Trials of Murder [GAME THREAD]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I'm... interested to see what case the town makes against goreae today as I didn't really have him as a high scumspect. But, maybe it's because I have a different perspective on the matter.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
You gathered in the court. Today, you deemed dragon guilty. You're not very good with this whole power roles thing are you? RJS and Goreae were dragged up to the stand, and fowltief was missing.

You found dragon_fang101 guilty!
He was the bodyguard!
Fowltief was killed!
He was a villager!
RJS and Goreae are now on trial!
Hah what a total clusterfuck last night. Vike didn't even need to say anything, ppl just started voting guilty for no reason. And town totally deserves what happened because we laid out a very simple, honest and logical explanation for the best course of action.

Eru even made a pretty speech about how black is white before doing so. I have no notion how I'm going to defend that guy.

In short: lol :p


Jul 31, 2013
Plot twist: the wolves are the only one that are actually active and voting for people :p

Jokes aside, Town is doing horrible and can someone please remind me why @goreae is on trial now? Because unless someone comes with some very good prove I see no reason to jail him as he is the only one that actually plays the game by not being completely in silence.

As for rjs, he is in silence just like J was. We also let J live so we really need to make our mind up as putting people on trial because they are silent and then releasing them because they are silent DOESN'T DO JACK SHIT!

I'm not going to vote yet due to them being insta locked but consider my votes for now to be the following
goreae -> innocent
RJS ->guilty

Why I put rjs as guilty you might ask? Because he is silent and letting him go free won't change that. Therefore we will never be able to prove if he is a wolf or not anyway and thus just releasing him WON'T DO JACK SHIT!


Jul 31, 2013
Vike see what Len did. Why aren't you encouraging this. Unbolded unofficial votes is probably a sleazy but good idea :p
It was also already mentioned before in the thread to do something like this, sure it won't count but at least its changeable and makes sure others know what your plans are when it comes to voting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Vike see what Len did. Why aren't you encouraging this. Unbolded unofficial votes is probably a sleazy but good idea :p
Oh, but I did say to do this :)
While I agree with your sentiments. I believe you shouldve waited for Leth to at least respond before putting a vote on him.

We should implement a soft vote system where we say we will vote someone if they don't respond properly.

So I am soft voting Leth here. Speak up Leth!


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Oh, but I did say to do this :)
woopsie doodle :)

Honestly, I feel like it almost but not quite crosses the line of the rules. This isn't an objection, I'm just trying to picture my opinion as a GM, and in that instance I feel like a "one vote" rule is a one vote rule.

That said, its virtually impossible to stop. Getting people to list the town in most-to-least suspicious accomplishes the same thing and its hard to justify that as a "vote". (It technically is, but nobody cares at that point).


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
because of his inactivity
oh well :p

Guys, if he had been a wolf, he would have argued SOMETHING to defend himself. ANYTHING. There was zero comprehensible justification for lynching him if you're town. Everyone who voted him was failing to pay attention, or was a wolf, or was the prosecution.

Gee wiz, it turns out I was right that a wolf wouldn't just leave in the middle of the game.

Also, its kind of my duty here to vote erindalc for trial. I know I'm a bit annoyed with town because, well, they really need to listen to me and spwnx and not vikezam if they want to win. But I said I'd try to help them out and that's what I'll do.

I have no clue how I'll try to defend him. I imagine his profile is all kinds of interesting.


Jul 31, 2013
I know I'm a bit annoyed with town because, well, they really need to listen to me and spwnx and not vikezam if they want to win. But I said I'd try to help them out and that's what I'll do.
As a said earlier (although be it more of a joke), it is possible that the wolves are more active then the town. Lynching @Someone Else 37 might have been a simple sacrifice to gain the trust of the town and now especially as the town is so inactive the wolves currently have stolen the game.

Again, I doubt (and hope) this is not the case but who knows. Still, this possibility doesn't change my current thoughts on the votes as again I doubt it is the case.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I think I wanted to vote Eruantien for trial, not Erindalc, crap. Eru's the one who insanely said "hey BOTH these guys have no evidence against them, let's kill them." He made some speech about them which my mind refused to ingest because it threatened to brainwash me into thinking 1+1=3.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I needed a better picture of where the game stands right now, so here's my reasonably neutral status report.



17. VictiniX888 - Smitten by LivingAngryCheese
3. Lethosos (Medium) - Murdered by Wolves
4. fowltief - Murdered by Wolves
8. Fraction2 - Murdered by Wolves
9. frederikam - Murdered by Wolves

12. Someone Else 37 - Evil Wolf Slain by SpwnX (Last Defender of the People) in alliance with the good people of the town!! Hurray!
13. RealKC - Treacherously curbstomped by Vikestep (wolf conspirator) and Shazam (wolf conspirator)
18. dragon_fang101 (Bodyguard) - Treacherously backstabbed by Vikestep (wolf conspirator) and Shazam (wolf conspirator)

5. goreae
6. sgbros1
1. erindalc
2. the_j485
14. Lenscas
15. RJS
16. SoraZodia
20. Eruantien
21. 016nojr


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Plot twist: the wolves are the only one that are actually active and voting for people :p

Jokes aside, Town is doing horrible and can someone please remind me why @goreae is on trial now? Because unless someone comes with some very good prove I see no reason to jail him as he is the only one that actually plays the game by not being completely in silence.

As for rjs, he is in silence just like J was. We also let J live so we really need to make our mind up as putting people on trial because they are silent and then releasing them because they are silent DOESN'T DO JACK SHIT!

I'm not going to vote yet due to them being insta locked but consider my votes for now to be the following
goreae -> innocent
RJS ->guilty

Why I put rjs as guilty you might ask? Because he is silent and letting him go free won't change that. Therefore we will never be able to prove if he is a wolf or not anyway and thus just releasing him WON'T DO JACK SHIT!
Hey, I was silent yesterday. Mostly because we put on trial two people who have basically done nothing. It is very hard to discuss the behaviour of people who have no behaviour, and any conclusions that I could have drawn would have been spurious at best. I agree with what was said earlier - not having a smite after D1 is kinda ruining the game because there's not enough stuff to discuss to generate a decent amount of activity to draw decent conclusions from. I suck at doing mass-character evaluations anyway - I can only do a decent analysis towards the end of games, where the numbers are more manageable for me to wrap my head around.

But anyway, to my defense - I am not a wolf. I have been calling people out on what I view as wolfish behaviour. I have not been doing so with any great degree of success (see above). However, I'm trying, which is better than quite a decent number of people.

Anyways, RJS disappeared yesterday and he had been in suspicion since the start of the game for voting fowl. I think he kept under the radar ever since we took our eyes off him. Anyone else agree?
No offense, but that was always a pretty flimsy charge to use as burden of proof. Case in point: Lethosos. Now I'm not suggesting that everybody who voted fowltief is definitely town, but precedent suggests that by no means was that necessarily a wolfy manouevre. And kept off the radar? So me grilling KC over his motives the day after is staying off the radar? I clearly went to the wrong school of sneaky manoeuvres? About the only thing you could maybe get to stick there is yesterday's disappearance, explanation above.
I say this because nojr is actually active. He just did not post. Lets see if he posts till tomorrow.
So Nojr is logging on and not posting. No offense, but doesn't that strike you as kinda likely to be a stealth wolf actually flying under the radar?
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Chatted with RJS. Preliminary indicators are positive. I can't recommend him as a wolf target at this time although I still need to go over his activity in better detail.


Jul 31, 2013
You mean except for
Plot twist: the wolves are the only one that are actually active and voting for people :p

As a said earlier (although be it more of a joke), it is possible that the wolves are more active then the town. Lynching @Someone Else 37 might have been a simple sacrifice to gain the trust of the town and now especially as the town is so inactive the wolves currently have stolen the game.
As that is the only thing I have.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Well I'm going to vote both innocent. Well I'm obviously innocent (obviously!) but RJS, to me looks like he's trying to be a good villager, chewing realKC's head off for his terrible moves, calling SE37 out on his inactivity, and I believe him to be legit. His defence seems entirely legit.

Now, I'd like to put eruantien on trial. His post yesterday was incredibly sketchy. He voted me on the stand, which looked to me like a bandwagon vote. He also voted both defendants guilty yesterday. All with absolutely no reasoning besides "they're inactive". He seems like a good candidate and I'd at least like to see his defence.
You mean except for

As that is the only thing I have.
I can't really defend against that. I'm a wolf because I'm active? Well either you're lynching an almost literal wolf in sheep's clothing or you're lynching the most active villager in the town. Now that's a gamble if I've ever seen one.


Jul 31, 2013
I can't really defend against that. I'm a wolf because I'm active? Well either you're lynching an almost literal wolf in sheep's clothing or you're lynching the most active villager in the town. Now that's a gamble if I've ever seen one.
Well, its the only thing I can think of why people would want to jail you and even as the one that came up with it it doesn't convince me.
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