Bwahahaha! I shall keep this thread alive to the end!
on to busyness (not misspelled), how about creating a prank for GenerikB or Zisteau? (from the mindcrack server, if people don't know about them, where have you been?)
PLOT: zisteau is making a hidden base. generikb is runing around looking for a thaumcraft node to blow up (rejuvenating princess) and finds burnt/cut trees. as the trees are QUITE a ways away from spawn, looks around and finds his base. zisteau was warding up his base but had not finished the whole area yet. generikb finds a way in and faced (yes, faced, not defaced, he made his face on the inside of zisteaus walls) his base and demands emeralds. zisteau then hides some howler alarms in generikbs base as a mini prank, and finishes enclosing his base plus netherportal proofing his base. how about some pranks for them to play on each other as they have declared a prank war? (ps, generikb likes noise pranks, zisteau likes fire, lava, and explody things, but the rules are no greifing (like, nuking there base) no tnt that could go off (or applicable item) deaths are good, and cleanup time is usually a good thing. pss, the bigger the better.