What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @Azanor with Baubles
Azanor said:
  • fix for baubles shortcut "ring" suddenly not shifting like it should when potion effects are active

and the Project Red team with an update
Project Red said:
Project Red 4.4.8 build #47
  • FIX: Modular dependency on World

and @portablejim with an update for VeinMiner
Portablejim said:
  • Stop VeinMiner Mod Support adding tools after first launch (via detecting if its config file is present)
  • Increase number of characters allowed in the block/tool configuration GUI.
quickly update from @immibis for Quarry Minus
  • Added quarry arms - like in BuildCraft - as a purely visual effect. (Note: this means they aren't quite in sync with the actual progress of the quarry, especially if the power input fluctuates)
  • The quarry will stop using power when it is done.
  • Added a black outline of the area the quarry will use, which disappears once the quarry starts mining.
  • Like
Reactions: Fixided and Pyure
For those who are interested: ;)

ExtraBiomes XL is finally dragging itself closer to a 1.7.10 release (a while ago).

Here's the link to blog post:
After several weeks of occasional headaches, and several long nights of more consistent headaches, there is now a very very buggy 1.7.10 build of EBXL 3.16.alpha in testing. When I say "very very buggy", you probably imagine something that has bugs. Don't. Imagine something with bugs, but those bugs have bugs. And those bugs are on fire. But it runs and doesn't crash Minecraft any more (that was fun).

The code on github is mostly current. However, I am not going to provide a link to a compiled jar here - you guys don't really want to look yet. But soon, it will get better, and I'll make a more public beta release that people might actually want to play with.

Many thanks to @asiekierka for doing most of the heavy lifting these last few nights to get things running after I burnt out.
To volunteer your own sanity to the cause, stop by our irc channel, #extrabiomes on irc.esper.net.

Shout out to @asiekierka for the heavy lifting towards the end! \O/
Build 106 of Botania
  • Fixed Dispersive Sparks putting mana into a Terra Shatterer.
  • Fixed the Clayconia, Exoflame and Rannuncarpus having -1 range in one corner.
  • Fixed the Rod of Divination being uncraftable and crashing the game when trying to look up the recipe.
  • [API] Added ISubTileProvider.
  • [API] Documented classes under vazkii.botania.api.mana.spark.
  • [API] Increased version number to 9.
  • holds up spork

And also:

[10:46:05] mDiyo [~Merdiwen@2001:558:6025:b:d459:f4cc:4af6:7d3b] has joined #vazkii
[10:49:48] <Kodos> A wild mDiyo appeared!
[10:50:18] mDiyo teleports
[10:51:01] <SatanicSanta> kek
[10:53:02] <mDiyo> Vazkii: Have you grown bored of Botania?
[11:00:41] <SoundLogic> mDiyo: What caused this to enter your hypothesis space?
[11:01:02] <mDiyo> Twitter.
[11:01:10] <mDiyo> Previous experience.
[11:01:14] <mDiyo> Butterflies.
[11:01:25] <Mr-Turing> inb4 hostile takeover
[11:01:41] <mDiyo> tbh I'm bored of Minecraft in general.
[11:02:12] <Mr-Turing> you're in a minecraft vacation of sorts right?
[11:02:20] <mDiyo> Of sorts.
[11:03:01] <mDiyo> If by sorts you mean I've all but stopped caring about the game.
[11:03:30] <Mr-Turing> sounds like a vacation alright
[11:03:35] <SatanicSanta> ^
[11:03:42] <Mr-Turing> except with no timeframe to get back to giving fucks
[11:03:46] <mDiyo> It's the kind of vacation that may not have an end.
New Update for Remain in Motion by @Planetguy
New version! Better still, new features! v2.1.0 adds:
  • Support for many mods' wrenches, including Buildcraft, IC2, ProjectRed, UE, and Railcraft. Did I miss some you use? Tell me, it's dead simple to add more!
  • Support for closing sides of carriage motors/engines/etc. Sneak-clicking them will close the side, after which they will not search for a carriage in that direction.
  • Carriage adaptors. These function like carriage drives, except instead of requiring redstone or a computer signal, they pick up adjacent carriages when they are moved by RemIM. (Their sides can be closed, like other drives'.)
  • A texture for transduplicators.
I've teased it for a while, but I've just released Quadrum

In these days of MineTweaker and other mods that allow mod-pack creators to customize mods to their heart's content, there's one glaring gap in the toolset that these authors have. Try as they might, the ability to simply add new items and blocks without knowledge of Java is something that has simply been lacking.

Fortunately, that's exactly where Quadrum comes in. By itself, it provides a simple method to add blocks/items with custom properties. Combined with other tweak mods that exist, you have some endless possibilities.
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*reloads railgun* *blows smoke away from barrel* Cleanup complete.

Incidentally, that's what's I'll be doing to derails and discussion posted in this thread (instead of the RED thread, where it belongs) from now on:
I'm not moving it, I'm deleting it. Please keep this thread focused on the updates, all right guys? It's a great, useful community resource, let's keep it that way. :)
Pin the Red discussion then at least and link to it periodically. Either way until this thread is locked, you'll just have tons of work. People naturally want a discussion on an open discussion topic.
I've teased it for a while, but I've just released Quadrum

Apologies up front as this post is discussion, but Wow! First we had Tabula Rasa, then CustomItems, and now Quadrum. We are now being spoiled for choice :P Each mod has more options then the previous.
Plus double wow, you can define your own food too! So it would be possible to expand the food types using just vanilla foods without having to download a mod that adds a million other ingredients.
new day, new update, starting with @Mineshopper and Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
Carpenter's Blocks 3.2.7
  • Added basic ShadersModCore support (sloped blocks still have shading issues).
  • Block light output now takes attribute metadata into consideration.
  • Fixed crash experienced with ExtraUtilities and other mods.
  • Fixed slope selection altering adjacent item slots.
  • Added missing configuration option for tile recipe quantity.
MC 1.7.10
  • Added basic alpha render support (may see z-fighting).
  • Fixed UUID conversion system causing massive lag spikes.
MC 1.7.2
  • Added basic alpha render support (may see z-fighting).

and @Pokefenn with Chisel
pokefenn said:
Chisel 1.5.6b
  • Fixed ice pillar crafting issue.
  • Sounds work now.
  • Bluepower support for marble (Haven't tested due to time issues <,<)
  • Project Red support for marble fixed.
  • Fixed the config for the Chisel crafting recipe.

and @SpitefulFox with an update for Forbidden Magic
sadly no changelog because the MCF derped up, sadly we'll soon be moving to cobalt aswell :(
SpitefulFox said:
The thread OP appears to have disappeared thanks to Curse's lovely new forum software. In the meantime, here's the download link:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/qb2aao85cbymsw0/Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.51.jar

You may have to copy + paste the URL instead of clicking it because of, again, Curse's lovely new forum software.

and @joshie with an update for Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.3c
  • Fix crash when catching vanilla loot with an autofisher
  • Fix crash with newer versions of blood magic
  • Update TCon Support for newest builds
  • Temporarily added recipes to add power to batteries/rf rod using redstone (Until I readd a proper way to recharge)

and @ProfMobius with Opis
ProfMobius said:
Opis 1.2.3 1.7.10
  • Fixed StringCache delayed packets.
  • Fixed crashbug in the handlers tab due to improper handling of the string cache

and @Azanor with Thaumcraft
Azanor said:
  • minor text fixes for research
  • removed dependency checking via the web. It could possibly mess with mod packs or servers that are slow to update
  • optimised the sun scorned shader a bit. It was adding fxaa which wasn't needed
  • crash fix for scanning certain blocks like buildcraft facades
  • added the "all" option to the "/tc aspect" console command allowing ops to give a certain amount of all aspects to a player
  • bath salts last a bit longer
  • fixed warded glass connected textures
  • fixed blocking animation while wearing fortress armor
  • it is no longer possible to make a energised node without a stabiliser
  • void fortress armor has changed into something else
  • tweaked some recipes
  • there is now an upper limit to the number of entities that can spawn during warp events
  • shovel of the earthmover, mining focus and equal trade focus now respects vanilla spawn protection rules

and lastly @mDiyo with Tinkers Construct
mDiyo said:
Tinkers Construct 1.6.0d40
  • Fixed electrum. We know it crashes, now it doesn't.
  • Removed coremod. That should stop all the weird crashes
  • Changed how tanks render liquids
  • Fixed harvest type being ignore in dig speed calculation
  • Fix armor modifier crashes
  • Changed how clear glass panes rendered
  • Pattern chests keep inventory on harvest
  • Reworking stencil table
  • Fix Tool Station rendering
  • Material abilities should be localized properly
  • Other bugfixes that have been lost, but not forgotten