I can see the drama headline now:*whistles innocently*
I can see the drama headline now:
dmillerw turns world generation on its head, causing FTB to demand less sanity
Best idea everDon't say that we are already way into negative sanity. A little more and we will cause a sanity black hole.
I wish that mod dev tag told us what mods they were devs for. :/
Don't say that we are already way into negative sanity. A little more and we will cause a sanity black hole.
I wish that mod dev tag told us what mods they were devs for. :/
pixlepix said:Aura Cascade 167
- Fixed server crash bug with fairies
- Tweaked default config setting to leave more room for error in initial builds
Mamiya0taru said:VoxelMap 1.8
- fix for ConcurrentModificationError when panning the world map
pauljoda said:Realistic Pain 1.3.1
- FIXED: Blood not fading away
- ADDED: Option for duration of blood rendering
Dyonovan said:This Client Side add-on to Thaumcraft allows you to automatically keep track of nodes you have scanned with the Thaumometer. If you have already scanned the node, it will update the list with any changes in the node.
An in game list allows you to see nodes you have scanned and sorts them by Aspect (Primal Only) and distance from player.
If you are wearing the Goggles of Revealing you can also select the node and get an in game arrow pointing you in the nodes direction.
Any issues or suggestions can be posted to https://github.com/Dyonovan/TCNodeTracker/issues
Mortvana said:Thaumic Revelations
- Updated to Thaumcraft 4.2.2.x (I could have sworn I uploaded this >.<)
ganymedes01 said:AOBD 2.4.0
- Added support for Tinker's Construct smelteries (smelt the ores and cast them into ingots. This will NOT make tools out of every ore, that would just be silly).
- Added support for SimpleOreGrinder
- Fix EnderIO screwed up energy usage amount (again)
NPException said:Dimensional Pockets 0.10.0
- RF Support
- Fancy new look
- Using Omnis Core as base now (It just makes coding so much easier)
Lycanite said:Lycanites Mobs
- Configs older than will be reset!
- New Freshwater Mob Added: Strider
- Config Change: Added a new config option to disable the crafting recipes for all weapons (Scepters, Swords, etc).
- Bug Fix: Large mobs with a height greater than 3.9 were unable to target anything which is why mobs such as the Trent didn't attack unless hit first most of the time.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a crash caused by activating a disabled event (either by command or by loading a game with the event already active).
- Bug Fix: Fixed a rare crash caused by the land spawn type asking modded blocks if they had a solid top or bottom surface, instead the crash is prevented and mobs are simply prevented from spawning on the block.
TomEV said:Router Reborn 1.1.11
Router Reborn 1.1.12
- Fixed inventory limit not being handled correctly in some cases, (AE2 inscriber)
- fixed inventory limit problem when using bandwidth upgrade.
Thats true... TorchTools, GreenThumb and Pay2Spawn are likely the ones that people know the most. I could just put DoubleDoorDevelopment there as many people also know me and Dries007 by that.
Im also surprised that nobody tried to guess what the screenshot is... Its awsome thats for sure :3
Heres another hint. (It has to do with the first screenshot in someway.)
azanor said:Thaumcraft
- nerfed some of the loot that can appear in uncommon loot bags
- increased the difficulty of champion mobs
- the arcane spa can no longer place water in the nether
- traveling trunks should no longer despawn if commanded to stay put in unloaded chunks
- added chunk check to prevent possible recursion crash with vis relay network
FyberOptic said:Redstone Paste 1.7.1
- Fixed potential crash bugs
MrComputerGhost said:Runic Dungeons 0.9.4
- Recipe for Rider (Still WIP)
- Major issues with other mods' explosions
- Various Bugs
- Amulet and Belt Descriptions
AlexDGr8r said:Falling Meteors Mod 2.14.1
- Fixed crash when upgrading meteor shield
- Minor code cleanup
tterrag1098 said:WAILA Plugins 0.0.1-13
- tterrag1098: Add back in redlogic plugin \o/
An_Sar said:MagnumOpus 0.6.14
- Knapped Flint and Chipped Flint Blade becomes separate items
- Work Blades are not longer shears
- Added Flint Shears
- Bitumen Generates in the Nether
- Flowing Bitumen Burns in the nether
- Misc Recipe Changes
- Extra Meat
- HordeSpide Spawn Biomes Added
- SearingLace can work as flintAndSteel
- Some Sapplings will Plant themselves instead of despawning
- New Bucket Types: clay, nether, obsidian.
brandon3055 said:Draconic Evolution 1.0.1-snapshot_3
### Pre Release version ###
- fixed spawner display mob shaking when disabled
- removed energy cost for Draconic Chest flight
- added tool config gui
- safety flame can now be extinguished without breaking the block it is placed on
- removed a few leftover debug lines
- fixed teleporting between dimensions breaking NEI
- added tool hud display
- implemented hud display in all configurable tools
- implemented hud display in energy core & stabilized spawner
- added option to rearrange locations in advanced dislocator
- fixed galacticraft mob soul crash
- fixed disenchanter book crash
- fixed network channel name too long
- fixed chaos island server crash
Lunatrius said:InGame Info XML
- The tag list GUI width is dynamically set between 400 and 440
Noppes said:Custom NPCs test
- More bug and crash fixes. Clones should work again.
- Dont forget to backup worlds
- Dialog hide model
- Dialog wheel return
- Natural spawning rewrite (show natural despawn)
- Puppet job
- Command now uses @p @a
- Dialog can use @npc
- Attack/kill/killed lines now have @Target
- Skin url
- Guard specific target
- Sitting on chairs and couches
- Solid headwear fix
- Soulstones
- Stop on interact
- Wandering npc interact option
- Explosion resistance
- Lines when killing
- Collide script
- Faction colors wheel
- Dialog colors wheel
- Follower disable gui option
- Follower infinite days option
- New animations: crawling, hug
- Linked npcs
- Rewritten clonesnpcs.dat to seperate readable .json files
- Rewritten playerdata/dialogs/quests to .json
- Ignore nbt option for traders/quests/recipes
- Potion immune option
- Moved walkingspeed from stats to ai walking menu
- No movement option
- Companion is useable (about 40% done though)
- Follows player who spawns him from the soulstone
- Needs food
- Can level talents
- Has a workable backpack
- Tools it uses break
- Can only wear certain armor/weapons after leveling
- Can grow from baby to adult
Dyonovan said:Thaumcraft Node Tracker 0.99-RC-1
- Added Distance to Node below waypoint arrow
- Added Node Type to tracker (You will need to rescan a node for it to appear if you have previously scanned the node)
- Centered Node List independent of screen size (400 min)
- New Waypoint Arrow texture thanks to Dominance28
Liz @Vazkii
TODO for this version. Crafty Crate Patterns. 3 flowers. Achievements. Hardmode Gaia Guardian. Ancient Wills. Corporea Management. Bugfixes.
The Spectranthemum, at the cost of Mana wraps the fabric of reality of any dropped items around it, teleporting them somewhere else in the world.
While it receives Mana, it'll halt any nearby entities in their tracks with a powerful slowness effect, provided they are not players.
So it's trendy to replace books with achievements tree?Upcoming achievements for Botania: