What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @Drullkus with Thermal Smeltery
Drullkus said:
Thermal Smeltery 1.1.0
  • Added Steel Alloying recipe in the TCon Smeltery
  • Added Liquid Yellorium to Ingot Casting in TCon Casting Table/Basin
  • Added Null Voiding Modifier to TCon Tools (Pulverize TE's Nullifier to make the components!)
  • The Voiding effect will destroy any blocks and never drop them!

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.2.3
  • Fixed top/bottom/sides of large drawer blocks not being considered solid (for placing torches, flower pots, etc.)

and @portablejim with VeinMiner
Portablejim said:
VeinMiner 0.22.0
  • Changes: Update to Minecraft 1.8
  • Will sync the versions soon.

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraIRC v2.8.91
  • Add welcome screen for new EiraIRC users who are looking for a place to chat
  • Add Help button to EiraIRC menu that links to the new WIP help page
  • Add ingame image link display (option imageLinkPreview in client.cfg)
  • Add possibility to click nicks in chat to prefill input box with @nick.
  • Add compatibility for Dynmap WebChat (however, Dynmap API is BUGGED atm, so only the first message is sent)
  • Add join, leave, quit and nick change messages to the message format config files, allowing them to be customized too
  • Add screenshot renaming, screenshot search and screenshot group selection
  • Add a better looking confirmation screen overlay
  • Add ConnectionFailedEvent, which is now posted on failed events rather than just a DisconnectEvent
  • Add basic error handling for the most common IRC error codes
  • Add possibility to provide aliases for native EiraIRC commands (such as !players for !who)
  • Add possibility to override settings of native EiraIRC commands (e.g. making !who send to player only)
  • Add an infix control character to stop the bot from pinging users (config option preventUserPing)
  • Add port ranges (e.g. irc.esper.net:5555+6666-6669+7000)
  • Change custom commands to now be defined in commands.json
  • Change registerShortCommands to be a client-only config option.
  • Change !who to send to whole channel instead of user by default.
  • Change "unhandled message code" log spam to only appear when debugMode is enabled
  • Change message format to "Twitch" by default when using the Twitch GUI
  • Remove the !auth command, the authentication check is now done automatically
  • Remove the last bits of the ugly bot profiles, the config is once again clean and beautiful now
  • Fix links in chat not being clickable on 1.7(MC-30864) for links from IRC (and Minecraft chat if installed on server)
  • Fix crash when using /join with optional password parameter
  • Fix crash when [local player] dies
  • Fix support for channel types other than just #.
  • Fix support for channel user modes other than just OP and voice.
  • Fix services not being properly reloaded when using the /irc config reload command
  • Fix newly generated config files not being saved
  • Fix Minecraft player list no longer opening due to conflict with TAB key
  • Fix current chat cursor not being put to correct position when defaultChat was used
  • Fix the config command not allowing multi-word values
  • Fix Twitch GUI joining a channel called "username" without the #
  • Fix duplicate connections not being properly prevented, resulting in duplicate messages
  • Fix tooltip showing on invisible menu buttons
  • Fix join button in IRC Servers GUI not doing anything
  • Fix crashes on IRC threads being ignored (they now behave like any other crash)
  • Fix EiraIRC not disconnecting/leaving deleted servers/channels
  • Fix /irc config commands not saving the configuration by themselves

and @tonius11 with Simply Jetpacks
tonius11 said:
Simply Jetpacks 1.4.0 & 1.4.1
  • Added jetpack sounds. Many thanks to nabijaczleweli for their help with this one. The volume for these sounds can be set with the volume slider for the 'Players' sound category. They can also be disabled as a whole in the config (clientside).
  • Refactored code to be cleaner, less redundant and more flexible.
  • All jetpack/flux pack types can now be tuned individually (instead of being bound to a list of tiers).
  • The Flux-Infused JetPlate is now craftable even if Redstone Arsenal is not installed.
  • Localized keybind names. The mod's keybinds will likely be reset when updating to this version.
  • Jetpack particles now spread out a little bit instead of going straight down.
  • Creative Jetpacks now have rainbow smoke particles by default.
  • Added a small limit on how quickly jetpacks can be charged by external sources. (Configurable)
  • Removed 'flat' jetpack armor models.
  • Texture pack authors, you'll have to rename some texture files: tuberous/creative/icon jetpacks, creative flux packs, and 3d jetpack armor models.
  • Fixed crash on dedicated server startup

and @Vanhal with Progressive Automation
Vanhal said:
Progressive Automation 1.5.23
  • Changed the internal structure for managing mod compatibility
  • Added support for AgriCraft, Planter can harvest from and plant to AgriCraft Crops
  • Improved support for Pams Harvest Craft
  • Improved support for harvesting plants that are harvested by right clicking
  • Added options to enable/disable mod support
  • Fixed a bug where planters would never hoe the ground

and @tonius11 with NEI Integration
tonius11 said:
NEI Integration 1.0.7
  • Added more null checks in the Railcraft handlers

and @Greymerk with Roguelike Dungeons
Greymerk said:
Roguelike Dungeons 1.3.6
  • Early build for 1.8

and @joshie with Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.4d
  • Fix Crash when breaking a rotor
  • Fix Random crashing with NEICrucibleHandler
  • Fix some wrong locations and missing lang
  • Fix Scuba Tank not being able to be filled, and Batteries supplying infinite power to the compressor.
  • Hatcheries should now sync their contents to the client
  • Switch Fish Feeder syncing to use the name of the block, instead of it's ID incase of a mismatch.
  • Titanium tool parts will load again, however no Titanium bows!
Crashlanding(Vanilla Edition by samasaurus6)


Features (click to hide)
- 2,000 x 2,000 area map with custom terrain ready to be explored. Loads of secrets to find!

- Unique Hydration and Temperature system which depends on many things such as exposure to sunlight.

- Random Events system!

- Grappling Hook!

- Tougher mobs with new mechanics, such as spiders trapping players in webs!

- Over 23 different quests!

- Over 40 custom crafting recipes with an online and in-game crafting guide! (See Crafting section)

- Turrets, Sieves, Deconstructors and loads more functioning blocks!

- Redstone Rifle! (Model created by WeeHeeHee. Downloads in credits).

- Loads of custom models made by me!

- 10 Hidden Achievements

- 2 Awesome Boss Battles


This map contains completely custom crafting recipes, used within the new "Crafting Module" inside the ship. The inventory crafting GUI can still be used, but all recipes which require a crafting table are no longer used. Due to the nature of custom crafting, recipes MUST be crafted one-by-one. You must also craft carefully, as empty slots are not detected by the crafting module, so if there is a recipe detected with an extra item somewhere in an unused slot, it will be lost!

Online Crafting Guide (click to hide)

Last edited:
Crashlanding(Vanilla Edition by samasaurus6)


Features (click to hide)
- 2,000 x 2,000 area map with custom terrain ready to be explored. Loads of secrets to find!

- Unique Hydration and Temperature system which depends on many things such as exposure to sunlight.

- Random Events system!

- Grappling Hook!

- Tougher mobs with new mechanics, such as spiders trapping players in webs!

- Over 23 different quests!

- Over 40 custom crafting recipes with an online and in-game crafting guide! (See Crafting section)

- Turrets, Sieves, Deconstructors and loads more functioning blocks!

- Redstone Rifle! (Model created by WeeHeeHee. Downloads in credits).

- Loads of custom models made by me!

- 10 Hidden Achievements

- 2 Awesome Boss Battles


This map contains completely custom crafting recipes, used within the new "Crafting Module" inside the ship. The inventory crafting GUI can still be used, but all recipes which require a crafting table are no longer used. Due to the nature of custom crafting, recipes MUST be crafted one-by-one. You must also craft carefully, as empty slots are not detected by the crafting module, so if there is a recipe detected with an extra item somewhere in an unused slot, it will be lost!

Online Crafting Guide (click to hide)
I think that font is a bit too.. large? Hehe.
In fact that was why I'm asking. There's no other reference to that pack other than that I could find (no link, no credit, no mention. Checked first and last page of his link.).
After playing the pack for a little yestarday its safe to say it is very much inspired by crash landing.
  • Like
Reactions: Pyure
Crashlanding(Vanilla Edition by samasaurus6)


Features (click to hide)
- 2,000 x 2,000 area map with custom terrain ready to be explored. Loads of secrets to find!

- Unique Hydration and Temperature system which depends on many things such as exposure to sunlight.

- Random Events system!

- Grappling Hook!

- Tougher mobs with new mechanics, such as spiders trapping players in webs!

- Over 23 different quests!

- Over 40 custom crafting recipes with an online and in-game crafting guide! (See Crafting section)

- Turrets, Sieves, Deconstructors and loads more functioning blocks!

- Redstone Rifle! (Model created by WeeHeeHee. Downloads in credits).

- Loads of custom models made by me!

- 10 Hidden Achievements

- 2 Awesome Boss Battles


This map contains completely custom crafting recipes, used within the new "Crafting Module" inside the ship. The inventory crafting GUI can still be used, but all recipes which require a crafting table are no longer used. Due to the nature of custom crafting, recipes MUST be crafted one-by-one. You must also craft carefully, as empty slots are not detected by the crafting module, so if there is a recipe detected with an extra item somewhere in an unused slot, it will be lost!

Online Crafting Guide (click to hide)

Please don't set the font color to black. It makes the text unreadable on the dark theme.
Thermal Dynamics? What's Thermal Dynamics?

Yep, BuildCraft 6.3.7 is out. A few minor bugfixes accumulated from hea3ven, most notably fixed quarry chunkloading.

  • [#2454] Direction parameter incorrect behaviour (hea3ven)
  • [#2443] Wooden Pipe and Solid Facade issues (hea3ven)
  • [#2424] Architect Table crash (hea3ven)
  • [#2417] Quarry not chunkloading properly (hea3ven)
  • Robot smoke particles cause FPS drops (hea3ven)
  • Robots do not drop inventory when destroyed (hea3ven)
new day, new update, and today it's and @mallrat208 with UBC Ore Registrar
mallrat208 said:
Underground Biomes Construct Ore Registrar


Tired of your Copper Ore looking out of place when using Underground Biomes Construct? Has the stone your Yellorite clings to brought you down? UBC Ore Registrar can help. Designed to make use of the Underground Biomes Construct API, it registers Ore Blocks to generate as UBC varients. So you can have some Gneiss Copper, Basalt Tin, or Soapstone Yellorite.

Currently supported Mods include:
  • Factorization
  • Steamcraft 2
  • Biomes O Plenty
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Flaxbeard's Steam Power
  • Pam's Harvestcraft
  • Railcraft (Sulfur Only)
  • Mekanism
  • Big Reactors
  • The Farlanders
  • Industrial Craft 2
It shouldn't need to be said, but this mod REQUIRES Underground Biomes Construct to function

and @Drullkus with Thermal Smeltery
Drullkus said:
Thermal Smeltery 1.1.1
  • Added Steel Alloying recipe in the TCon Smeltery
  • Added Liquid Yellorium to Ingot Casting in TCon Casting Table/Basin
  • Added Null Voiding Modifier to TCon Tools (Pulverize TE's Nullifier to make the components!)
  • The Voiding effect will destroy any blocks and never drop them!

and @Kentington with Thaumic Horizons
Kentington said:
Thaumic Horizons 1.0.3
  • Injector no longer uses placeholder texture
  • Fixed NullPointerException when using the disintegration focus on blocks which lack a corresponding item
  • Fixed issues when disintegrating large stacks of items

and @TehNut with ChiselTones
TehNut said:
Chisel Tones

Chisel compatibility for Ztones.

Variation Modes
Currently, there are 2 modes to choose from when adding variations:

Mode 0:
Allow chiseling of the Ztones Tile into each of the different types Ztones adds at a meta of 0. Then you cycle through from there. This makes the crafting recipes useless.


Mode 1:
Allow chiseling between all the blocks within their type. This requires the user to still craft the type, but makes the cycling useless.


and @carliman with Toolbox
carliman said:
Toolbox 1.0.3
  • replaced the block with a more intuitive GUI
  • the toolbox item now shows the first slot as an overlay
  • fixed some bugs

and @jaredlll08 with ModTweaker 2
jaredlll08 said:
ModTweaker 0.7-0
  • Forestry Support
  • Botania Lexica Support
  • Chisel Support
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • [Ex Nihilo] Hammer Removal will now adjust to the normal harvest speed
  • [Tinkers' Construct] Smeltery recipes will not throw exceptions anymore
  • [Thaumcraft 4] Major bugs in the aspect system got fixed
  • [Thaumcraft 4] Old Research Recipe Removal glitch will not throw exceptions anymore
  • [Thermal Expansion] updated to the newest version [This breaks compat with old verisons, sorry]

and @nyankatze with Hlestakov's Screwdriver
nyankatze said:

Hlestakov's Screwdriver
Omnitool mod for 1.7.10

Hello! This is my first public mod. It provides one simple tool, that can:
  • rotate blocks just like other wrenches
  • dismount vanilla furnaces, chests, bookshelves, crafting tables, pistons, droppers, dispencers
  • rotate vanilla rails while sneaking
  • turn on and off vanilla lamps and rails
Screwdriver is interchangeable with tools from following mods
  • IndustrialCraft 2
  • BuildCraft
  • RailCraft
  • Thermal Expansion
  • EnderIO
  • Applied Energetics 2
  • Project:Red
  • MineFactory: Reloaded (untested!!)
  • Professor Flaxbeard's Steam Power Mod
  • Mekanism (untested!!!)
  • Blue Power
To make screwdriver you need some red hardened clay, stick and couple of iron ingots or rods


Source code can be found here


and @Kihira with Tails
Kihira said:
Tails 1.3.1
  • Improve FoxLibManager with support for version specific sub folders and detect other ranges of file names

and @MrIbby with Baby Animals Model Swapper
MrIbby said:
An update of cocoavalley's mod.

Replaces the vanilla baby models with the models I created for the original Baby Animals Mod. Model Swapper does not have any of the functionality of the Baby Animals mod, it only changes the look of the baby animals. You still interact with them the same way as you would the vanilla animals.

See the Minecraft Forum post for more information.

and @Alex_hawks with Sanguine Utilities
Alex_hawks said:
Sanguine Utilities 1.3.0
  • Add Sanguine Chest. A large chest that uses slates to make.
  • Added ritual stone overlay. Hold a Ritual Diviner with a ritual set, and look at a Master Ritual Stone.
  • Fix Issue #3 and maybe Issue #4