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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Iguana Tweaks [for Vanilla Minecraft] has this little beauty

# Lifespan (in ticks) of items dropped when a player dies (vanilla default 6000)

# Exactly where you respawn (after death) is randomised around the spawn point (either to a bed or original spawn point), upto a maximum of this many blocks away (set to 0 to disable)


Jul 28, 2013
Not so much a discovery but an application.

- My SSD is stored in a bespoke RFTools dimension connected to my base via quantum singularity.
- I also have a separated bit of network that hooks up storage buses to the back of my ME drives so I can just shift-click new discs into a terminal rather than going round and manually adding them to the drives.

My latest iteration, i've shuffled the end of that separate spur network (unconnected though it is to my main storage) through a P2P tunnel and the singularity, so I have an extra terminal in my main workroom that lets me add new storage discs without having to traipse through a teleporter.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm actually using them in comparison mode right now. As an example:
  • A bank of 8 endoflames surround a pressure pad, above which an open crate hangs, which is fed burnable items by a hopper.
  • If there are items on the plate, a signal is sent to the hopper to stop it feeding the open crate.
  • Additionally, there's a comparator on a diluted mana pool that the endoflames feed mana to. Diluted mana pools are very handy buffers; this one feeds into my main mana storage.
  • The comparator has a bookcase on the side with a Redstone: Volume 1 book somewhere around the 7th or 8th slot. So the comparator emits a signal (of around half strength) when the diluted pool is about half full or more.
  • The comparator signal is OR'd with the pressure plate signal to also send a signal to the hopper. Any signal strength > 0 is enough to stop the hopper.
Using a small buffer pool like this (and setting the threshold around half) is nice to avoid fuel wastage if only a very small amount of mana is taken from the main pool (e.g. to run a Solegnolia or similar - and you will want one of those near your endoflames if you have a magnet ring). The diluted pool normally sits around full since some mana gets squirted from the endoflames after the comparator signal turns on, but taking a little off the top won't reactivate the endoflames and waste a whole coal every time a piddling amount of mana is taken.
That's kind of clever. My system is a tad contrived.
I use a modified state cell setup I've seen direwolf20 use.
I have a mana detector reseting a state cell that triggers a counter to deincrement X, X being the amount of endoflames I have, this will then allow a timer to pulse a openblocks dropper filled with charcoal also incrementing the counter by one each timer pulse. Once the counter has reached X it disables the timer.
The state cell helps me control when the dropper needs to function assuming that if mana is passing through the detector it doesn't need to drop.
And the counter timer combo lets me determine the number of charcoal I want to drop.
On top of that my main resevoir is hooked up to an Automagi remote comparitor sending a signal to the lock side of the state cell. Stopping the system when full.

I've also been thinking of a way to utilize an openblocks item cannon so I dont need an ugly dropper system hanging over my flowers. But it's acuracy and tendency to fire whole stacks at a time are problematic. I need to find a clever way to regulate the inventory the cannon is connected to. Maybe translocators can help.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I learned that ther is a max speed you can move. I'm thankful because the Globetrotter's sash and a full set of Draconium Armor seemed like a REALLY bad idea...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-You can put enchantments on TiCon Traveller's Armor by using books in an Anvil.
-Draconium tools' junk filters specify the BLOCK you want to void, not the PRODUCT of said block (If you want to void cobble, you put in stone, not cobble, etc.)
-64x Survivalist Generator is actually really good, clocking in at 360 Rf/t with extremely high fuel efficiency, especially since most of the materials are extremely easy to make.
-There doesn't seem to be a cap for how fast a QED will work. You can keep adding pillars around it until it processes lightning-fast.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AFAIK there's a max range. Also, whats with the NEI description that says 1000:1 RF:EF conversion?
The pillars used to consume RF to produce the "EF" energy the QED used at a 1000:1 ratio, but it was since changed to be free. No idea why that text would still be there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
:eek: WHAT? :eek:
Are all my hope for an Assembly table MK II gone now? T_T

I hope it's just temporary to make something even more awesome. Like requiring a constant supply of ((((n^o)/(e*a))*(c^sqrt(r)))*1000)*l)^t RF/t for x ticks, where
n is the amount of component the component used in the recipe (1 to 9)
o is the amount of output for each recipe
e is the tier of an efficiency upgrade
a is the amount of efficiency upgarde
c is the number of Ender crystal (true ender crystal entity count as 3 normal one)
r is distance distance of the ender crystal to the QED
l is the number of letter in the name of the block when observed, and have a constant value of 3 if the player is not looking at the block
t is the number of time the QED is used without a 10 irl hour delay
and finally, the duration in tick, x, is equal to the (RF/t requirement)*l.

If the supply is not consistent, it will reset the progress, and if get more RF/t than (required RF/t * (a/10) (that mean that if there is more not at least 10 crystal, the QED cannot work, but that shouldn't be said) every crystal and the QED will violently explode, leaving a "quantum radiation" all over the place in a 64 blocks radius. The quantum radiation teleport the player to their reverse coordinate every time the player try to open their inventory, but also gives various random potion effect. If the player is in 0 0 when opening their inventory while having the quantum radiation effect, they get caught in an infinite teleportation loop that can only be escaped by either dying, the effect runs out, or managing to move out enough. But getting quantum-teleported is the only way to get a special quantum matter that can then be applied to the QED, acting as a strong free efficiency upgrade.

Oh, and also, it should require to be cooled. For that it will use resonant ender of course, also at a fixed rate of RF/tick mb per tick. And it also need to be fueled, and for that it would use heavy matter, such as Nether star block, Unstable block or Bedrockium blocks. And it cannot be automated.

THAT would be a great QED. :cool:
It's a crafting table, not a nuclear reactor. :p With the current uses the QED has, something that complicated and expensive would never be worth it in a million years, especially if you're just using it for simple things like ore tripling. I could see a system like that for a different, perhaps more useful block, but not the QED.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I can't check right now but I'm nearly certain that last I checked that while yes the ender flux crystals would run the QED for free you could still use RF and it would just supercharge them to make them process faster.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
That's kind of clever. My system is a tad contrived.
I use a modified state cell setup I've seen direwolf20 use.
I have a mana detector reseting a state cell that triggers a counter to deincrement X, X being the amount of endoflames I have, this will then allow a timer to pulse a openblocks dropper filled with charcoal also incrementing the counter by one each timer pulse. Once the counter has reached X it disables the timer.
The state cell helps me control when the dropper needs to function assuming that if mana is passing through the detector it doesn't need to drop.
And the counter timer combo lets me determine the number of charcoal I want to drop.
On top of that my main resevoir is hooked up to an Automagi remote comparitor sending a signal to the lock side of the state cell. Stopping the system when full.

See, this is one of the reasons I love Botania - so many interesting and diverse ways to solve a problem. Magic blocks be damned :)

I've also been thinking of a way to utilize an openblocks item cannon so I dont need an ugly dropper system hanging over my flowers. But it's acuracy and tendency to fire whole stacks at a time are problematic. I need to find a clever way to regulate the inventory the cannon is connected to. Maybe translocators can help.

Translocators, a Thaumcraft fill golem, Thermal Dynamics resonant filter, xutils hyper-rationing pipe...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But I only want the cannon to fire if it needs to.
Also you really do need to control item cannons. I made the terrible mistake once of hooking one up to an me interface to fire some of my vast vast surplus of apples to some gourmariliuses and yea... lagged for 20 mins.
Unfortunately you can't easily make them fire on pulse.
If item cannons have a signal they fire a stack per second.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It seems like it works on any mob kill regardless of if its by a player or not, just remember it's got a 1 in 43 million chance. So to try and give some kind of perspective imagine if you made an octuple compressed cobble, and for every cobblestone you used you killed one mob, you'd average one of these soul drops in that entire time.

This actually works on zombies and players as well as a note, it's also set to drop stacks - 5 heads in case you care about that.
Yeah but automating the kills makes it easier.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah but automating the kills makes it easier.
It's basically impossible if you don't automate it, if you do though figuring out if there is some way to qualify as player kill with a specific weapon would be invaluable. Just as a reference point, if you could kill 100 mobs per second it would take you near exactly five days per soul dropped with the unboosted chance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
But I only want the cannon to fire if it needs to.
Also you really do need to control item cannons. I made the terrible mistake once of hooking one up to an me interface to fire some of my vast vast surplus of apples to some gourmariliuses and yea... lagged for 20 mins.
Unfortunately you can't easily make them fire on pulse.
If item cannons have a signal they fire a stack per second.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Hmm, are you using AE2 in this world? You could set up an AE interface keep one item in it, and put your cannon beside the interface. A computer (CC or OC) is probably the easiest way to produce a redstone signal of a specific duration (or an MFR PRC perhaps).