What's new in modded minecraft today?

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New release of RFTools (2.76). If all goes well this is the last release before 2.80 (or 3.00 depending on how much new stuff I can make).

  • Balancing:
    • If a dimension is out of power you cannot attack entities.
    • Added an (optional for now) way to freeze all entities in an unpowered dimension. Enable this by setting B:freezeUnpoweredDimension=true

I love these features.
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I suggest disabling block breaking/block placing when its out of power too! :p
Unpowered dimensions already kill you quite rapidly if you don't have a charged Phased Field Generator on your hotbar, so there's really no need to make things more difficult on the player.

The whole point of the field generator, to my knowledge, is so that you can restart your power generation if you decided to power a dimension from within your base in the dimension itself without going through the hassle of putting together a duplicate dimension tab without access to your base and all the other stuff in the dimension. Making it impossible to break blocks that may be jamming your powergen or replacing missing cables or something would severely undercut this functionality.

The purpose of the changes to the way entities and tile entities work in the latest updates (i.e. freezing them in unpowered dimensions) was to keep people from abusing dimensions by running quarries in them without powering them. It's not supposed to affect players directly, if I'm not mistaken.

If that happened there would be to much of a chance of getting stuck in that world.
No, there wouldn't. When you die in an RFTools dimension, you respawn in the Overworld. If the dimension's out of power, you're going to die instantly unless you're got a phased field generator.
RF tools is a great mod. I could never actually figure my head around it.... but it's cool. It add little dimlet things
I updated Veinminer

VeinMiner 0.27.0
  • Make the mode work reliably in 1.8
The update for 1.7 was just a re-working of code to allow the change for 1.8 (No real additional features.)

Could you add a config that would require a wrench to vein mine things like AE cables, pipes, conduits? That seems like it could be useful.
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Could you add a config that would require a wrench to vein mine things like AE cables, pipes, conduits? That seems like it could be useful.
If you mean for breaking the blocks (in the same way you would with a pickaxe), you can already configure it to be that way. If you mean for when you right click with a wrench, then no, it is a different mechanic.
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I suggest disabling block breaking/block placing when its out of power too! :p

Well that might not be good as the idea is that you are capable of restoring your dimension and getting access back. That might sometimes require breaking and placing blocks depending on the reason for the power meltdown (like a creeper explosion or such)

Edit: sorry. This is off-topic. Didn't actually notice the thread this was posted in :-)
new day, new update, and today it's @IFDevelopment with BeamExtended Chat
IFDevelopment said:

BeamExtended is the premiere extension for enhancing the beam.pro experience, and from the makers of BEX comes a Minecraft mod that integrates your beam chat with your in-game chat, no longer is in-game chat purely for Twitch!
Minecraft Versions: 1.7 & 1.8
- Beam chat directly in game
- The ability to chat back in game
- Beam ranks displayed in game
- Custom in game badges
- Multiplayer support
- Client side encryption
- Toggle-able chat while logged in

Coming Soon:
- Support for beam Widgets
- Integrated language translation
- And much, much more!
Contact Information & Issue Tracker:
- @GraplicalBear
- Issue Tracker

and @superckl with BiomeTweaker
superckl said:
BiomeTweaker 0.6.39
  • BiomeTweaker no longer requires itself to be installed on both server and client.
  • Bug fixes
  • Added commands to modify the BiomeDictionary
  • Added commands to remove decorations such as flowers, trees, and grass.
  • Removed 'removeTreeGen' and 'removeBigTreeGen' commands, use 'removeDecoration' instead. It's much better. I promise.

and @Zalthrion with Zombie Infection
Zalthrion said:
Zombie Infection 1.3.0
  • Chickens, Cows, Pigs, and Sheep, can now all be infected by an infected player (Chance is configurable).
  • Zombie chickens will drop infected eggs
  • Zombie cows can be milked for infected milk
  • Swedish Translation
  • Update Russian Translations
  • Fix for entity being removed before ZI (Zombie Infection) finish's with it.

and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft V6f
  • DragonAPI: Fixed MooFluids-related console spam
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed TileAccelerator sneak-popoff
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Elemental Awareness being possible to lock oneself out of
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Chroma collector progress lock
  • ChromatiCraft: Getting hit by a pylon no longer discovers the color
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed automator recipe
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed automator render
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed code mixup
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Magnanimous Tools version 0.1.3 is now out - Config settings for most aspects of the tools; quite literally
Curseforge: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/229392-magnanimous-tools/files/2234355

Norwegian translation from @016Nojr
Sword damage logic changed a bit, less glitchy
Config options:
  • Magnanimous Tool material mining level, efficiency, damage, durability, enchantability
  • Overriding disabilities for the individual tools (you can chose to buff the hammer for example)
  • Enable the special features
    • sneak to mine one block with the hammer or earth mover
    • custom fortune on the pick
    • xp based speed boost on the tools
    • xp damage increase
  • xp requirement for the sneak-single block harvest

Enjoy the update!
and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.3.9
  • Added ore dictionary whitelist to MineTweaker API.
  • Added config option to disable ore dictionary item conversion.
  • Item conversion heuristics are much more aggressive about filtering out possible conversions.
  • Some efficiency improvements in item conversion handling.
  • Removed troublesome controller sync packet. It should be unnecessary, but there's a chance it could impact a transport mod.
Updated MineTweaker API:
  • mods.storagedrawers.OreDictionaryWhitelist.add("oreName");
A whitelisted ore dictionary name will override anything in the blacklist, and bypass most of the inbuilt heuristics that control valid matches.

and @ganymedes01 with Gany's Surface
ganymedes01 said:
Gany's Surface 1.10.0
  • Added banners!
  • Fences, gates and dead bushes now burn (1.8 "feature")
  • Added Beetroots from MC:PE
  • Coarse dirt now has the 1.8 texture
  • Register the 1.8 stones for better mod compatibility (Botania)
  • Added a flint block
  • Pigs can now be fed pinecones
  • Fix some config options that weren't working properly (like the red sandstone one)
  • Re-worked the ocean monument generation so it matches vanilla's generation a bit more
  • Added mule and donkey eggs (creative mode only)
  • Fix enchanted iron/chainmail armour losing their enchantments after being dyed
  • Better tea textures! (Thank BrizzleMFD for that :D)
  • Added the poop block (slime spreads a lot faster on it)
  • Added a carrot block (more storage blocks coming soon, texture by BrizzleMFD as well!)
  • Added wooden buttons for all vanilla woods
  • Added pressure plates for all vanilla woods
  • Added trapdoors for all vanilla woods (Thank Blorph for the textures!)
  • Added sticks and ladders for all vanilla woods
  • Added signs for all vanilla woods
  • Added bookshelves for all vanilla woods
  • Added a 3D render for signs
  • Added support for TE's Phytogenic Insolator
Anyone else think Way was going to reference miracles by Insane Clown Posse?
I was thinking more of Homestuck mIrAcLeS (the bloodier kind), but yeah. Don't need to be an insane troll clown to be hyped over this.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Oh hello, news thread. Long time no see :)
Glass Shards 1.3.2
  • Removed the April Fools changes. For anyone who didn't experience them: On April 1st it would swap the colors White with Light Blue and Yellow with Black on glass shards and various vanilla items, courtesy of the famous Dress.
  • New sword textures by @xTordX. They now have a more irregular shape, like a shard.
  • (@Xottab-DUTY) Updated Russian translation.
  • Changed the way Chisel versions are being checked - it will accept versions newer than 2.3.
  • Minor changes for integrating Ice Shards.

Ice Shards 1.0-beta
Ice Shards you say? Indeed, this is a new small addon to Glass Shards that emerged from an idea some people around here had.
It makes ice and packed ice drop shards as well, which can be crafted back into either of these.
See the thread or Curse for more information.
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