What youtube videos do YOU want to watch

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello fellow FTB'ers.
I recently started a youtube channel channel with one of my friends and I was wondering, what kind of videos do u want to watch?
IE what kind of series would you guys be most interested in, eg letsplays, tutorials, custom maps.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To me I like LPs and Tutorials mostly.

But to be honest its more about the host then the show in a lot of cases. I'll watch just about anything if I like the host enought.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like well-organized LP's with added explanation.

Something like Etho's FTB videos, but with titles that explain what happens. Also split up into each project, rather than starting a new thing halfway through the video and not knowing what happened. Something that will help or entertain people without requiring them to watch every previous video just to see where something happened. Like SparkVGX (c0reybee) but with a series that didn't die when he stopped making noticeable progress.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
something 'different'
I watch Etho for his asthetic abilities (those floating islands are cool as fuck)
Dire for contraptions/sneak peaks at upcoming stuff
Spumwack because of the effort he puts into editing
CovertJaguar because its nice to see how modders play
VintageBeef for his themed builds

what can you do that is interesting and different?
challenge maps and clone/dimeadozen LPs are boring, be new exciting and different. Get a good mic and make sure youre able to talk well.. no umms and ahhs.. and a decent FPS is nice too


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm with Saice, The host is important.

I watch Direwolf20 because he's a good tutorial, although I know 99.9 percent of the stuff he tells me of.

I watch SOTMead because he's just plain amazing and I love how his mouse sounds.

I watch Etho because he's good at making Vanilla look good

I watch GenerikB and BdoubleO for comedy.

I would produce LPs but

1) I suck at building, at least to myself.

2) My stupidity at pronouncing things.

3)Everything has kinda been done and I can't say I'm original.

Not even mentioning my lack of software to record, I need a better (I will custom build one eventually) computer, and I don't have a mic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol fact! I forgot to mention Mead as its been a long time since hes uploaded forgecraft/terrafirma. Divinerpg just doesnt interest me :/
Ikr! One thing I like about his ForgeCraft is he usually doesn't have teamspeak running. Although Pahimar has a really cool voice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tutorials, especially about little-used methods or innovation.

DW20 really doesn't have a lot of useful innovation (I admit, he thinks up some unique stuff, like his recent Minecheckers) but he can make projects really compact/efficient usually, making his tutorials/episodes worth watching.

I watch Etho's FTB partly just because its Etho, but also because he goes out of his way to do stuff no one else does. His floating islands with their rocket trains are pretty awesome.

I really do not watch any other FTB series, as most series follow the same technology upgrade tiers, making it like watching the first episode of a vanilla LP. People build a jetpack, then a quarry, then solar panels, then venture into gregtech, etc etc. If you're making your own LP, be innovative, and you'll get viewers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is one point that is very important, no matter what kind of videos you make.
Do try your best at avoiding the "err" and "hum".

Basically, try to get your point across with a speech that won't bore the audience.

The voice itself is kind of important, many people tend to be more comfortable at listening to a fluid speech from a posed voice. While you can hardly change your voice, you can train yourself at using your own voice in a way that makes it at least not monotonous (who wants to listen to 20-30 minutes of someone talking at the same tone?).

Oh, and it's important that you record what you enjoy, because you won't want to continue on medium-long term doing something that's kind of boring to you.

Ok, I'm not helping, sorry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is one point that is very important, no matter what kind of videos you make.
Do try your best at avoiding the "err" and "hum".

Basically, try to get your point across with a speech that won't bore the audience.

You can err and hum all you want. Just edit it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The voice itself is kind of important, many people tend to be more comfortable at listening to a fluid speech from a posed voice. While you can hardly change your voice, you can train yourself at using your own voice in a way that makes it at least not monotonous (who wants to listen to 20-30 minutes of someone talking at the same tone?).

Ok, I'm not helping, sorry.

Never say "Awesome" and "Cool" and "Really Cool" and "Toy"

Well you can, but don't say them in the same voice everytime. And all the time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I watch GenerikB and BDoubleO just for the laughs, Mead for being such an awesome guy (really, most of the stuff he does is awesome), Dire because he gives me inspiration, ideas and, more importantly, his contraptions, WayOfFlowingTime also for the contraptions and his ideas and plans for automating everything, Enigmus for his crazy, giant contraptions (mother turtle and giant creeper), CovertJaguar and Florastar for seeing how modders and beta testers play, Etho cause he is Etho and last but not least, Odedex for his calm playthrough and full automation of almost everything.
I would also produce, but then again, I'm in a laptop with several problems of memory. When I get a better computer (for everything, not just FTB) I'll probably start making them.