What cool little thing have you discovered today?

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DW20's spotlights and how he explains things in-depth are quite good, but I dislike how he doesn't care about aesthetics. I guess Soaryn built most of the base in his Forgecraft 1 series? Why not just a modular 9x9 built of stone bricks?
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DW20's spotlights and how he explains things in-depth are quite good, but I dislike how he doesn't care about aesthetics. I guess Soaryn built most of the base in his Forgecraft 1 series? Why not just a modular 9x9 built of stone bricks?
He's getting better! I recall his world with TC3 was filled with 9x9s, true, but it had nice pathways between them, and they were rarely connected! Unless it was needed, or if you count power systems under the "village" as connecting. Or the nice pathways that were well lit, but not perfectly safe at all times.
It is indeed a mystcraft world. I wanted a flat desert to live in, but since the current grammar system requires at least 1 terrain alteration, I decided to go with spheres made of glass.

E: also, not really visible on the shot, but because a "village" is always shaped like a sphere and this 1 house in the skies kinda distorts the village shape, few of the buildings on the ground are elevated (they have piles of cobble below em) to fit into the village =D
I've seen half a house pulled up to a slime island in the overworld. It may be interesting to see how bad this gets if you throw floating islands into a mystcraft world.
Also good: Villages in a void or end world. Cobblestone foundations to the very bottom.
Also good: Villages in a void or end world. Cobblestone foundations to the very bottom.
Libraries, too. It must go down to the negative infinitieth floor.
DW20's spotlights and how he explains things in-depth are quite good, but I dislike how he doesn't care about aesthetics. I guess Soaryn built most of the base in his Forgecraft 1 series? Why not just a modular 9x9 built of stone bricks?
I only started watching DW20's with his S6 LP, AgS, and Forgecraft series. I've learned quite a few things I didn't know before lately, both from his videos and from this site. I would say that his videos serve as an introduction to most of the more popular mods around, get a little into them, but not too far so people won't think that his way is the only way to do something.
Of course, I haven't seen previous seasons, so I wouldn't know if most of his content is just repeated season by season... but there's new mods, right? There has to be new stuff each time around.
I'm sure that if he used microblocks, things would get a little bit more aesthetic... as long as he doesn't make 9x9's out of them.
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Definitely. I yet have to see a villager with wings.
Evolution is a harsh mistress. She demands you survive long enough for the useful adaptations that your fuckups showed would help can be passed on to your offspring. And they have to survive it as well. And before anyone even notices anything(because we'll all be long since dead by that point, except for those of us who found a way to cheat death), we'll see one of two things. They're all dead(and we may see that before we all die, usually as we slaughter them wholesale), or these villages have wings like chickens. AKA useless for flying still able to stop the sudden stop at the end, except there is no stop at the end, just death before anything of note.
Libraries, too. It must go down to the negative infinitieth floor.

I only started watching DW20's with his S6 LP, AgS, and Forgecraft series. I've learned quite a few things I didn't know before lately, both from his videos and from this site. I would say that his videos serve as an introduction to most of the more popular mods around, get a little into them, but not too far so people won't think that his way is the only way to do something.
Of course, I haven't seen previous seasons, so I wouldn't know if most of his content is just repeated season by season... but there's new mods, right? There has to be new stuff each time around.
I'm sure that if he used microblocks, things would get a little bit more aesthetic... as long as he doesn't make 9x9's out of them.
His 9x9s are just a sign of OCD. Convince him to use a better geometric pattern(such as 10x10, or a similar even number) and that if he does, double doors are now a thing that doesn't have to be off center. It'd be a start...
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Well, if you watch more of his series you'll notice that he is (imo) a bit too set in his ways. I love his videos, but what I'd really like is him playing something like Horizons, basically a selection of mods almost completely different from what he's used to. I hoped the AS series would go in this direction, and to some minor extend it is, but I hoped for a bit more deviation form his usual stuff.
Well, if you watch more of his series you'll notice that he is (imo) a bit too set in his ways. I love his videos, but what I'd really like is him playing something like Horizons, basically a selection of mods almost completely different from what he's used to. I hoped the AS series would go in this direction, and to some minor extend it is, but I hoped for a bit more deviation form his usual stuff.
Preaching to the Choir, mate. But Preach on. The good word needs to be heard.
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But honestly, what really pains me is Pahimar doing regular bee breeding with Gendustry in the pack. That almost literally makes my insides cramp :)
But honestly, what really pains me is Pahimar doing regular bee breeding with Gendustry in the pack. That almost literally makes my insides cramp :)
Gendustry is great. But Normal Bee Breeding is always easy for those who know why it's easy. I doubt he won't start using it for his workhorse bees.
I've seen half a house pulled up to a slime island in the overworld. It may be interesting to see how bad this gets if you throw floating islands into a mystcraft world.
This was a good excuse to start mucking about in Mystcraft again.

I have more pictures, but the forum deleted them for me after they finished uploading.
There's a couple more houses on that island in the middle there. You can see a little of one of them- it's squeezed into the left side of the central island, above the leftmost column.

Side note: Don't put fifteen or so Villages and Floating Island pages in one Mystcraft book. The age shown above has Mining Fatigue, Enemy Regen, and Meteors. You can see a bit of one of the craters on the bottom right corner of the image.

What I learned today: Floating Islands in Mystcraft ages can sometimes get stuck in Natura redwoods.
What I learned yesterday: Pouring lava over one of those redwoods, removing the source blocks, waiting for the top of the lava to flatten out and for the whole tree to be enshrouded in curtains of lava, then dumping water over it creates a huge, towering monolith of cobblestone that is mostly hollow (and very dark) on the inside, with several 1-block thick pancake-like layers of cobblestone near the top and 1- or 2-block air spaces in between.
What I also learned yesterday: Blazing Pyrotheum doesn't even try to spread out when you dump it on trees. It instantly destroys any plant matter it touches, drilling down through even the largest trees and leaving a fire-filled hole in its wake.
Also, RotaryCraft jetpacks explode when you try to swim in lava or pyrotheum while wearing one.
Also, RotaryCraft jetpacks explode when you try to swim in lava or pyrotheum while wearing one.
This is intentional. However, in one of Reika's world tours, he is in lava with a jetpack on. It's possible that the video was before the explosions were implemented, or he's disabled them. Anyway...

What I learned from watching DW20's and Pahimar's AgS playthrough: Tuberous jetpacks explode in fireworks. Awesomium.
Don't know how well known this is but Sluices from Mariculture offer a great way of getting the lava from the serenade of the nether into tanks without needing to use power.
Heres a good bit of my nifty tricks and doodads..
-Low on vacuos? Scan a deep storage unit from mfr. 'nuff said.
-Flowing energ. Glowstone and gelid cryotheum create glowstone as flowing lava and water make cobble
-Dumping loads of junk into a crucible will make a temporary thaumic slime spawner and thaumic slimes produce tainted goo, which has the rare vitium aspect.
-attachig a transfer node to cobblestone in a cobble gen will make one of the fastest in game cobble gens possible.
-Blizz powder has a fluid transposer recipe in addition to byproduct of blizz rods
-Rainbow trees drop every kind of dye item along with apples, golden apples, and notch apples. Pair something to get the gold from those apples with it and youre all set!
-The brown pendant from geostrata or the healing axe from extrautilities or the sheep gene from advanced genetics share the trait of nullifying hunger or overpowering saturation.
-Nether iridium in agrarian skies has a recipe using blood magic.
-The bosses from the goblin strongholds from twilight forest...can be caught in a safari net and autospawned.
-Storage crates from extrastorage are amazing andcheap storage options for packs without ae.
-Some villagers from farlanders actually offer trades for nether stars, like 32 emeralds and 32 rubies but still!
-Transfer nodes from extrautilities are far faster than aqueous accumulaters no matter how many source blocks the accumulater has.
-Ars magica 2's dark nexus literally makes power off of mob grinding, it sucks in mobs, kills them, then makes power!
-XP in a sewer makes mob essence
Thats all for now folks!
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That the Random Things "Player Interface" + ME + LP is just as amazing as I had imagined :p
Auto restocking my player inventory with food and torches and getting rid of trash items on the go FTW!
I had tried numerous things for this (TE3, XU), but not LP. Thanks for the heads up!
I had tried numerous things for this (TE3, XU), but not LP. Thanks for the heads up!
Yeah its rather simple with LP. I used 3 pipes(basic, supplier, provider) to hook it up to my ME network and that was it. All done :P