Werewolf (Skyrim-Themed Edition) [GAME THREAD]

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Forum Ghost
Third Party Pack Team
Mod Developer
Mar 11, 2014
As much as I want to change my vote to Mevansuto to give myself a chance of survival, I won't. Doing so will put me at the same level as those corrupt Imperials. I instead stall pray to Talos for a chance at survival.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow... These people better post. I don't want to smite 4 people in one night :/
it may be due to the fact that FTB just flat out doesn't notify people of threads they are watching sometimes, and it just so happened that these people were not notified when they were on the forums.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That happens when you get notified but don't click it. You only get one alert for a thread until you view the latest post for it. Anyways. They know the day ends at 5AM and they all had the opportunity to post it when they were here before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks Vike, sorry about that...I thought I had already voted in my earlier posts! I vote for SoraZodia


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It seems that people finally realised the error in their mistakes and decided that maybe they should start giving reasons to their voting choices. It was generally quiet for the first part of the day. SoraZodia caused a little fuss by being quite happy about the deaths. This was all the proof the members needed to just pile on the votes for Sora. There was also quite a kerfuffle that night, a couple of people ended up drunk and completely forgot about their need to vote! Everyone understood, however the drunks just voted for Sora anyways.

Sora drearily walked up the podium and stood in the noose but before he jumped he yelled out one final thing. FUS RO DAH!!!! The windows shattered and the people were blown to their feet. However, the blast also caused the podium that had been manifested to topple over leaving our dead Dovahkiin dangling from the ceiling. They decided to check for a mark but this time it was a different mark... This was the mark of a Stormcloak!

The citizens were very disappointed that they had just lynched their arguably most powerful ally in the fight against the werewolves. However they were also quite intrigued. It was now public knowledge that both Stormcloaks and Imperials were present in this room, but that wasn't their worries now. The werewolves were. They reluctantly went to bed hoping it wasn't them who died that night. They all once again rushed to the center room to see Staxed ripped to pieces on the table. They searched his body for clues and were only able to gather that he was an Imperial, so they searched the room he had been residing in for any clues. Lo and behold they found two items of interest, a crystal ball that seems to have been used quite recently and ... a crown? He must've been the Jarl! Over the course of the next few hours the crown seemed to have been misplaced. They searched a while for it but it just couldn't be found. They suggested that someone might've stolen the crown but most people registered the idea as preposterous.
SoraZodia was lynched. He was Dovahkiin. He was also a Stormcloak
Staxed was killed by wolves. He was a Mage and was the Jarl of the Imperials.
A random imperial has been granted the Jarl ability

There are 13 people left. Let Day 4 commence!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just me, or are they killing the smart people...
2 things.
1. It seems the werewolves are picking smart people, as the first person to die noticed minor details, and so did the second person.
2. Doesn't realising that make YOU smart?
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Reactions: Mevansuto

Alpha Dragon

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2 things.
1. It seems the werewolves are picking smart people, as the first person to die noticed minor details, and so did the second person.
2. Doesn't realising that make YOU smart?
And doesn't you realising that him realising it makes him smart, make YOU smart too?

Wait a second...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2 things.
1. It seems the werewolves are picking smart people, as the first person to die noticed minor details, and so did the second person.
2. Doesn't realising that make YOU smart?
Yes but not as smart as the others :p