What is life without GT?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is IC2 without GT? I am finding myself quite bored with my 1.4.7 world, considering everything I have planned isn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. I am playing with the idea of creating a new world in 1.5.2 Unleashed, but is curious as to what taking away GT does?

Also, what kind of things would I need to to do install GT onto Unleashed? What conflicts are there, if anyone else has played with the idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is IC2 without GT? I am finding myself quite bored with my 1.4.7 world, considering everything I have planned isn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. I am playing with the idea of creating a new world in 1.5.2 Unleashed, but is curious as to what taking away GT does?

Also, what kind of things would I need to to do install GT onto Unleashed? What conflicts are there, if anyone else has played with the idea.

Trying not to descend this into a flamewar, realistically, life without GT nowadays is life without IC2 (or rather life in which IC2 is relegated to a mod you run "when you get stuff up and running"). IC2 itself has kind of stagnated, and become less useful, which is why many have dropped it in favour of TE for most purposes.

I'd advise that you explore some of the other mods. Try a Twilight Forest run (i.e. run through that system using the tools for it), tinker with tinker's contruct, play with Thaumcraft, possibly even get a handle on being reliant on bees from the start.

In short, life without GregTech is life with other mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll admit, I didn't like unleashed until I installed GT. There were a few ID conflicts, but not many. Unfortunately I can't remember what they were.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the core gameplay of stuffing all that EU into a single block doesnt change, so i`d say it`s same.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love GregTech, in fact, I can't even play without it. But I really despise the recent changes that he has made, so I usually edit the configs to disable the things I don't like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like some of the things gregtech adds a lot, I'm also not missing it at all playing unleashed, there's plenty of stuff to keep me busy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 is pretty much dying, GT is just going with it now, rather than keeping it afloat.
Try Mekanism, you don't need IC2 for pretty much anything imo
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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
There isn't much at all to IC without GT. I really only use it for making diamonds from coal, the faster induction furnace, portable eu with the use of geogens and tesseracts, and charging suites. Outside of that, there is nothing. Maybe it might be interesting to try the farming, but that is pretty rediculous with the waiting involved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is plenty of variety and content in unleashed to keep you busy for a long time, even without adding gregtech. IC2 is kinda boring without gregtech, but there are plenty of other mods to do stuff with. But if you really want gregtech, it installs into the newest version of unleashed without any id conflicts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I shall dare cross the forbidden line:

What is life without GT? This:


Happiness :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well it's not that I need GT, I just like how EU works and GT adds a bunch to IC2 to keep it interesting.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Life without GT for me is: concentrating on building something pretty and not worrying about all the materials I need to gather to make the one block to make the next block to make the next block that I then need to somehow integrate into my building(s).

IC2 without GT for me right now is: I haven't built any IC2 machines, I'm using TE and Mekanism instead.

Edited to clarify: the top answer is the response to the thread title and the 2nd is the response to your first post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On the topic of GT replacement parts, you should also probably try Atomic Science, Minechem, and ICBM for the turrets if for nothing else then using missiles for your landscaping projects.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't get it. My 10 year old daughter and I have recently started playing with Gregtech using the Unhinged pack. I have always built our own mod groups for us. Trying the FTB route this time. The only modification to the modback is keeping AE up to date and adding logistics pipes.

I don't understand the "power" problems people have. Running a simple boiler with a couple of Turbines gets you up and running pretty fast. Once you have that going everything else is easy to get to. It's fun early on really have to work for things to get fired up. This whole model that I'm seeing in unleashed looks really dull to me. Make ridiculously OP tools and Armor with Dartcraft(thinks that the name) and tinkers and then ignore everything around you. If that's all you want why not just play creative? I want a game that takes a little bit of effort and planning. Unhinged works well for that.

The only issues are have with it are
1. Thermal expansion is too cheap
2. Railcraft boilers / blast furnances are too cheap and make it too easy to jump up in tech
3. Quarries need to require 4 - 8x the power they do for what they give.
4. Oil -> Fuel is too cheap to generate in Buildcraft, again making power generation a joke (really easy to jump start your base on this).
5. Powersuit patterns are really easy or require work ... why is there both????
6. Gregtech needs a little more info on what some of the items are and how to use them (have to go to creative world to test things out to figure out what they are at times).

Gregtech is a great mod that actually makes you apply some forethought and planning to what you do. As you move up the tech tree the items under it become a joke. Really don't get this "it's too hard" thinking. So for me ... live without gregtech was dull ... with gregtech is a good time!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the problem with IC2 power is a lack of mid voltage producers, adding mid voltage hungry GT machines makes this situation troublesome. the only fix from gt to this situation i saw was dragon egg siphon(realism, duh). while reactor supposed to be that MV-EV powerhouse, they are actually not, and all that headache with their setup, automation and upfront cost, just screams: use solars and boilers.
while solars are the only decent alternative for that matter, best in fact, it makes them incredibly OP, and whole power gen in IC2 dull.
boilers and turbines are nothing more than a band-aid for a broken leg

it`s kinda peculiar, when there is thread like this starts, there is always a new member comes into a play...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't get it. My 10 year old daughter and I have recently started playing with Gregtech using the Unhinged pack. I have always built our own mod groups for us. Trying the FTB route this time. The only modification to the modback is keeping AE up to date and adding logistics pipes.

I don't understand the "power" problems people have. Running a simple boiler with a couple of Turbines gets you up and running pretty fast. Once you have that going everything else is easy to get to. It's fun early on really have to work for things to get fired up. This whole model that I'm seeing in unleashed looks really dull to me. Make ridiculously OP tools and Armor with Dartcraft(thinks that the name) and tinkers and then ignore everything around you. If that's all you want why not just play creative? I want a game that takes a little bit of effort and planning. Unhinged works well for that.

The only issues are have with it are
1. Thermal expansion is too cheap
2. Railcraft boilers / blast furnances are too cheap and make it too easy to jump up in tech
3. Quarries need to require 4 - 8x the power they do for what they give.
4. Oil -> Fuel is too cheap to generate in Buildcraft, again making power generation a joke (really easy to jump start your base on this).
5. Powersuit patterns are really easy or require work ... why is there both????
6. Gregtech needs a little more info on what some of the items are and how to use them (have to go to creative world to test things out to figure out what they are at times).

Gregtech is a great mod that actually makes you apply some forethought and planning to what you do. As you move up the tech tree the items under it become a joke. Really don't get this "it's too hard" thinking. So for me ... live without gregtech was dull ... with gregtech is a good time!!

All of this misses the point of the objection. Gregtech isn't "too hard." Gregtech does extend the middle of the game out significantly and a lot of the original content is quite clever. I miss parts of the mod too.

The objection is that the author is unstable and has shown he will break a user's install if he doesn't like how his mod is used. He won't pull himself out of loading, or register a formal complaint, or try to talk to anyone. He will just crash your client on launch. Basically you can only play Gregtech in a safe way if you do everything Greg asks of you. This means limiting your modset to the mods Greg directly says he supports. This means adding new content runs the risk of breaking if Greg decides someone else is the new mDiyo.

You won't see many modpacks use Gregtech now. Because basically any modpack that uses Gregtech will look like FTB Unhinged. Why would someone copy FTB Unhinged?

On a personal note, Gregtech isn't hard. I would rather build my own awesome projects rather than ride the progression rails that Greg has for me. Unlike some people in this forum, I do not have 8 hours a day to play, or even an hour a day to play. Anyone who tells me I am lazy will be put on ignore instantly, because I am anything but. I just want to play a modded minecraft that lets me relax and enjoy the kind of game

I want to play. This means playing with new content and not just building yet another iGrinder. It means setting new standards for compactness on builds. It means playing with building styles to improve the creative aspects of my build. It means having a fun experience caving with a genuine sense of danger and reward. Why 13 year olds with all the time in the world and 0 obligations in life want to constant lecture me on how I just need to "put in the time" when the opposite is probably true has slowly grated on me, and I confess to being a bit raw and irritable on the subject.

I am not playing Minecraft to show what a smart person or good engineer I am, I'll let my real actual work speak for that. I'm not playing Minecraft to impress anyone, which is good because they won't be impressed if they're any good. I'm playing Minecraft to have fun and give myself easy, discrete problems to solve in 1-2 hour increments so that I can briefly escape from the far more real, difficult, and perhaps insolubleproblems I face in real life as a software engineer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is IC2 without GT? I am finding myself quite bored with my 1.4.7 world, considering everything I have planned isn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. I am playing with the idea of creating a new world in 1.5.2 Unleashed, but is curious as to what taking away GT does?

Also, what kind of things would I need to to do install GT onto Unleashed? What conflicts are there, if anyone else has played with the idea.

You can always opt to just wait for 1.6.2 Unleashed and continue playing on 1.4.7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the problem with IC2 power is a lack of mid voltage producers, adding mid voltage hungry GT machines makes this situation troublesome. the only fix from gt to this situation i saw was dragon egg siphon(realism, duh). while reactor supposed to be that MV-EV powerhouse, they are actually not, and all that headache with their setup, automation and upfront cost, just screams: use solars and boilers.
while solars are the only decent alternative for that matter, best in fact, it makes them incredibly OP, and whole power gen in IC2 dull.
boilers and turbines are nothing more than a band-aid for a broken leg

it`s kinda peculiar, when there is thread like this starts, there is always a new member comes into a play...

Band aid for what? It's no different then Electrical power in RL (Electrical Engineer here). You have your main power production sites that produce power in one mode and then you ship it down the line in the "best way" possible and use transformers to convert it to the power you need at the destination. In the factory that I was an engineer in we had machines that ran on 120 / 240 and 480 ... three different power levels that required transformers to convert the power to the destination needs. That is exactly what gregtech does with LV/MV and HV transformers. Not sure how that is a Band-Aid.

Sorry, that I didn't register earlier and post instead of just lurking on the forums, would that have made you happier? Sad that anytime time there is a new person there is someone that want's to make some snide remark about how they are new and imply they shouldn't have an opinion.
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