Unsupported Unleashed 1.5.2 Bug Reporting

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Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion & BuildCraft 3.7.2 (35)
Pastebin link to crash log: Item Cooperation Bug
Whats the bug?
This bug is so cute it just needs to be shared and reported. Build yourself a water source block pool, place an Aqueous Accumulator in a source block of water atleast one block away and one block below a Pump. The Pump will CONSUME the Aqueous Accumulator during it's normal random water source block gathering. The Aqueous Accumulator is collected as a single bucket of water with no item ejected effectively losing the Aqueous Accumulator.
Can it be repeated? Yes, follow the above instructions and grab some popcorn.
Known Fix: This may or may not be related to Feed The Beast per-se but it's fun and I was using FTB when I found it. Enjoy.
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Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3

Mod & Version:All mods in enabled + All mods in disabled except Death Timer, Reliquary, and vending.

Pastebin link to crash log:No crash, just a glitch.

Whats the bug? Infinite stone. I've found in a zombie dungeon a block of stone that can be placed like in creative and can be used to put in more stone

Can it be repeated? Infinite.

Known Fix: Lava
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Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3

Mod & Version: All mods in enabled.

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/MLN3xgBw

Bug: This bug is being experienced by people who try Feed the Beast for the first time in order to connect to my server. In this particular instance, it looks like MFFS is causing some sort of loading crash because people can't even get to the main menu of the game. Their game just crashes whilst loading.

Can it be repeated: Not exactly sure, as I don't have any issues whatsoever.

Known fix: Unknown
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6

Mod & Version: All mods in enabled except Hats, Hatstand and vending

Bug: Force Wrench not craftable.

Known fix: Unknown
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6
Mod & Version: All Mods Enabled except Default Disabled
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/F06NNCTy
Whats the bug?: When trying to increase Music or Sound (Sound used in crash log), the game hangs for 1 second then crashes. By default both Music and Sound are set to OFF. Changing the Options to replicate changing it in-game achieves the same result
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6
Mod & Version: Applied Energistics rv12.b
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug?: I set up a pair of linked Quantum Field Rings. Both rings and the ME Controller are fully powered. Autocrafting is on controller side, storage and everything else is on the other side. I have both sides chunkloaded. When I update the AE system on the side without the controller (by connecting a cable), It loses connection to the controller until I update the side with the controller. I can always access everything from the side with the controller, though.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown
oh oki , didn't know its gone, multifarm MFR tree farm , hope there are tutorials around ^^

thanks for the answer
as of first i'm gonna say that i am not sure it is a bug. maybe it changed in config or maybe intended to do, but never seen or heard it before so here i go.

Mod Pack: Unleashed v 1.1.6
Mod & Version: Railcraft (forgot to see for version)
Pastebin link to crash log: not a crash
Whats the bug? when using the feed station it makes more animals then before (having it with pigs now, not sure with other animals), i had 2 pigs and threw in 20 carrots, so i could breed 10 pigs, after a while i still had 8 carrots left in the feed station and my pigpen (a decend 11*11) was bursting of the pigs that spawned in there. So i was thinking i maybe threw in too much, 2nd time i did 10 carrots. Again the pigs where bursting out of the pen. Last time i did 4 carrots and kept an eye on the farm, it only used 1 carrot and it spawned 2 baby pigs (so 1 for 2 ???) the 2nd carrot that has been used (an other pig got those hearts above his head) spawned in 5 baby pigs, YES CORRECT FIVE BABY PIGS (?????) so i had 7 baby pigs with only 2 carrots. the pigs weren't even "breeding" but just eating a carrot and spawning in baby pigs.
Can it be repeated? yes constantly
Known Fix: as i acctually not had tested some fixes i don't know.

Mod Pack: Unleashed
Mod & Version: Nuclear Control 1.5.1c
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/Z6jTF4Yb
Whats the bug?: Placing an Information Panel Extender next to an Industrial Information Panel over a chunk boundary will crash the server
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Fixed in Nuclear Control 1.5.1e
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.6
Mod & Version: Forestry A-, I guess
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? Usually Holly stairs are white but if you place them, they change their color to some kind of orange wood. Breaking them will drop the white stairs again. (screenshot) This also effects Brazilwood stairs (they're purple).
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: -
Mod Pack: Unleashed (v.1.1.3)
Mod & Version: Voxelmap 1.5.2 (u88)
Pastebin link to crash log: n/a
Whats the bug? Waypoint being dozens of blocks off-course.
Can it be repeated? All the time.
Known Fix: None that I know.

When I go the the Nether and create a waypoint, it's always shows incorrect coordinates. When I change them to the point I'm standing at, they always go to the original one crated...which is the incorrect one.

For example: As soon as I go into the waypoint gui, it shows my coordinates as x=224, z=112, y=123. Where I'm actually standing is x=28, z=14, y=124.

Changing those coordinates doesn't work at all, and neither does changing in which world it's shown.

Is there a newer version of the pack?
Mod Pack: Unleashed (v1.1.3)
Mod & Version: ChickenChunks v1.3.2.14
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/j5LjEKwP
Whats the bug? Game freezes up randomly after filling resources
Can it be repeated? Yes, Every time
Known Fix: Remove the mod file "ChickenChunks" while the server is down then start it up again, no need to start a new world, old ones will still work fine.
If people can report what's still broken from the 1.1.4 list

Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3 thru to 1.1.6
Mod & Version:MFFS_Cal_v3.1.0.175
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/mA8wrRMP
Whats the bug?
When players die in force fields created from block 1684 of all types. Server crash's This bug did happen in 1.1.3 thru to 1.1.5 but would just lock up the server indefinitely rather than crash it. To reproduce the bug set up a mffs projector system with any projection and have it genirate on a player.
Can be server breakeing if it occurs at spawn or on a players bed/log in point.
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix:None
Vauthil said:
If people can report what's still broken from the 1.1.4 list
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.1.3
Mod & Version: Dartcraft or Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash, but I hope this can be a heads up for other admins who experience the same.
Whats the bug?
Placing a Thermal Expansion machine that outputs items, with the output pointing towards a Force Infuser, will cause the server console to be spammed with "[INFO] Side: 2" (Or the side you are pointing it to) once every tick.
Can it be repeated?
Yes, removing the machine and redoing it will repeat it.
Known Fix:
Don't point the output towards a Force Infuser, and it will stop spamming, but it's easy for players to accidentally set the output to something random if they don't care about the output(As happened on my server)

Still present in 1.1.6


Mod Pack: Unleashed v1.1.3

Mod & Version: Thaumcraft 3.0.5h + IC2 1.116.364-lf
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/XSzSvkqR
Whats the bug? If a stone golem(smart) or a clay golem(smart) is used to feed a generator with fuel and is unable to add more to the generator the game crashes. The clay golem causes a crash on startup and the initial crash. This has been tested in both SSP and SMP.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: Use pipes instead.
New crash report http://pastebin.com/XKG6ymj0 This bug now also makes the world unusable if the golem cant be killed fast enough.


Modpack: Unleashed 1.1.3 (minecraft 1.5.2)
Mod & Version IC2 (-2_1.116.364-lf)
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Ga16wY6M
Whats the bug:
Just place a Compressor next to a Pump (to compress water coming from miner into snowballs)
This will break the map, and the server cant be restarted

New paste still Present in 1.1.6:http://pastebin.com/TNHJSbWm

Vauthil said:
I run on a toaster, crash bugs = many long restarts

This is why you dont buy toasters from tescos. Mines a russell hobbs toaster and can cook 2 whole slices more than yours.

Ive now retested all 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 bugs and reposted ones that are still present.
Wheres my cookie?
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This thread is for bugs in 1.1.6. Please replicate this bug in version 1.1.6.
Oh crap I over-read that...sorry :( But on the brighter side thanks for notifying me of the update! I did not realize Unleashed had updated from 1.1.3 (I feel like I've been under a rock...)
Mod Pack: Unleashed 1.5.2
Mod & Version: No third party mods. All default mods enabled except these disabled mods: Biomes O Plenty, Death Timer, EnchantingPlus, Hats, HatStand, NetherOres, PowerConverters, Reliquary, vending
Pastebin link to crash log: no link to paste; screen freezes
Whats the bug? During daytime, when celebratory bees are mating, and fireworks go off, I can barely move or type. I've tried changing different particle settings & my screen would still freeze. (I have 12gb of memory and 1gb ATI Radeon HD 4650 video card)
Can it be repeated? Yes. If I'm able to type during the lag/freeze, I'll teleport to another location & my game will begin running normally; no freezes. If I go /back the freezing will start again. I've tried this at two locations. The current location is an island only I reside on. My character also wears power armor helmet/gravichest and quantum pants/shoes.
Known Fix: N/A
Mod Pack: Unleashed (known versions) 1.1.3, 1.1.6, 1.1.7
Mod & Version:
Tinker's Construct (Standard version for each respective pack version)
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/7GZy5SeF
Whats the bug? Some block from Tinker's Construct don't necessarily like being at Y-Level: 0. It seems like it's only the items with "Seared" in the name (i.e. Seared Bricks). I was just messing around in creative mode when I discovered the bug trying to place Seared Bricks at Y-Level: 0. The only blocks I've tested this with (that made it crashed) are: Seared Bricks, Seared Cobblestone, and Seared Window - This is why I assume it's just the "Seared" items. I've also tried with the different "Fancy" blocks, the pattern chest, the the different tool forges, the stencil table, and a few others, but they didn't crash it. The PasteBin links to the crash from the Seared Cobblestone.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: No known fix
First: 1.1.4 thread isn't deleted, you can still see it in the forum, right here.

Second: slowpoke doesn't maintain that list (he has more urgent and pressing things to occupy his time/mind), I do. Carrying stuff over that isn't fixed, first of all, requires checking to see if it is or isn't fixed. I haven't had the time/inclination this week to chase all the old issues and replicate them on 1.1.6 so a Known Issues List can be provided (and I didn't touch 1.1.5 because of the carry-over of big ticket 1.1.4 issues that 1.1.6 addresses). If people can report what's still broken from the 1.1.4 list, I will happily oblige in compiling the list with that assistance as doing it myself is a process that often takes hours, depending on how many crash bugs are lingering (I run on a toaster, crash bugs = many long restarts). My personal attention right now is tuned towards things that pay my bills, however, so my personal corroboration's going to take a while.

Says "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." What's up with that? I wanted to go over the old known bugs with the 1.3 / 1.4 ect versions to compair and contrast them as my world is still 1.2 and I'm looking at upgrading but I don't feel confident in doing that w/o knowing the bugs present in each version and picking which personally effects me the least. Any help on how I can see the old posts and lists of bugs that have disapeared from the fourms since I last checked here?
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