:
BiomeTweaker 1.0.113
  • Reworked how to change actualFillerBlock and liquidFillerBlock. See the wiki (once updated) for how to do it now.
  • Added a command to add biomes to the BiomeManager.
  • Loads of bug fixes
  • Fixes an issue with light ASM configuration.
  • Fixes an issue with superclass checking that was breaking features in other mods and causing crashes.
  • Fixed a bug with the Tweaker script object's parsing code.
  • Fixed a major bug in the general script parsing code that broke any commands with multiple possible parameter lists.
  • Changes to how mod compatibility is handled.
  • Adding an API for other mods to add to the scripting environment.
  • Various improvements to the script parsing code including improved error logging.

and @Hea3veN with Hard Mode Tweaks
Hea3veN said:
Hard Mode Tweaks is a compilation of gameplay modifications, mainly around playing with natural regeneration off. A couple of the tweaks included are the ability to change the length of the minecraft day, changing game rules from the config file and the ability to heal when you eat. You can find the full list, with their respective configuration options at the TweaksList.

and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:
Matter Overdrive 0.3.3
  • Implemented Android RPG Abilities
  • Network Pipe now has a new Model
  • New Entity Rouge Android that drops Android Parts
  • New Entity Mad Scientist that Transforms Player into Android, found only in Villages
  • Crash fixes
  • New Block Android Station
  • Mad-Scientist-Screenshot.png
  • Rouge-Android-Screenshot.png
  • Android-Station-GUI.png

and @SuperZanti with ServerSync
SuperZanti said:
This is an open source mod that allows for easy server management. It simply syncs the mods folder and the config folder from the server to the client. The client will always be able to connect to your server and you will never again have to send them the new files and tell them to update. My method avoids a lot of complaining. I have a server which runs all of my own mods, as a developer I'm constatly updating these mods, fixing bugs, and making changes to configs. For the past fiew years I've been going around to the users on my server with a USB stick instructing them on how to use mods. Recently I've had some people join my server that don't know how to find the .minecraft folder. So explaining this to them and getting them the new updates can be a real pain.

Currently for Minecraft 1.7.10 Forge 1403

If you don't feel like compiling from source and simply want to download the jar file, navigate around this repo's folders. If you're a developer you'll be able to find it easy. Please read the disclaimer before downloading.

This mod is only meant to be used for developers that constantly push their OWN mods. Other developers work very hard on their mods and simply visiting their website, forum post, or github is just a common courtesy. Please don't use this to distribute other people's mods.

Not to mention, depending on the copyright and/or pattent laws in your area using my mod with other developer's mods could be ILLEGAL.

Don't trust anyone with my mod. This mod allows ANY server running it to put ANY jar file in your mods folder. Any mod means any function of java, such as making a virus or a keylogger. So if you are a client please make sure you trust your server administrator.

  • "This mod isn't doing anything!"
    • I require you to have CustomMainMenu. Create a main menu with a button that runs this mod. Use the buttonid of that button in the config file.
  • "I can't connect to my server"
    • Did you check that the config file was the same between both the client and the server?
    • Everything in the config file MUST be the same on both sides.
    • Are you using your external/internal IP address apropriately?
    • Are you trying to transfer a file larger than your max file size?
    • Are you ignoring a file that is neccecary to connect to the server?
  • "This is so insecure I hate it!"
    • Go read the disclaimer. It will always be insecure and I don't plan on making it super secure.
    • The config file allows you to put in your own hashes for the server client commands. This would take a real genious to pull files off the server or send files to you.
  • "Can you add feature X? Or fix bug Y?"
    • I don't know. Go submit it to the issues and I'll check it out.
  • "You're a horrible programmer"
    • I'm an Electrical Engineer not a computer scientist. Please submit a bug report and help me improve.
  • "Can you make this work without using a custom main menu?"
    • I'm not sure. I haven't looked into it, but if you have an informed suggestion please let me know and I'll do what I can.
  • "Why does this mod spit out so much 'junk' in my console?"
    • It's simply to help users know that they're not being attacked. It will tell them what IP they're connected to, what mod is being downloaded and more. My hope is that people will actually see this while it's running to know for sure that they can trust their admin. Hey, not everyone reads this.
  • "I have files such as optifine that I don't want the server to delete"
    • Well then specify that in the config file. It can ignore a download or deletion of any file you want.
  • "I want to change how the UI looks so it doesn't say 'The Verse' "
    • This mod requires CustomMainMenu, read up on the CustomMainMenu documents for all of that.
What does it do exactly?
  • The server starts up and begins listening on the port defined in the config file
  • If the server receives the recursive command the server will send a packet to the client containing all the files in the mods folder and the config folder.
  • If the server receives the checksum command it will send back a md5 checksum of the file requested by the client.
  • If the server receives the update command the server will start a file transfer of the file that the client requested.
  • If the server receives the exists command the server will will return a boolean value of weather or not the file requested exists on the server.
  • If the server receieves the exit command it will close the connection and destroy the thread. However, this will also happen automatically after X ammount of time as defined in the config file
  • When the client clicks the button which has the ID defined in the config file the client will start the update script
  • The client will first request the name of all the files on the server.
  • The client will then iterate through each of these files
  • If this file exists on the client it will take a checksum of it and ask the server if they are the same
  • If the files are differnt it will send the update command to pull a new file
  • If the client does not have the file it will send the update command to download it
  • After iterating through all of the server files the client will then iterate through all of it's own files
  • If the client has a file that the server does not, it will delete it.
  • When all this finishes if there were updated files the client will ask the user if she/he wants to restart the client to apply the changes
  • If there are no files to update the client will join the server that is defined in the IP field of the config file
new day, new update, and today it's @CyanideX with Subsistence
CyanideX said:
Subsistence 0.7.0
  • Fix barrel recipes
  • remove debug logs
  • Cleanup, logging, compost detection tweaks
  • Tweaks to config loading
  • Fix the class cast exception in the hand crank (for good)
  • I knew that would happen
  • Fixed issues with hammer mill
  • Fixed dupe bug in tables
  • Quick cleanup
  • Updated Hammer Mill to new file format
  • Should fix #77
  • Fix #51 default recipes
  • Clean up tables
  • Implemented generic foliage handling for compost + added specification via JSON
  • first item null check
  • check for null first item in barrel
  • make uneven values of rain fill barrel if not full
  • resolve #75 and fix stone recipe crash
  • check if current items in barrel is empty

and @KaneApollo with Wings Horns & Hooves
KaneApollo said:
Wings, Horns, and Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn Mod is a mod for Minecraft 1.8.4 and above. It puts into your game 4 new magical horse types (Unicorn, Pegasus, Nightmare, and Destrier - see below for details) and many new items, including magic wands, horseshoes, horse helms, pegasus wingtips, and more. Some of these items can be equipped to the different magical horses and give them extra magical abilities (and believe it or not, some they can use themselves)!

These magical horses are more than just your ordinary Minecraft mobs. They come with extra behaviors (just try to tame that pegasus without thinking, and see where it gets you), they have extra equipment and inventory slots, they can fight with or without their rider, and they can interbreed!

And this isn't just your simple interbreeding - these magical horses have DNA, and can pass on all or some of their traits to their children! Want a flying horse with a unicorn horn? Breed a pegasus and a unicorn! Want a huge horse with flaming hooves? Breed a destrier and a nightmare! Want a horse with ALL the traits?! Well, you can get that too! Just keep breeding... but you might want a DNA tester to make your job easier.

And if you're a master breeder, maybe you can find some of the secret mutant magical horse breeds... otherwise known as Ultimate Unicorns.

Lastly, you can create your own custom unicorn (a new colored magical horse skin with optional magic powers) that all your friends can see! Click here for more info (http://www.hackshop.com/unicorn).

and @RiskyKen with Armourer's Workshop
RiskyKen said:
Armourer's Workshop
  • Added recipes in the guide book.
  • Added hue tool.
  • Added colour family selector to the colour mixer.
  • Added skin support for BuildCraft robots.
  • Added ability for mannequins and dolls to be rotated with any BuildCraft compatible wrench.
  • Added more build space around the head and arms.
  • Changed leg skins to also hold skirts.
  • Updated Chinese localization.

and @Arcaratus with Blood Arsenal
Arcaratus said:
Blood Arsenal 1.1-8
  • Some bug fixes
  • Update to latest BM Version 1.3.3-2
  • Added the Sigil of Augmented Holding and the Lightning Sigil
  • Random things

and @1WTC with Chatrooms
1WTC said:

What is Chatrooms?
Chatrooms is a mod for Minecraft 1.7 which allows users to talk in "Chat Rooms" within their game. The mod kind of works similar to how the chat works in multiplayer however this enables you to talk to friends in game whilst on different servers or even in single player.

How do I use the mod?
To join a chat room you first have to find a chatroom server, you can either set on up yourself or connect to a friends (A tutorial on setting up a Chatrooms server can be found below).

Connecting to the server
To connect to a server you must use the following command in the chat:
/CRconnect Server_IP:Port [Server Password]

As you can see from the above command you have to specify the Chatroom server IP followed by a colon and then the servers port, if the server requires a password to connect then you must type that in next. If the server does not require a password then you can leave it blank. After executing this command you will be connected to the server, however the server can have a user limit and if that limit is reached then you will be disconnected and will have to try again. Please ensure that if you are connecting from within the same network as the server or running it on LAN you connect with"localhost" instead of the IP.

Sending Messages
To send a message to the chat room press 'y' on your keyboard and then as you normally would type your message and press enter to send it, however you can also send a message using the following command:
/CR [Message]

Setting a User Title
Using the title command you can add a title to your username, this will be displayed in the chat to everyone on the server. To use the title command you must type the following:
/CRtitle [title]

Color Codes!
This mod fully supports all of the default Minecraft color codes, to use a Minecraft color code in the chat you must put one of the following before your message or title:

- &0 - BLACK
- &1 - DARK_BLUE
- &3 - DARK_AQUA
- &4 - DARK_RED
- &6 - GOLD
- &7 - GRAY
- &8 - DARK_GRAY
- &9 - BLUE
- &a - GREEN
- &b - AQUA
- &c - RED
- &e - YELLOW
- &f - WHITE
- &l - BOLD
- &o - ITALIC
- &r - RESET

Example: /CR &3Hello World

Setting up a Chatrooms Server
If you want to host your own chatroom server you will have to setup the server. There are two ways in which you can do this, the first being on LAN and the second one being live. If the server is on LAN then only users from within your local network will be able to connect, however if you are hosting a live server then any users with the servers address will be able to connect. When setting up a Chatroom server if you do plan on hosting it online for friends to connect you must port forward the port you have chosen to run your server on, else they will not be able to connect to your server, there are plenty of tutorials online on port forwarding.

Starting the server
To start the server you just have to simply double click on the mods ".jar" file, the one you downloaded, this should then launch the chatroom server console, from here you will be able to monitor the chatroom. After starting the server for the first time the console should say "Generating Server Config CRConfig.cfg" inside this file are all of the properties for the server, such as the server name, maximum players, the server port, server password etc. The file should look like this:

Server Name:A SWDTeam Chatroom
Server Port:8000
Requires Password:false
Server Password:
Max Connections:10
#Banned Words Should be separated with a comma like so:Hello,These,Are,Banned,Words
Chat Filter Banned Words:
#This word will be put in place of all banned words.
Chat Filter Replacement Word:yadda

Once you server is up and running you will see a line in the console with the IP and Port, you just have to send this to your friends in order for them to connect to your chatroom server.

How can I connect on LAN?
In order to connect to a server hosted on your local network you just have to connect with the following command (Where PORT is the servers port, by default this is 8000):
/CRconnect localhost:PORT

Will this work on Multiplayer?
Yes the mod works on multiplayer, you only need to install it client side, it does not need to be installed on the server.

Can people on a server see what I am saying in a chatroom?
No, so long as you are using the "/CR [message]" command to talk nobody on the server can see what you are saying or typing.

Download 1.7.10 (1.8 coming soon)

and @GoblinBob with Mo' Bends
GoblinBob said:
If you think that Minecraft characters could be more realistic, instead of having steady and rigid animations, this mod is just for you!

It makes creatures seem alive, and adds variety of other epic features!
Don't worry, this is still a WIP. More animated mobs are coming in the future :).

Player Animations:
- Standing
- Walking
- Running
- Jumping
- Sprint Jumping
- Swimming
- Three Sword Attacks
- Fist Punch
- Sneaking

Zombie Animations:
- Standing
- Walking

Spider Animations:
- Standing
- Walking
- Jump Attack
- Wall Climbing

General: - Sword Trails
- Custom Hurt Effect
- Custom Death Effect
- Animation Customization

and @AlgorithmX2 with Chisels & Bits
AlgorithmX2 said:
Chisels & Bits 1.2
  • Resolved Incompatibility with Java 7 ( resolved )
  • Added Support to Chisel Glass, and Stained Glass Variants. ( screenshot )
  • Added Shift+Mouse Wheel Support for Chisel modes.
  • Added Shift+Right Click to Scroll Backwards for Chisel modes.
  • Added Settings to Disable Most Chisel Modes, allowing you to remove modes you don't use.
  • Fixed Several Errors that were generated on startup.
  • Added Support for Version Checker
new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 1.2.6
  • Added TCon integration (requires TCon version 1.8.5)
  • The mechanics for TCon integration are NOT finalized and are liable to change in future versions.
  • Added Bedrockium material
    • Created using a TCon smeltery from bedrockium ingots/blocks
    • Each bedrockium part adds -10% speed to the tool while being held
  • Added 'Unstable induced' material
    • Created using a TCon smeltery from unstable ingots/nuggets/blocks
    • *Melting an unstable material gives HALF the fluid of what regular equivalent would
    • Once casted into a part (using a casting table), you have 10 seconds before the part 'denatures'
    • If a part denatures, it cannot be used to create a tool and can only be recycled in the smeltery (for half its worth)
    • Denatured parts don't explode (not for lack of me trying)
    • A tool is made out of 100% unstable ingot parts, will have reinforced level 10, i.e. unbreakable.
  • Added Magical wood material
    • Made in the part builder using 'Magical wood'
    • It has the same base stats of wood
    • Each part gives +1 modifier to the tool
    • A tool made out of 100% magical wood, will have +8 modifiers
  • Updated FMP support to FMP version 1.2.0 (not backwards compatible)
  • Enderlillies can be planted on water
  • Added Mobius ingots to creative tab
  • Added custom RNG code that is faster than default java RNG
  • Fix non-existant textures being registered

and @Winter_Grave with Iskall Mini Mobs
Winter_Grave said:
Iskall Mini Mobs 1.1.8 beta
  • Implemented Mini Mob Pellet function
  • Embrios can be sucessfully incubated into mini mobs
  • Can collect mini mobs usig an empty pellet
  • Mini mobs can gain experience and level up
  • With level increase, mini mobs increase their speed, health, follow range and attack damage.

and @Raizunne with Redstonic
Raizunne said:
Redstonic 1.4.5
  • Made the Redstonic Modifier A LOT BETTER
    • You can now name your tools!
    • Moved some stuff
    • Added info pane
    • Added Redstonic Manual button for easy manual access.
    • Made the Augment counter actually work.
    • Now has separate buttons for Assemble and Disassemble.
  • Drills can now mine dirt and sand
  • Added recipe for Magnetization Augment that involves Thermal Expansion items.
  • Added Tooltip to know what Hotswap Head the drill has.
  • Lowered the dig speed of the gold drill head with the speed multipliers (my mistake)
  • Changed recipe for Energizer and Infused Stick to use the Induction Smelter for Thermal Expansion recipes.
  • Fixed Hotswap Augment stacking enchantments
  • Fixed Great Battery recipe to use a Energized Battery instead of a Basic Battery
  • Fixed recipe for block to ingots.

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.5.5
  • Added pack API for third party mods to directly provide new wood or texture variants of drawers.
  • Fixed crash when trim blocks are enabled and 1x1 drawers are disabled.
  • Fixed Refined Relocation compacting drawers recipe.
  • Changed full drawer blocks to block light.
  • Changed drawers, compacting drawers, and controllers to support custom inventory names.
  • Updated fr_FR translation. Thanks AegisLesha.

and @joshiejack with Enchiridion
joshiejack said:
Enchiridion 2.0.2
  • Fix potential crash in Enchirdion 1, wait what?
  • Made some internal changes so that mods can include books
  • Added 'Recipe' feature to books, dynamically displays a recipe
  • If you want to switch between types for an item, click it twice
  • I.E. Iron Ingot has the Block > Ingot and Ore > Ingot Recipes. If you click it a second time, it will display the next recipe type.
  • Fixed Box features having to be width 16 at least
  • Fixed Box features being able to go under 1 height
  • Add scrollwheel support for turning pages in books
  • Add additional translation support for books, i.e. being able to have a seperate json, if they need to move things around
  • Add tooltips for items in the books
  • Remove Autodiscovery
  • Switch from stencil based cutoff to scissor
  • Add ability to use left and right arrow keys to move the wiki left <> right
  • Don't open wiki menu if f3 is held down
Botania R1.6-192
  • Added the Spectral Rail. A new rail that makes carts fly. Woooosh~
  • Changed the Spectranthemum to have a limited range and not be chainable. Use minecarts for long range yo.
  • Fixed a memory leak with the Hovering Hourglass' render.
  • Fixed Corporea requests not updating inventories.
  • Fixed lenses being consumed when adding them to spreaders in creative.
  • Fixed the Black Hole Talisman being able to place blocks inside the player.
  • Fixed the Terra Shatterer's mana display overlapping tooltips when they would go off screen.
  • Fixed the yellow quartz Flugel Tiara having pink particles.
  • Made the Clayconia's texture more visible.
  • Made the mana network, spreaders, pools and flowers more aware of TileEntity invalidation. This may or may not fix the chunkloading issues.
  • [API] Added a bunch of isInvalid() checks to SubTileGenerating and SubTileFunctional.
  • [API] Corporea properly calls markDirty().
  • [API] Increased version number to 51.
Minecraft Forge for 1.8
Version 11.14.3

Note: As cpw has decided to do bugfixes for 1.7, and is a wizard with git, most 1.7 fixes are also in 1.8. So I will not reiterate them, you can read them here

Minecraft Forge 11.14.3 Changelog:
  • Expanded ModelBakeEvent to allow for flexibility in defining models in code.
  • New OCEAN_MONUMENT type for InitMapGenEvent
  • Minor tweak to UsernameCache to also cache usernames of offline players.
  • Made EnumFacing VALUES and HORIZONTALS public to better emulate old ForgeDirection values.
  • New ability to add prefix and suffixes to player's display na,e.
  • Quieted standard Forge logging QUITE a bit, hid everything behind environment variables.
  • New @Mod properties to define which environment to load the mod on.
  • Made Container.mergeItemStack respect Slot.isValidItem
  • WorldEvent.Load now fires for client worlds.
  • Added Nether Fortress chest to the ChestGenHooks
  • Added new helper method for Entity spawning placement
  • Added NeighborNotiftyEvent which is fired when blocks attempt to apply 'physics' updates.
  • Added EntityMountEvent fired when one entity tries to mount another.
  • Added newVolume and newPitch to PlaySoundAtEntityEvent
  • Added custom NBT data to TileEntity's, allowing any TE to hold data for external use.
  • Improved mod list GUI, including sorting and searching.
  • Reimplement RenderPlayerEvent that was removed in the port to 1.8 from 1.7.10.
    RenderPlayerEvent.Specials was removed because the special effects are done in the LayerRenderer now.
  • Extracted the creation of RegionRenderCache into a method to allow for custom versions.
  • Added hook for IPerspectiveAwareModel in RenderItem.renderItemIntoGUI for ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.GUI
  • Added tab completion to /forge command
  • Loosen up ServerChatEvent to support IChatComponent
  • Downgraded dedicated server's Netty version to match the Client.
  • Allow placeing of item frames on solid block faces.
  • Hook BlockState's Json loading to add support for simplified Forge format.
    See https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/1885 for more details.
  • Mitigate potential issue with users requesting lots of server status information by caching ServerStatus json.
  • Added Breaking Animation for Smart Models, Checking each layer.
  • Limited sign json to 384 characters to prevent malicious clients from spamming the server.
  • New recipe system for the vanilla bewing stand.
  • Added ItemMap type check to item frames and ItemRenderer, enabling vanilla style rendering for custom maps
  • Added LivingExperienceDropsEvent to change the amount of experience an entity drops

Bug Fix:
  • Fixed BlockBush and BlockCrops not respecting custom soils.
  • Fixed InitMapGenEvent's fire order so values are used. And added OCEAN_MONUMENT type.
  • Fixed potential NPEs in Structure code caused by componenets not being able to load.
  • Fixed being kicked from the server while swimming.
  • Fixed NPE during loading of B3D models without textures/brushes.
  • Changed default B3D color to have full opacity.
  • Fixed vanilla NPE in FaceBakery
  • Fixed renderLayer holding incorrect values due to multithreaded rendering
  • Fixed ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation not storing same item with different metadata values
  • Fixed transformations of models.
  • Fixed a few potential vanilla world leaks.
  • Removed old debug code that caused a warning about events in ModelLoader.
  • Fixed a couple missed patches from the 1.8 update.
  • Fixed double decoding of UTF8 characters in lang files.
  • Fixed JukeBoxes not storing the inserted record.
  • Fixed NPE during baking of empty vanilla item models
  • Fixed enchanting table applying secondary enchantments incorrectly.
  • Fixed WorldInfo properties not being loaded
  • Fixed jukebox message being too low with forge
  • Fixed ModDiscoverer ignoring inner classes.
  • Fixed mipmapping being disabled due to Fry derping.
  • Fixed Z-fighting issue in EntityItems.
  • Fixed issue where the host's skin doesn't load on LAN servers.
  • Fixed issue where light levels would not update for specific modded block states.
  • Fixed Nether Fortress chest look initalization.
  • Fixed crash when texture loading throws RuntimeException without details
  • Fixed support for custom width unicode fonts.
  • Fixed Partial Face Lighting on Top/Bottom Faces
  • Fixed damage reduction rate of vanilla armor incorrectly scaling with armor's current durability.
  • Fixed potential threading issues related to custom network packets.
  • Fixed threading issues related to vanilla client connecting to Forge server.
  • Fixed potential memory leak with worlds related to the World Border.

Major New Feature:
@Mode Side Control:
New @Mod properties to define which environment to load the mod on.
clientSideOnly will only be loaded in the Client environment.
serverSideOnly will only be loaded in the Dedicated server environment.
Combine with acceptedMinecraftVersions to prevent users from loading the mod in the incorrect environment.
For the love of god modders USE THIS! It'll stop all those 'you ran a 1.7 mod on 1.8!' and 'you ran a client mod on the server!'

Command Exploit:
Fixed several exploits that would allow players to run commands above their privledge level.

Downgrading Netty:
The version of netty shipped with the vanilla dedicated server jar contains bugs. So Forge downgrades it to match the version of Netty that the client uses.

BlockState.json format change:
Modders have been whining seince day one about the new json model format that was introduced in 1.8. They have some valid points that it is quite verbose. Which is what Forge is here to address! {Seriously guys, working forward is better then bitching}
See https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/1885 for more details.

B3D Improvements:
- fixed keyframe transformation application
- textures are now resolved the same way as in vanilla models
- added the ability to use forge blockstate texture information
- removed unused code from the B3D example

Loading Screen:
Thanks to Fry for working on a new loading screen for Forge.
You can see it in action below, it works on 99% of end users computers, however some OSX/Linux graphics drivers, and some mod combinations do not behave with it correctly.
So, we have added the option to disable it. Simply go into .minecraft/config/splash.properties and set enabled=false.
If Forge detects one of the common errors it will automatically disable this entry and show a error message in the log stating that you should simply try running it again. But if all else fails you can manually disable it as previously stated.
It works with 99% of users, and it's far better then just a 'not responding' screen so it's enabled by default.

FML and Forge Official Merge:
FML and Forge have always shipped together, but for my own sanity and easier maintainability FML and Forge are now in the same github repository. FML will no longer be shipped standalone because nobody ever used it. And eventually everything in FML will be merged directly into Forge. Code and packages will most likely stay the same so modders, don't worry! This is mainly just a ease of development {no longer having to push to 4 repositories every time I change FML}
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Applied Energistics 2 rv2-stable-6 (by AlgorithmX2)
AlgorithmX2 said:
  • Fixes CraftGuide Integration lag - Uristqwerty
  • Added Grinder recipes to CraftGuide - Uristqwerty
  • Added Inscriber recipes to CraftGuide - Uristqwerty

Ex Nihilo 2 0.25 (by Erasmus Crowley)
Erasmus Crowley said:
Not a big update this time around, but it will go a long way towards making the maps completely playable.
  • You can get all of the vanilla saplings by sifting the vanilla leaf blocks. (This is likely going to be replaced by a new mechanic in the future, but I wanted to add something to get players by for now)
  • You can get cactus by killing creepers (must be done by a player, falling doesn't count).
  • You can get sugarcane when fishing.
  • You can get melon and pumpkin seeds by breaking grass.
  • You can get rust while sifting gravel, which can then be smelted into iron.
  • Sieve reward items appear a little further above the sieve now. This should make them act less derpy.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Moderate' Ex Nihilo map that caused ash to appear to not have a texture. You'll have to delete the template and regenerate it for the fix to work.
  • Added the ore salt items to the game, but there is no way to get them and they have no use. You can spawn them in with NEI and look at them if you are curious. Feel free to send feedback on their design and textures if you want.

Sanguimancy 1.1.9-31 (by Tombenpotter)
Tombenpotter said:

Router Reborn (by TomEV)
TomEV said:
  • fixed crash when LP chassi pipe was placed next to a Storageunit
  • Added: a really special chest
  • Added following chest upgrades:
    • Eject
    • Advanced Eject (allow sneaky mode + internal item filters)
    • Extract
    • Advanced Extract (allow sneaky + filters)
    • Packager Basic (advanced comming later, current mode is 2x2 then 3x3 and can not be changed in the basic version)
  • Chest allows upgrades on each side, filters placed directly on the side will work on all upgrades that dont have a filter inserted internal.
  • A filter inserted inside another upgrade will override a global filter.
  • Filters can be placed inside filters to allow more slots.
  • Global filter is only in effect on the side it is inserted to.
  • Advanced filters have GUI's and is opened by holding it in your hand and right click, same is for filters.
  • Gui for the upgrades on the chest can be opened by sneak + right click the side you want to access with a empty hand.
  • A book will be added later that will describe everything in more detail.