Unsupported Unleashed 1.5.2 Bug Reporting

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Says "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." What's up with that? I wanted to go over the old known bugs with the 1.3 / 1.4 ect versions to compair and contrast them as my world is still 1.2 and I'm looking at upgrading but I don't feel confident in doing that w/o knowing the bugs present in each version and picking which personally effects me the least. Any help on how I can see the old posts and lists of bugs that have disapeared from the fourms since I last checked here?
Since that was posted, the mod pack bug section has moved and changed. All bugs are now to be reported on one thread for the mod pack.
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6
Mod and Version: Advanced Solar Panels 3.3.7
Crash report: http://pastebin.com/C1yfmeez
What's the bug: Chunk with solar panel in it resets on server reload. The first time it happened I thought it might be the solar panel, but I just restored from a backup. Then we put a solar panel in a different chunk and when the server restarted - chunk reset. Removing the solar panel in MCedit seems to have fixed things, so I am 99% sure the solar panel is the culprit. Is it the solar panel and the chunk loader? The fact that there are multiple IC2 networks in the loaded chunks? IDK. What do you think?

Can it be repeated: I am pretty sure. It seems that every time we place a solar panel in our base (which is loaded by a chickenchunks chunk loader) the chunk containing the solar panel resets. Not all of the chunks loaded by the chunk loader reset, just the one with the solar panel in it.

Known fix: Don't use solar panels :cool:
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version:
Not even sure... I wanna say Tinkers Construct or Natura
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/2FrviFiS
Whats the bug? Just look anywhere certain to the west (I believe) and the whole thing crashes.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: No
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.5.2
Mod & Version: Tinkers' Construct and Industrial Craft 2
Whats the bug? If you add the electric modifier to any tool using a fully charged battery you get a tool that's charge never goes down.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: None
ModPack: Unleashed 1.1.3, 1.1.4
Mod & Version: Xeno's reliquary
Whats the bug? if i place seeds anywhere next to another one with lily pads of fertility next to it as well, all seeds next to them pop off and sometimes the seed itself doesn't go back into your inventory so...
Can it be repeated: yes
Known fix: None that i could find on the internet
ModPack: Unleashed All Releases
Mod & Version: Natura
Whats the bug? When placing half slabs from Natura woods, once retrieved the slabs turn to Eucalyptus regardless of the starting type.
Can it be repeated: yes
Known fix: None Available
Extra Information: All Natura slabs share a common ID without a displayed meta ID. The slabs can be removed by any means, including a single punch.

((Non-related note, I am also attempting to find a place to report this bug to the developer.))

Second Edit, follow up:

I actually reported this bug to the project developers. Their reply was:
Report FTB pack issues to the Modpack Bugs forum on the FTB website.

Does this mean that the FTB staff is/will be fixing bugs of this type?
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Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash
Whats the bug? Last 3 inventory slots in the Cyclic Assembler will not accept input items.
Can it be repeated? Easily try filling a Cyclic Assembler's inventory with hoppers or pipes.
Known Fix: Not a great one, Auto Crafting Table will not accept items like Minium Stones and Missile Modules.

I assumed the last 3 slots were kept free of the item that was filling up the inventory to allow the input of other ingredients as they became available. Sadly this is not the case.

I guess I am just not good enough yet at modded minecraft to work around this, Im sure there is a way to manage the item distribution better but I cant do it as of yet. Pls dont scream at me to use Logistics Pipes or ME or whatever.
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: Unleashed 1.1.3/Forestry
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug?: Well, The Synthesizer and the Isolator and the Purifier all have 0/0 MJ Bars. This makes the process very slow.
Heres a screenshot i took in the synthesizer.

Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.5.2
Mod & Version: No idea
What is the bug: Unleashed runs the start process, gets up to the White Mojang screen and then goes back to the launcher.
FTBLauncherLog.txt is attached.


Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: 1.7 though 1.6 does the same, haven't tried others
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/29NcpjAK
Whats the bug? Crash upon startup
Can it be repeated? Yes. Keeps doing the same thing.
Known Fix: NOTHING! I have tried all day ;-;
Mod pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: Unknown
Pastebin link to crash log: no log
Whats the bug? Sending (C) failprone22.tcn to explosivelego, ending (C) failprone22.tcn to explosivelego, etc. is appearing in the console along with extreme lag for just the players mentioned in the message (like 10-30 second block lag)
Can it be repeated? Not sure, it may be able to if you need more help just contact me.
Known fix: none
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: Forge?
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/qcsZ92zG
Whats the bug? Crashes on startup before mojang screen is shown
Can it be repeated? Run it in linux with oracle java 7 or openjdk java 7. It works in version 6 openjdk untested in other versions
Known fix: use openjdk java 6
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: ?????
Whats the Bug: The bug is when i try to connect to servers it comes up with Failed: Bad login and i have tried 3 different servers.
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: 1.1.3

Machine's textures are still rotating (default textures too)
How to fix that?
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Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3
Mod & Version: Tinkers' Construct default 1.1.3 version
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/4fjTeAd8
Whats the bug?: The GUI in the smeltery doesn't automatically re-adjust the sizes of liquids. I saw this, then when more items were added to the smeltery, you look into it and the game immediately crashes.
Can it be repeated?: Yes just by looking into the smeltery.
Known Fix: Either destroy then replace the smeltery controller or drain the smeltery through the faucets.
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Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3
Mod & Version: Andrew2448's Modular Powersuits Addon
Launcher version: 1.3.2
Pastebin link to crash log:No crash log, just the console output in debug mode http://pastebin.com/Qia8V9Ty
Whats the bug?: Incremental lag while using powered tools with the power armor. It starts slowly, then builds up to massive lag after some 20 or so stacks of items get broken up. without breaking anything I have about 30% CPU usage, after that it builds up to 90 98% usage. I found out that the culprit was my Powered Armor from the Modular Powersuits Addon. Whenever I break one block, about 60 lines of errors will get outputted into the console.
Mod pack: Unleashed 1.1.3
Mod & version: Nuclear control (default version in unleashed)
What's the bug?: server crash while ticking tile entity
Can it be repeated?: Yes, just do what a player on my server did to the info panel (not sure what, let me know if you need me to gather more information)
Pastebin log:http://pastebin.com/YpmgYCxp
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.7
Mod & version: Unknown
What's the bug?: Baby pigs riding chikens falling from the sky, impossible to kill, explosion particles appear when they hit the ground.
Can it be repeated?: Happens on each world, all the time.
Pastebin log: http://pastebin.com/vSYQKSAU
Known fix: None.
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