Too many Diamonds in Unleashed

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you ask me, there aren't ENOUGH diamonds. My diamond fountain isn't done yet. Yes, those are blocks of diamond under the water. WHY? Just because I can. I'm going to put a diamond wall around it to. Why? I already told you.
Good advice, but my way is more fun. :D

if only Tinker's would add liquid diamond, then you'd really have a diamond fountain ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If my girfriend's makeup can have "pearl extract", "turtle placenta" and crushed beetles (aka "cochineal") I dont see why liquid diamonds would be a problem.

BTW, the crushed bugs also give red coloring to many foodstuffs :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, give liquid diamond a use maybe? Like upgrading the itemduct into a filterduct? An itemduct with filtering option? :3
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All this talk about how Unleashed is okay, yet people whine at me about increased RR spawn rates. :\ Unleashed has a higher diamond spawn rate...

Whenever you think, "I have too may X" the proper response is, "I guess I'd better build something more awesome."

Why is a diamond fountain cool? Really think about it, it's a bland textured blue block, less interesting aesthetically than most other blocks in the game. Other than wanting a smooth textured light blue block, why would anyone build stuff with it?

Because it is rare. And that's it. Look at the guy with the diamond fountain. "Why did I build it? Because i can"

Minecraft is more than a buildingg game like people say. It's a resource gathering game and a survival game. Creative mode is *specifically* a building game mode only. Survival is about gathering resources. So the reason people are worried about making resources easy to gather is that it then takes away the pride in building something.

If it didn't matter, then why not just double or triple ore generation rates like Technic's big dig pack does? Diamonds right on the side of cliff faces, you cant mine 10 blocks forward without hitting some kind of ore or gem.

What you are saying is that we should just find ways to use the resources, people say things like:

"Exactly. It never matters how many resources you have. What matters is what you do with them"

These same people say we can all play the game how we want. For some people it does matter, which is why people post screenshots of how many resources they have.

I for one dont want 150 diamonds per quarry, id like to keep diamonds rare. If DW20 or Unleashed is somehow screwing up ore generation like people feel it is, then lets not browbeat anyone who wants to keep resource generation the way it was. It is my understanding that you can increase ore generation but not reduce it, right? Or is there some other ore config option I dont know about that lets you reduce it? So why not keep it low like and then let others increase ore gen if they like? 150 diamonds per quarry... this is like Technic's Big Dig pack, and believe me it gets old really fast. I am actaully finding more diamonds mining by hand in DW20 than I did when i started playing and played Big Dig. One of the reasons we moved to ftb was to find packs that had slower game progression.

Diamonds can easily stay close to vanilla rates. Yes these mods require more diamonds than vanilla does, but they also offer ways to bring in resources much more quickly too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is a diamond fountain cool? Really think about it, it's a bland textured blue block, less interesting aesthetically than most other blocks in the game. Other than wanting a smooth textured light blue block, why would anyone build stuff with it?

Because it is rare. And that's it. Look at the guy with the diamond fountain. "Why did I build it? Because i can"

Minecraft is more than a buildingg game like people say. It's a resource gathering game and a survival game. Creative mode is *specifically* a building game mode only. Survival is about gathering resources. So the reason people are worried about making resources easy to gather is that it then takes away the pride in building something.

If it didn't matter, then why not just double or triple ore generation rates like Technic's big dig pack does? Diamonds right on the side of cliff faces, you cant mine 10 blocks forward without hitting some kind of ore or gem.

What you are saying is that we should just find ways to use the resources, people say things like:

"Exactly. It never matters how many resources you have. What matters is what you do with them"

These same people say we can all play the game how we want. For some people it does matter, which is why people post screenshots of how many resources they have.

I for one dont want 150 diamonds per quarry, id like to keep diamonds rare. If DW20 or Unleashed is somehow screwing up ore generation like people feel it is, then lets not browbeat anyone who wants to keep resource generation the way it was. It is my understanding that you can increase ore generation but not reduce it, right? Or is there some other ore config option I dont know about that lets you reduce it? So why not keep it low like and then let others increase ore gen if they like? 150 diamonds per quarry... this is like Technic's Big Dig pack, and believe me it gets old really fast. I am actaully finding more diamonds mining by hand in DW20 than I did when i started playing and played Big Dig. One of the reasons we moved to ftb was to find packs that had slower game progression.

Diamonds can easily stay close to vanilla rates. Yes these mods require more diamonds than vanilla does, but they also offer ways to bring in resources much more quickly too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

SO many diamonds, emeralds, & gold in vanilla 1.3 that I started decorating with them. I wish I still had my chest screenshots


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

It seemed that the consensus in the last page or so was that people should not complain about increased ore gen, but instead learn to use those resources, make bigger things, etc. No one said 'my opinion is that i like more ore gen'.

""Exactly. It never matters how many resources you have. What matters is what you do with them"

No, for some it DOES matter, we all play how we want.

Im beginning to think this whole 'opinion' thing is just a lame cop out. People tell others they should not want to reduce ore gen, but then if someone disagrees suddenly its all about opinion. Sheesh.

So if this isn't clear enough, the point is that people were posting THEIR OPINION that they did not like the increased diamond generation. Many just said it was RNG, and when that was shown to be wrong, the response is now that people should just build bigger and more amazing things. Maybe your funny picture should have been posted in reply to the people who said people should NOT want lower ore gen, but should instead build bigger and more extravagant things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My opinion is that I like more ore gen. Which I alluded to when I said

Unless you're stating actual facts you're stating opinions. So the dude is right.

My point was that i was stating my opinion. The issue, unless i am mistaken, is that people can't reduce the high ore rates, only increase them. So if there is some sort of bug we are stuck with the high rates.

If you like a million diamonds, great! Increase the ore gen and have fun. But the replies here were deriding those that wanted things to stay as they had been in the past. "people need to make bigger builds" "it doesnt matter how many resources you have"


those statemnts are telling others that their opinion is not valid. Some people like lower resource rates. If there is a way for me to decrease the ore gen in my DW20 world then id be happy to know how.

The other thing that sucks is that if this is some sort of bug or a change peopel were not told about, now people who have invested time into a world but who like only getting 30-40 diamonds per quarry are stuck with the high rates. Or they have to make some fix (is there one?) and restart their worlds.

So its a valid complaint if the ore rates are higher than 'normal' and no one knew about it. People would expect ore rates to be comparable to the 1.4.7 packs, or read the changes to see what might be increased. the pack notes people kept posting only ssaid there were minor changes to the ore gen, nothing as drastic as what people are seeing.

My players are annoyed that diamond rates are so high. We just started a 1.5 world so it wouldnt be too bad to reboot, but people dont want to. They enjoy a slower pace, and finding 30 diamonds in 10 minutes of mining with a TiC hammer is not really what they were looking for. the pack notes said that ore gen was not significantly increased, so we expected similar ore rates to Ultimate.

Lol why not just adjust ore gen to your needs

People kept saying ore gen had not increased, and I thought that you could only increase ore gen, not decrease it. And what about people who have a lot of time invested into an Unleahsed world?


Forum Addict
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Lol why not just adjust ore gen to your needs
Lol why don't you just adjust ore gen to your needs? By which I mean, he's expressed his opinion on what he thinks ore gen should be like. You are free to express yours. If some kind of consensus or majority opinion emerges, here, and in other similar threads, and in other modded minecraft discussions, then mod pack makers can take that consensus into account by tuning ore gen to the audience for their pack(s). So let him express his opinion. Saying "you can change it if you want" is a waste of everyone's time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People kept saying ore gen had not increased, and I thought that you could only increase ore gen, not decrease it. And what about people who have a lot of time invested into an Unleahsed world?

Well, depending on what mod is generating the ore, you can increase or decrease it, TE is the probably the easiest to adjust, in /config/cofh open world.cfg and on the toward the bottom you can adjust all TE ore gen and even Vanilla ore gen, idk how unleashed has is configed but it might be set up to have ic2 to gen copper/tin/lead and have TE generation off, if so you could disable IC2 ore gen and enable TE ore gen, Im actually working on a custom modpack and have beeen playing with the ore gens in TE its pretty simple to do, and on the subject of developed worlds, you can also retrogen and also theres new chunks to mine in


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol why not just adjust ore gen to your needs

I would have done that if i knew it in the first place. I choose to set up an unleashed server because i didn't want to edit all the configs by myself (like my self made server before). I was hoping for a well balanced mod pack.
Well it was OK to play on the Server for some time. I prefer the need to search for minerals in the ground (i don't use Quarrys and this stuff).
It is part of a "look what a cool contraption i build and think about how many resources i needed".
To close the circle if i had known that the resources generation was way more than normal i would have changed it before generating the world. And next time i will check configs first or if i still need to check configs build my own pack again.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol why don't you just adjust ore gen to your needs? By which I mean, he's expressed his opinion on what he thinks ore gen should be like. You are free to express yours. If some kind of consensus or majority opinion emerges, here, and in other similar threads, and in other modded minecraft discussions, then mod pack makers can take that consensus into account by tuning ore gen to the audience for their pack(s). So let him express his opinion. Saying "you can change it if you want" is a waste of everyone's time.

I dont see how saying you can change it if you want is a waste of time. What if someone didnt know you could ajust ore gen? huh? also I dont see why you have such problem with me suggesting that you dont have to conform to the Ore gen that the modpack makers setup.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To close the circle if i had known that the resources generation was way more than normal i would have changed it before generating the world. And next time i will check configs first or if i still need to check configs build my own pack again.

This is really where I am at also. If I wanted to be swimming in diamonds id have played Technic's Big Dig pack.

edit: does anyone know how much of a change there was then from 1.4.7 to 1.5? I read a few times here that the ftb team only increased 'cluster size for diamonds by 1' as a repsonse to people asking about diamond generation rates. So the default for 1.5 was a cluster size of 9, and the ftb team changed it to 10?

What was Ultimate set at? There is no world config in the cofh folder for that pack that I can see. If ore gen was handled by vanilla, werent diamonds generated in clusters of 1-5? And apparently now cofh just tries to make a clusters size of 10 every time diamonds are generated? If this is true, it clearly shows why diamonds are now so plentiful.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another option short of changing config files (which I agree sucks since I had to do it to change all the gregtech stuff in the last pack I played) is to just not keep all the diamonds you get. Lava abounds. If you go mining and you're disturbed about the number of diamonds you came up with, toss em in. If you get too many in your quarries, split the outfeed into two halves and put a diamond pipe on one side that filters diamonds into a void pipe. The other pipe goes right to your chest's or what ever you use.
If you like fewer diamonds because it's more of a challenge you could get creative (since it's a sandbox game after all) and creatively limit your diamond intake to something that feels right to you. Maybe turtles can be coded to dump some into lava. It's all up to you.

I'm not saying there should be more or less diamonds in the game. I'm not saying either that you should like how many diamonds are generated by default. I'm saying I happen to like it. I'd even like a few more. If there were a few less I'd be cool with that too. It's not my first choice, but I'd deal with it.

I personally treat the game as a game and dont take it too seriously. To bring it back to the dude:


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I dont see how saying you can change it if you want is a waste of time. What if someone didnt know you could ajust ore gen? huh?
The config option has already been pointed out many times (including the ambiguity as to what the config means anyway) in this thread, so replying to "I think it should be lower by default" with "Lol change the configs" is objectively redundant and insulting, and in his instance too late because he's already generated his world. Huh.