The original.I don't even have to click that, I know its going to be a rick roll or or something similar
The original.I don't even have to click that, I know its going to be a rick roll or or something similar
Nah, I have no clue how any link to anything other than a reliable source could have gotten put there.I don't even have to click that, I know its going to be a rick roll or or something similar
And send your computer to its final resting place...Well, I took a glance of the mods for 1.7.10 in Not Enough Mods, and look at this:
There's over 900 mods for this version! (and this is just for the modlist on Not Enough Mods)
That is more than 1 and a third times 1.4.6/7 and 1.5.2 combined.
(wish I could allocate more than 32k ids to experience them all at once...)
(wish I could allocate more than 32k ids to experience them all at once...)
Both because it's unlikely to have so many ids at once, and because the block/item registries are very easy to break.
Can we see?You haven't seen what happened last time I messed with the block registry.
-Because nobody's insane enough to use more than 32k ids I guessI wonder why no one has made a mod to do that.
Someone sorta has.... wonder why no one has made a mod to do that.
Vazkii this is so badassI'm pretty proud of this. You can tell cuz I'm posting it everywhere.
Must have... *Gets puppy eyes and stares at the video*I'm pretty proud of this. You can tell cuz I'm posting it everywhere.
MrComputerGhost said:Runic Dungeons 1.1.1
- Belt O' Experience
- Advanced Belt O' Experience
- Config to disable Items
- Config to disable Blocks
- Config to allow only Operators to create Portals
- Bug reguarding Guardian spawns
- Ender Belt not being disabled
- Rooms not generating correctly
- Portals being able to be broken/created in the Runic Dungeons
jaquadro said:Garden Stuff 1.5.5
- Added bloomery furnace for smelting wrought iron.
- Added NEI recipe and usage lookup for bloomery furnace.
- Added standard smelting recipe from wrought iron to iron.
- Removed standard smelting recipe from iron to wrought iron.
- Changed chain recipes to be more generous (2x for light and 4x for heavy).
- Changed size requirements for plants. All plant containers and garden soil slots can accept most plants now.
- Updated zh_CN translation (thanks autopsychorhythmia).
Benimatic said:Twilight Forest 2.3.5
- Disable GL_LIGHTING for firefly glows (thanks, jaqadro!)
- Add block and chain tool
- Add knightmetal ring item, part of the block and chain recipe
- Make giant blocks self destruct when one of their smaller blocks is destroyed or changed
- Added cube of annihilation
- Added talisman of the cube
- Suppress “Already decorating” error in the biome decorator. I’m fairly sure that this mod does not cause the error on its own, but some cross-mod interactions seem to.
- Add huge lily pads to swamps (lots of them)
- Add huge water lily flowers
- Added repair materials for block & chain, ice bow
- Fixed rainbow oak & small twilight oak trees growing with the wrong leaves
- Fixed rainbow oak giving the wrong leaf block with pick block
- Make canopy oak trees have 2-block wide trunks
- That might be too wide, maybe they need to be 1.5 blocks wide
- Fixed a bug causing labyrinth entrances to frequently be 3 blocks off the actual ground
- Updated German translation, thanks Speedy1505
- Updated Russian translation, thanks Sto3IV
- Revise knight phantom death code to make generating a treasure chest more certain
- Stop crash if the knight phantoms lose their equipped item
Lunatrius said:InGame Info XML
- Added TerraFirmaCraft integration
10paktimbits said:Plant Mega Pack 5.00
- Added: 45 planters in 4 different styles
- Added: 15 trellis blocks
- Added: 4 beach plants
- Added: 7 forest plants
- Added: 18 climbing plants
- Added: 4 hanging plants: 'tiny' green foliage 3 ivy vines
- Added: lots of new food items
- Added: corn flour, mutton and rice food wraps
- Added: foliage textures for epiphyte plants
- Added: plants are sensitive to fire and lava below them
- Added: moss ground cover can be used to make mossy cobblestone wall and mossy bricks
- Added: growable plants grow faster on fertile soil
- Added: vanilla flowers, except sunflower, can be crafted into hanging plants
- Added: all ferns can be crafted into a foliage hanging plant
- Added: defoliant powder now works on leaves
- Added: fertilizer powder changes regular stone bricks to mossy stone bricks
- Added: defoliant powder changes mossy stone bricks to regular stone bricks
- Added: lot's of new food recipes
- Added: 'basic' and 'advanced' world generation modes
- Added: worldgen 'empty chunks' settings use to create areas where plants don't spawn
- Added: config: lists on config screens now respond to double clicks
- Added: config: accurate hitbox, turn off to use vanilla behavior
- Added: config: plant block replaceable, default=disabled
- Added: config: solid bamboo, default=enabled
- Added: config: solid cactus, default=enabled
- Added: config: plant particles, for future use
- Added: config: adjust maximum growth for stackable plants (bamboo and kelp)
- Added: config: reset all plant settings to defaults
- Added: config: ability to disable a plant from world generation
- Added: config: advanced plant powder elevation limit
- Added: config: advanced plant powder effective underneath plants
- Added: config: button to enable/disable extra drops affects all plants
- Added: screen: generated chests controls chances PMP's items spawn in chests
- Added: screen: generated chest items select the items/blocks that spawn in chests
- Added: screen: content: planters enable/disable by group
- Added: screen: decorator area plant spawn settings
- Added: screen: plant locator find where a plant spawns
- Added: screen: worldgen all worldgen stuff starts on this screen
- Added: screen: worldgen features
- Added: screen: worldgen coral reef systems
- Added: screen: worldgen village features
- Added: verification check of all decorator plants at startup log file will show any problems
- Changed: lowered hardness of cactus plants slightly
- Changed: hanging plants can now attach to underside of cobblestone walls
- Changed: bamboo rendering
- Changed: floating flower rendering
- Changed: you can mix the 2 different rice while crafting cooked rice
- Changed: corals use gravel sound instead of wood
- Changed: metal wall bracket rendering and hitbox
- Changed: crafting medicinal salves use the actual plant instead of an item from the plant
- Changed: flower color varieties have max. count of 9 instead of 13
- Changed: Sea Oats moved to beach category from grass
- Changed: submerged plants and vines now have separate block/item code
- Changed: some magenta color varieties changed to pink
- Changed: plant drops are now sensitive to fortune-enchanted tools
- Changed: plant growth rate is now a percentage of vanilla growth rate
- Changed: bamboo and kelp plants can grow naturally to a maximum of 30 blocks tall
- Changed: plant config files no longer have unused settings
- Changed: default effectiveness of advanced plant powders is now 90%
- Changed: all recipes using bamboo poles now use actual bamboo plant instead
- Changed: empty food wrap recipe now shaped and uses 3 ingredients and return 3 wraps
- Changed: modified recipes as needed for other changes in this release
- Changed: celery can now be used to craft food wraps
- Changed: updated tooltips for advanced plant powders
- Changed: epiphytes now check for a solid face to attach to
- Changed: wall brackets now check for a solid face to attach to
- Changed: reworked/enhanced almost all config screens
- Changed: maximum elevation variance for plant spawning changed to 8 from 16
- Changed: fertilizer now works on bamboo plants
- Changed: fertilizer now works on epiphyte plants
- Changed: plant list on add plant screen is wider can see all plant names now
- Changed: main menu buttons worldgen stuff consolidated into a single button
- Changed: user decorator settings moved to a subfolder for each decorator set
- Changed: when adding a plant to a decorator area, the plants list is now re-sorted
- Changed: add plant config screen no longer displays plants that are already assigned
- Changed: all stackable plants (bamboo, climbing, kelp) have a minimum growth height of 4
- Changed: berry/fruit drink recipe
- Changed: rebalanced hunger/saturation values on most food items
- Changed: massive amount of adjustments to plants assigned to decorators
- Changed: default plant growth rates are now 100%
- Changed: default world generation setting is now 100%
- Changed: default decorator area settings are now 50%
- Fixed: some recipes registered even if content settings caused them to never be used
- Fixed: issues with vines they are now identical to vanilla vines
- Fixed: spruce wall bracket cannot be crafted
- Fixed: wall brackets not decreasing inventory when used
- Fixed: fertilizer used on crops clones plants at same growth as original plant
- Fixed: plant powders now work on vanilla cactus and sugar cane
- Fixed: plant powders now work on PMP cactus
- Fixed: fertilizer used on saplings now produces particle effect
- Removed: bamboo poles
- Removed: color varieties: burgundy, coral, magenta, royal
- Removed: plant-specific flower and leaf items, except cattail spike
- Removed: plant-specific hanging plants
- Removed: optional wall brackets
- Removed: 'edge' decorator files and code replaced by new decorator area
- Removed: all 'sky' stuff from the mod as it is not needed
- Devstuff: massive code rewrite for 1.8 upgrade at least 75% of mod rewritten
- Devstuff: completely new worldgen code
- Devstuff: moved decorator default .cfg files from java folder to resources folder
- Devstuff: internal code to generate .json files automatically for faster development
- Devstuff: enhanced console/log output
- Devstuff: review/standardize ore dictionary names
- Devstuff: reorganize/consolidate many language file entries
- Devstuff: introduced and then fixed at least 20 major bugs during the upgrade
- Devstuff: massive web site update at CurseForge:
michael__ said:Liquipacks 1.4.1
- Added automatic mode for hand pump.
- Fixed same upgrade can be added multiple times.
- Colored Tooltips!!
- Fixed fluids that cant be placed in the world still get drained when placed from liquipack.
- Fixed liquid xp upgrade adds 0 liquid xp to your tanks.
- Player inventory no longer shows up in liquid xp upgrade, liquipack pipe interface, and hand pump gui.
- Added a chestplate slot to the liquipack interface, so you can easily get to your liquipack.
iChun said:
This is the largest and best mod out of these hands down xD
Does it work when you break blocks as well? What does it do when the build path is obstructed?I'm pretty proud of this. You can tell cuz I'm posting it everywhere.
That is going to be so helpful when building o:I'm pretty proud of this. You can tell cuz I'm posting it everywhere.
Botania's already my favourite mod, soon there's gonna be no mod that can replace it Q.QI'm pretty proud of this. You can tell cuz I'm posting it everywhere.
There could be if Vaskii comes out with Botania 2 in the hopefully not so distant futureBotania's already my favourite mod, soon there's gonna be no mod that can replace it Q.Q
This is the largest and best mod out of these hands down xD