Surely in terms of 'usefullness'-to-block ratio, that's more efficient than leaving them in a chest though?
Sure, but you waste a lot more materials.
Surely in terms of 'usefullness'-to-block ratio, that's more efficient than leaving them in a chest though?
Sure, but you waste a lot more materials.
You mean if solar panels are enough to power the laser drill? Then the answer is yes. 3 HV solar arrays per pre-charger is enough to run the laser full speed (you need 1250 EU/t or 5000 RF/t or 500 MJ/t). You can see if the laser has enough power if the 4 dots on the pre-charger block facing the laser drill turn green. So 12 HV solar arrays are enough to power it fully during daytime.
In comparison.. if you would use dynamo's to power the laser you'll need ~250 dynamos in total (~63 per pre-charger).. But it would run also during night time.
It might be changed then. I'm talking DW20 1.6.4 pack here.Unless it's changed it's 400 MJ/t, 100 per precharger. You do have everything properly scaled though if the base number is correct. The HV's you're pretty far off unless they don't make 512 EU/t any more.
Waila gives me all this information you say is missing... At least in Monster 1.0.4. Off the top of my head, Steam dynamos consume 20mb per tick and produce 40rf per tick and I can clearly see that the induction furnace of IC2 takes up to 128EU/t. What WAILA are you using?-snipped-
Waila gives me all this information you say is missing... At least in Monster 1.0.4. Off the top of my head, Steam dynamos consume 20mb per tick and produce 40rf per tick and I can clearly see that the induction furnace of IC2 takes up to 128EU/t. What WAILA are you using?
Not sure, the one who is packed in the latest Direwold20 pack. I don't see the consummation rate at dynamo's. Only the locally stored buffer and name of the block. For the induction furnace (ic2), there is no extra info in the tooltip, at least in the version I use. Oh and dynamo's actually produce 80RF/t, it was upgraded from 40 RF/t a few versions ago. At least in the DW20 packWaila gives me all this information you say is missing... At least in Monster 1.0.4. Off the top of my head, Steam dynamos consume 20mb per tick and produce 40rf per tick and I can clearly see that the induction furnace of IC2 takes up to 128EU/t. What WAILA are you using?
that's a good example of why he wants the info. steam dynamos consume 40 steam for 80 rf/t if using pure steam, the numbers you just listed are for coal. It's hard to design a good system not using surplus/void at the moment because the engine/dynamo numbers aren't as available as they used to be. mathcraft is fun for some.
OMG, the gravel texture since MC 1.0 or whatever has always pissed me off because it looks like shit. GLolariousT could've done a better job with it. the previous texture was just fine.
Which is all the more reason to just play it by ear and build a little more than needed.
Seeing everything discussed as raw code or stripped down into numbers is somewhat immersion breaking.
No from what I have seen, those 3-4 new rock types added in 1.8 were all just recoloured gravel texturesY... You're joking, right...?
Haha I have a friend who hates the texture alsoOMG, the gravel texture since MC 1.0 or whatever has always pissed me off because it looks like shit. GLolariousT could've done a better job with it. the previous texture was just fine.