What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What would YOU change about BuildCraft?
Definitely make covers craftable in workbench. Functional covers for early game is really important. Now we have to make lasers, assembling table, waste power just to plug 5 blocks in floor for liquid tube.
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Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
Definitely make covers craftable in workbench. Functional covers for early game is really important. Now we have to make lasers, assembling table, waste power just to plug 5 blocks in floor for liquid tube.

There's a config option for that if you really need it - I'm not too sure about putting them in regular workbenching, as generally the idea is to have more high-end things require lasers than not, and I regard facades as high-end (compared to the workbenchable pipe plug).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Factorization has had one for years. I'm not very fine with ripping off Factorization, but I had been thinking about it.
buildcraft additions has a similar mechanic with its own furnace
Yeah but I'm not necessarily just talking about furnaces. This is the thing, there are plenty of mods with electric furnaces of some kind, I mean like an actual heater that looks like an actual room heater. Or an air conditioner could also work.

For example a heater as well as heating furnaces could prevent water from freezing in ice biomes for a 'radius' and an air-con vice verser. It could also be used to heat-cool water in mariculture. The basic application would be that while powered it converts the surrounding blocks to a different biome, but turns them back when turned off or broken. (I know the second part is a hard ask. Perhaps a trigger to sense if somebody is trying to break it and turn the device off automatically???) and placed next to blocks can heat furnaces, tinker smelteries or under say, cauldrons or kettles would simpley be a bonus, or cool the later. Turning a cauldron into an ice-block maker perhaps...

You could even put side effects to it's use if you want, Like being near the heater adds or removes status effects based on how hot or cold the unit is running at ?


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
Yeah but I'm not necessarily just talking about furnaces. This is the thing, there are plenty of mods with electric furnaces of some kind, I mean like an actual heater that looks like an actual room heater. Or an air conditioner could also work.

Factorization doesn't have an electric furnace. It has an actual heater.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you where to make a furnace heater block you wouldn't be the first nor last to copy the idea. BC additions has one and Immersive Engineering has one too.
Not that it makes it ok for BC to have one but copying the feature wouldn't be that bad.

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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Perhaps a 'thermal coil'? Something that gets requires a power line plugged in, and the item inserted into the fuel slot of the furnace. Not unlike the Lavastone from Railcraft, or the Lava Crystal from Blood Magic. Maybe a piece of glass and netherrack on either side of a bucket of lava for a crafting recipe?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quartz isn't redundant. It's faster than cobble or stone isn't it? If you don't like the way it is, my suggestion would actually be to make it the opposite of gold. Gold accelerates items, while quartz slows them down significantly.

The Cobble and Smooth stone pipes aren't just "slower"... they actually do introduce a drag and slow items down. I use them for exactly as you suggested: slow down before a sorting or processing system so things don't get clogged or machines skipped (clay pipes help with this also).

I almost never use quartz pipes though. I don't feel they offer a significant enough difference over other pipes, especially when quartz has a lot of other uses in other mods (and even decoratively). If they had another feature to them -- I don't have anything in mind at the moment -- it would give more of a reason to use them.

unknown zombie

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2013
I'm not sure why quartz pipes are getting so much hate; I use them almost exclusively. They can run long distances without having to worry about everything slowing down too much.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While I can understand the necessity of avoiding power creep, I would put in for either a more advanced engine or upgrades for existing ones. Even ignoring comparisons to other mods, the absolute maximum output of a single engine is at best 60 RF/t. Most machines in buildcraft utilize considerable amounts of power so for there to be anything even considered a viable rate requires a lot of engines and a complex setup. Now while this is a good thing for people who like complexity, for those that don't as well as server admins it's not so hot. The former because a simpler setup is easier to maintain and the latter because it's a drain on server resources. The problem is for buildcraft there is no other option than a complex setup or another mod.


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
Now while this is a good thing for people who like complexity, for those that don't as well as server admins it's not so hot. The former because a simpler setup is easier to maintain and the latter because it's a drain on server resources. The problem is for buildcraft there is no other option than a complex setup or another mod.

For the former, those people generally don't play BC. (Or use addons) For the latter, if any server admin comes to me and complains about complex BC engine setups causing lag I'll go to them and fix it with them. (I am aware they cause some FPS lag as of right now - that is going to be worked on eventually; however, I believe it is nearly impossible to get a server to lag merely by creating complex engine setups in survival mode.)


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013


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May 22, 2013
My Chair
Been thinking about this a bit. With the addition of robots it seems in some ways that BC is moving toward "the next generation" of technology. Maybe additional power systems should be added to give it a modern tech appeal. I wouldn't do nuclear of any type since that can be found in many different mods.

My thinking is along the lines of advanced "green" power. Not talking solar panels and the like. What would be cool are solar farms comprised of mirrors and using liquid sodium as the "battery" for energy storage. The liquid sodium would be used in steam generators to create steam. The sodium would cool and have to be reheated and stored. It would be possible to have different tiers of liquid medium, with higher tiers having better heat absorption properties. In fact, could make a special mix using the oil that generates naturally in the world.

EDIT: Something else that occurred to me RE: robots. Would be cool to have an RoV version. Using a control station the robot becomes the player, and the player can navigate around doing things without putting themselves at risk.

EDIT2: Tacking on in this post rather than creating new ones. Running with the liquid sodium idea there are geothermal systems that do something similar. It uses geothermal vents and the like to heat up the sodium rather than sunlight. Would be cool to add geyser and thermal vent world gen and have special blocks that can be placed to harvest this natural resource.
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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
EDIT: Something else that occurred to me RE: robots. Would be cool to have an RoV version. Using a control station the robot becomes the player, and the player can navigate around doing things without putting themselves at risk.
That's... actually a genius idea for commanding robots WorldEdit-style. I remember seeing a video a while back featuring an "Urbanist" block that SpaceToad had put together that, when clicked, would switch the player into a third-person view and replace the hotbar with an MCEdit-like set of icons that may or may not have had any actual function. Rather than a fancy magic block, I think that using a specialized robot for this purpose would work just as well, and would better fit with the robot theme.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Buildcraft is just one of those mods that I absolutely love, and will always be in my mod packs. It is just fun and inspires my creativity. I don't think "well, I shouldn't put this mod in my pack because it would make BC irrelevant" either. BC is always the centerpiece of my builds and I try to find a way to tailor other mods to complement BC.

The fact that you have to thoughtfully place your pipes so that they don't interfere with each other, the giant tanks of Oil being refined into giant tanks of Fuel, watching a room full of combustion engines piston-pumping away, the way power pipes have a bad-ass thick line of power visible in them once you've built up your infrastructure and the juice is really flowing, the way the quarry slowly and meticulously removes layer after layer of earth, watching items from that quarry flying through your pipe system into your storage... Everything about this mod just oozes cool.

Yes, BC takes more time to do things that other mods can do much faster and easier. Because of that, I've always thought that BuildCraft is meant to cater to a different type of personality. The kind of personality that enjoys the journey and doesn't necessarily have a destination in mind; the person who doesn't think "are we there yet?"

Let ExtraUtilities and stuff continue to cater to the "Are we there yet?" guys; I like BuildCraft exactly how it is. If someone doesn't have the creativity to look at an AE drive and think "How can this fit into my BC system?" instead of thinking "This AE system will completely replace my BC system because the transportation is instant!" then that's their loss.
This ^
I love the mechanics of quarrys', setting them up, watching their progress, etc.
2 things i'd like to see regarding the quarry. First, it would be cool to have a progress indicator on the quarry face. Maybe just the level number that it is working on. Second, a better way of handling lava. I don't code so I don't know if it is possible but what if, as it passes a block that it detects as having lava, it turns it to cobble or obsidian and then breaks it? It's a pain to have to monitor for lava and do the water thing.
BC is one of my favorite mods. It will ALWAYS be in my pack.
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Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
This ^
I love the mechanics of quarrys', setting them up, watching their progress, etc.
2 things i'd like to see regarding the quarry. First, it would be cool to have a progress indicator on the quarry face. Maybe just the level number that it is working on. Second, a better way of handling lava. I don't code so I don't know if it is possible but what if, as it passes a block that it detects as having lava, it turns it to cobble or obsidian and then breaks it? It's a pain to have to monitor for lava and do the water thing.
BC is one of my favorite mods. It will ALWAYS be in my pack.

Yeah! I always wanted some sort of progress indicator for the quarry. And I agree that the Y level would be what is wanted. Would be cool to also be able to configure the max depth of the quarry. Reason is that perhaps you want to scrape off so much of the surface and have it stop when that is completed. Yeah, it overlaps the Builder to a degree.

Handling of liquids while mining could be important. Flow calculations for liquids within quarry holes can cause lag on servers, and providing methods to mitigate that would be cool. It would have to handle the case where the edge of the quarry bisects fluid. This could be handled by placing a stone block on the edge to prevent flow.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, get a specific conditions wherr lava flow meets water and it turns your quarry in to a glorified cobble gen.

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