This mod isn't new...
New small update:
-Added resource crops based on what ores have been registered in the ore dictionary
-Fixed plants planted on regular farmland (outside crops) not dropping seeds (stats resetting not fixed yet)
-Prevented Thaumic Tinkerer infused seeds from being planted or analyzed
This adds crops for various metals if there are ores for them registered in the ore dictionary. It doesn't register mutations for them, so you will have to add those yourself.
I've also looked at the Thaumic Tinkerer infused seeds, but for now I can't do much because I can't seem to run Thaumcraft from my dev environment so I just disabled this mod's functionality for them.
For the next update I will be adding in a journal that keeps track of all your discovered plant mutations.
It allows players on LAN or dedicated Forge servers to feed each other food when their hunger bar is low. How does it work? You simply hold your food in your hand and right click on your friend. Your friend's hunger bar immediately fills up! Fast huh? Don't you know that time goes by much faster when you're with your friends?
What does it work with? It works with all the Vanilla foods. Not including potions or milk buckets. I haven't tested this mod with any other mods so far, so if you notice something odd then let me(Nosirrom) know!
tonius11 said:Simply Jetpacks 1.1.4
- Removed potentially infinite loop when upgrading jetpacks
- Fixed Leadstone Jetpack recipe not taking power from used Leadstone Flux Capacitors
- Recipes that use glass blocks now use Ore Dictionary glass
it's stop freezing now, already tested - works pretty well'n'stablenew day, new update, and today it's @tonius11 with Simply Jetpacks
Malisis' Doors looks rather - a bit content it's haveDAAAAMMMMM LOOKIN' SEXY!
Blocks: Multiple decor blocks including blood infused glass, ice, stone, and more!
Blood TNT: A larger and quicker form of mundane TNT.
Normal TNT:Blood TNT:![]()
Items: Bound tools such as Bound Bows, Bound Sickles, and Bound Shears!
Bound Tools:![]()
A new fruit:![]()
Tools: 3 tiers of tools including wood, iron, and diamond!
Rituals: 2 new rituals including Ritual of Withering, and Midas Touch!
Withering [WIP]:![]()
- API: changes to recipe handlers to better work with nbt data in items
- API: added IWarpingGear interface to have gear that add warp while worn or held
- as a temporary fix for the Forge biome spawning issue I will change all biome weights to multiples of 10 behind the scenes
- change save filenames back to using username instead of UUID to prevent issues in offline mode.
- saves will break if you change your username, but it is the lesser of two evils imo and easy enough to fix by hand
- warp is now split into permanent warp, warp and temporary warp
- permanent and temporary warp works like they did previously, but plain old warp can be removed via special means
- the first time you log on half of all your permanent warp should be converted into "plain" warp
- forbidden research now gives a mixture of warp and permanent warp, instead if just permanent warp
- put a soft cap on most warp effects to prevent craziness when people have silly amounts of warp
- rebalanced warp effects in general.
- most effects now only scale their duration -or- strength from your warp total, not both
- death gaze has a shorter, capped range and a narrower cone of effect
- sun scorned now requires higher light levels to be dangerous, though any light still triggers the effect. It is also not all bad now.
- crash fix when scanning certain things
- fix for optifine crashing with greatwood and silverwood logs.
- fix for arcane ears not taking note octaves into account
- sun scorned now only hurts you in sunlight, but is a bit more dangerous than it used to be
- the eldritch guardian can no longer use its screech ability through walls.
- added support for the new biome type tags. It was causing minor strangeness with the generated aspects within aura nodes.
- fixed directional essentia tubes to work correctly - previously they would not work unless used in a straight section.
- added a new way to store essentia for the slightly deranged
- fluid golems now carry multiples of the default bucket volume, instead of fractions thereof which was causing all kinds of derpiness.
- harvest golems now properly check the blocks above and below their current level and the crop api should once again pick up the correct blocks (including mana bean pods)
- inventory golems, hungry chests and travelling trunks will now try and fill existing stacks first before filling empty ones
- fill golems will now properly handle stack sizes greater than 64
- golems should now interact better with double chests
- thaumcraft plants should now work on most modded soil or sand blocks
- the arcane workbench charging relay now charges in small chunks each tick, instead of bigger chunks every 5 ticks. This should increase wand recharge rates a lot, though at the cost of a bit of server TPS.
- vis amulets now recharges up to 5 times faster.
- added a recipe to convert quicksilver into 9x quicksilver drops
- made tubes quite a bit cheaper on gold and quicksilver
- eldritch guardians no longer naturally spawn in normal "magic" biomes - that was a bug. They can still spawn in other places though...
- most of the current thaumcraft baubles should now be able to become runic items.
- the arcane bore can once again repair pickaxes enchanted with the repair enchantment. It will require vis from a vis energy network to do so however
- any pickaxe in the bore slot will also have its normal updates performed allowing for void pickaxes and certain other mod pickaxes to perform their "per tick repair" functions
- when attuning a vis relay to a new color it should properly link to neighbours and not occasionally cause a stack overflow crash
- fixed a general bug where TE's weren't saving their data in a timely manner - the most common symptom of this was pedestals duping or losing items.
- new mobs and structures: WARNING, these are still a work in progress and for now I have disabled most features linked to them.
[13:12:34] eyamaz <.<
[13:12:38] eyamaz >.>
[13:13:06] <+eyamaz>
[13:13:09] eyamaz hides
[13:13:42] <@SatanicSanta> eyamaz: Considering I know what it is, I don't necessarily want it
About time. Put a repository for each mod though, like a proper person >.>Source for my mods are now available on Github