And to help split that kind of power, which normally exceeds anything IC2 can handle:

Rimevel said:Description
When I started playing Minecraft I quite often had the urge to sit down. Some years later and I decided to make my first mod! Now it is complete and you can now rest your digital behind anywhere you like! Just target a block and press X to sit downThere are some more or less realistic restrictions in place to prevent suffocation, drowning, and in some regards cheating.
I am open to suggestions and if you find any bugs please report them.
Happy sitting!
These 'conduits', 'pipes', 'magical energy movers' or whatever you want to call them are for those engineers who need to distribute power efficiently between geographically separated locations. Your needs may be one block or two or even up to 500 blocks, however far you need to travel.. Flowing Flux has a conduit to suit you.![]()
The energy distribution in this system is also balanced so that more efficient network designs will offer more power available to whatever manical device you are powering. Currently there are four tiers of conduits to help you move any amount of power, with power transfer levels of 80, 840, 6920, 55560 RF/t for each respective tier 1 - 4.
Network Design
The way that power is modeled to travel through your conduit network means that designing and planning your network requires some consideration and planning.
The first thing to consider is that in order to have a functioning network you must first craft a "Network Manager". This block forms the backbone of your network and as the name so intuitively suggests, it manages all the networks operations such as intake of power, distributing power and maintaining a map of the network. Be very careful not to have two Network Managers on the same network as bad things may happen.
The second thing to consider is the power requirements for the machines/devices that you are powering. Energy flow is restricted to the maximum amount that can flow from the network manager to the particular machine. So If you have 6920RF/t conduit connected to a 840RF/t conduit, the most power you will be able to draw is 840RF/t. However you can also use augmenting paths, ie. connecting that same 6920RF/t conduit to two 840RF/t conduits will enable 1680RF/t to flow. Have fun abusing these augmenting paths to your hearts content.
- Added Dire Wolf
- Added config options to modify the health and attack damage of EZ and/or all mobs based on difficulty setting
- Updated format and options for SpawnConfig_Core/User.xml
- Added ability to exclude biomes
- Added 'any' and 'all' biome matching filters
- Added support for specifying biomes by name
- Increased default Fallen Knight health to 20 (same as a Zombie, Skeleton etc)
- #14 Rename pt_BR to pt_BR.lang (Adaptivity)
- #17, #18 Update zh_CN.lang (Mrkwtkr)
- #16 Fallen Steeds not killable using Cauldron protection plugin (MikeLydeamore)
- #20 crash if fallen knight ends up in a cart
- Fixed wander speed of fallen mount
- Fixed Fallen Mounts loosing saddles and armor on reload.
jcm2606 said:Thaumic Machina is an addon for Thaumcraft 4 which seeks to do one thing, expand Thaumcraft in a more mechanical and theoeretical light. To do this, my addon does alter the lore of Thaumcraft and Thaumaturgy as a whole to make the whole "backstory" make more sense relative to my addon, however it does so in a way that does not press onto Thaumcraft or any of it's other addons.
NOTE: This addon is currently WIP, only a few things I have functional, one of the main things within the mod, Wand Augmentation, is for the most part functional. There will be small changes in Wand Augmentation as I update the mod, namely a new wand instability mechanic. Just keep this in mind.
Thaumic Machina introduces new "mechanics" to the research minigame and overall mechanic that Azanor has developed and perfected over the various Thaumcraft releases. Thaumcraft 2 had a fairly linear research mechanic, you use a block which has random chance to complete your researches and also find them for you. Thaumcraft 3 set the normal for Thaumcraft research currently by introducing a whole new mechanic to research that directly involves the player. Thaumcraft 4 raised the bar by introducing a minigame which can not be completed the same way every time, like how Thaumcraft 3's research could, but not be completely random and linear like Thaumcraft 2's.
I personally feel that the research minigame and overall mechanic in Thaumcraft 4 is not really meant to have the items be the "points of research", that is, the items being what you're actually researching for and the items being the main thing the research nodes are centred around. Thaumic Machina introduces a new mechanic for researching, known as Concept research.
A Concept is just like normal research, but instead of having the items being the "points of research", it is how the actual items work, the theories that go into the item's function(s), that are. Instead of researching for say Wand Augmentations, you must first research into the concepts and theories that allow Wand Augmentations to function. The downside to this is, some people may feel that researching in Thaumic Machina is quite useless, as you don't get anything back. My view is you do, you get the ability to continue along the tree as your reward for completing the research, but I do recognise that others may disagree, and as such, the exact mechanic behind Concept's is configurable. Don't want to spend time having to complete the minigame like normal? Set Concept's to be secondary purchaseable research. Don't want to spend the time AND aspects on the minigame? Don't worry, set the research to auto-unlock.
Do note, that I do have other research "mechanics" planned, such as a choice-based researching branch system, where you're given
Apothecary is a Minecraft mod that seeks to expand the potion brewing mechanic within vanilla Minecraft in a more traditional brewing style, with cauldrons and crucibles over fire, boiling water. With Apothecary, you can imbue a variety of swords and weaponry with unique and powerful potions, all giving the weaponry unique effects.
Apothecary uses a traditional potion brewing style for the brewing mechanic, you have a pot (cauldron, crucible), you place water inside, you place a heat source underneath, and then you place the brewing components into the pot. With some luck, you may create a successful potion which you can extract from the pot by right clicking with an empty Glass Bottle, which may return a new potion. If you are unlucky however, your potion may fail entirely, in which you do not get anything but a failed potion back, no resources, no nothing, not even the water.
Currently, the potions within Apothecary are primarily designed to be used in conjunction with swords, you imbue swords with potions / poisons to give the sword(s) special effects.
Media said:
Web Upgrade:xbony2 said:2.0.8a
+Waila support added for the Thermal Monitor and Info Panel (and upgraded version of those). More to come?
+Fixed the Thermal Monitor bug! Testing may be required though.
+GT recipes are probably complete.
xbony2 said:As regards to the web upgrade, it is still unworking, this update does not touch it. It shouldn't cause any crashes or anything, think of it like mailing a letter to an address where the owner has left. Yeah. I think. I'm doing a Codecademy course on Rails though, so maybe it'll be back someday?
-Added Liquid Compressor.
-Added Advanced Liquid Compressor.
-Added Advanced Air Compressor.
-Added Plastic Mixer.
-Added Charging Module.
-Added Liquid Hopper.
-Refactored the way server and client sync.
-You can now connect CC modem wire to the bottom of Drone Interfaces.
-Capped the amount of speed upgrades the Pneumatic Generator can take.
-Removed console spam about recipe sorting.
-OP's in creative mode will now be ignored by Security Stations.
-Bugfix: Upgrades don't work for the Electrostatic Compressor.
-Bugfix: NPE with Potion Clouds.
-Bugfix: Drones are trying to access blocks below Y0 and above Y255.
-Bugfix: The tooltip of the GPS Tool doesn't show its save coordinate when X, Y or Z = 0.
-Bugfix: Localization issue on the IC2 power converters.
-Bugfix: Creeper, Slime and Squid plants not performing full grown effects when the config option that allows full grown effects is turned off.
-Bugfix: When pressing keys like 'E' while adding a player to the Security Station, the GUI closes.
Screenshots of the new HYPENESS! said:
New version of 16x16 Bluepower, includes old red gates and wire, also some changes and malachite instead amethyst.
And also, the redpower textures for bluepower have a new version with red gates and wire.
This one is a little confusing:Another one gone
The image is broken for meI'm working on fanservice today.
IndustrialCraft² addon by GregoriusTGregoriusT said:5.06.04:
I fixed the Display Crash in the Thaumonomicon (Charcoal Recipe) by just adding a Page to move the crashing Part to Page 3 (with a warning on Page 2 to not look at Page 3). This is not a perfect Solution, but it seems to work.
Internal Change of some Texture Stuff (only Code wise, the File Paths are still the same, so nothing a Texturepack Maker should worry about). Please report any new "Missing Icon" Texture (it would be an obvious thing, not just particular Blocks).
Fixed the missing empty Space in the Default CrO2 Local Name.
Added Arrows for the Meta Materials including most of their Enchantments.
The Arrow used depends on how your Inventory is sorted.
They are all Dispenser compatible.
The Disjunction ones >>CAN<< hit Endermen and cause them to not be able to teleport for a while (but they will teleport away right after getting hit, because the Weakness happens after the hit).
The Weakness Potion Effect causes Endermen to not be able to teleport.
Strongholds now spawn with Damascus Steel Arrows and Sterling Silver Arrows (Disjunction is very good against the Ender Dragon).
Fixed Damascus Steel Pickaxe and Shovel Heads spawning in Stronghold Corridors rather than Mineshaft Corridors.
The Arrow Variant, which is made using Plastic Sticks instead of Wooden Sticks flies +50% faster and has therefore a larger Range.
Fire Aspect Arrows (not to confuse with burning Arrows!) can ignite Creepers.
Even though I don't know if a Looting Arrow makes any sense, because of being very costly compared to a Melee Weapon, I made Looting work on my Arrows. Note: This Bullshit needs Fakeplayers to work because someone at Mojang thought "Hey, lets make Looting dependant on what the Player holds in Hand rather than the actual Object used to kill the Mobs"
You can ram an Arrow into an Entity by Hand (Leftclick), what breaks the Arrow and does Punch Damage + its Enchantment Effects. This is useless in normal cases, but if you happen to not have a Sword with that Effect, you can use the Arrow instead.
Skeletons will shoot random GT Arrows, but they won't drop them, and you cannot collect them. If you are really unlucky, you will get an Radioactive Arrow.
Oh, and radioactive Arrows are a thing.