WayofTime's EEPower [SSP] - Ultimate Pack - Resonance Rises! [SMP]

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ah ok.. i'm a noob when it comes to forth

lua is more the thing I can do, but a nice block breaker quaary would defenatly be nice in my future lp-world :)
I've already got a block breaker quarry - I think it is 52-55 in season 3? Somewhere around there. The Omni-Bore will be a TBM that tunnels in all six directions.

Maybe impractical, but it will be fun...
why impractical... it sounds fun so it has a practical side - it makes fun ^-^
Hehe, too true.

I'm going to have to learn a good format to the OP. Most of the U LIST is done (as of #70), so I should be able to start the Jade Apiary soon enough. I'll need to write the Age for it (thinking a nice, normal climate) and hope to the heavens that I do not fall through the void...
Ok, I set up a new twitter feed! You can reach me at any (reasonable) time by using @WayofTime.
Of course, not much is currently happening there, seeing as I have only ~5 followers at the time of this post, but I am hoping that this will be a great way to expand my viewing audience.
Clarification: Something that can function on ShadwDrgn's server, which doesn't have IC2 or MFFS.

If you are still looking for a wither killer/ nether star factory design using RP and TC and soul shards I have a effective design, farms about 2 withers a minute, very simple design, fully automatic. I Play using the DW20 FTB Pack, but prefer to steer clear of the "magic block" mods and Computer Controlled Stuff, will leave that to those who can code well like Way.

I feel I should mention, hundreds of golems died in the research of this design :(
If you are still looking for a wither killer/ nether star factory design using RP and TC and soul shards I have a effective design, farms about 2 withers a minute, very simple design, fully automatic. I Play using the DW20 FTB Pack, but prefer to steer clear of the "magic block" mods and Computer Controlled Stuff, will leave that to those who can code well like Way.

I feel I should mention, hundreds of golems died in the research of this design :(
I've been trying to think of ways to make an auto kill system without MFFS. Not an easy task, unless one goes pure vanilla. Might do so, or try to improve it somehow.

Edit: The jade apiary hit a bit of a snag - needs more IO expanders! =3 Modifying the code right now. Fun fact: if one were to only want two possible combinations per bee, the max number of bees that it could hold is about...800. Double that if only one were entered.
I've been trying to think of ways to make an auto kill system without MFFS. Not an easy task, unless one goes pure vanilla. Might do so, or try to improve it somehow.

The Wither is a really hard mob to control, I don't know how it was coded, but it does seem to "cheat". It can go thru a 1x1 space when being passively attacked (eg suffocated) and can shoot thru solid bedrock to kill gloems etc. The Wither behaviour around bedrock is particularly strange, I tried to emulate a design which involved killing the wither by suffocating it at the top of the Nether, it flew up and outside onto the top of the Nether....

Any system that involves living entities seems to go wrong fast, I tried using endermen to kill a wither and it just "floated" thru 4 layers of warded stone like they weren't even there.

My 2c on wither killing testing, use a solid bedrock testworld. My normal sandstone testworld looked like a swiss cheese after only a few escaped ones.

On an entirely different topic, I do have an idea for a build. BUT it does depend on yr attitude to using EE3 transmutation, as some people feel it is a sort of game exploit.
The Wither is a really hard mob to control, I don't know how it was coded, but it does seem to "cheat". It can go thru a 1x1 space when being passively attacked (eg suffocated) and can shoot thru solid bedrock to kill gloems etc. The Wither behaviour around bedrock is particularly strange, I tried to emulate a design which involved killing the wither by suffocating it at the top of the Nether, it flew up and outside onto the top of the Nether....

Any system that involves living entities seems to go wrong fast, I tried using endermen to kill a wither and it just "floated" thru 4 layers of warded stone like they weren't even there.

My 2c on wither killing testing, use a solid bedrock testworld. My normal sandstone testworld looked like a swiss cheese after only a few escaped ones.

On an entirely different topic, I do have an idea for a build. BUT it does depend on yr attitude to using EE3 transmutation, as some people feel it is a sort of game exploit.
No qualms about EE3 at all. I'm a person who really likes the transmutation system (and helped balance it when it first came out). What's your idea?
No qualms about EE3 at all. I'm a person who really likes the transmutation system (and helped balance it when it first came out). What's your idea?

I'll try to explain without too much rambling. I my SSP world I use a T5 enderman and witch spawner to provide resources. An ender spawner produces after trans. 8 diamonds per min / 32 gold / 256 iron or 128 ender pearls. Currently, I have a system using managers to resupply minium stones to the autocrafting tables so I toggle what to output from my simple system, iron, gold or diamonds.

I thought it would be an interesting idea if you could build a RP controlled system that would give you a "Managed" chest that would always have to hand a full selection of RP components (eg 64 pistons, 64 filters, sorting machines, wire, cable etc and LEVERS ofc) that would auto refill from "free" resources (tree farm, flax cap, spawners) Also using the P-stone+coal+iron trans you can get refined iron, opening up more complexity/possibilities. And whenever the system is full, the outputs from spawners etc can go to build up reserves in a "EMC dense form" like diamond blocks.

Really the sky is the limit in terms of complexity, the only downside is the level of resource gathering, I forgot to turn off my ender farm and found I had 150 stacks of diamonds, and a T5 witch spawner ( a pain to make ) means you will be drowning in redstone, glowstone and gunpowder and enough sticks to make levers for a lifetime of your LPs.

On a personal note, I would like to see anything that involves clever/complex use of managers. Also clever use of soul shards would be nice, as they are mainly being used as easy xp farms by most youtubers. I tried extremely hard to build a machine to kill withers using spawned mobs, unfortunately it was not to be.
I'll try to explain without too much rambling. I my SSP world I use a T5 enderman and witch spawner to provide resources. An ender spawner produces after trans. 8 diamonds per min / 32 gold / 256 iron or 128 ender pearls. Currently, I have a system using managers to resupply minium stones to the autocrafting tables so I toggle what to output from my simple system, iron, gold or diamonds.

I thought it would be an interesting idea if you could build a RP controlled system that would give you a "Managed" chest that would always have to hand a full selection of RP components (eg 64 pistons, 64 filters, sorting machines, wire, cable etc and LEVERS ofc) that would auto refill from "free" resources (tree farm, flax cap, spawners) Also using the P-stone+coal+iron trans you can get refined iron, opening up more complexity/possibilities. And whenever the system is full, the outputs from spawners etc can go to build up reserves in a "EMC dense form" like diamond blocks.

Really the sky is the limit in terms of complexity, the only downside is the level of resource gathering, I forgot to turn off my ender farm and found I had 150 stacks of diamonds, and a T5 witch spawner ( a pain to make ) means you will be drowning in redstone, glowstone and gunpowder and enough sticks to make levers for a lifetime of your LPs.

On a personal note, I would like to see anything that involves clever/complex use of managers. Also clever use of soul shards would be nice, as they are mainly being used as easy xp farms by most youtubers. I tried extremely hard to build a machine to kill withers using spawned mobs, unfortunately it was not to be.

I've definately got to mull that over a bit. The auto-transmutation up (perhaps on demand) is easy enough to handle, and likewise for the way down, as you undoubtably know.

Once again ... huh. I think I may be able to try to plan this out - will give me something to do in my 3 hour break tomorrow. It will be fun, though! Thanks for undoubtedly taking away my weekend! =P
I will save you some pain I went thru, managers don't like minium stone damage levels, so they need to be buffered from the system, otherwise (as happened to me), the second you get one tick of damage on them the manager will request another. I have a little isolation circuit if you need it, as having 5 managers backstuffed with a load of minium stones isn't much fun.
Just in the middle of watching your latest vid, as a mini project, you could build a wool trans, just connected to your flax cap, that will output whatever colours you need, or basic RPcc system to order a variety wools in different colours in different numbers.
Ok, I've recently started on the Item Craft-manager system. It isn't really that special, though it is rather late game. I am hoping that I can get a T5 enderman spawner ready for it, though that is going to require a bit of a battle royal in the End. Might film a mini-episode on that...

I've been thinking of a good way to devise the Minium circuit. I won't ask for the design that you made (no fun that way!), but it is certainly interesting...
i actually have 4 things to be addressed in this post so here they are.

1. a idea that i have been trying to figure out how to do is make computer craft computers talk to redpower computers. im trying to do this as it will enable many gui options, http calls so you could technically order stuff in-game from your phone, and the player detector to determine who is using your system if, say, you set up a public buy/sell system, that redpower computers cannot do. would ribon cables do anything?

2. in your sorting system/ auto crafter, i was wondering about items that make more than 1 item in recipes. say you want a 8 levers, but have no sticks (assume we have planks to simplify it). it will make 4 sticks for 2 planks, but does it know that? else it will make 32 sticks and have an over flow of them, which gets bad if you have it making more advanced stuff and it makes 27 semiconductors instead of 9. also what happens if you have 4 sticks but it needs 4 sticks, will it make 4 or 8 sticks?

3. could you make a way to add a thaumcraft auto depositor in a crucible if you ask it for, say, thaumium. but also add a way to give stuff thaumium elements in your sorter or a new room that holds a lot of thaum items that have only 1 element/many elements? not sure if i understand what im asking in this question....

4. could you have multiple of the auto crafters in parallel so if one is busy with a request it can switch to another?

great vids though, been watching for about a month now. hope you can implement some of this stuff!

i actually have 4 things to be addressed in this post so here they are.

1. a idea that i have been trying to figure out how to do is make computer craft computers talk to redpower computers. im trying to do this as it will enable many gui options, http calls so you could technically order stuff in-game from your phone, and the player detector to determine who is using your system if, say, you set up a public buy/sell system, that redpower computers cannot do. would ribon cables do anything?

2. in your sorting system/ auto crafter, i was wondering about items that make more than 1 item in recipes. say you want a 8 levers, but have no sticks (assume we have planks to simplify it). it will make 4 sticks for 2 planks, but does it know that? else it will make 32 sticks and have an over flow of them, which gets bad if you have it making more advanced stuff and it makes 27 semiconductors instead of 9. also what happens if you have 4 sticks but it needs 4 sticks, will it make 4 or 8 sticks?

3. could you make a way to add a thaumcraft auto depositor in a crucible if you ask it for, say, thaumium. but also add a way to give stuff thaumium elements in your sorter or a new room that holds a lot of thaum items that have only 1 element/many elements? not sure if i understand what im asking in this question....

4. could you have multiple of the auto crafters in parallel so if one is busy with a request it can switch to another?

great vids though, been watching for about a month now. hope you can implement some of this stuff!


Ok, I'll try to tackle most of this stuff one-by-one.

1. It is feasible, that is true. The main part is that I am not too familiar with how CC computers work (I am not an expert at LUA), but if one were to say want 40 pistons, you could have the computer light up a few bundled cables: one for the item itself, one for the number of items, and one for the computer that is to be sent to (and for determining when it is done). A buy/sell system could be done easily enough, but would require the previous thing to work. Also, a simple array on the CC computer to contain how much, for instance, EMC the item is worth, and all that juicy stuff.

2. Funny you should ask, because the autocrafter currently acts recursively. The recipe for the item contains each component item, as well as how many the recipe outputs. So, it would show it needs two planks, yet would output 4 sticks. It also has a rounding feature that rounds up to the next set of, in this case, 4. Also, it acts recursively, because in addition to the two unique IDs, each item stores the crafting recipe, if applicable, to the item. So, the piston item would be able to look up its recipe. So, if you ask for 9 semiconductors, you will get those 9 if you have, in sum, the ingredients needed.

3. The thaumcraft thing would be best done with vials, since there aren't many single aspect items. I really don't know if there would be either a) a simple way to do this, or b) a sane way to do this. It still requires the user's input for the casting, so it may just be moot. Perhaps this is best solved by having the auto-requesting module in the system be set for each vial of essences, and have the user determine what is safe.

4. This is the one that I am striving to try to accomplish. Because of the complexity involved with controlling multiple processes, it may become very difficult in determining if everything has been crafted to the highest quality. Perhaps I could get some sort of array list that somehow checks if a crafter is free (might need some detector on each stamper for a R.S. input to see if stuff is still in the machine), and if something needs to be crafted it checks if each of the things is done.

For now, I think my recursive crafter is good enough, as it can handle most of the major bumps in the road - albeit it could be considered slow, it more than makes up for itself in versatility. The last point I'll need to think if it is even possible to run even two machines at once, but we'll see what happens. Perhaps the R.S. networking can come into play...
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Ok, thanks for your thoughts. for the cc>redpower computers i was thinking close to that but i could use some colored redwire as there is a colored redwire api on cc computers.also, i was thinking of using the EMC values as the price, but some prices will have to be adjusted for the mod pack as some stuff is less/more rare now/doesn't have a price, plus some increase/decrease in price for the amount in storage.

Also, i'm working some numbers with nuke gens now for power, you may be able to get a huge increase in power.

And for a omni-bore i think you will have to have it so the bore heads go out of the middle frame then sideways to mine away enough space for the rest of the machine, maybe by breaking a frame, moving out the sides, then placing a frame.
how about making this:
a giant frame base (requires edit of config or multiple sections). it will be self fueling, with the ability to dig into the ground to hide. also come up with a way to detect rain, witch will cause lightning rods to be extended from the ship's hull to gain EU/MJ. also will have an auto-crafter to make any item the player wishes. find a way to move the thing across dimensions to make it be like the Odyssey that appeared over Atlantis that was from another dimension. make all the lights and non-machine blocks be from xycraft. also add an aura manipulator to move a giant pure node along with the ship to do thuamcraft.
you did say nothing was to big. i myself have started making something similar to this but am stuck on how to do some of it. interested to see this with a world dowload or even a video of it
thank you.
edit: cross-dimension travel is option...I really want to see what you come up with[DOUBLEPOST=1361682144][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok, thanks for your thoughts. for the cc>redpower computers i was thinking close to that but i could use some colored redwire as there is a colored redwire api on cc computers.also, i was thinking of using the EMC values as the price, but some prices will have to be adjusted for the mod pack as some stuff is less/more rare now/doesn't have a price, plus some increase/decrease in price for the amount in storage.

Also, i'm working some numbers with nuke gens now for power, you may be able to get a huge increase in power.

And for a omni-bore i think you will have to have it so the bore heads go out of the middle frame then sideways to mine away enough space for the rest of the machine, maybe by breaking a frame, moving out the sides, then placing a frame.
off topic: exo, your sig is the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
edit: cross-dimension travel is option...I really want to see what you come up with[DOUBLEPOST=1361682144][/DOUBLEPOST]
off topic: exo, your sig is the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
I don't know if cross-dimensional travel is possible... The only possibility (and I do mean possibility) is constructing a prism using crystals and then moving the base while inside it. Also, it may just crash. I could fashion a mystcraft nexus on the ship, and have it as a base that you can go to any location you want, but it will require testing.