To design a Hardcore or Expert Mode pack

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Yeah, that kind of thing. Or like Midasium from Metallurgy which was basically any metal blended with gold became more Midasium. Except make the process actually useful. :p

Yeah, but APcW has the advantage of being in 1.7.10 which can have Reika's Cave Control which makes awesome caves.
Ah of course, that's a good point.
I was kind of hoping to retain the same mod list, but I see where some of you are coming from. I may have to rethink this project, and its goals.

Expansive caves are definitely a thing I can do, using either CoFH World or using a few other mods I have used in the past.

Here's the thing, resource scarcity means different things to different people. Here's my idea... once you find a deposit, it'll hold you over for quite some time, but finding a deposit might require exploration.

What is the mod that SevTech uses for their ores that leaves samples on ground level? That would be rather useful for me.
I was kind of hoping to retain the same mod list, but I see where some of you are coming from. I may have to rethink this project, and its goals.

Expansive caves are definitely a thing I can do, using either CoFH World or using a few other mods I have used in the past.

Here's the thing, resource scarcity means different things to different people. Here's my idea... once you find a deposit, it'll hold you over for quite some time, but finding a deposit might require exploration.

What is the mod that SevTech uses for their ores that leaves samples on ground level? That would be rather useful for me.
The mod is Geolosys.
Yeah, that kind of thing. Or like Midasium from Metallurgy which was basically any metal blended with gold became more Midasium. Except make the process actually useful. :p

Yeah, but APcW has the advantage of being in 1.7.10 which can have Reika's Cave Control which makes awesome caves.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? (midasium with any powder makes gold dust)

At least it was like that in Blood 'n Bones.
Here's the thing, resource scarcity means different things to different people. Here's my idea... once you find a deposit, it'll hold you over for quite some time, but finding a deposit might require exploration.
I used to think this was a great idea, but it was of the less popular features of GT / Infitech I feel.

There are oregen toys out there that allow "surface rocks" to appear over large ore veins. That might be something you could add to your exploration approach so that you don't have people getting pissed off when they have to branch-mine for 4 hours looking for copper.
The other option if you want large clusters is Factory0-resources. This highly configurable mod generates virtual ore deposits that you can mine up. Various ways to prospect the ore from the surface, then you set up the mining system, power it, and bingo, resources, without causing massing holes in the world, or heavy world gen.
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The other option if you want large clusters is Factory0-resources. This highly configurable mod generates virtual ore deposits that you can mine up. Various ways to prospect the ore from the surface, then you set up the mining system, power it, and bingo, resources, without causing massing holes in the world, or heavy world gen.
That... has extreme potential. That might help enormously.
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So, here's the idea...

Early game: Use Tinker's Construct, but limit tool materials to non-smeltery resources, limiting the power of the tools while still giving them options. Either provide veinminer upgrades or make the veinminer upgrade relatively inexpensive, or simply provide tool forge early so the user can make a hammer and broad axe. This gives you the ability to harvest resources without having to grind for them endlessly.

The first metals the player will need are going to be copper and tin to make Bronze with. The question is how to provide them with these resources. Factory0-Resources is a wonderful concept, but you still have to build it, so unless I'm going to go the Factorio route, I doubt this is going to be effective. Then again, I suppose I could... make several tiers of ore miners, basic one that runs on burnables, then more advanced electric ones... provide the player with one to begin with? Or we could provide worldgen in the form of small ruins, setting a post-apocalyptic world for our players, which has small supplies of copper or tin in containers in the ruins? But then we have a problem with potentially excessive worldgen all over the place, that doesn't work out if we're using Factory0 to reduce worldgen and all the performance issues related to it. Open to ideas here.

With surface materials, the player can create the alloy furnace and coking oven from IE, however making treated wood is something that goes in Efab, or equivalent. I say Efab because it can easily handle crafting with both liquids and solids, but if that other more reliable mod can do that as well then we may see a swap. Either way, making that will require bronze, and that's going to limit power generation. One thing I really liked about Infitech2 is how the bronze age involved steam power, because that makes a lot of sense, but I'm not so sure that is going to be possible with how we are routing things. If anyone has an idea about this, I'm all ears. The first upgrade to the base miner uses bronze components, and runs faster than the previous, but still runs on fuel.

One major thing I'm going to be doing with this, however, is the remote heater unit that IE uses. Remember, it can basically translate power into fuel if adjacent to a block, and lets it run vanilla furnaces on IE power? I was thinking of using that as a bootstrap technique, and emphasizing it for most of the bronze age, preventing the need to obsolesce fuel-burning machines. Either that, or have the ability to run on either steam or fuel, but I'm kind of liking the ability to power fuel-powered machines, and IE already has a block to do it, so we may do that instead. So once you get power, you can run things off of electricity, but they're still the same machines you were using.

Iron is going to be a thing... I want to hold off on iron access until sometime late in the bronze age. I'm thinking that it may need to be a Blast Furnace recipe to smelt iron ore into iron. I mean, the melting point of Iron is higher than tin or copper, you can't just cook it over a fire, you have to build some kind of kiln or forge to smelt it. Blast Furnace must run on Charcoal, and Charcoal is made in a Coking Oven with wood, not a regular furnace. This gives you wood consumption built into the ore processing system that will never be able to be bypassed. Even once you get into more modern steel production, it will still require charcoal, not coal, for wood consumption throughout the player experience.

Iron components aren't going to be a really big thing in and of themselves, iron is just a step in the process for making various alloys that are then used. Steel will be the big advancement. Once you have steel production up and running, then you are able to fully explore IE's tech tree. Cloche's recipe will either be severely altered to be more expensive or just outright banned.

Thermal Expansion machines aren't available until after steel is obtained, because the thermal expansion machine block's recipe will be altered so that it requires steel components from IE in order to craft. Dynamos will require MV components from IE which require electrum and steel to craft.

Astral Sorcery and Thaumcraft are going to be the two primary magical mods in the pack, Botania won't even be included. Haven't decided yet how they dovetail into the tech progression, but I was wanting them integrated not just segregated as they usually are.
I'd say Tin, Copper & Coal are normal world gen, but more advanced resources are controlled by Factory0. The Burner Drill could be made from bronze, with a Bronze Drill head only able to mine up Iron (plus perhaps tin & copper Factory0 orespawn too).

With Modular Machines, you can have recipes of how ever many fluids + items input and output. The mod also provides different tiers of blocks (most without recipes) that you can use as you see fit.
The screenshot above shows some MM examples I've made, the blue machine is a crafter, takes up to 3 items and a fluid, outputs an item. The yellow machine takes up to 2 fluids and an item, and outputs fluids and items. Full JEI support.
Oh, regarding the cloche, it's not really a case of changing the recipe, but adjusting the config to really slow the thing down, and up the power usage.

Here's the settings I finished up with, but of course, your tastes & pack requirements will be different:

# The Flux per tick the belljar consumes to grow plants

# The amount of ticks one dose of fertilizer lasts in the belljar

# The amount of fluid the belljar uses per dose of fertilizer

# A base-modifier for all fluid fertilizers in the belljar

# A modifier to apply to the belljars total growing speed

# A base-modifier for all solid fertilizers in the belljar
Forget EFab, most people will take one look at that and go looking for something else to play. I know I will. Besides, you don't need it. IE assembler can also take fluids and solids and requires power.
Forget EFab, most people will take one look at that and go looking for something else to play. I know I will. Besides, you don't need it. IE assembler can also take fluids and solids and requires power.

I'll say it again, sadly EFab will forever have a ruined reputation due to the horrible implementation in Continuum. But I do agree with KingTraxx on the IE Assembler. It gets so little use in kitchen sink packs, but would be great for your pack as it can use liquids and items.

I think the only time I really used the Assembler was when I used it to make mass amounts of concrete with the slag I was getting from the Blast Furnace :)
I'll say it again, sadly EFab will forever have a ruined reputation due to the horrible implementation in Continuum. But I do agree with KingTraxx on the IE Assembler. It gets so little use in kitchen sink packs, but would be great for your pack as it can use liquids and items.

I think the only time I really used the Assembler was when I used it to make mass amounts of concrete with the slag I was getting from the Blast Furnace :)
The main reason is that single block magic auto-crafters tend to be cheaper and easier to build vs the multiblock, but recipe changes and/or itemstages would fix that.

Efab also has an autocrafting "issue" where it'll randomly stop, and never restart. While a great concept for a mod, I'd say stay clear.
@ShneekeyTheLost I don't know if Veinminer is still updated, but the current popular mod to use is "Ore Excavator" or Excavation (not certain of the exact name).

It's configuration allows for exclusion of certain tool types from the effects, such as disallowing wooden tools from chopping the whole tree or digging tons of ore.
Efab also has an autocrafting "issue" where it'll randomly stop, and never restart. While a great concept for a mod, I'd say stay clear.

If I was the mod maker, due to the backlash, I would have abandoned it and not done any updates to fix that...
My statement still stands