TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

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Little Niamh

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, fist off let me say that this is a superb mod that made my life so much simpler.

I would like to ask for a way of turning off the Anti cheat things from the config.

I run a closed server so myself and some friends and have no need for the anti cheat things that you have, if anything they are causing us more headachs than they are fixing, for example we have a problem where you can place blocks and after a few moments the blocks will vanish, also when you are placing blocks crouching and move on to the block you are droped repetivetly untill you die or get off the block.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it normal for chunks to just straight up disappear with this mod? Using the stable version on FTB Ultimate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it normal for chunks to just straight up disappear with this mod? Using the stable version on FTB Ultimate.

When you say disappear, do you physically mean the entire chunk vanishes?

I've been having an issue with one player on my server where they will have chunks that reset to the original worlds state randomly, but that's as far as I've seen about this issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you say disappear, do you physically mean the entire chunk vanishes?

I've been having an issue with one player on my server where they will have chunks that reset to the original worlds state randomly, but that's as far as I've seen about this issue.
That's exactly the issue I have sorry for my vagueness super tired haha.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's exactly the issue I have sorry for my vagueness super tired haha.

Yep, I'm having that issue too. You using MCPC+ by any chance? That's what I'm using right now.

Make sure to report it on the GitHub issue page and i'll back you up :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I'm having that issue too. You using MCPC+ by any chance? That's what I'm using right now.

Make sure to report it on the GitHub issue page and i'll back you up :)
No I don't think so, merely the default FTB Ultimate pack. I will at a later point when I find time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not going to lie i'm kind of worried my server CPU usage is now 100% after this mod and the temps are close to max TDP but it's a lot less laggy for everyone. It seems like it was the java optimizations posted, I removed them and the CPU is no longer under 100% load.

April 5th EDIT: This missing chunk issue is getting REALLY bad it's like compounding issue. On the "stable" build. http://pastebin.com/3QXevTps


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Description: Ticking tile entity​
at thermalexpansion.transport.GridLiquid.transferLiquid(GridLiquid.java:176)​
at thermalexpansion.transport.tileentity.TileConduitLiquid.g(TileConduitLiquid.java:389)​
at yc.h(World.java:2597)​
at in.h(WorldServer.java:701)​
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:956)​
at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:309)​
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:857)​
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:744)​
at fy.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)​
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:​
-- Head --​
at thermalexpansion.transport.GridLiquid.transferLiquid(GridLiquid.java:176)​
at thermalexpansion.transport.tileentity.TileConduitLiquid.g(TileConduitLiquid.java:389)​
-- Tile entity being ticked --​
Name: thermalexpansion.transport.ConduitLiquid // thermalexpansion.transport.tileentity.TileConduitLiquid​
Block type: ID #0​
Block data value: Unknown? (Got -1)​
Block location: World: (2490,99,-1298), Chunk: (at 10,6,14 in 155,-82; contains blocks 2480,0,-1312 to 2495,255,-1297), Region: (4,-3; contains chunks 128,-96 to 159,-65, blocks 2048,0,-1536 to 2559,255,-1025)​
at yc.h(World.java:2597)​
at in.h(WorldServer.java:701)​
Should be fixed in latest.

Still happens here.
Which build should fix that error? Using the newest oO


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use MCPC+
Downloaded the latest stable
Copied to mods folder
Ran minecraft server
stopped minecraft server
ran the patchme
started minecraft server

never starts up all I get is
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I blame Dinnerbone.

Time: 4/6/13 11:51 AM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: L
at in.construct(WorldServer.java:50)
at yc.runConstructors(World.java)
at yc.<init>(World.java:439)
at in.<init>(WorldServer.java:125)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.initOverWorld(MinecraftServer.java:454)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:346)
at ho.c(DedicatedServer.java:203)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:83)
at fy.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)

Fix found! details here


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Nallar, I may or may not have a tricky one for you once your back.
Build 1226.
Note: I did switch the "allow world unload" config you recomended to false for the Xycraft NPE i reported.

Upon traveling to the Twilight Forest for the first time (so there has been no terrain gen until this point) the server console throws this error.
The first error happens while I'm at the downloading terrain screen then i get the xycraft npe right when i begin loading into the world
[INFO] [TickThreading] iq['Kusinagie'/462, l='world', x=105.27, y=47.92, z=273.54] from Overworld/0 to Twilight Forest/7
[INFO] [STDOUT] Sending serverside check to: Kusinagie
[INFO] [STDERR] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.ArrayList.writeObject(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.io_ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.io_ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.io_ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.io_ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.io_ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR] at twilightforest.TFFeatureCache.save(TFFeatureCache.java:120)
[INFO] [STDERR] at twilightforest.world.TFWorldChunkManager.saveFeatureCache(TFWorldChunkManager.java:415)
[INFO] [STDERR] at twilightforest.TFEventListener.worldSave(TFEventListener.java:429)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_167_TFEventListener_worldSave_Save.invoke(.dynamic)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:35)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:103)
[INFO] [STDERR] at in.a(WorldServer.java:845)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:373)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:260)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:168)
[INFO] [STDERR] at fy.run(SourceFile:849)
[FINEST] [Forestry] Generated apatite vein around 243/71/269
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,29.637999963760322,-263.5 (96.5, 29.637999963760322, 263.5)
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,27.57999992370594,-263.5 (96.5, 27.57999992370594, 263.5)
[FINEST] [Forestry] Generated apatite vein around 236/65/261
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,25.52199988365156,-263.5 (96.5, 25.52199988365156, 263.5)
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,23.46399984359718,-263.5 (96.5, 23.46399984359718, 263.5)
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,21.405999803542798,-263.5 (96.5, 21.405999803542798, 263.5)
[WARNING] [TickThreading] Admin notify: Kusinagie moved too quickly! -96.5,19.347999763488417,-263.5 (96.5, 19.347999763488417, 263.5)
[SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Failed to handle packet from Kusinagie
at codechicken.xycraftcopy.core.world.WorldExtension.watchChunk(WorldExtension.java:72)
at codechicken.xycraftcopy.core.world.WorldExtensionManager$WorldExtensionEventHandler.onChunkWatch(WorldExtensionManager.java:101)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_176_WorldExtensionEventHandler_onChunkWatch_Watch.invoke(.dynamic)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:35)
at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:103)
at eb.sendChunks(SourceFile:111)
at eb.a(SourceFile:54)
at cg.i(TcpConnection.java:347)
at cg.readNetworkPacket(TcpConnection.java:37)
at ch.run(PatchTcpReaderThread.java:24)
[INFO] [Minecraft] Kusinagie lost connection: Internal error: null
[INFO] [STDOUT] Unloading Player: Kusinagie

At this point i try to rejoin the server and i just keep getting booted
Note: After a server restart i can log in with no issues.
[FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Received valid FML login packet from /
[INFO] [ForgeModLoader] User Kusinagie connecting with mods [RedPowerWiring, OmniTools, TwilightForest, BuildCraft|Transport, ChargePads, RedPowerCompat, WR-CBE|Core, ObsidiPlates, RedPowerLogic, ThermalExpansion|Energy, Thaumcraft, Forestry, WR-CBE|RedPower, XyCraftWorld, EnderStorage, BinnieCore, IronChest, BuildCraft|Energy, Railcraft, EE3, MiscPeripherals, PortalGun, ChickenChunks, ModularForceFieldSystem, factorization, RedPowerLighting, mod_bspkrsCore, RedPowerBase, XyCraft, ThermalExpansion, BuildCraft|Silicon, ThermalExpansion|Transport, GraviSuite, XyCraftMachines, BuildCraft|Core, IC2NuclearControl, ThermalExpansion|Factory, CompactSolars, IC2, ExtraBees, StevesCarts, ExtrabiomesXL, Mystcraft, WR-CBE|Addons, ComputerCraft, TreeCapitator, BuildCraft|Factory, RedPowerMachine, SoulShards, RedPowerCore, CCTurtle, RedPowerControl, RedPowerWorld, BuildCraft|Builders]
[INFO] [Minecraft] Kusinagie[/] logged in with entity id 69536 at (105.0, 33.5, 272.0)
[INFO] [STDOUT] Loading Player: Kusinagie
[INFO] [STDOUT] Sending serverside check to: Kusinagie
[INFO] [PortalGun] [1.4.7v5] Recieved client info from Kusinagie
[SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Failed to handle packet from Kusinagie
at codechicken.xycraftcopy.core.world.WorldExtension.watchChunk(WorldExtension.java:72)
at codechicken.xycraftcopy.core.world.WorldExtensionManager$WorldExtensionEventHandler.onChunkWatch(WorldExtensionManager.java:101)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_176_WorldExtensionEventHandler_onChunkWatch_Watch.invoke(.dynamic)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:35)
at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:103)
at eb.sendChunks(SourceFile:111)
at eb.a(SourceFile:40)
at cg.i(TcpConnection.java:347)
at cg.readNetworkPacket(TcpConnection.java:37)
at ch.run(PatchTcpReaderThread.java:24)
[INFO] [Minecraft] Kusinagie lost connection: Internal error: null
[INFO] [STDOUT] Unloading Player: Kusinagie

Now off the top of my head with out looking i do beleive this xycraft npe is the same as i reported before and it never caused me to be kicked before, the only difference is the allow world unload config being set to false and having not encountered the error since i reported it i would say it has to do with that.

Now after all this when i rebooted the server all seems fine other than every-time i use the TF portal i get the moved to quickly notification a few times. Which doesn't really bother me.

Oh i almost forgot the ConcurrentModificationException did happen again when i was running in a straight line in the TF generating terrain. It did kick me but i was able to log in without having to re-log the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And to add to what i just reported :p
Just started up the server and walked away to get a drink and this cropped up in the console log
[SEVERE] [TickThreading] Exception during tile entity tick
ticking: c buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry@1efb80b x,y,z: 1, 67, 272 at x,y,z:1,67,272
Tick region: rX: 0, rZ: 17, hashCode: 1114112:
at buildcraft.core.inventory.TransactorSimple.getPartialSlot(TransactorSimple.java:48)
at buildcraft.core.inventory.TransactorSimple.getPartialSlot(TransactorSimple.java:34)
at buildcraft.core.inventory.TransactorSimple.inject(TransactorSimple.java:21)
at buildcraft.core.inventory.Transactor.add(Transactor.java:16)
at buildcraft.core.utils.Utils.addToRandomInventory(Utils.java:81)
at buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry.mineStack(TileQuarry.java:436)
at buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry.positionReached(TileQuarry.java:404)
at buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry.moveHead(TileQuarry.java:755)
at buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry.g(TileQuarry.java:155)
at me.nallar.tickthreading.minecraft.tickregion.TileEntityTickRegion.doTick(TileEntityTickRegion.java:99)
at me.nallar.tickthreading.minecraft.tickregion.TickRegion.run(TickRegion.java:42)
at me.nallar.tickthreading.minecraft.ThreadManager$2.run(ThreadManager.java:90)
at me.nallar.tickthreading.minecraft.ThreadManager$1.run(ThreadManager.java:41)
at me.nallar.tickthreading.minecraft.ThreadManager$ServerWorkThread.run(ThreadManager.java:157)
Let me know if you need any info of any kind.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On Build #1227 after some time of the worlds being unloaded you can no longer enter them. If you try jumping into the twilight forest you get internal server error. So I had to disable world unloading feature .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not going to lie i'm kind of worried my server CPU usage is now 100% after this mod and the temps are close to max TDP but it's a lot less laggy for everyone. It seems like it was the java optimizations posted, I removed them and the CPU is no longer under 100% load.

April 5th EDIT: This missing chunk issue is getting REALLY bad it's like compounding issue. On the "stable" build. http://pastebin.com/3QXevTps

Fixed now, sorry for how long it took.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So my console keeps spamming the following, and I'm wondering if this is normal?
I have about 2-3 ChickenChunkloaders with a radius of 2.
04-11 00:27:58 [INFO] [TickThreading] Processed unload of 91 chunks in unload queue
04-11 00:27:58 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 4,4 too early.
04-11 00:27:58 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 12884901890
04-11 00:27:58 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 17179869188
04-11 00:27:58 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 4294967309
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 34,-29 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 27,17 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 33,-30 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 27,18 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 26,17 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 28,17 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 26,18 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 27,19 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 29,17 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 25,18 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 28,19 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 24,18 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 25,19 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 28,18 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 26,19 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Reloaded chunk at 24,19 too early.
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 77309411352
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 81604378648
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 77309411353
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 81604378649
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 73014444058
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 77309411354
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 81604378650
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 73014444059
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 77309411355
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 81604378651
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 73014444060
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 77309411356
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 81604378652
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload 73014444061
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload -124554051550
04-11 00:28:04 [WARNING] [TickThreading] Couldn'nt unload -128849018847
04-11 00:28:04 [INFO] [TickThreading] Processed unload of 89 chunks in unload queue
This is while having 0 people connected.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

That was debug added to builds of TT for hunting down a bad issue - The newest one doesn't have the spam anymore ^^