Whitelist Server Triple Nation | MindCrack | Whitelist | 16+ | TS3 | Plugins | Dedicated Server

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: SteamyShiner
Age: 16
New to mods: Yes - I'm not completely clueless thanks to youtube LPs, but I've never played on any technical packs for very long.
About yourself: I've been playing MC for a long time. I got bored of SSP very quickly, and bored of vanilla SMP not long after. I went through a phase of developing and administrating servers, I never really looked into game-changing mods (not even game changing Bukkit+ plugins) but youtube has made me want to play FTB. I love technical stuff, but I'm not obsessed with efficiency, and FTB looks like a whole lot of fun. I intend to work towards making a fireworks factory. Cause fireworks are great.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, I'm sure I'll be able to hop on most of the time. And when I'm not, I'm fairly talkative with in-game chat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: cgags11
Age: 16
New to mods: No
About yourself: i like to play pc games and i am also play sports :D
Will you be on our teamspeak?: maybe, depends on my mood


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: jrabb1t
Age: 23
New to mods: Yes / [No]
About yourself: Hello I am just looking to meet some people to have fun playing minecraft with! You will get to know me if I am accepted
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, I have to go buy another mic though i am looking for a nice one


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: SteamyShiner
Age: 16
New to mods: Yes - I'm not completely clueless thanks to youtube LPs, but I've never played on any technical packs for very long.
About yourself: I've been playing MC for a long time. I got bored of SSP very quickly, and bored of vanilla SMP not long after. I went through a phase of developing and administrating servers, I never really looked into game-changing mods (not even game changing Bukkit+ plugins) but youtube has made me want to play FTB. I love technical stuff, but I'm not obsessed with efficiency, and FTB looks like a whole lot of fun. I intend to work towards making a fireworks factory. Cause fireworks are great.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, I'm sure I'll be able to hop on most of the time. And when I'm not, I'm fairly talkative with in-game chat.

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.

In Game Name: cgags11
Age: 16
New to mods: No
About yourself: i like to play pc games and i am also play sports :D
Will you be on our teamspeak?: maybe, depends on my mood

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.

In Game Name: jrabb1t
Age: 23
New to mods: Yes / [No]
About yourself: Hello I am just looking to meet some people to have fun playing minecraft with! You will get to know me if I am accepted
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, I have to go buy another mic though i am looking for a nice one

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Raph300852
Age: 14, 15 in 13 days
New to mods: Yes / No: No
About yourself: I like to show off my work and have a good time. American live in California, Well Behaved
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, most defiantly


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Yellowbobby
Age: 19 years old
New to mods: No
About yourself: Hey everyone ! Im a french canadian, i've been playing FTB for a few months I really enjoy it. I try my best to speak adequatly so you guys can understand me since english isn't my first language.
Will you be on our teamspeak?:
I'd rather not be, but if you really want me to, I could!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Yellowbobby
Age: 19 years old
New to mods: No
About yourself: Hey everyone ! Im a french canadian, i've been playing FTB for a few months I really enjoy it. I try my best to speak adequatly so you guys can understand me since english isn't my first language.
Will you be on our teamspeak?:
I'd rather not be, but if you really want me to, I could!

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: BR1212
Age: 20
New to mods: Been messing around with FTB for a month or two now, but no definitely no expert.
About yourself: love Minecraft, been playing vanilla for over a year now and have recently gotten into FTB. I've been playing Minecraft with Plasma_elf for a long time and would like to play some FTB with him again, was recently playing with him and Eisregen on another server but it unfortunately shut down.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: I don't have it or a mic so probably not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: BR1212
Age: 20
New to mods: Been messing around with FTB for a month or two now, but no definitely no expert.
About yourself: love Minecraft, been playing vanilla for over a year now and have recently gotten into FTB. I've been playing Minecraft with Plasma_elf for a long time and would like to play some FTB with him again, was recently playing with him and Eisregen on another server but it unfortunately shut down.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: I don't have it or a mic so probably not.

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: subzero1992
Age: 21
New to mods: No
About yourself: I play sports, and game alot :p I prefer FTB, and also play eve-online. I like to play with other peaple, that is the main reason for me.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, the moment i will log in


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: subzero1992
Age: 21
New to mods: No
About yourself: I play sports, and game alot :p I prefer FTB, and also play eve-online. I like to play with other peaple, that is the main reason for me.
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes, the moment i will log in

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: jverge
Age: 17
New to mods: Yes(but i do know some)
About Myself: Hi! i'm 17 years old, I'm from China, but currently living in Maryland. I started playing FTB when I was watching VincentBeef's video on Youtube, he was the one who inspired me to try out feed the beast and now i'm enjoying it very much. I wanted to join your server is because, first it seem that you have a friendly yet mature group of people on your server and also, i wanted to join the server because of no greifing and raiding. Every non-whitelisted FTB server i joined i always get raided or griefed. So hopefully you'll accept me to your server. Thanks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: jverge
Age: 17
New to mods: Yes(but i do know some)
About Myself: Hi! i'm 17 years old, I'm from China, but currently living in Maryland. I started playing FTB when I was watching VincentBeef's video on Youtube, he was the one who inspired me to try out feed the beast and now i'm enjoying it very much. I wanted to join your server is because, first it seem that you have a friendly yet mature group of people on your server and also, i wanted to join the server because of no greifing and raiding. Every non-whitelisted FTB server i joined i always get raided or griefed. So hopefully you'll accept me to your server. Thanks

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.

Gregory Carter

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Cozzmolot
Age: 27
New to mods: No
About yourself: Below
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes

I have been playing Minecraft for about 1 Year
I have been playing Feed the Beast for 5 months now

So, for basic answers to the questions, there you have it. I am leaving my current server MindFunk due to them recently changing over to the Ultimate pack and I am honestly just not a big fan. I find that there is already so much stuff to do in just Mindcrack pack that the Ultimate pack is really just not necessary. One thing I am trying to get better at is essentially "building". Anyone can build machine X,Y,Z and make stuff, but what I really enjoy about minecraft is looking at someones build and saying "Wow!"
I would say I like TE so much due to being able to get the machines up and running pretty fast. I also like how they are able to auto-push items into adjacent machines etc. As far as Forestry, I like how easy it is to be able to "set it and forget it" as far as the farms go, however I know they are getting rid of that. So I plan on going to a Steve's Carts setup, or maybe even an old school redstone farm seeing as you can do all kinds of neat stuff now with vanilla machines which I find has a certain charm to it. My first FTB experience was in single player and I learned all about IC2 so I am well versed in IC2 as well, but lets be honest, its not that hard. I also would like to really get into some computer craft after seeing how amazing some of that stuff can be, i.e. GuudeBoulderfist. Also, ThaumCraft is awesome!
I may start some sort of let's play as well on the server, but I am not really sure how I would do it or if people would even be interested in watching, but who knows.
About me: 27 years old. In the US Navy, I am enlisted ET Nuke, i.e. a Reactor Operator. Live in Charleston, SC where the weather is so nice most of the time, and I also enjoy going to the gym, and training for triathlons. Of course what American doesn't like some TV so there are some shows I like to follow as well.
Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Cozzmolot - Greg


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Cozzmolot
Age: 27
New to mods: No
About yourself: Below
Will you be on our teamspeak?: Yes

I have been playing Minecraft for about 1 Year
I have been playing Feed the Beast for 5 months now

So, for basic answers to the questions, there you have it. I am leaving my current server MindFunk due to them recently changing over to the Ultimate pack and I am honestly just not a big fan. I find that there is already so much stuff to do in just Mindcrack pack that the Ultimate pack is really just not necessary. One thing I am trying to get better at is essentially "building". Anyone can build machine X,Y,Z and make stuff, but what I really enjoy about minecraft is looking at someones build and saying "Wow!"
I would say I like TE so much due to being able to get the machines up and running pretty fast. I also like how they are able to auto-push items into adjacent machines etc. As far as Forestry, I like how easy it is to be able to "set it and forget it" as far as the farms go, however I know they are getting rid of that. So I plan on going to a Steve's Carts setup, or maybe even an old school redstone farm seeing as you can do all kinds of neat stuff now with vanilla machines which I find has a certain charm to it. My first FTB experience was in single player and I learned all about IC2 so I am well versed in IC2 as well, but lets be honest, its not that hard. I also would like to really get into some computer craft after seeing how amazing some of that stuff can be, i.e. GuudeBoulderfist. Also, ThaumCraft is awesome!
I may start some sort of let's play as well on the server, but I am not really sure how I would do it or if people would even be interested in watching, but who knows.
About me: 27 years old. In the US Navy, I am enlisted ET Nuke, i.e. a Reactor Operator. Live in Charleston, SC where the weather is so nice most of the time, and I also enjoy going to the gym, and training for triathlons. Of course what American doesn't like some TV so there are some shows I like to follow as well.
Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Cozzmolot - Greg

Whitelisted. Please join the server and our Teamspeak 3 channel to find out more information.