Sorry Tarvon but the age limit for the server is 16+.
Applications are still open!

Sorry Tarvon but the age limit for the server is 16+.
Applications are still open!
In Game Name: benvicktor
Age: 21
New to mods: No
About yourself: Well I've been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.7.3 and ever since then I've been addicted. My first mod I ever installed was The Aether mod and it quickly escalated after that.
I'm just looking for a good FTB server so I can enjoy it without worrying about griefers or anything.
Edit: I should also add I've never been banned before.
In Game Name: FijianMamba
Age: 16
New to mods: No
About yourself: I am a 16 year old Canadian who loves to play games. I play all types but I love Minecraft and games like it the most. I love to work with machines and I like having a great community to play with. I hope I get accepted and thanks for reading
In Game Name: Travno
Age: 16
New to mods: No i play Mindcrack mod pack about 1 month.
About yourself: My real name is Victor, im 16 years old and i live in Greece. I play Minecraft about 3 months now and 1 month FTB, i have enought experience and i search for a good ftb server enought time so hope to accept me.
In Game Name: Drame123
Age: 19
New to mods: not even close, played alot of mods for a long time
About yourself: I'm a builder who loves to play with systems and I'm looking for a stable server with fun people where i can build safely without fear of the enviorment being totally ruined by grief / oversaturation or overly frequent server resets.
In Game Name: TheCuddler
Age: 20
New to mods: Kind of. I used to play Tekkit, and am a bit familiar with IC and RP, but things like TC and a lot of other mods, I'm not.
About yourself: Just a gamer. I tried to start a small Voltz server with some friends, then realized I really want the customizability and flexibility of something like Tekkit. I heard people raging about FTB so I decided to check it out and I love what it brings to the table! I'm looking to get involved with a smaller community where we can help each other out and work together. This server looks perfect!
In Game Name: Mathazad
Age: 16
New to mods: Yes - I've played tekkit for a long time, so feed the beast wasn't a massive upgrade for me.. I've been learning the newer mods pretty easy though.
About yourself:
Hello, I come from a small city in Australia around an hour south of Sydney, I've been playing minecraft for a long time now, probably going on around 3 years. I have been around for a lot of the mod packs that have come out, like the Better Then Wolves mod pack way back in beta. I generally prefer vanilla minecraft as it's really relaxing for me, however I enjoy the new found challenge of FTB. I'm just looking to have a new start and a bit of fun on a server![]()
In Game Name: phil92
Age: 20
New to mods: No
About yourself: Well im a friendly mature gamer from germany, my recent server closed so im looking for a new one to start all over again and use my new experience from my sp world.
I love to play FTB because of the variety of possibilities you have in the game, as soon as one mod gets boring you can start catching up progress on another..this really motivates me again and again.
Hope i can join, have a nice day.
In Game Name: TheRealSamShady
New to mods: No
About yourself: I'm a casual FTB player from the UK, while I'm not the most experienced with every single mod in the pack, i have the willingness and the gumption (Big words included) to learn quickly. I've been looking for a mature PvE community for a while, and what really stood out to me was the whole 'Keep pranking funny but sensible.' i really love the idea of a community trusting its members to be able to have a joke with each other in a sensible way, this kind of trust always stands out to me, rather than the server Hunkering down with all sorts of crazy protections that stop the members even playing near each other haha.
Oh and another thing, I LOVE TO BUILD. the application of all the new blocks really inspired me (I'm currently studying architecture at college), i took the liberty of adding a few pictures, i know you must get a lot of these generic responses so i thought I'd spice it up a little.
Here is an Evil Thaumcraft fortress that i built around a volcano:
Floor Shot.
Air Shot.
Jungle Shot.
I'll also probably be on TeamSpeak within the next few moments,
thank you for taking the time to read this - Sam
Thanks for whitelist me, but i forgot an "i" in my name, my actual ig name is phili92. Would be awesome if you can change that![]()