Were be the wolves? [Game Thread]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you did not sign up for this game, please do not post in this thread.

This should turn out to be a pretty fun game I'm hoping. We have a nice turn out, and thanks to the help of Random.org we have a very interesting "setup". All Roles and Abilities were determined completely by random.org...I had no say in it...I find it a bit more fun that way.

Please make sure you are aware of the rules/roles which can be found in the signup thread. [link]

This is not a requirement...but I would really appreciate if people starting conversations with each other would invite me to that conversation, I will not participate at all in the convo...I just want to see what's going on behind the scenes in order to make my game summary more interesting when the game is over.
Four things that need to be made extra clear:
  1. You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for yourself, unless the copycat ability forces you to do so.
  2. You may vote to lynch "nobody" at any point in the game, but of course "nobody" can only be lynched once.
  3. Nightfall is at 5am EST in order to allow non EST people ample time to vote. Those who do not vote in time WILL be smited, this is your only warning. (5:01 EST is late ;))
  4. You may lock your votes in order to speed up the round. Once a vote is locked, you may not change it. All votes MUST be in BOLD. If you lock your vote after your initial vote was made, please repeat the name of the person you are voting for, don't just say "locked".
A few hints:
  1. There is at least 1 each of villager, werewolf, bodyguard, seer, mayor and priest roles
  2. It is possible for more than 1 person to have a specific role
  3. Special Abilities are unique, no more than 1 person will have a special ability
  4. Just because a role/special ability exists, does not mean it is in use in this game
  5. Due to the roles/abilities in this game...there will be no dead-man's convo this time. I will post a recap of the entire game and behind the scenes actions when it is done.
And lastly...if you are dead...you DO NOT speak in this thread. Not a single letter. Not pretending to be a ghost, nothing ;). (please...)

Now...on to the FUN!!!!


The party was wild...totally out of control. There were wild boars cooking over open flames, people dancing in the streets, pints of ale being passed around liberally to anyone who was empty...and plenty of ale spilt about on the ground. The one year anniversary of the towns defeat of a werewolf invasion was certainly a cause to be celebrated!!!

No one noticed the chill that began to creep into town, or the heavy fog that began to roll in from the surrounding forest...until it was too late.

Screams came from everywhere as the beasts tore through the gate of the town, snatched one of the boars off the fire...spit and all, and disappeared just as quickly as it had come. They were back! THEY WERE BACK!!!

In a panic, and knowing what happened the last time they locked the gate...all of the towns folk ran towards the entrance to escape...they knew they would be safer outside the walls than inside. But it was too late, the wolves has smashed the hinges of the massive gate on their way into the town and no matter how hard they tried...they couldn't get it to shut behind them..even though that probalby wouldn't save them anyway...who knew how many were in the town...or how many more were in the woods.

It was a long night, everyone huddled together...back to back, terrified of what would happen next. Day light came eventually...and they decided it would be best to head back into town and think of a plan. This couldn't be happening! None of them noticed the drops of blood scattered on the ground where they had all huddled together during the night...how strange.

  1. Strikingwolf
  2. Exedra
  3. Not_Steve, killed day 2 by wolves, Hunter, Resurreected night 3, killed day 6 by wolves
  4. the_j485, smited day 2 for not voting, Bodyguard, Resurrected night 5, Killed day 6 via protection of Vikestep
  5. SoraZodia
  6. goreae, killed day 2 by an Apothecariast, Alpha Wolf
  7. chbachman, smote day 6 for not voting
  8. Jus2beast, killed day 1 by wolves, Bodyguard, resurrected night 6
  9. Shazam08
  10. VikeStep
  11. trajing, lynched day 2, Villager
  12. 016Nojr, smited day 2 for not voting, Villager
  13. MarkusT
  14. SkeletonPunk, attacked by wolves day 3 but lived, killed by wolves day 5.
  15. Sleepyscumbag, smited day 3 for not voting, but lived
  16. dwappo
  17. Qazplm601, lynched day 3, but lived, lynched day 4, Villager
  18. DiamondArrow
  19. Mevansuto, lynched day 5, Sorcerer
  20. ThomazM, smited day 1 for not voting, Villager
  21. _Nobody_, lynched day 1 with 19 votes, Slave
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Sleepyscumbag wakes up in the Town Hall, hung over from yesterday's party. Must've been hella cool, 'cause the whole place's smashed to splinters.*
"Cor blimey, why is this place so beaten up? Also where's my whiskey! Must've been in my cups yesterday."


Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
*Qazplm601 comes up from the basement and sighs. he always went downstairs to read when the party's got too rambunctious. he could even see a scumbag waking up sleepily*
"Good lord, I'm surprised that i Didn't hear this from the basement! They even destroyed the spit for crying out loud!"
*with another sigh of exasperation, qaz set too work cleaning up the mess*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Strikingwolf walks out of his room*
"well that was an interesting party, but I can't seem to remember what happened after the 4th pint of mead and I have a terrible headache"
*Strikingwolf throws up repeatedly*
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
'Mevansuto, king of kings*, cooly glides off of the roof he had passed out on last night.'

"Oh gee, I am hungry. I guess I didn't really eat much last night, drank a hell of a lot though."

'He wanders off to find something to eat'

*A self-dubbed title. Nobody acknowledges him as a monarch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Walks out of the toilet"
"Damn was my S***t that deadly?"
"Waait, what? There is werewolfs? Well we will damned....."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Walks around surveying the damage...stumbling the whole way*
"Well were be the wolves then. Were could they be"
*Continues walking aimlessly*
Anyone got any ideas
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Walks around surveying the damage...stumbling the whole way*
"Well were be the wolves then. Were could they be"
*Continues walking aimlessly*
Anyone got any ideas
"I vote we just sit here and get drunk. After all, they'll fuck up sooner or later, and then they're ripe for the taking. I'm getting hammered anyway"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Hmm we could also put all the alchohol into the water supply, Im sure werewolfs drink water :eek:? Perhaps we can get them drunk and find them in the drunken haze at night, although this could be bad, a drunk werewolf D:"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Waking up, groggy, having barely slept a wink, I opened my eyes. I was in the town square, along with most of the rest of them town. Nobody had dared to sleep alone that night, for fear of what may come to them in the night.
I had been sleeping with my back on the wall, this giving my quite a stiff back, cricking as I got up, and stretched it a bit to somewhat loosen it.
Everyone else seemed to have done a similar thing, although some were backed against the fountain, and many on the floor. Most people had crowded around the dwindling fire, above which there had been the spit which the werewolves had knocked down last night. I hadn't gone over there for want of solitude, and I didn't feel like sleeping head-to-toe with half the town.
Eventually though, someone set up a balloting system. Each person would get to vote for one other person to be lynched, and this would be repeated each day, until the villagers won, or worse... the werewolves did. But nobody wanted to think of this. Morale would be vital to the villages. As had thought several others, I realised, as someone had set up a small bar where they were using the unbroken beer barrels, from the party last night.
Morale, that was one of the most important things to consider in this town. I decided to do my best to keep it high, and help out at the bar, distributing ale, beer and wine.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, I would not drink any beer, getting drunk at night with a werewolf about. I think we need all our senses with us D:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*dwappo picks himself off the ground*

"Ugh, see this is why I hate dancing" "How's everyone --

Damn, what happened here?!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I vote nobody

"Well, does anyone remember anything that happened last night?
We may even want to have a look at the wreckage, maybe there's clues here."