What cool little thing have you discovered today?

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Today I found that the Blood 'n Bones modpack description says

"Because Hardcore just isn't Hardcore enough. This pack is not for the casual player. Warning! This pack does not support adding/removing mods. Adding mods will break progression, removing mods will break recipe changes. Recommended JVM Arguments: -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation"​

so I've added that to my FTB launcher java arguments list as well... even tho I have absolutely no idea what they do or if they'll help outside of the BnB environment. :)
They are actually added into the options of the launcher as well(it is what the Fast computer option do). Was never announce anywhere but the BnB thread afaik.

But personally I only saw a performance decrease when trying them with Monster.
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Multiple items in a Blood Altar at once actually works.
Before I guess I was too impatient and thought that it doesn't work because it was taking forever.
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Before I guess I was too impatient and thought that it doesn't work because it was taking forever.

That would be because they add their total times together. So if you have two stone in the altar to make a Blank Slate, it will take twice as long and cost twice as much, etc.
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X rated nether???


(Optifine I guess lol :p)
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Today I found that the Blood 'n Bones modpack description says

"Because Hardcore just isn't Hardcore enough. This pack is not for the casual player. Warning! This pack does not support adding/removing mods. Adding mods will break progression, removing mods will break recipe changes. Recommended JVM Arguments: -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation"​

so I've added that to my FTB launcher java arguments list as well... even tho I have absolutely no idea what they do or if they'll help outside of the BnB environment. :)

They are actually added into the options of the launcher as well(it is what the Fast computer option do). Was never announce anywhere but the BnB thread afaik.

But personally I only saw a performance decrease when trying them with Monster.

The first two -- garbage collection flags -- say to use the CMS collector instead of the default collector. When the default collector needs to do garbage collection, it stops the game completely, and cleans up. This has the lowest overhead, but it gives lags. My worst-case collection lag was over 90 seconds; 3-5 seconds is typical.

CMS avoids this by having the full collections run in parallel with the game, and starts them before they are needed. The result is more overhead, but no lag. Additionally, CMS is threaded, and can use your extra cores.

If you have leftover CPU when running minecraft, and sitting still, then you probably will benefit from CMS -- that extra CPU is spent on the cleanup without bothering the game.

If you do not have leftover CPU, then you will see slightly worse performance, but no massive lag spikes -- so smoother, but worse, performance.

If you only have one or two cores (real or virtual), you probably want an additional flag that tells CMS to break it's work into smaller pieces, to give more time to the main application.


The other two flags -- the compiler flags -- I don't know enough about. As a quick approximation, they say to spend more time doing a better job of compiling.

Again, if you have spare CPU, this means use that to make the compiled code better -- so that the game will get faster as you play longer. But if you have spare CPU, it's questionable if you need that.

If you don't have spare CPU, or if you cannot keep up with 20 TPS when you start, then this will slow down the early game even more -- but as more and more of the code gets better compilation, your TPS will go up, and it may be able to keep up with 20 TPS as you play longer.
That is why you use JourneyMap along with Zan's. Journeymaps world Dynmaps beats mapwriter IMO, Zan's minimap is unbeaten by any.
Best of both camps :p
In the newest version JM has its own waypoints and stuff. Does it still work with Zan's waypoints?

I like JM's world map, but I wish it could be zoomed out more.
Opis' profiling tools can be useful as well.
I discovered that holding down shift when viewing a recipe stops the cycling of oreDict compatible components, making it much easier to work out what components you can use.
Last night I discovered making a perpetual oil supply through combustion engines is way more efficient then an unlimited water supply to them. On an oil refinery rig that is. Thanks to red alloy wire all I have to do is flip a switch, and all 4 levels of my rig turn on. That's a total of 16 refinery, 80 combustion engines, and an ungodly amount of pipes. It refines a whole tank of fuel In 1 minutes flat :D
This is going to sound completely stupid, but hear me out.

TIL you can scan nodes with the Thaumometer to see what type they are. And I know, that sounds absurd considering I NEED to do that to progress further in Thaumcraft, but I usually use creative mode, so I outright use the Goggles of Revealing.

Now it's infinitely easier to know if a node is pale or not.
I found out today, the wand foci of uprising is considered by servers as flight, and a no-no if the server doesn't allow it.
But, jetpacks and morph are not considered flight, and are okay....
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Can you bring it down to 10 seconds flat? xD
I actually blew that rig up XD somehow I left it on and my chunk loader did the trick after that. Luckily it gave me a chance to update how I do things.

I was still playing it like it was ultimate / unleashed rather then monster. I was using combustion engines with the old fluid pipe system which requires a gate pipe with a combustion engine pumping fluid into the old red tanks. I was also using cobblestone and Redstone to make the whole setup on one circuit. Who the hell does that anymore??

Once the rig blew up from not having room for unlimited water I found the beauty of fluiducts. Oh fluiducts, how I love you. Now I have enough room for a 4th combustion engine on each refinery, red alloy wire under the engines to make them all on circuit, constant oil fueling the engines, and a perfect unlimited water system so I can run the engines forever. They will refine a whole oil spill and run themselves out of fuel all on their own. The fluiducts save me a total of 32 combustion engines on a 5 level oil rig.

I also updated my way of stacking glass tanks into awesome iron tanks. Not only that but I figured out the epicness of ender tanks. I was honestly transporting my fuel via bucket until now. I must have been getting lost in caves for the last 2 years of ftb.
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