Welp, elo's alive

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I've respected her contribution. Redpower 2 was great back when it was a thing. The Big Bang Mod Concept doesn't work so well anymore, for a variety of reasons. Even relatively heavyweight mods like Thermal Expansion are much smaller than RP2 and contribute to an ecosystem. The great irony is that Eloraam's design sense and dev style are most like another controversial figure in the community: Greg of Gregtech.

Sorry, brosef. All this talk of eco-systems leaves me thinking you've been hitting the bong a little too hard. There are plenty of people who like RP2, and who feel no need whatsoever to update our mods every time Mojang updates MC, and feel no need to muse philosophically about the 'eco-system' in which we play. The modded MC scene is a goddam mess right now full of show stopping bugs, memory leaks, incompatibilities, and all in exchange for a great big pile of not much. We need more talented modders like KingLemming to show up with the right amount of expertise and the right attitude to hold themselves to a higher standard. Eloraam falls into that caregory, btw, and all the bitching about her starts with her update frequency. It should end there, but it doesn't. It snowballs, and the next thing you know we're talking about eco-systems. Because the baseline bitch is never good enough, we have to build on it with hollow rationalizations. If I'm going to criticize a modder, I'm going to criticize the ones who are making a mess willfully, and after that I'll criticize the ones who are making a mess out of laziness (ie: not checking if a chunk is loaded before referencing tile entities in that chunk), and by the time I'm done with those two categories I'll probably be too tired to go after the good modders who simply have the audacity to have lives beyond modded Minecraft.
I've respected her contribution. Redpower 2 was great back when it was a thing. The Big Bang Mod Concept doesn't work so well anymore, for a variety of reasons. Even relatively heavyweight mods like Thermal Expansion are much smaller than RP2 and contribute to an ecosystem. The great irony is that Eloraam's design sense and dev style are most like another controversial figure in the community: Greg of Gregtech.
Greg of Gregtech

Please no stop
yeah in fairness all it does is spark up the old flames. The only thing that would "silence the haters" at this point would be a relatively bug free 1.5 RP2 with a raft of brand new features.
Yeah my sentiments exactly, as you can probably see I put "haters" in quotes as it's more accurate to call them dissenters. They don't really hate Eloram they are just dissatisfied by the current state of things. (which TBH does make them a little over entitled and ungrateful but yeah)
And as you said if she was able to release updates in a punctual manner she would have no "haters" as her mod is rather good and serves a well wanted function. This "hate" is not exactly coming from nowhere it's not as baseless as people believe.
Sorry, brosef. All this talk of eco-systems leaves me thinking you've been hitting the bong a little too hard.

I'm way more corp than you, Scrover Cleveland.

he modded MC scene is a goddam mess right now full of show stopping bugs, memory leaks, incompatibilities, and all in exchange for a great big pile of not much.

I've managed to carve out something pretty damn stable. I am not very good at it, either. You should try it. Shneeky's modpack is very good and stable, as well. Whizzbal'1's off to a good start, too. And we're just DJ's spinning other people's music.

And the mods that give me the most trouble are the complex ones that RedPower2 depends on. For every Mekanism problem I troubleshoot, I spend at least an hour mussing with NEI and its family of mods.

We need more talented modders like KingLemming to show up with the right amount of expertise and the right attitude to hold themselves to a higher standard. Eloraam falls into that caregory, btw

Not even close. Eloraam is obviously a clever person with an electrical engineering background. The equal of KingLemming & team as software engineers: she is not. This is not a disparagement, this is a frank assessment of capabilities. It's something I can unashamedly say I know a thing or two about.

Because the baseline bitch is never good enough, we have to build on it with hollow rationalizations.

It's really interesting to me how you're the one casting shit around about everyone's ability but then arguing that I should have faith in RP2. Like somehow it wasn't also a pretty buggy mod. Do you remember all the client crashes? Like, "Right click the timer with anything but an empty hand?" or the amazing item dupes or the Amazing Transforming Bucket Machine or the epic "sorry your world is destroyed because Railcraft was nearby" bugs?

I guess I can forgive mod authors for being novices because they're novices. If I were angry at every person who makes a programming mistake in their lives I'd never be anything but angry, and probably have thrown myself off a bridge as well.

I guess its your prerogative to say I'm full of shit. Personally, I'd rather have fun playing a game in my off time and being engaged with new, hardworking modders. But you know, that talk of ecosystems and successful software projects? That's in such staple books as The Pragmatic Programmer and tons of management books.

Greg = Configs for almost everything, decent API
Soaryn = Works with other devs to make sure XyCraft is good (Mainly ChickenBones)
Eloraam = No world gen or power configs apart from ores, no API and addons discouraged, single dev with release pattern to match.

I love RedPower2 because it just makes sense, you craft a block and know what it does just by the name. But I wish someone would just say "Fuck copyright, everybody wants RedPower2 for 1.5.2, here you go!".
I once thought that I'd be able to wait for RP2 and that any modpack that I'd play somehow wouldn't feel complete without it. But tbh, I'm playing Dave's Resonant Rise pack and I don't miss it at all...

Called it.

And btw, if Redpower 3 is awesome I will be all over it like a ferret into a pipe full of fresh meat. But I stand by my assertion that big bang mods are much harder to do now.[DOUBLEPOST=1371008300][/DOUBLEPOST]
I called this, almost perfectly....

All it took was some simple math :D

A prophet walks among us.
Do we all forget that there is no public Xycraft release for any version of 1.5 minecraft? Why does all the hate go to Eloraam and not Soaryn? Because you see him on Dire's channel?

Largely because people don't expand what they do, and have latched onto a singular methodology that requires Redpower. The combination finds them and their game installs frozen and unable to upgrade to all the new content being released by every other mod in the game. This makes them grumpy and irritable.
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Largely because people don't expand what they do, and have latched onto a singular methodology that requires Redpower. The combination finds them and their game installs frozen and unable to upgrade to all the new content being released by every other mod in the game. This makes them grumpy and irritable.

For the record, I mis Xytanks a lot. I miss it more than anything from Rp2. I miss it more than I missed anything on one of my favorite mods: Xeno's Reliquary. Xytanks are great.
I've managed to carve out something pretty damn stable. I am not very good at it, either. You should try it. Shneeky's modpack is very good and stable, as well. Whizzbal'1's off to a good start, too. And we're just DJ's spinning other people's music.

I have my own projects that don't involve adding to the pile of packs that really only serve to dilute the community. The real community. Not the one where we declare other peoples' work 'obsolete' because something more shiny nabbed our attention. I don't care about pragmatic programmers or novice management manuals. Management starts with leadership, and leadership isn't something you can jam into a manual so people can barf cliche expressions all over one another in an attempt to impress. I'm rather bored of the convoluted rationalizations that come from these kinds of 'discussions'. The self-entitled generation is very good at coming up with them but very inept at arguing around them. Months ago I said that sometimes less communication is more and I'd rather see mod devs communicate when they have to, not because the kids are squealing. The kids, of course, squealed about that. Now, a couple of months or so since the last tweet assuring us work was continuing, we get another tweet echoing the sentiment. Is it enough? Yes. Why is it enough? Because nothing has changed, so who the hell needs more over-communication to remind us that nothing has changed? Kids with anxiety problems, that's who. Since we're barfing textbook nonsense all up and down the place, should we talk about exposure therapy? Best way to convince some people that the sky is not falling is to force them to shut up and watch the sky not falling. You might even find that in a management manual somewhere.
I've respected her contribution. Redpower 2 was great back when it was a thing. The Big Bang Mod Concept doesn't work so well anymore, for a variety of reasons. Even relatively heavyweight mods like Thermal Expansion are much smaller than RP2 and contribute to an ecosystem. The great irony is that Eloraam's design sense and dev style are most like another controversial figure in the community: Greg of Gregtech.

Greg's been having a ton of trouble maintaining his mod's balance in the face of a fleet of popular and upcoming mods because his big-bang style of design imposes a lot of restrictions on other mods in the pack, and greatly constrains the freedom of modpack maintainers hoping to achieve something akin to "balance."

RP2 is, even in 1.4.7, totally "unbalanced." Many things we expect it to do simply don't appear. Many things that other mods feel are expensive are utterly trivialized by RP2. It was only the exceptional quality of RP2 that let it pull these off at the time. But now, we have other mods with exceptionally cool machines, great art direction and a great velocity. Minefactory Reloaded and Thermal Expansion are shining examples of new leaders.

I feel the way about the MFR team and the TE team that I think you feel about Eloraam: I root for them and I have inexplicably devoted a lot of my time to selling MFR. But if they stopped producing, I'd say, "So sad. What else can I use?"

Because, and this is key: software is a process, not a product. It's different from a bridge, or a song, or even a car. It is expected as part of its very purpose to evolve and grow over time. If you can't provide that as a developer your best option is to open the source and ask for help.

I don't understand what you're saying, Enigmus. I've given Eloraam her due: Rp2 was ahead of its time. It's not so much now. When she releases something, I'll be excited to see it.

By the way...

This situation? "half a dozen mods?" This is a better outcome. Why? Redpower 2 is an object lesson in why. An ecosystem is resilient and diverse, people can come and go, it can grow and shrink as the community demands; all without even trying. Eloraam hits busy months at the right time and suddenly RP2 is gone and everyone flips out.

I keep seeing a persistent disdain here for mixed mod solutions asserted without even the vaguest sense of irony. I think it's funny given where we are.

aply burn heal 2 burn i think
am i doing this right
I have my own projects that don't involve adding to the pile of packs that really only serve to dilute the community. The real community.

I'm diluting the community? I could not be more involved with the FTB community if I tried. I'd have to quit my job to post here more. I've had to go so far as recruiting other people to start test servers to meet the letters of our mod licenses while. We're going to have four soon. Almost everyone is directly from this forum, and I'm very active here.

Our work is of the community. Weren't you just mentioning something or other about honoring contributions?

Not the one where we declare other peoples' work 'obsolete' because something more shiny nabbed our attention.

Well, it's definitionally obsolete, but I'm not going to it a day at that.

Functionality-wise, Frames is the only thing left for RP2 to really hang its hat on. RP2 sorting systems are computationally inefficient (client and server) and its power system was beautiful, but never practical. When Universal Electricity is a more performant and stable example of a power system, you know you have got performance problems (poor Aidan, just remove the Universal Cable, mang, it's not worth it).

RP2 had great art and great ambition. Most of its ambitions just never really materialized.

I don't care about pragmatic programmers or novice management manuals. Management starts with leadership, and leadership isn't something you can jam into a manual so people can barf cliche expressions all over one another in an attempt to impress. I'm rather bored of the convoluted rationalizations that come from these kinds of 'discussions'.

The self-entitled generation is very good at coming up with them but very inept at arguing around them.

"Your debate tactics are shoddy" is not a very successful debate tactic. Would you like to debate this? We are currently having a conversation.

Kids with anxiety problems, that's who. Since we're barfing textbook nonsense all up and down the place, should we talk about exposure therapy? Best way to convince some people that the sky is not falling is to force them to shut up and watch the sky not falling. You might even find that in a management manual somewhere.

Yes this all seems relevant and on topic.

P.S., management and leadership are very different things. I prefer the later, personally.
I'm diluting the community? I could not be more involved with the FTB community if I tried. I'd have to quit my job to post here more. I've had to go so far as recruiting other people to start test servers to meet the letters of our mod licenses while. We're going to have four soon. Almost everyone is directly from this forum, and I'm very active here.

Our work is of the community. Weren't you just mentioning something or other about honoring contributions?

Oh, so you fight to have your contribution honored but dismiss the work of someone else. It's cool. As I said, these discussions bore me now. Take a moment to offer up and relish the last word, because I've got nothing further to add.
Oh, so you fight to have your contribution honored but dismiss the work of someone else.

Quite the opposite. I've been pretty clear about my stance. No one else reading this thread is confused. RP2 was a great mod. It's stagnant now. I'll thank her when she releases. I'm not going to wait. I'd like to play Minecraft now, and that's not her problem.

It's cool. As I said, these discussions bore me now. Take a moment to offer up and relish the last word, because I've got nothing further to add.

Thank you for the last word. I'll take it to say your youtube series is great and I am a subscriber. You're one of the reasons I started doing Let's Plays. And if I were hauling in such huge traffic on a minecraft series in the middle of an RP2 megabuild, I'd be very hopeful too, so I think I sorta understand how you feel.