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I made a mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 (although it might work on 1.7.10)

You can grab the first release in the releases section.

This mod tells you the nearby mobs via chat when you get the "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby" message. If you guys could test it that would be amazing, but yeah pretty happy with this as my first mod. If people like it enough I may end up putting it on the Minecraft Forums/CurseForge.

Screenshot for those interested

EDIT: Fixed a couple bugs requiring an update to 1.7.10 (turns out they were not compatible :/)
Last edited:
@Erogenous Beef has updated Big Reactors to 0.3.4A

Erogenous Beef said:
Current Release (0.3.4A)
  • Bugfix: Fixed rare crash when the Forge fluid registry has not finished initializing (race condition)
  • Bugfix: Reactors properly prioritize ejecting waste to outlet ports when outlets are available
  • Bugfix: RedNet inputs for control rod insertion are now properly clamped to [0,100] range.
  • Bugfix: Creative coolant inlets now completely fill reactor coolant tanks each tick
  • Bugfix: Rotors' visible RPMs now match value shown in UI, regardless of framerate
  • Bugfix: Turbines no longer hit "NaN" RPM if no coils are attached to the rotor
  • Bugfix: Reactor and turbine blocks are now marked as invalid for monster spawning. Mobs should no longer spawn on or in reactors and turbines
  • Balance: Hardness of blocks has been adjusted. Blocks should no longer take forever to break.
  • Balance: Turbine fluid intake tank expanded to 4000mB to permit better buffering of fluids. Processing rate still limited to 2000mB/t.
  • Enhancement: Recipe for creating cyanite ingots from yellorium ingots and sand added. Can be disabled via enableCyaniteFromYelloriumRecipe setting.
  • Enhancement: Turbine height limits may now be independently configured via maxTurbineHeight config value
  • Enhancement: Reactor Computercraft API now permits querying of maximum amount of hot fluid and coolant permitted in their respective tanks. getCoolantAmountMax() and getHotFluidAmountMax()
  • Enhancement: Turbine coils may now be engaged/disengaged via a "clutch" in the GUI. This allows turbines to spin up to operating speed faster.
  • Enhancement: Turbine "clutch" may be controlled via Turbine ComputerCraft API: getInductorEngaged() and setInductorEngaged(boolean)
  • Enhancement: Turbine GUI reorganized. Tooltips clarified and tooltips for flow rate governor added.
  • Optimization: Waste ejection code rewritten for efficiency and clarity. Should be somewhat faster now.

@CrazyPants has updated Ender IO to 2.0 beta 123

CrazyPants said:
New / Changed
- Added Vacum Chest
- Added Glider upgrade for the Dark Steel Chestplate
- Dark Steel boots now negate fall damage when charged

- Fixed NPE when breaking item conduits
The Twilight Forest has been updated to version 2.2.0 for Minecraft 1.7.X. Yeti's ho!

Version 2.2.0 (June 19, 2014)
  • When you hit a yeti, it becomes angry, otherwise they are fairly benign
  • Fixed bug where the uncrafting table wouldn’t work with damaged items
  • Naga should no longer despawn when idle
  • Fixed a bug where the new feature offsets would mess up things like the maze map
  • Fixed a bad quest ram sound
  • Fixed a bug where the torchberry plant would give extra torchberries when sheared
  • Removed old deprecated AABB methods
  • Added alpha yeti
    • Added ice bomb attack
    • Added rampage with falling blocks
    • Added tired state after rampage
    • Snowflake particles, animations, etc.
  • Added ice bombs for player
  • Added outside spawns in the snow forest
  • Added yeti armor
    • Added custom enchant, chill aura, for yeti armor
  • Added winter wolf to outside spawns in snow forest
  • Added treasure drops to alpha yeti
  • Added progress achievement hooks to unique alpha yeti drops
  • Convert Vec3 methods to be forwards compatible
  • Progression effects should no longer affect players in creative mode
  • Alpha yeti stays inside the lair when possible
  • Made an alpha fur crafting material
  • Made arctic fur crafting material
  • Made arctic armor
  • Regular yetis and winter wolves drop arctic fur
  • Alpha yeti drops alpha fur
  • Ice bombs now freeze/snow the area on impact
  • Redrew ice bomb item
  • Fixed occasional bug with aurora block coloration math
  • Increased alpha yeti experience value
  • Worked on forwards compatibility with 1.7.10
  • Successfully got biome ID conflict detection working
  • Implemented biome ID auto-assigning when config file is blank
new day, new update, starting with @Mortvana with 2 new mods Oreberries and Mortvana's Bees
Mortvana here, I've picked up IntelliJ and Gradle again to make a few small mods.

As some may know, mDiyo has removed Oreberries (except Except Essence Berries,) due to planning a new system, of course, I want Oreberries while he makes his Tinker's Plant things, so I made Oreberries!

mDiyo's approval over IRC:

I also have been wanting Yellorium Bees, so Mortvana's Bees is coming soon too~

Oreberries v1.0.0.0 for 1.6.4
Deobfuscated Dev Jar of Oreberries v1.0.0.0 for 1.6.4
[You only need the Deobf. Jar if you are coding something]
Github: https://github.com/Mortvana/Oreberries

Oreberries is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 License, just like Tinker's Construct

and @Mithion with a fix for Ars Magica 2
Mithion said:
Ars Magica 2

and @Eydamos has updated Backpacks
Eydamos said:
Backpacks v 2.0.0
  • Rewrite of most of the code for 1.7 to have a cleaner basis for upcomming features.
  • New save mechanic (no duplicates, no losses, ...)
  • Fixed the NEI Support that was broken for quite some time
  • Added support for VersionChecker

and @SpitefulFox with a fix for Forbidden Magic
SpitefulFox said:
Forbidden Magic v0.35a
  • Bugfix: Mod should no longer crash when fire charge aspects are tampered with
  • Change: Witchwood Wands are now purple to match the new look

and the Project Red team with an update
Project Red said:
Project Red 4.4.2 build #41
  • FIX: Everything being dark when using shaders
  • FIX: Data card inventory crash
  • FIX: Router utility upgrade gui crash
  • FIX: Version checker parsing

and lastly @StanH with a fix for MineTweaker
StanH said:
MineTweaker Version 3.0.1
  • Secured the in-game minetweaker command to be op-only
  • Can now open wiki, bugs and forum from the /mt command (/mt wiki, /mt bugs, /mt forum)
I made a mod.
Mod Developer: Me.
Mod Name: The Void.
Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2740685-1710the-void-version-172-220-beta/
From MCF post:
The void is a mysterious place filled with all kinds of magic. There is ancient lore left, and even some mythology. There is more out there then just the inhabitable void under the overworld. There is an entire world of mysteries to be discovered.
This is my first released mod, and it is about doing magic related to the void, using knowledge given to you by ancient civilizations that have since died out.
Picture in Picture updated to 2.0.3 and 3.0.3.
  • PiP will no longer try to render the world if you do not have Framebuffers supported.
  • Using the command to add PiPs will no longer append a comma at the start of the config.
  • Fixed issues with the flickering sky when installed along with WAILA. Many thanks to Vaygrim for helping debug and test for the fix!
Remote IO updated to 1.1.1.
  • Bug fixes
All of Pam's mods are now on CurseForge.
Mark_IRL's face is now a thing on the internets.

iChun's blog post about PiP 2.0.3 and 3.0.3
RemoteIO on MCF
Pam's tweet about CurseForge stuff
Mark_IRL on Twitter and Pahimar on Twitter for Mark's face
new day, long update, starting with ObsiLP with an update for Advanced Genetics
ObsiLP said:
Advanced Genetics vb1.5.6
  • [FIXED] The ..... Package-Handling issue

and @Mithion with an update for Ars Magica 2
Mithion said:
Ars Magica 2
  • #573 - Crash on search tab click (https://github.com/Mithion/ArsMagica2/issues/573)
  • #584 - Crash on old spell def (https://github.com/Mithion/ArsMagica2/issues/584)
  • Armor imbuements now properly respect cooldowns
  • Armor display has been tweaked to display a durability bar as well as a cooldown timer bar
  • Corrected the interop bug where Thaumcraft aspects would go missing.Whoops.Because I can totally use an API.
  • Armor Imbuement Table can now take more than one punch.Stupid glass-jawed table.Had to toughen it up. (it also drops inventory properly too)
  • Fixed flight on servers
  • Fixed slipstream generators on servers

and ErogenousBeef with an update for Big Reactors
ErogenousBeef said:
Big Reactors 0.3.4A2
  • Bugfix: Proxy network code fixed. Coil clutch now works properly.

and @CrazyPants with an update for Ender IO
CrazyPants said:
Ender IO Beta 124
  • Updated to MC 1.7.10 (tterrag)
  • Added in-game config UI (tterrag)

and neptunepink with updates for Factorization
neptunepink said:
  • Localizations are useful.
  • Ran over a bunch of giant render bugs with a truck.
  • 1.7.10 port
  • Prevent notices sent to fake players, which was causing networking error spam
  • Added the /point command. Point at things!

and @bspkrs with updates for ArmorStatusHUD, CrystalWing, DirectionHUD, FloatingRuins, StartingInventory, StatusEffectHUD and WorldStateCheckpoints
bspkrs said:
1.7.10 updates are out for everything except Treecapitator (the 1.7.2 jar works). I will update threads later.

and lastly the Project Red team with an update
Project Red said:
Project Red 4.4.3 build #42
  • FIX: World generation crash