What theme of packs would you like in 1.8

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Microsoft have created development tools specifically for modding the game, want to open up modding and make it even easier for both experienced programmers and new ones to get into, and even had a presentation with Aidan C Brady (the developer of Mekanism) about how great modding Minecraft is. Why would anyone think Microsoft would ban it (unless they live under a big dense rock)?
They've specifically said that was to show off Visual Studio's addon capabilities, not to support modding in any way.
I'm pretty sure we'll see plenty of mods for 1.8... As I pointed out when I saw the same complaints being made about upgrading mods to both MC 1.6 and MC 1.7, skipping a version of Vanilla is only going to make it harder to play catch-up when 1.9 appears on the horizon soon. Anything not adapted now will have to be adapted later in addition to any other new features.

The new Mojang loader auto-loads a runtime version of Java 1.8.0_25 if Java is not already installed, so you won't have to worry about updating that anymore... By the way, the new Curse launcher uses the Mojang launcher and performs the same way, as I tested two days ago when I formatted my dual-boot partition and installed Windows 10 v.10122, re-loading just the Curse client and the Direwolf20 pack.

Many of the changes are to internal systems which have been in the process of being rewritten since 1.6 first was released as a snapshot, and 1.8 out-performs 1.7.10 on my hardware by quite a bit while using less memory.

From playing modded mc, to playing on servers, you seem to be in a small minority. A significant number of people, including me, have horrible performances issues, to say the least, on 1.8.x.
On 1.7.10 with 200 (admittedly light) mods, I get quite respectable performance without having to resort to Fastcraft or Optifine (I do have CoFHTweaks though). I got around 60%-ish? the frames per second on 1.8 as on 1.7. (I don't know how accurate the results are, it's been a while since I compared them and 1.8 won't even load on my setup right now.)

I'm pretty sure we'll see plenty of mods for 1.8... As I pointed out when I saw the same complaints being made about upgrading mods to both MC 1.6 and MC 1.7, skipping a version of Vanilla is only going to make it harder to play catch-up when 1.9 appears on the horizon soon. Anything not adapted now will have to be adapted later in addition to any other new features.
Or we can simply stay on 1.7.10 forever, and never have to update Minecraft mods again. Making new content instead of keeping the same stuff working? No more mods you really liked that you can't possibly combine with mods started yesterday? Getting the new features of vanilla Minecraft (but only the ones we like, and done more thoroughly) by installing the mod they were borrowed from in the first place? What's not to love?
Mekanism on the flag pack. Im tired of not having mekanism preinstalled and configured on flags. And t is even harder to install on infinity than in monster.
To be totally honest, my server is still running DW20 1.6.4 pack. There isn't much in 1.7 that I feel like I'm missing out on. Personal opinion mind you.
1.8 mods? I'm not sure.

As stated (somewhere, in another thread, some time ago) before, modpacks seem to have "renaissance" versions. 1.4 was king, and many people skipped 1.5 due to issues. 1.6 is damn good (again IMO) and 1.7 is a pain in the arse without certain mods, that until recently, were not allowed to be distributed in any pack. Will 1.8 follow the modding cycle? We'll see..
They've specifically said that was to show off Visual Studio's addon capabilities, not to support modding in any way.

I just installed the Visual Studio Community 2015 Release Candidate on my Win10 partition (Win 10 is a requirement). 2015RC is supposed to fully support the so-called "Universal App" model that should run on Apple, Android and Windows PCs as well as on Tablets and phones.

One interesting thing I noticed was that Microsoft directly installed the Java Development Kit. This may or may not be related to the "Universal App" model but I wouldn't be surprised to see a VS add-in for Mods such as Forge, or Bukkit if Mojang ever does anything with it, at some point.

The add-in mentioned in an above post includes versions of Forge for both 1.7 and 1.8 Minecraft, and is basically a patch allowing the use of Visual Studio's environment and tools with Java. I haven't yet had an opportunity to go through VS2015RC docs yet, but if I see anything I'll respond here.
On 1.7.10 with 200 (admittedly light) mods, I get quite respectable performance without having to resort to Fastcraft or Optifine (I do have CoFHTweaks though). I got around 60%-ish? the frames per second on 1.8 as on 1.7. (I don't know how accurate the results are, it's been a while since I compared them and 1.8 won't even load on my setup right now.)

Or we can simply stay on 1.7.10 forever, and never have to update Minecraft mods again. Making new content instead of keeping the same stuff working? No more mods you really liked that you can't possibly combine with mods started yesterday? Getting the new features of vanilla Minecraft (but only the ones we like, and done more thoroughly) by installing the mod they were borrowed from in the first place? What's not to love?
I swear I've seen people say this about every version. 1.2.5, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7. Soon, you will be saying it about 1.8.
Not sure this have to be 1.8, but I would personally like to see how a pack that was rounded towards building would fare. Maybe a pack that could be used as a basis for epic creative building projects or something like a Horizons for building enhancing mods.

I personally find that I know too few of these mods. Like Chisel, Carpenter's Blocks, Forge Multiparts, DecoCraft, Bibliocraft etc. I would LOVE to see a showcase of more stable and useful mods in this genre(that I think is slightly overlooked).
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So 1.8 packs are coming up fairly soon.

Says who??

Likely 1.8 will be skipped by the majority of modders and we may even see modded MC stop at 1.7.10 for a very long time if not indefinitely, unless Mojang get their finger out of their backsides and help the modders.
unless Mojang get their finger out of their backsides and help the modders.
That is unlikely to happen unless more of the "vanilla fanboys" opens their eyes to the modded universe and start demanding it. As long as there is such a huge ("misguided" :p) vanilla community to keep supporting Mojangs complacency then things will stay the same.

From my (probably skewed and limited) perspective it seems like vanilla Minecraft is like a slightly bland cream Ice cream. If you have never tasted anything else then it is AMAZING! But it boggles my mind that so many people never realise that this icecream can be mixed with SO many flavours and served with so many various other things to make it an even greater experience.

What is needed to change it? Kickstarter collection for add campaigns to spread the value of modded minecraft? Lobbyist work? :p

One thing that Modders can start doing perhaps, is make detailed information more readily available ingame I think. Too much information needs to be pieced together from wiki's, forums and youtube videos. which might be overwhelming to the younger audience. What the game really needs is a single unified tutorial/information system where all mods incoorporate information about their items. No books, no XX different systems. Maybe something that is integrated into NEI. ExtraUtilities already used NEI somewhat to this extend, but something more focused with possibility for pictures etc. as well.

If such a thing was added and jointly accepted and used, then Mojang might have a easier time accepting mods as the added complexity might not be such a big a problem for the younger audience.
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Says who??

Likely 1.8 will be skipped by the majority of modders and we may even see modded MC stop at 1.7.10 for a very long time if not indefinitely, unless Mojang get their finger out of their backsides and help the modders.

We can't expect Mojang to cater to what we do. And there's very little that Mojang can change that modders can't fix or improve if necessary. 1.8 would have been no different. But when you have the guy who develops Forge convinced that all modders are retards, and who orders limitations placed on what Forge is capable of for reasons that he himself doesn't understand, then you end up with a version of the game that modders reject.

So if you want something to blame for why we never moved forward, there's pretty much a single guy who thinks he knows better than everyone else who deserves the criticism more than Mojang does.
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You do realise he'll ban you from #minecraftforge now lol

I'm pretty sure I was banned there a long time ago. You know, when I went to point out a design flaw in their render alternative, discover that Lex had no idea that 1.8 even had multi-threaded rendering, and was then blamed for the entire problem because I didn't come in sooner to tell him.

This is the kind of immaturity we deal with. It's not an exaggeration. If anything, it's worse than you could imagine.
Why are you hating on my thread, requesting you no longer post on this thread

Users cannot restrict who posts in what threads, only moderators can. And that's only been used when people get out of control. He has as much right to post here as I do.
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I'm not hating on anyone (well I wasn't, I am now, but no-one in this thread), what you don't know is the state of IRC Forge channel, personally I don't and have never been in it but the stories I hear of modders being banned from it are ..... terrible.
@rhn: I know that Sl1pg8r on youtube was working a buildpack, but I think it ended up on the ATLauncher. I know it had most of those, as well as a furniture mod, by MrCrayfish if I'm not completely out of my mind.