Why would you do that instead of growing rubber trees (preferably in a MFR planter/harvester/fertilizer setup) and centrifuging the wood for plantballs, more resin than your sawmill and methane. You can then centrifuge the resin again if you're so inclined.
Because that centrifuge recipe requires 16 blocks of rubber wood to make, and gives you;
1 methane (45,000 EU)
8 sticky resin (28 rubber (3.5 scrap on average) 4 plantballs (24,000EU))
6 plantballs (36,000 EU in IC2 biofuel)
4 carbon (net total of about 20,000 EU each, so 80,000 EU total)
Which is a grand total of 185,000 EU per 16 blocks of wood.
And, mind you, this requires completely dedicated compressors, canning machines, extractors, diesel generators, gas turbines, chemical combiners, and industrial electrolyzers.
(I also did not factor in EU costs for anything other then the carbon cells, either)
However, with
GREGTECH sawmills, you get 16 sawdust and 1 sticky resin per log, at the cost of 6,400 EU. Compressing 8 sawdust gives you a wood plates, which is basically charcoal for all burny purposes. This means that, even if all you did was chuck the wood plates into generators (which is the most inefficient thing you could possibly do, except maybe burn the sawdust directly) you would still get a profit of 1,600 EU per log, not including the .5 plantballs (which is something around 3,000 more EU) and 3.5 scrap from the sticky resin.
All while requiring sawmills, generators, compressors, canning machines, extractors, and diesel generators.
Burning the wood plates in a max-sized full-heat steam boiler, meanwhile, (like a sensible human being) would yield 28800 MJ. I can't remember exactly what the conversion ratio is for the magma crucibles > thermal gen conversion method is, but I do know that using lava fabricators instead would yield 36,000 EU, per log, not including the biofuel. Which makes it about 39,000 EU per log.
Multiply this by 16, and you get 624,000 EU this way, as opposed to 185,000 EU by simply centrifuging.
MFR has this automated fishing machine.
fish --> centrifuge --> methane --> gas turbine or boiler --> ??? --> profit
MFR fisheries are too energy-intensive for that to be profitable. You end up loosing energy in the end.