What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I was thinking more of Homestuck mIrAcLeS (the bloodier kind), but yeah. Don't need to be an insane troll clown to be hyped over this.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Insane Clown Posse was an actual rap group though. .-. They aren't trolls. They're music isn't very good, but they're show is pretty funny. The whole show is just washed up celebs that no one remembers talking crap about music videos xD It's great
new day, new update, and today it's @Winter_Grave with World Preset Manager
Winter_Grave said:
Started this as a need from Bacon Donut to create superflat presets for worlds to give modpack makers the capacity to ship world types.

This is how it works, it lets you edit the mod config file to define settings for one or more superflat presets, and these will be added to the World Type selection button in the create new world menu, so that a modpack creator can predefine these presets for the world and the final user can just choose that without having to tweak settings.

and @DanYeomans with Vanilla-Inspired Teleporters
DanYeomans said:
Vanilla-Inspired Teleporters by DanYeomans and Bronsonf1

Vanilla-Inspired Teleporters adds a teleporter block that fits seamlessly into the Vanilla Minecraft playing experience. Only one new block is created, which is the teleporter itself. Stand on the teleporter, and teleport with ease!

Teleporters exist on circular networks; each teleporter links to the next teleporter on the network, and the last teleporter links to the first one. Players define networks by inserting a key into the teleporter by right clicking it, which can be a block, an item, or no key at all. Teleporter networks are defined by their key - teleporters may only teleport to other teleporters with the same key.

Players can also block or lock teleporters. Blocking is achieved by placing a non-passable block either one or two spaces above the teleporter. When a teleporter is blocked, no player can enter or exit, and other teleporters on the network will skip the blocked teleporter. Locking is achieved by supplying redstone power to the teleporter. When a teleporter is locked, players may enter through the teleporter but not exit, and other teleporters on the network will skip the locked teleporter.

Recipe - Teleporter Block

The recipe creates 1 teleporter block.


Teleporter Menu

The teleporter menu is accessed via. right-clicking (like a chest or furnace). When you open the menu, you are presented with a key slot. Any item placed inside the key slot will act as the key for the teleporter, allowing it to only teleport to other teleporters with the same key.


and @AlexIIL with Better Loading Screen
AlexIIL said:
Better Loading Screen 1.3.0
  • Allow any version on the client and any version on the server
  • Move the rendering definitions to an "images.json" file so they can be changed at any point. The default version, and one other, are in the same directory (/config/BetterLoadingScreen/) called "preset one.json" and "preset two.json".

and @ScottKillen with Scott's Tweaks
scottkillen said:
Scott's Tweaks adds several of my favorite gameplay tweaks to the game.
  • Live chickens drop feathers as they go about their lives.
  • Growables (saplings, etc.) plant themselves if possible.
  • Clay generates in the overworld (not just in lake bottoms).
  • Squid and bat spawning can be reduced or disabled.
  • Endermen drop the blocks they are carrying when they die.

and @ScottKillen with Ancient Trees
scottkillen said:
"In the time before The Fall, the world was vibrant, teeming with life. The Fall changed the world and only a portion of what was has survived.

"In their wisdom, the Ancient Ones foresaw the Extinction and took steps to preserve trees within chests hidden in the world. It is tragic that, for all the good they did, the Ancient Ones could not save themselves..."

Ancient Trees adds thirteen species of extinct trees to the world. You may find the rare saplings in chests hidden throughout the land. You can find them and restore the species... Each species can be used to make the full range of woodcraft.

and @way2muchnoise with WAILA-features
Way2muchnoise said:
Adds some extra features to WAILA. Posts requests on the issue tracker.

For now there is one feature requested by Parcel31u:

Hold shift to see the author(s) of the mod. Works in an inventory as well in the WAILA tooltip.

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 1.3.2-1
  • Once again, fixed a lot of bugs. They aren’t really happy at me, but hey, they don’t get kick-ass armour!
  • Oh, and also added Project: Omega at long last! This grants a lot better armour (subjective) to the user. See the relevant section.
  • Added the Dawn ritual stone and scribe tool (glowstone block inside of a T6 altar), as well as an upgraded Ritual Diviner in order to place the stones.
  • Temporarily removed the books to stop lag from a lot of computers – these will be finished soon!
  • Added Reagent effects to the Well of Suffering, such as Potentia (vertical range), tenebrae (extra LP), and offensa (extra damage)
  • Oh, also added an Autocrafting ritual. Oh well!

and @Emoniph with Witchery
Emoniph said:
Witchery 0.24.1
  • TWEAK: OPs in creative mode get a hint which skin changed player is sending chat messages.
  • TWEAK: Significantly optimized the client-side performance of Mirror blocks.
  • TWEAK: Optimized the reflection mob a bit to be a bit less CPU intensive.
  • TWEAK: Added a config option (ShrinkMirrorWorld) that will only use half the Y space in the mirror world for structuregen. This will need the world to be recreated to use though.
  • TWEAK: Optimised the lightmap a bit in a newly created mirror world.
  • TWEAK: Added limited support for AM2 for reflection mob equipment.
  • FIX: Breaking through mirror world walls no longer gets you stuck in the wall.
  • FIX: Vampire players in creative mode will not spawn witch hunter mobs.
  • FIX: Missing wolfman hand in first person mode is visible once more.
Botania R1.6 177 (by Vazkii)
  • Added a config option to disable the 1.8 stones.
  • Added oredict entries for the 1.8 stone and prismarine blocks for better compatibility with Gany's Surface.
  • Fixed Ancient Wills only rendering on the Terrasteel Helm if it has Phantom Ink, rather than only rendering when it doesn't have Phantom Ink.
  • Fixed Enchanted Soil being able to be picked up with Silk Touch.
  • Fixed a crash when shift-clicking damanged non-flower items into the Flower Pouch.
  • Fixed a dupe with the Ring of Loki that allowed for seeds, and potentially other items of the sort, to be infinitely generated.
  • Fixed crash with Corporea Sparks and buildcraft gates.
  • Fixed the Mana Pool sending way more packets than it should because I forgot to reset the flag >_>
  • Fixed the Ring of Loki not syncing properly in multiplayer.
  • Fixed the Solegnolia not being shift-right clickable to open its lexicon entry.
  • Fixed the wireframes for the Ring of Loki rendering when it's not equipped.
  • Hydroangeas now get Daybloom/Nightshade like diminishing returns in all 8 directions.
  • Made some lexicon text and relic poem changes.
  • Relics kill you slower if you're not their owner.
  • The Elven Portal will now stop functioning if any of its components are in unloaded chunks, it will not dismantle itself like it did before.
  • The following items can no longer drop from the Loonium: Lexica Botania, Black Lotus, Overgrowth Seed and all records.
Botania R1.6 178 & 179 (by Vazkii)
  • Added a Blaze Light, a light source block that also works as fuel and can be put next to a Pure Daisy to make Obsidian.
  • Added a Pure Daisy NEI recipe handler.
  • Aside from "...", "~", "+" and "?" can now also be used as Corporea Index wildcards.
  • Disabling capes in Multiplayer Options disables the golden head flowers for contributors too.
  • Fixed a bug relating to weird chunkloading behaviour where spreaders would create thousands of burst entities in the same place that would simply exist, not update, and nom at the server's tickrate, a lot.
  • The Pure Daisy now uses a proper recipe system instead of the two hardcoded values it had previously. To that there's a few new recipes such as Netherrack to Cobblestone, Soul Sand to Sand or Ice to Packed Ice.
  • The Ring of Magnetization will no longer pull Relics.
  • Vine Balls can now be used to craft Mossy Stone.
  • [API] Added a RecipePureDaisy and a list of these. I don't really need to explain what it does, right?
  • [API] Added a WILDCARD_STRINGS array to CorporeaHelper and changed the wildcard check to reference it.
  • [API] Added ElvenPortalUpdateEvent.
  • [API] Increased version number to 40.
  • Fixed the Pure Daisy not working >_>
  • [API] Flipped world.isRemote check in RecipePureDaisy.
  • [API] Increased version number to 41.
BuildCraft 7.0.1 Beta! This version has tons of changes, but let me just bring up a few:
  • Many, many improvements to robot behaviour
  • Modules are back! Only include the parts of BuildCraft you actually like, if you wish. (Or use it as just a pipe system, or remove builders, etc.)
  • Much cheaper pipe plugs!
  • Comparator support for BuildCraft tanks!
  • Proper round-robin item distribution in diamond item pipes! And fluid distribution in diamond fluid pipes!
  • Did I tell you about modules yet?
(Oh, and a little-known fact: 7.0.1 employs aggressive PNG and ZIP optimization tactics to get its size 400KB down from the previous beta.)
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling is an addon for Thermal Expansion 4.x that adds a bunch of Furnace, Pulverizer, Sawmill, and Induction Smelter recipes that allow for "recycling" of various blocks and items.

Further information can be found on the Wiki.

and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 357
  • Complete redesign of progression
  • Added aura cascade huts in villages
  • Added transmuting sword
  • Added ring of the shattered sword
  • Added cascading rainbow
  • Organized creative tabs
  • Lowered power of alternating pumps
  • Added 'last power' tooltip
  • Fixed missing textures in walkthrough section on windows computers.
  • Fixed right click issues with vortex infusion
  • Tweaked angelsteel tool power and made it round to integer
  • Processor doubles instead of triples ores
  • Tweaked pump values to pump low-speed materials
  • Fixed erratic behavior in bookshelf searching
  • Fixed: Redstone pump eats 14 blocks instead of 15

and @Brandon3055 with Draconic Evolution
brandon3055 said:
Draconic Evolution 1.0.1-RC-5
  • fixed mob grinder creating a tone of network traffic.
  • fixed tools not dropping xp on aoe mode.
  • added config option to make items dropped by tools in aoe mode despawn after 5 seconds if not collected.
  • xp dropped by the mob grinder will now despawn after 30 seconds to reduce lag.
  • fixed crash with veinminer.
  • tweaked armor jumping mechanic.
  • increased flight up/down speed (speed boost applied by leggings).
  • increased resistance of draconium.
  • fixed shovel not working on some blocks such as cursed earth.
  • fixed tools no mining some blocks such as bedrock when in creative mode.
  • can now use backspace to go to the previous page in the information tablet.
  • increased render distance of persistent items and active dragon heart.
  • reduced explosion power required to activate the dragon heart.
  • stabilized spawner now shows its tier as part of its renderer.
  • added thaumcraft support to the draconic helm. (goggles of revealing)
  • fixed charged draconium blocks not extracting from energy infuser.

and @Lycanite with Lycanites Mobs
Lycanite said:
Lycanites Mobs
Major Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where mob spawners that spawn Lycanites Mobs wouldn't render the spinning mob model inside, this bug lso heavily spammed client logs when the spawners were within or near view.
Config Changes:
  • Added a new config option to revert the water spawning logic back to the old style. The new style checks the surface of water lakes or rives to get the light level, the old style checks the spot where the mob is attempting to spawn. With the old style, hostile mobs such as Jengu are able to spawn in deep lakes and rivers during the day with they new style they normally can't.

and @Namikon84 with ODIB
Namikon84 said:
Why would I need this mod?
Are you a ModPack creator? Have you ever been in a situation where you'd like to add Mod A, but Mod A only works best with some blocks that Mod B provides, and you can't add Mod B because of reasons? Or do you need some special Blocks to build your SkyBlock/Adventure/you name it world, and you don't want to add a dozen of different mods just to get a few special Blocks?

Well, then this Mod is for you.

What does ODIB do?
With ODIB, you are able to add Blocks to your game, that can be fully customized by config files.

In-World Example: (And the reason why I wrote this mod; It is also included as a fully working example in the download)

Imagine you have BigReactors, but you can't add Thermal Expansion because of some reasons. So you don't have access to Enderium, and you can't make EnderiumBlocks for the turbine coils. With this mod, you just have to create a new config file, set an unique name, set the OreDictName to "blockEnderium", and look for a nice texture you want it to have. Done.

What can I change at the Moment?
For now, the following settings can be changed:
- Hardness
- Harvest Tool (Axe, pickaxe, shovel)
- Harvest Level (Wood, stone, iron, diamond)
- Emits light
- Unbreakable
- Explosion resistance
- Texture (via resource-packs)
- Ingame name (via resource-packs)
- OreDictionary name of the Block

More stuff is planned. One of the next things that will come soon:
- Stepsound (The sound that is played when you walk over the Block)
- MaterialType (Like burning Obsidian, unbreakable glowstone,...)

and @mrmakeit with Flight Feather
mrmakeit said:
By holding the feather in your hand and right clicking, you can slowly ascend. Each use will consume part of the feather.

As long as you are holding the feather, it can consume some fall damage for you.
I updated PowerConverters.

PowerConverters 3.1.0

  • Steam consumer can take multiple types of steam (steam, ic2steam, ic2superheatedsteam) if they are registered.
  • Steam producer can be crafted to output different types of steam.
  • Sync power values to client on login to server. Should make tooltips more accurate.
  • Bugs that may have been caused by client-server desync

Edit: On second thoughts ... Wait for another update.
Last edited:
Tired of placing a water/lava bucket and having the liquid flow everywhere? Well look no further: Spawnable Liquids is here!

This mod adds 2 simple tools:
Water rod (a portable infinite water source)
Lava rod (single use)
When right clicked on a block, they will spawn the liquid above the block in a stationary state, until the block is updated.
Tired of placing a water/lava bucket and having the liquid flow everywhere? Well look no further: Spawnable Liquids is here!

This mod adds 2 simple tools:
Water rod (a portable infinite water source)
Lava rod (single use)
When right clicked on a block, they will spawn the liquid above the block in a stationary state, until the block is updated.
What's the point in the lava rod?
Tired of placing a water/lava bucket and having the liquid flow everywhere? Well look no further: Spawnable Liquids is here!

This mod adds 2 simple tools:
Water rod (a portable infinite water source)
Lava rod (single use)
When right clicked on a block, they will spawn the liquid above the block in a stationary state, until the block is updated.
Also, how do you craft the lava rod?