What youtube videos do YOU want to watch

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I get a better computer and better internet I'll probab... lol who am I kidding I'll never make video's... fuck that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I get a better computer and better internet I'll probab... lol who am I kidding I'll never make video's... fuck that.

Yeah ... fuck that indeed.

I cant stand my own voice it just weirds me out. Funny since my job is basicly talking on the phone most of the day.+


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah ... fuck that indeed.

I cant stand my own voice it just weirds me out. Funny since my job is basicly talking on the phone most of the day.+
I don't mind my voice, like it's not a whiney annoying little shitty voice... I'm just totally against the idea of playing for someone else. Also, if I did, who'd watch? I could probably get a bunch of subs from these forums, but yeah, I'd be just another LPer out of thousands of LPers. It's hugely difficult to make it popular, and don't exactly relish the idea of becoming popular. So yeah, "fuck that" describes my attitude to becoming an LPer quite well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't mind my voice, like it's not a whiney annoying little shitty voice... I'm just totally against the idea of playing for someone else. Also, if I did, who'd watch? I could probably get a bunch of subs from these forums, but yeah, I'd be just another LPer out of thousands of LPers. It's hugely difficult to make it popular, and don't exactly relish the idea of becoming popular. So yeah, "fuck that" describes my attitude to becoming an LPer quite well.
Honestly, doing it for others is a pretty horrible reason to make a LP series. I mean, it is great if you want your fans to enjoy the series and what you do, however, it is much more important to enjoy what you do yourself. I know that, speaking as one of the "thousands of LPers," if I did it purely for the fame I would be sorely dissapointed. However, if you truly love what you do, then that is reason enough.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The one thing I like about Direwolf20 is that (unlike certain youtubers*cough*yogsast*cough*) He knows whats going on and isn't utterly an idiot.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The one thing I like about Direwolf20 is that (unlike certain youtubers*cough*yogsast*cough*) He knows whats going on and isn't utterly an idiot.

To be fair, they seem to be doing a better job this time around with FTB. It's clear Sjin and Lewis have been reading up on new things, and Lewis has been a little more assertive about, "don't just run around in circles hopping about because it's bloody annoying." I don't enjoy every Yogscast episode but overall I think they're doing a much better job lately.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be fair, they seem to be doing a better job this time around with FTB. It's clear Sjin and Lewis have been reading up on new things, and Lewis has been a little more assertive about, "don't just run around in circles hopping about because it's bloody annoying." I don't enjoy every Yogscast episode but overall I think they're doing a much better job lately.

Sjin has always been rather intelligent at least in Minecraft, than Lewis and Simon and even Duncan. However Simon is rather intelligent, and Duncan seems to be too.

Although Sips is possibly the only Yogscast member I watch these days, especially Sim City.

Oh and I watch you too don't I.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
theyre all blithering idiots. And thats not an insult, they realise that being complete and utter morons nets them fanatical retarded fanboys that give them hundreds of thousands of views every day. The entire thing is an act.
I'm just glad I don't watch their bullshit anymore, I prefer more maturity in the people I watch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Who I watch:

Direwolf20: I watch his SSP mainly for his amazing contraptions
Sethbling: Although he doesn't do LP's he recently joined mindcrack so i will be watching him there, he also must know every line of vanilla minecraft code off by heart
rondouglas (aka FunshineX): My favourite video series of his was his FTB Insanity playthrough
Florastar: I mean who hasn't watched bee university and im quite enjoying her TFC playthrough
TehMorag: I watch his twitch streams occasionally especially since he always interacts with everyone
SkyTheKid: He might be a bit over dramatic but hes a bit more comical than others and always has great parkour videos :D

also I would do recording but school has to take precedence (yes im still in school), I know that even if i started in the holidays and i got enough viewers there will be too much pressure to keep releasing these, especially during peak assessment periods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Who I watch:

Direwolf20: I watch his SSP mainly for his amazing contraptions
Sethbling: Although he doesn't do LP's he recently joined mindcrack so i will be watching him there, he also must know every line of vanilla minecraft code off by heart
rondouglas (aka FunshineX): My favourite video series of his was his FTB Insanity playthrough
Florastar: I mean who hasn't watched bee university and im quite enjoying her TFC playthrough
TehMorag: I watch his twitch streams occasionally especially since he always interacts with everyone
SkyTheKid: He might be a bit over dramatic but hes a bit more comical than others and always has great parkour videos :D

also I would do recording but school has to take precedence (yes im still in school), I know that even if i started in the holidays and i got enough viewers there will be too much pressure to keep releasing these, especially during peak assessment periods

I haven't watched her Bee University. I see no point in it.

Also Lambert, I do find Sips, (Pretty much in Sim City..) To be rather good entertainment. Otherwise..

Oh, I watch Guude sometimes. Not really often though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wondering why the thread changed from someone asking for advices on how/what to make videos off to what we are currently watching.

Might well be because the original poster never came around to say what he thought about our inputs though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Who I watch:

Sethbling: Although he doesn't do LP's he recently joined mindcrack so
Hate to break it to ya mate but Sethbling is not going to be a part of the Mindcrack server, it was just an April Fools joke, and as far as I know him participating in UHC is going to be the last thing he does in that area.
Nice thought though, would've loved to watch him playing there
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hate to break it to ya mate but Sethbling is not going to be a part of the Mindcrack server, it was just an April Fools joke, and as far as I know him participating in UHC is going to be the last thing he does in that area.
Nice thought though, would've loved to watch him playing there

on the the UHC thing you did see is new UHC logic box he just added for download.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hate to break it to ya mate but Sethbling is not going to be a part of the Mindcrack server, it was just an April Fools joke, and as far as I know him participating in UHC is going to be the last thing he does in that area.
Nice thought though, would've loved to watch him playing there
Oh i knew it was an april fools joke but i thought he joined as a member at that point, but yeah im enjoying is UHC videos.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sjin has always been rather intelligent at least in Minecraft, than Lewis and Simon and even Duncan. However Simon is rather intelligent, and Duncan seems to be too.

Although Sips is possibly the only Yogscast member I watch these days, especially Sim City.

I think Sips has been doing a great job lately with his own stuff. I'm actually going to be starting up my own Orcs Must Die 2 series very soon and I would never have even played the game had I not seen him playing it. Duncan, on the other hand, I cannot watch. I used to like his stuff but he's going through a bit of a phase, it would appear, and he seems to be trying to get by on name alone. Ever since the Yogscaast holiday charity drive with Farm Simulator I've been rather disappointed by everything he's put out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think Sips has been doing a great job lately with his own stuff. I'm actually going to be starting up my own Orcs Must Die 2 series very soon and I would never have even played the game had I not seen him playing it. Duncan, on the other hand, I cannot watch. I used to like his stuff but he's going through a bit of a phase, it would appear, and he seems to be trying to get by on name alone. Ever since the Yogscaast holiday charity drive with Farm Simulator I've been rather disappointed by everything he's put out.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wondering why the thread changed from someone asking for advices on how/what to make videos off to what we are currently watching.

Might well be because the original poster never came around to say what he thought about our inputs though.
Because of that reason exactly. Most people just started listing who they watch AS YOU SAID from the start. Yes there were tips but i was asking what KIND of videos


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think Sips has been doing a great job lately with his own stuff. I'm actually going to be starting up my own Orcs Must Die 2 series very soon and I would never have even played the game had I not seen him playing it. Duncan, on the other hand, I cannot watch. I used to like his stuff but he's going through a bit of a phase, it would appear, and he seems to be trying to get by on name alone. Ever since the Yogscaast holiday charity drive with Farm Simulator I've been rather disappointed by everything he's put out.

Ah not just me then. I feel the same, Duncan's original tekkit series was excellent and was got me into tech modded minecraft, he had real enthusiasm for it and it was very informative. Lately he seems to be just going through the motions. Sips stuff is always entertaining.

To op: make what you enjoy and, if your main aim is channel growth, hope people enjoy it too.