What's new in modded minecraft today?

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quite some drama the past few hours concerning Bukkit, and even though I try to keep drama out of this topic, I also find it needed for it to be posted since it does concern Minecraft
so instead of posting a tweet about the drama, I'll just post this link to a tweet from @Jadedcat who explained it pretty much spot on http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s54gjp

if you want to discuss the drama all around this you're free to do so over at the RED topic if and only IF you can behave yourself ;)
quite some drama the past few hours concerning Bukkit, and even though I try to keep drama out of this topic, I also find it needed for it to be posted since it does concern Minecraft
so instead of posting a tweet about the drama, I'll just post this link to a tweet from @Jadedcat who explained it pretty much spot on http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s54gjp

if you want to discuss the drama all around this you're free to do so over at the RED topic if and only IF you can behave yourself ;)
Drama is over in my opinion, everything is clear and will pretty much be unchanged for the users.

I think Jaded made a very good point at the end saying
" Personally I wish more mods and plugins came with caveat that if the owner abandons them someone else gets to pick them up, whether that's Mojang, a designated sucessor or even the community at large. It would solve so many update worries. ".

Then we would see less drama and more updates. The problem is for some people ( including me ) giving your project, your time to someone else is hard.
@bdew released a new mod a few hours ago called Advanced Generators
bdew said:

Beta versions on Jenkins (Also requires BdLib)

Open Source
The mod is licensed under the MMPL-1.0, the source code is available on GitHub.
Yes this means you have permission to add it to any public or private mod pack.
Tails \o/

Tails adds in a bunch of different tails including various subtypes all of which you can colour to your liking!

It's a primarily client side mod with an (optional) server side component for syncing tails across clients. However even if the server doesn't have the mod installed, other players with the mod can still see your tail! All you have to do is use the fancy in-game editor then export a modified version of your skin (don't worry, we use the unused pixels so there will be no visible change on your skin) and upload that to Minecraft skin servers and bam, other players can see your tail without having the mod server side!

Each tail is unique and different too with custom animations for each one to make them feel alive rather then something just tacked on. In the future, animations will be dynamic to what you are currently doing and react accordingly.

And of course, each tail is customisable. Tails can have up to 3 different tints applied to them, with the entire full RGB colour available so that's over 16.7 million different colour choices per tint! Certain tails have subtypes so they are similar to the "main" tail but with slight variations such as added parts etc and in the future, you'll also be able to select from different textures per tail to make it even more unique to you.

You can open in the in-game editor by opening up your inventory "Tails Editor" button in the lower middle. Most of the buttons in the mod will have a tooltip to explain what they do but just have a mess about and see what you can make!

But I'm sure you're sick of reading. Check out the images section for some screenshots of what it looks like in action and then give it a whirl!


This modsFoxLib(which adds in a bunch of useful features in itself) and can be gotten fromhere

  • Backup your world! (Even though this affects no world stuff, always good practice)
  • Install Minecraft Forge using its installer (If you haven't already)
  • AddFoxLiband Tails to your mods folder in your Minecraft directory (.minecraft/mods)
  • Play!
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I think they have plans to update the opengl to a newer version, but they are afraid older machines wouldnt be compatible

They have updated it to a newer version..... I can't play anymore do to my laptop only going to OpenGL 2.0 not the version that they are using now (2.1)

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
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New mod!
YAUM - Yet Another Utility Mod

Me and a server buddy are currently playing FTB Monster and feel a few features are lacking so I decided to make a mod to fill the gaps. Over time this mod will hopefully become as awesome as Random Things, Extra Utilities and the other utility mods.

Until I work out how to properly implement GUIs and the RF api, everything looks and functions a little clunky, but it works.

TL;DR: Download below:

Video showing what I'm on about:


Schematic Builder / Writer
The Buildcraft builder basically. Define you're plot with landmarks (mine not theirs), slap down a Schematic Writer, and right click with a Schematic (Blank) to receive your Schematic (Written)!

Place the Schematic Builder where you want your structure to go, and right click with the Schematic (Written). You should see some *awesomely* textured guide blocks, showing you where your structure will go. Then simply put a chest next to the Builder with all the materials you need, and apply redstone signal!

Watch as the Builder automatically builds your structure, faster than light!

Q: I noticed your blocks use steel. Do you have a recipe for it?
A: Yes, check NEI. You may want to disable it by default though, it adds a super cheaty recipe.

Q: I'm not getting anything out of the writer!
A: Make sure landmarks are placed as shown in the video. Rules are the same as the Buildcraft landmark rules

Q: What's the largest structure I can copy?
A: As large as the landmarks allow. By default, they look for other landmarks within 64 blocks of themselves, meaning the largest structure you could get is 64x64x64. You can change this range in the configs.

Q: But captain, the builder has just stopped!
A: Well it's probably run out of materials. It waits for the block it's currently trying to place, right click with a stick to see which block it's stuck on.

Q: I logged out while the builder was building and now it won't go, and I have indestructible guide blocks everywhere.
A: Yeah I'm working on it. To clear the blocks, use the instruction: /clearProjectionBlocks [radius] ,
where [radius] is an actual number.

Q: But captain, my stairs are wonky :(
A: Yes they would be because they save rotation data in their meta. Fear not! Craft the Block Replacer, sneak + right click the block you *want* to place (such as correctly aligned stairs) and then right click the block you want to replace! Voila, insta block swapping!

Q: What? It spawns blocks out of thin air? OP! OP!
A: Er no, it eats them from your inventory.

Q: Even in creative?
A: No.

Q: But captain, doesn't that make the Block Replacer a really cool insta mining tool?
A: Yes, so I made it that the target block isn't dropped, it's simply overwritten! (Configurable in configs)

Q: Isn't the Block Replacer a cheap knock off of the Wand of Equal Trade?
A: Yes. I don't like magic :)

Q: This is great captain, but I have a million wonky stairs and I'm bored of clicking each individual one :(
A: Yes I can see that happening. With Block Replacer in hand, hold sneak and press UP on your keyboard to increase range, or DOWN to decrease range! Maximum range is 10 either side for a total of a 21x21 square of pure block swapping goodness! (Configurable in configs)

Q: I accidentally replaced by entire base wall with [indestructible block]!
A: Well I can't really help with that, there are two blacklists, one to prevent you setting blocks as the replacement (you can't set Bedrock as the replacement block for instance) and one for target blocks (again, you can't replace Bedrock with cobble) soon I'll put those blacklists in the config. For now, be careful :)

Q: I accidentally replaced my entire wall of diamond blocks with cobble!
A: Again, can't help you with that either. By default, target blocks (those you want to replace with something else) are DELETED, although you can change it so they drop.

Q: This is OP / recipes are weird / textures horrible / etc
A: This is still a WIP mod, and one for mostly my own personal use. I get to decide what's OP and what isn't. Hopefully soon everything will have nice GUIs and use the RF api.

Thanks for reading my epic wall of text, if you have any questions / suggestions / complains, feel free to drop a comment! I'll try to address everything promptly.
man, I could go for a good cookie right about now
Well, I was going to copy a line out of cookies.txt, but it's no longer a text file!

So, just for you:

CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, baseDomain TEXT, appId INTEGER DEFAULT 0, inBrowserElement INTEGER DEFAULT 0, name TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path TEXT, expiry INTEGER, lastAccessed INTEGER, creationTime INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER, isHttpOnly INTEGER, CONSTRAINT moz_uniqueid UNIQUE (name, host, path, appId, inBrowserElement));
INSERT INTO "moz_cookies" VALUES(1,'hulu.com',0,0,'queue_view','group','www.hulu.com','/',1363409163,1352171935635003,1331851563781327,0,0);

reminds me of the more player models mod
now we just need 1 big mod that allows you to completely customize your player with different models, addons to models such as tails, ears and hats and even skin clothing and such so you can dress up your player
that was actually something I was hoping to be a mod... just like MMORPG games when you start out you can create a character with custom hair, skin and face and you can progress ingame so you can later change or add more onto your character
I find it hilarious when people complain about any mod like rotarycraft causing 'lag', when the irony is the actual reason for the 'lag' isnt anything to do with the mod itself, it's actually, surprise surprise, just minecraft's own code and design. 2 main parts to be specific;

- rendering, minecraft uses OpenGL1.1/1.2 (or at least in 1.6.4)
- chunk updates

I can't really agree with this. The reason it's slow is because these are actively rendering components, being implemented in a game which was designed primarily for static blocks. You'll note that the class which allows for this has a particular name: TileEntitySpecialRenderer. Special being the key word. This is for special circumstances, where a block, for some reason, has a real-time 3d animation. A good use of this is a chest lid opening, or a piston extending/retracting. Vanilla Minecraft has very few instances of using a TESR, which is the point.

A TESR is not influenced by chunk updates because it's actively rendering every tick regardless of whether the chunk is updating. And let's face it, the OpenGL version has very little impact here compared to the CPU strain caused by all of this extra overhead of trying to render these objects. Render lists are pretty fast, particularly for the very basic geometry and texturing involved in almost any mod addition.

For 3d blocks which remain static and have no model animation, but still have a custom renderer, this can hurt performance during chunk updates as you mentioned. But in this case the modder is almost entirely in control of how efficient their code is to render their particular block, rather than relying on Minecraft's native methods of pulling textures for each individual face and computing lighting values and all of that CPU-intensive stuff. That doesn't mean they're going to be any faster, though, depending on what they do.

The bottom line is that anything other than static blocks are going to hurt performance, and there's no practical way around that in a game of this type. Tile entities alone weren't even made to be used as much as they are. When you stack special renderers on top, you can't hope for it to end well when you get as many fancy 3d mods and multiparts and everything that some of these packs have today.
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I can't really agree with this. The reason it's slow is because these are actively rendering components, being implemented in a game which was designed primarily for static blocks. You'll note that the class which allows for this has a particular name: TileEntitySpecialRenderer. Special being the key word. This is for special circumstances, where a block, for some reason, has a real-time 3d animation. A good use of this is a chest lid opening, or a piston extending/retracting. Vanilla Minecraft has very few instances of using a TESR, which is the point.

A TESR is not influenced by chunk updates because it's actively rendering every tick regardless of whether the chunk is updating. And let's face it, the OpenGL version has very little impact here compared to the CPU strain caused by all of this extra overhead of trying to render these objects. Render lists are pretty fast, particularly for the very basic geometry and texturing involved in almost any mod addition.

For 3d blocks which remain static and have no model animation, but still have a custom renderer, this can hurt performance during chunk updates as you mentioned. But in this case the modder is almost entirely in control of how efficient their code is to render their particular block, rather than relying on Minecraft's native methods of pulling textures for each individual face and computing lighting values and all of that CPU-intensive stuff. That doesn't mean they're going to be any faster, though, depending on what they do.

The bottom line is that anything other than static blocks are going to hurt performance, and there's no practical way around that in a game of this type. Tile entities alone weren't even made to be used as much as they are. When you stack special renderers on top, you can't hope for it to end well when you get as many fancy 3d mods and multiparts and everything that some of these packs have today.
TESRs are indeed not helpful for performance, but you are wrong in saying that it is within the power of the developer to control the resultant performance loss. Even an empty TESR has a significant overhead, and when rendering actual ModelRenderer objects (read: the boxes that comprise all entity and most TileEntity models) it is up to Minecraft to do the rendering, where, among other things, it makes the lovely decision to recalculate lighting on every single polygon.
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TESRs are indeed not helpful for performance, but you are wrong in saying that it is within the power of the developer to control the resultant performance loss. Even an empty TESR has a significant overhead, and when rendering actual ModelRenderer objects (read: the boxes that comprise all entity and most TileEntity models) it is up to Minecraft to do the rendering, where, among other things, it makes the lovely decision to recalculate lighting on every single polygon.

I didn't say you're in control of the full loss, I said you're in control of your own performance though compared to the standard block rendering process. In fact, in a TESR, you have almost total control over rendering your object. You're not being put into a chunk's render list as you would be a regular block being custom rendered, so it's essentially raw OpenGL rendering. You're not even obligated to use ModelRenderer/ModelBox/whatever, that's just a convenience. You can control rotation and everything directly, which the custom block renderer can't (or certainly not easily). Unfortunately, this is why some mods even use a TESR instead of just a custom block renderer, because it's easier to rotate the model with just an OpenGL call, so then their machines are rendering constantly even if they don't even move.

Of course there's overhead with a TESR though, and that's primary because of how often it's ticked to update its state, as well as to render. This is why they're supposed to be used in a limited fashion, rather than hundreds when you get a lot of machines, tanks, pipes, etc. But in regards to having control over efficiency of rendering, that's one of the few advantages offered to you through a TESR, or even a custom block renderer to a degree, and that is what I was referring to.
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reminds me of the more player models mod
now we just need 1 big mod that allows you to completely customize your player with different models, addons to models such as tails, ears and hats and even skin clothing and such so you can dress up your player
that was actually something I was hoping to be a mod... just like MMORPG games when you start out you can create a character with custom hair, skin and face and you can progress ingame so you can later change or add more onto your character

Something I eventually plan to expand into in the future :D (I'm the Tails author btw, I mostly just lurk around here) However it's gonna take me a long to even reach that point so gonna release them as "smaller" mod(s) and eventually expand into a full player customisation mod assuming I have the time XD
According to GregoriusT, @Aroma1997 (the guy who made CompactWindmills) is now part of the IC2 team! Heyo! Welcome to the team! :D
kirara IRC said:
[19:07] <SpwnX> now i have only one question, who is that new guy on the IC2 jenkins
[19:07] <Kirara2> <9GregoriusTr> You mean the original Author of the Windmill Addon?
[19:07] <Kirara1> <7xbony2r> Aroma?
[19:08] <Kirara2> <9GregoriusTr> yes
[19:08] <SpwnX> so that guy is aroma?
[19:08] <Kirara1> <7xbony2r> Well, that's exciting.
[19:08] <Kirara2> <9GregoriusTr> Well unless Thunderdark invited more than one Person at once, yes