Oh man, what a day...
With the death of one person being seized on by the media, mysterious circumstances surrounding another three deaths, and a lynching that ended in enigmas, this city's gone to hell. The Tube's even more manic, with panic-stricken people trying to get away, and there's an undercurrent of fear sweeping through the area. The tabloids have gone on a witch-hunt, the Westborough Baptist Church is claiming this is God's judgement, and here I am, sat in this meeting room again. Whoop. De. Do.
I'm not sure what to make of any of this. SkeletonPunk was very quick to back away from his earlier attacks, and I don't fully accept his claim that it was a joke. Says he's a seer, but I don't fully believe that. Worth considering though. dwappo's been very reactionary to an easy to refute accusation, and took a while to prove his innocence (of being a young wolf at least). He's claimed it was all a misunderstanding, but again, I don't know if I believe that.
To top things off, there's a cake at the end of the table that's spewing out some agrammatical form of English every so often. Usually accompanied by mutterings from on high about wheels and votes and death. I don't know if I'm going crazy, hallucinating or something, but everyone else seems to accept it. It's either a mass hallucination or one more piece of crazy I can do without.
To top it off, some guy walks in, kicks me in the shins, points at some other guy and then wanders off muttering about popcorn.
vote Staxed because my shins really hurt (antismite)